--- — __ _ _,_ - - - --- _ _ -- -------..,_._._,._.,.
<br /> - — -- - .. • , ��`.,.
<br /> �� � � . � � � � _ . �4� .so�"�► - �> > .
<br /> (a�eyct�c�tts�nu►}� rx►i;*ngr.r F+a rt�ulrcrl���t Ihs��tptlnn ol't�txier,i�'mnctg�,y�e ln+wr�n��rirr.cr�e Itn�he aneeu+nt�d Rx t1K y+�la�1 .
<br /> tk�,t I.e�rfr.r mctufn�l t►r4�vMed 6y Nn fnwr�r Nppmval hy txrxltr��In hec�xne+i avrftrbid�u�d I���cNi.n�d, EMxm+�w�r nlril pRy .
<br /> tt�F�romt�uux e+eyuired 10 smalrwain nwxt��inwrNnua in r7tac�.ar tn pnnvW�N!ow►t�rorw,until liu raquiHnr��t�►aaaiiy�p :
<br /> (r�ru�u�►.��in Nccc►eri�rice with Mny wdtl�ro Mr�afrent b�tween NcKtna��ar�a�d M�r ar�►Ik�M 1�w.
<br /> ���l�w�. la�der ur la�aa+t mry m�ko rwkxMble sn�siat ujxx�w�d inrpec�iaiu af tt�Prup�r�y,L�avl�r�lwll Riw
<br /> 8amiwt�"��x�#cbo tinno nt�►r prior ta�n i�upec�Mo��Ify1nR rdwN►wbl�c�u�e[cx tha InApec�km.
<br /> 14.+I:�i�:: 'ar.av:i. Tiw �►�w;�:at,:uY::,►y u�ard az cln�m fa:��.�Urrs�ar c�!�+�M�;,e�+,�t*1, in cv�n��t4�n wl�h kny
<br /> �uu�tlon or ot}�er takln�of tny part of the Ptr�eKy.or for conrey�nce In (iou of�iot�.Nre fie�eby wi�twd�ad
<br /> stiall bc paid to l.endar.
<br /> In tho even[of�tatAl tdcipg of the Property.tho procxa!•g sh�i be ApQliod to the sums securod by this Socurity In�trum�t.
<br /> whrttxr ar not then dua. wlth arc�exeess p�id to Borrower, Tn tho e�ent of Q p�ia{talcing of the Pcaperty ie whkh the fair �
<br /> � rusric�et velue of the Property inunedlntely beforo tha taking ia oqusi to.or�re�ter th�n tho amoux�t of the sums secarai by this
<br /> Secvxi►y Iustruu�ent immedlatcty bcfora the tuking�unle�Borro�ver and 1.endtr otlxnvIw egmee i�wridn�,tlw aums securod by
<br /> thu S�xu�ity lnstrumcnt shs!! be reducad by the nmount of tho proceeds multtplied by th�foliowing fnxtlon: (a)the toW
<br />, amount af the sums secund immodit►tely.before the taking,divlded by (b)the falr muicet v�1u,e of tho P�nperty immodluely .
<br /> befon the taking. Any bnlana shap be paid w Borrower. In the evant oF a putial taklag of the PmpertY in wl�ich We fait _
<br /> . market value of tho Property iaunadiataly befora die taking Is less thon thc emoum of the sums secvred immodIauly boforo the
<br /> taking.uuless Boirower acd l.ender otheswIse agre8 in writing or uales.g applicable law otharwise provtdes,tha pinceeds shaU
<br /> �T:IIjJ(ll�Cd t0 tllE 611II1S SCCLL[CCI by tt1IR SBCUTI[y i^atmmen;WhCtIlOT Ot Il0!lI1C BIlII19 8fC tItOA dLLG.
<br /> If the Property is ubandornd by Bomower.or it,aRer natice by Le�er to Bormwcr that thc con�teuuior offe,a w ajaice sn
<br /> ' a�or settlo u claim f�r damages, Borrower fails W respond to Lender wjthin 30 daye tifter the date the notioe Is given,
<br /> I:2rsder is autte�ritied to eollect and spp{y the procr.als,at Ite optlon.either to reswradon or repair of the Ptopetty or to Qie sum9
<br /> r��ad by this 5ecurity Iamu�aent.whether or not then due.
<br /> � Ualess Lender and Sorroe�er otherwlse agree ia writing, any appllc�tion of pmccecls w prtncipal shal{ not extend or
<br /> • pastpone the due date of the•eri��thly payments mferrc�to in paragrnphs 1 uad 2 or change the emount of such pay�nents.
<br /> 11.Bor�pe�er Not R�d;Forbearunce By Lender PTot a 1M1�mi'iver.Extension of the dme for payment or modific�tion
<br /> of amortiu�tfrna ca��the sums secuted by this Socur3ty Instn�ma►t g�a'itotl&�j'Lender W snY suc�so�'�n iaterest of Borrower sha,ll .
<br /> not operate to re2ease the li�iiit}+a8 the ariginat Borrower or Horrower's successors in interest.Leuder shall not be required to �
<br /> commence procer.diags aga��e m�y successvr in interest or.c�ii�se to extend dme for payment or otherwise modify amortl�ation
<br /> of the sums sccured by thls Security iasUUment�_by cet+son of any d�m�+nd made by the arigirml Horrower or�ornower's
<br />:-. suoccssocs in��r�;e3est. Any io�earanoe uy Yxnder i�n eaec�isiag uay re�t vi r-a�iiody shatl m�i i��waivcs af si:�sstclu�i�
<br /> eaercise of a�n,y sy�ht�r remedy. ' • � ' .� '
<br /> 12. S¢oassors and Assfgas Bound; JoWt nnd Scweraf LiaDility; Co-sigaera: �t►e coven�4s tmd ag�r�ema�lts oP�ia
<br /> $ecwity Insuument shali bind und benefit the suocessors and assigns of Lender Rnd�or¢�uw�r.subject to¢D8�rovtsions of
<br />- pqTagraph 17. Bon+ower's wvenants und agteements shall be joint and several. A�y �orrow�r who casigas this Security
<br /> ' Instnrrt�ent but dces not execute the Note: (a) is rn-signing this Securasy Instrument only to�ortgctgc, �ant aad convey that
<br /> Bormwer's intemst in the Property under tha tem�s of this SecnrIty[nsirument;(b)is not personally obUgated to pay the snms
<br /> securod by this Sauriry Insuument;and(c)ngctxs that Lender und any other Borrower may agroe to extend,modify,forbear or
<br /> cnalce any uxomntodattons with regard to the termg of this Security Instn�ment or the Note aithout that Borrower's rnnsent.
<br /> 1$.Loan Cdarges.[f the lonn securod by this Securiry Instrument is subject to A law which seu maximum loan charges,
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan churges collected or to be mllected in cannectlon with the
<br /> la�n eacceed the permiited limits,then: (a)nnY such toan charge shall be raduoact by the amount necessary ro reduce the churge
<br /> to the petmitted limit;and lb)any sums alceady collected from Batrower which exceeded pertnitted limits�vill be refunded to
<br /> Bormwor. L.ender may choose to make this refund Dy reducing the pr�ncipal owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> payment to Bom�wer. If a mfund reduees principal. the reducdon wili be treated as a partial prepayment without siny
<br /> prep�yment dwrge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notioes.Any notice to Bomower provided far in this Security Instnunent sMall be given by delivedn�it or by mailing
<br /> it by fi�st cl�ss m:�il wiless appllcable law requires use of another method. '!he notice shatl be dimcted to the Property Address
<br /> or any other addre.ss Bormwer designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to I.ender sh�ll be given by first class mail w
<br /> [.ender'�address stated herein or any other address I.ender desfgnates by norice ro Bornower. Any rtot�ce provided for in this
<br /> Security lostrument shail be deemod to have been given to Borrvweror l.ender whc�►given as provided in this p:uagraph.
<br /> IS.Co�ernf� Law; SeYerability• 'i'his Security Instrumem shall be govemed by federal luw and the luw of the
<br /> jurisdictien in which the Prapeny is located.In the event that any provision or ctause of this S�s�rity Instrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts�vith uppltcable lnw.such rnnflict shnU not aftect other provisions of this Secudry Insusunent or the Note which can be
<br /> giv¢n effect�vithout the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Senirity I�stniment and the Note ane declared
<br /> to be severuble.
<br /> 16.Borro�rss's Copy.Borrower shall be given oae rnnfomted rnpy of thr Note and of this Sacurity Instrument.
<br /> Fo�m 30Y8 9f90
<br /> P�oaole
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