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<br /> the prindp�l�mount at tGe nMe at thn timt�of Rt�edt+tl�ratb�of dehult,and rero�ut�k atturnoyR•ecr.r as p�rst�itted
<br /> br lawt(al tp sq wm�rocurod by lblr 9ec+�rlty fi�trn�ti+�tt+l�c)w+y exceas to tke per�►n or pareaa�fepil;r entitled .
<br /> co ta
<br /> ?�. Reooarqraece. UpnA payment�of alt�eumc.sacwrsd by thi�5o�urlty Inauument. I.endcr�hall reyuefit 71u�teo w
<br /> reconvoy the Property and shatl sarnendar this St�cudtj�Tnata�ment and all natos evidencing debt secured by thia S�cu�dty
<br /> Insdumeat m'ikustoo. 'ti�ustee shuli c�aav�y tf►��'t�y wf1�►uut war:a�ty and r�tth�ut shnrge to the p��sor��+r�rnnn+ ,,_.
<br /> legally entitled to 1� Such pc�con ar perc�ans sh�il p�y�any e+econiatbn sost9.
<br /> 23. Subatitute 7tneta. Lcnde�,ut its optian�.an�y from dmo to dme romovo 7tustco und appain4 n guccessnr uustco ta
<br /> any'lhhuux appaintod hareundtr by.an lnstrum�ctS��oa�cied In tha caunty in which tinta Sccurity Instrumant Is recorded.
<br /> �thaut conveyance of the Property.tha suooessor,tnucae ehall succeed to all the dtlo,power and duues confened upan
<br /> 'ilvsue hemin aad by spplicable latv.
<br /> 24, Reqt�esf[or Natioe�. Boirower cequests that copies of tha netice»of defnutt nnd sule bo sent to Bom�wer'a u�idt+ess
<br /> which istha 1'roperty Address. _��
<br /> ?.S. R{ders to thie Savrity Ins�rumaa��Jf one or more dders are executed by Botrower und necorded wgether with
<br /> this Securlry Insavment, tha cavenant�and ag,re�me�tats of euch such rider shull be incocpomted into und shaU c+mend and
<br /> suQplement the covennnta aad ag�aentents af,thisSs�curiry InsUument as if the dder(s)w�sre a pnrt of this Securiry inetrum�nt
<br /> [Check applicable bax(esjJ
<br /> aAdjustabla Rate Rider �Condominium Rldor �1-4 Famfly itider
<br /> �Gmed�ated Paym�R[dat, �Pltuiaed Uait Development Rider a Siweekly Paymeat Rtder
<br /> �IBallaan Rider �Rate Improvemens Rider �Second Home Rider '�
<br /> � , �X i�hsr�s�,,tsA���tl fiSSIG(1���'N� E1F RENTS _
<br /> , . . � . _-
<br />• , • .•.�1f SICiNAVt}BELQW„',�ioim�b,cr.,uacip�a€z�si A14'�s to the tenns and covenc+nu swntained�ia this Security�nstruaaeat �
<br /> . iu�t�Ia auy ddor(s)caecuted by��o��v>ru.n nnd t�ecorded�vith it
<br /> •,, . . „ ::
<br /> ,V�itness: ' �. �rness: . _`,
<br /> . , i,;�;
<br /> . . , . . e.o ���`�
<br /> JR . UO -_
<br /> (Seal) ��u,a — (Seat)
<br /> •eorrower DEBRA L. OUDA -B��
<br /> (Seal) tSeal) -
<br /> •Bomnwcr •Bamw•er
<br /> . �.
<br /> STATEOFNEBRASKA. H{ILL Countyss: E•;
<br /> e-
<br /> r.—
<br /> �p�S 16TH dny af JUNE 1994 ,befoce me.the underslgned,n Notary Public �;-
<br /> duly coramissioned end yual�ed for seid county,personully cnme JAmES G. DUDA AND OEBRA L. OL1DA. �.��°
<br /> HlJSBAN� AND WIFE ,to me known to bc the
<br /> , identirdl��wns(s) whose nArne(s)ara subsedbed to the foregoing insavment and acknowledged thcs execution thereof to
<br /> ! be 7NEIR vofuntary ace und deed.
<br /> Wimess my hand end notarlal sesil at GRANO ISL NEBRASKA in said counry,the -
<br /> datc aforeseid �
<br />._ . My Commissi ••
<br />_ �.�'f�f,�YM IR I�W
<br />-. ��� Notary Publtc _
<br /> � � T FOR RECONVEYANCE ��•.:.
<br /> TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> 7t�e uadersigned Is dte holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed af'Iius� Said note or notes.together with ell
<br />- other iadebted¢ess secuned by thls Do�of'avs�have been paid in full. You are hereby direct�d to cencel said aote or notes
<br /> aad this Deed of'IlusG which are delivered hereby,und to rcronvey.wtthout war�smty.all the estate now held by you under
<br /> this Decd of'IIvst w We pe�son or peisons legully entided thereto.
<br /> Datc:
<br /> � Fbrm 3028 9140 fpa8e6 ofb paga)
<br /> _--- -+�--._
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