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<br /> - TCffli:T1i�R V6R"I'll all thc i�nDrovc;neuis nnw or licr�aft�a e;�cto*1 nn thc prcpxrty. :uui a11 r.��,r.►r,ynr,�.u�rl-�ert+�p�:ts,,,atul '
<br /> l7xturrs now ar hercafter e part of Ihc propeny. Ail repl�,;�nxnts and �xkiid��w ehall el� be cuvcrsd t�y. th,i.h,Sa�udYy
<br /> Irutrur+xnt. All of tir,�ua�oin�is rcferred ta in this&aeurlty tn�tnamer+t aa�he"P�r►periY•" ' '�
<br /> BORR0I�VER CO'V@I�ANTS that Bonowet is I�wfully xisnd nf'the auetc ht.�reby cenveyed�nd hiu t1�rk�i►1 ta.reent a�ld
<br /> convey the. Propedy�nd that�he Property i�une�rumbered,axcept fur ena►mbrAnoa nf rocard. H�xmwor�swrru,�ts md wil�
<br /> , defend gener�lly the tiUe to:he Prapeny egAi►ut dt clairru�tlr�d derr►ads,aubJoct to any encumb.nr�ces of n+cnM. , ''
<br /> ��= - - TFItS�ECiJRi1"i DNrTAZTTirI�I�IT iAiiiS3llki tll1IC�)iiil CUY�i'rii�b CUl•��:Itf�LJI Uk�Af1{S QO�T Ui7Ifu7C71 CtS�u�t�11IJ L':it�a�ihslit�3
<br /> vadaHona by jurisdiction"ta co�titute�►uniform�e�wdty instrumtnt coverin�rc�al pmperty. � „
<br /> L,11JIF(lRM CnV�NA1�TS.Horrower and I,endu covenawt er►d agree es followa:
<br /> i. P�yment of Principd�Intereet; Ptep�ymrnt,��nd I.nte Ch�e�e9. Boaower shall pramptly p,�y� whcn�duq tht
<br /> princip�l of tuid iqtercst on the debt avldenced by the Note az►d.any prepayment and lato charges due wxler th�t FQatc- � �;.
<br /> Z. Funds for T�and Insut�uke. Subjat to applicablo law or to a wrlttcn waivet by Lender.Barraw�e�rhnl���.��� „
<br /> -� [.�nder on the day monthly payments�rre due undcr thn Natv,pnii!tha Noto is paid in futl.a sum("Fusds")forc(a)y�ar1N*aa�,�•,..
<br /> and ussessments which may attain prIority over this 3ocurity Inshumem as a Uen on the Prnperty;(b)yaarly leusah�lld p,�yt�.y-. �
<br /> or groured rents on the Property,if eny;(c)yoarly haTard or�roperty insur.uiots premfums:(d)yeurly flood�suran�.'e prer�}.e1�$�,,�. �`�•
<br /> if any: (o)yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any;And(�aay suma payabla by f3orrower to Lender. i�n nccasria�a wit�1;.��
<br /> the provlaions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgnga insurance p�+emiums.Ti�ese items are called•�Escmw Ittr�.` •
<br /> . Lender may� at aay ijme. collect and hold Funds in a;�cuuount not to excced the maximum umount a ter�d:er for•a.fsdet�{.�S
<br /> � _ , __ .
<br /> related mortgago loun may nequire for Borrower's escraw nccount under tho federal Rcal Eswte Settl�ement,Ptoeedar.��Amt• �t�
<br /> 1974 as aman�ded fromt tirae w time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq.("RESPA"). unless aaother law 3hat applf�s ta.ti�aRu. r��;
<br /> — �eta u tesser a�nount�. Tf sa. Ixnder may, at any dme, oolioct and hold Funds in an umount aot to exr.ead the.la�sar amovxy':��.
<br /> � Lender mny estimat�the umovnt o�Funda due on the basis of cumsnt data and reASOnable eatimsices at'expendieurag of t�atj�
<br /> � Es�row Items ar otherwise in axardance with applicable luw. .
<br /> The Funds shali be tueld in an institutIon whose depaslts are insured by a federal agency, ta�suumentality; o��'�r•.'ntt�: ,•� •
<br /> (including Lendet.is'Lender is such an institutian)ar In any Federal Home Loan Bank.I.ender ahall a�p�y the Fumds�ta pa�;�Y,��+�
<br /> Escraw Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holdtn8 snd applying the Funds,annually anelyziag.the escraw acacnt�i.�.�.f
<br /> verifying the Bscrow Items.unless I.cnder pays Borrowcr interest an the Funds and applicnble law permits Lender ta r.x�sFn�=tiit�]�'- �
<br /> a charge.However.Lender may requfre Borrower to pay tt,one•timo char�e for en indep�ndent reul eRtate tax repamiv.�.;�u'vi�ia. ,
<br /> use� by I.�nder in connecdon with this loan.unless applicabla law pravides otherwis$. Unless ar�a�reem�n6�Ss��h.a�sa
<br /> — applicable law requires int�rest to be paid. Lender RhaSl not be requim,cl to pay Borrower any interest oa e�ning,s on•ray��.�.. . '
<br /> - = Fsorrower end Lender may a�ree in writing.however,�itst interesc shaii be paid on che Fumis.t.et�acr;eiratl gire�iv AerifvWeR� ' �
<br /> _ —_ withaut ctuuge, an annus�l accounung of the Funds:'ghawin�cresdits and debits to the�nds and�thw"purpase fa:,w�;�h eacb
<br /> - - - debit ta the Funds was rtlade.The Funds are pledgad as addItional security for all sums secursd py tGus Becur�ty lnatrumtat,
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the ainoun�s permitted to be held by applic�bte Iaw. Leader staall.uccouat ta Hmm�rcsc,
<br /> - -- for the excess Funds in accordance with the requinemer�ts of upplicable law.If the amount of the Futtds held by Ltndnc•aE�ar�.y�•
<br /> _ t�me is not sufficient to pay the Escmw Items when due.I.endor may so notify Borrower in writinB,artd,in such ct+.4e Bbrravrcu�
<br /> sh�li pay to I.ender the amount necessary to meke up the doficiency. Borrower shall malce up the deficiertcy in na mn� thar►
<br /> twelve monthly payments,ut I.ender's sole disGre,tIon.
<br /> Upon paymcnt in fuU af all sums secured by this Secudty Instrumant. Lertder shull pmmptly refurt�d to Bairrowcr any
<br /> Funds held by l.ender.If,under psira�raph 21. Lender shall aoquire or sell tho Proporty. I..ender,prior to the acquisflion or sale
<br /> of the Property. shnll apply any Funds held by Lender at tha time af uoquisition or sale:a.4 a crodit against the su��secured by
<br /> this Secudty[nsUUment.
<br /> 3.Appt[catton o!Pnyweuts.Unless appliable law provides otherwise,all paycnents roceived by Leader u�nder p�ragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall bc applied: first,to any prepayment char�es due undar the Note; second.to amounta paynble urtder pars�gmph 2;
<br /> third.to interest due:fourth.to principal due;und lcist,to wry lutv chtuges due uttdar th�Note.
<br /> 4.CI►arges=Liens.Borrower shall pay ali tnxes, assessments,char�es, fines nnd imposiNons atc�'butable�ta tF.rs Property
<br /> which may atta[n pdority ovet this Security Insuument, :irtd teasehold payment� or graurtd rents, if any. Barmv,�e shall pay
<br />- these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if noi paid in ttwt munner.BQ►rrower shall pay ttu:m cuc Hme directly
<br /> to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promp�ly fumish to Lender oll wtices of anto;�rcts[0 2a�r�aid undr.tr this paragraph. ,
<br />.��, If Borrower makes these paymenGS directly. Borrow•er shall promptly fumish to L.ender roceipts e�1�cr.:ca�g t1�t q�yments.
<br /> , Borrower shall prompily dischlrge uny lien wb�ich has priority uver this Security Instruneent unless Barmvler:(a)agrees in
<br /> writ[ng to the payment of the obligation serurcd by the lien in p mnnner�cccptuble to Lender; (b)contests i��ood faith the lien
<br /> ����� by. ar defends ag�inst enforcement of the lien in, tegal procoedings which in the Lender's upiniom operate to prevent the
<br /> �� enfarvement of the Iten; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien nn agrc�:ment satisfactury eo[.�nder subur�linating the lien to
<br /> this Security Instrument. [f I.ender determinzx �ha¢ uny part of tha Property is subject to a lien wtuch may uttain priority over
<br /> thls Secudty Instrument, I.ender may�ive Bornoa•er a ttoua:identifying the licn. Bormwer shi(i xatisfj•thu lien ur takc one or
<br /> �'S} rtore of the actions set forth above within 10 days af thc giving of notice.
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