,:�, �
<br /> _____. . _...
<br /> . . . _.—_� - . __ _._ . _.___ __._ . ._. _. . _ _ . . ___ __. _ _. ._.. _ _�.... _ _..—__..__. ...____. ..._. � �,��.
<br /> • ' �• � . � �r�o� ' .� .. 4� � ,{�r7 ... ' .
<br /> �
<br /> THlli A!'i�i�iil�lM�N1'OF FtEN78 Rip�fl ia m���x�cut�tllhi��ST� day of � -- ,1�_� ..,��lo
<br /> hioorpar�tacf inta pnd shatl br dwnt+�cl to am�rKf and supplerrant iP�9 Mottya�;6 ar pabd�!7tual,hatel nattar•�ate�re{!io sa thn
<br /> � "8�curlty InatrurrNnt"�of 1M arru dtl�alvrn by lha und�nf�nK�,f►wreln�it�r refarraal to a� 1hs "��ow�r", l0 w�cun "
<br /> Borrow�r's IrnMbtedne��,�tn�t��r n��rrad to��11w"Nott",to HOME F�p�RO►L 8AVINqB AND I.OAN 11l�80CSAYI�N OF
<br /> � QRAND 18LAND,h�r�lnatt�r r�t�rcsd to��tM"Unt(�M'�oP ths�1tm�d�t�and e�wrinp ihn property dMatiW01�t�e��cp�1f�1
<br /> , Inwtronwmt�nd loo�t�d at: , . � ..
<br /> 304 W. 5TN. GRAND S5l.AND, NEqRASKA 889U1 �_ �^A T __ __ -_
<br /> � lProp�►t!Addqnl ,.
<br /> WITNE38ETH: '
<br /> WHFFiE/13,Borrow�r and Lendq hivt aflrs�d thxt any rente anQ profite attributabfe ta the pra�rty ahauld ot►t�stttute
<br /> aQdition�l seaur{ty te tha Lander for th�p�yment q}ths Note;
<br /> NOW,'�HEREFORE,(t le�qrehd that ths SeouttOj inetrumaret ah�tl be arn6ndsd nsreby and esemad to inoi�de the folla�wlnp
<br /> prorlaione: .
<br /> 1, ��lanmsntot Renta ond lender R�nt�.,•oli�atlo R�n ahts-Borroiver hereby absotutety and unGOnditlanally aaolpna atl
<br /> rente� Isauss a�d a�ofits of the property to Bsneflaiary. Lender ah,�ll havo the rlQht, powe�and auYharlty durinp the
<br /> continuanae af ths S�aurlty Inatrument to coliect the�ente,lasuea anQ�f�3e of the propmrty and af any ps�sansl property
<br /> Ixated thereon with or withaut takinp poasea�fon of the property aHeatmd hereby.Lender, howsver, bereby coosenta to
<br /> BorrowePd cotteatlon and rotentiun o9 sueii rents;tssues and prtsiits as tMy acorue aad Decome pAyable,so tartg ae Borrowst
<br /> la�ot,at euch time,in default wfth�aspect ta•payment of anyd�debtedneas oecured hesaby�or in the pertormance of any
<br /> apresment hereunde►. .: '' '. : � .. +., '
<br /> ' . . Z. �DDblOtment of�4�,q�y$U If any ev�eM�9�0a4aut�,tn repPect to tde Sspurlty.lns#�,fient sna���ma,r�occurr�d�nd be '
<br /> .`�•continuln��LBnder�at��•attatter o!rl�ht�rod wu87f�ovx"ni+tic�to.�orrower or qnyphe�cl�lming under 8tirr.ower;a�d Wilhout . .
<br /> �� reQarca 4m rtt��VaPu4��d�+Q•truat ea3at�a o�th4 in�mYaa4 Gf!h��orrower th�reln,a9�a11 h�ve the rlght ta applyYo any onurt t�aYing �:
<br /> Juriadic�7�fi'iD apPQint a�ecelver o�:nita Praperty " `.
<br /> 3, g� �t'to Posseselon.in aase o!�dp4ault In th�paymeret o4�he sald prtnotp�al Not�ac Intereat,or any pa►t thereof�ae tt � . ,
<br /> eha�iE msttqrs,or In the case ot taiture to keep or pertorm any ot the aovenants or agreemants contalned fn the Seaurfty Inatru-
<br /> ' ment, then the Lender. Ite euceesaors�ar asslgna,ahatt be and la hereby authotized and empowerad to take fmmedfate
<br /> posaesslon of the satd premises theraln descrtbed and to collent the rents theretrom,and to appty tha proceeda tbereof to the
<br /> pa�ment�of the Note. .
<br /> 4. Aoo11�3atiot�of Reate�lasuas,��d roifte.All�ents cottvcted by Lender or the teeol�er shall be epplletl tlrot to payment
<br /> of the coate ot marta�srrient ot the property and colieotian of rente,Inoludin�,but�ot Ilmited to,receiver's feea,prarniume on
<br /> recelvor'e bonds�rtd reasonable attorney'$fees,and then to the eums eeaured by tha Seaurity inetrument.Lender and the
<br /> �saelve�sh�it M�tabt�to account only for thoae rente aatually�eaeived.
<br /> 8, Con��{uotlo�o�ovlelone.Eaeh af the provielone contnined In tAle Asal�nment of Renta Rlder cnd the 8eaurity Inat►u-
<br /> ment ahdi, unt�ss ath�rnla apsoltto�lly requlrsd,bs conetrued in accordance with Nebraaka law,and In ths evant any
<br /> ahailsbs conatrwd as thouph auch unentobeeabte p ov/efon wsre not a parpt heroof orthereot Q�unenfarce�bte,the same
<br /> 8. �j�c�,g�Ridar.Exoept ae epeeiflaslly madifted by or ineoneietent with this Aealpnment of Rente Rider o�by any other
<br /> applle�bla�ldsr,att ot tho terme and provletons aontalned in the Secutity Inatrument ehatl contlnue In fult totce and eHeet. _._
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Borrower has executed this Asslgn nt of Rent e�ate flrst noted above. �_�".-
<br /> �•_:,_
<br /> Bonower •-._
<br />- �a s c. ouoa F-�
<br /> Qe.._�� d°. m-��
<br />— DUDA eorrower �"°'
<br /> DEBRA L. t_�
<br /> STAT�OF NEBRA8KA) ::-_
<br /> (SS:
<br /> �'::�;
<br /> � COUNTY OF HALL ) �,, =
<br /> quat ited tor safd countyr,perso aUy came �ApIES G'QUDAmA�1Dh DEBRA�L��dUDA,tBHUSBANDdAND WIF���oned and �°f;:;
<br />_ ,to bo the tdenticat person(s)wP�ose name(s)is/are subsoribed
<br /> to the forepoinp inattument,and helahelthey acknowledgo 3hs executton thereot to be hlslAerltt�oir voluntary aot and d3ed.
<br /> - Wltness my hand and Nota�lal Sea1 at GRAND I8LAND� NEBRASKA
<br />- d eounty.the date ator s id. ,
<br />_� L������ ,otary puDlic
<br /> = My Commisalon oxp �M y
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