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�l. _ :�r_��.. .. <br />- `1 � . „ _ . . . ��w �Y{�� .. �� <br />� a�piic�k►Itl EN� mxy e�ll'}�tiK rKlnrl�ititKnr)f►�fnr�NWIa ot�he Pc�}Jxrty purxuwn!to ui�y bxiwer�Y sule rontabuxi in ttd9 <br /> Securlty[nrirumenfi or(b)eniry aP p Ju�lament enfirrcln�thta Sc�rudty lnxtn��ne►tt. '['hasu cc►u�iitlnns eue�hat�3nrreswet: (u) � <br /> pwy� Lender vl eumi whlch �htn w��lci be due under thir Security inxtrunxnt wW the•N�ro un if no acceleradon ht�d <br /> accurKd;(b)curC9�n�def�utt af�ny ahn covenunte or age�eements;(c)paye all eapensesa incurrcd in enfoning thi�s Sacuriay <br /> Loswmea�.includinr, but not timited to.ccawnAbb attcuneyti'fces:and(d)tekee such action a9 Lender m�y rca�onabiy <br />, � roquire to as�sune th�t the!kn of thif Sccarity Inetrumen�.Lender`e rights in the P�operty and Sairowerb obligadon co pRy the <br />' suE�� ;;;�,w� by this accariqr Iasttura_�nt sh?ll cantit►e�e on�hAnr'�r,il. [Ipnn rcinstatement� by Borrower, thia Securtry �_-, <br /> Inwument aM tbe oblig�tIons eecured Itiereby ahalt nm�in fully effecdve as if no accele�don hsd occurced. Howavor.thls <br /> �ight ta reinetata sh�li not apply in the case of acccleratlou uader pacagraph 17. <br /> ly, g�uie ut Nota;Cbur�e�f Low Servlcer. The Note or a partiel interest ta the Note(tageWer with Wts Securlty <br /> Instiument)may ba sold ane or more dmes wlthout prIor aatice to Bonawer. A sele may resalt ia a ch:uiQe iu tha entiry <br /> (known as the"I.oaa Servicer")Wat coUects raonttily paymenta dao under tUe NoUe and thia Security Instnranen� Thera ulso <br /> msy be one or morc chaages of tho I.oan 3erviccr anrelated to a sele of the Note. If thcre is a clwnge of the I.oan ServIcet, _. <br /> So�rowee will be glven a+rltten nattax oY tha ebsu�ge in wxotd�nce�srith para�D l4 above and appllcable law. The n�ttce <br /> wi11 state tho nama snd addcess of tho new Lona Serv[oer and tbe uddnss w which pt►yments should be made. TWs aotice will <br /> also oontain any other infomiu6on required by appUcablo law. — <br /> 20. �rdoos Sutestanoes. Boirower sdall not cause or permit the p�esenoe,use,d�sposal,sWrnge.or�elease of uny <br /> Hazstndnus,Substanoes an or ia the Prnperty. Boirower shall not do,aar aUow anyons else to do.anything affexdag tho <br /> Property tbxt is in vial�titai►of any Envimnnr,ental Law. TAa pnecedIng two sentences shall not apply w Ihe presenca,uso.or <br /> stomge on the Pro�rty•af`�taali quantides of Hazardous Substances that ure ge�eraliy recogaized w be appi+upriate to noraial <br /> resfdential uses and w rns�Atenence of the Prnperty. . <br />- Borrower shaU pmmptly give l.ender wcitten notice of any,aim,demaud,lawsuit or ather acflon by rany = <br /> " .•govematenta!or n�gulatory agency or private pai4y involving the Property aad aay HaTar�dous Substance or Envi�onmental <br /> � . Law of which Botrower has actual knowledge. Gf Barrower tearns, or is notified by any goverame+►tel or regulatory <br /> ' � author�ty,t�at any removal or other sernedlation of aay Hazardous Subswnce affe�ting the Pc+nperty is necessary,Bomower <br /> •• . � shaii piompt�y take aU aecessary nm�diN acotons ia accotdance�vith Envimnmental Law. _ <br /> , As uxe,d in tMa para$raph 20,':T3t�tazdous Substances"are those substances defined as wx�c or hazordous substauces Q�y <br /> � Eavimnmeatnl Law axtb�tbe following�substances: gasollne.ksrosene.other�lammable or to�ic petroleum products,to�cie <br /> � pesticides and herbicities.voladle solvents, materinis contaiaing as6estos or formaldehyde.and radIoactive materials. As . <br /> used jn this paragrapb 211,'`�arvironmeatal Law"uteans federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where the Property is located . <br /> that relatc to healtb,safery ar enviranmental pmtecdon. <br /> NO1V•UNIFORM COVENAN`A'S. �omnwer and i.ender fu�tber covenant and Agnee as foUows: <br /> xl. Accekrndon;.�Remc�iPa. 3L,eIDtder sha11 glve notloe W Borrower prlor to acoefer�tilon follo�viug Barmveer's <br /> .� �����.�r cnvens,n�,nr:sgeteement'ln t6is Se�rfty Instrument(but nat pdor to aoceleratton an�der W�raRraph 17 -- <br /> . uqless stppllrnble law pi�WdcS�lherwLse). The modce shall specity: (a)t'�e�detaalt;(b)the acdon n�m��red to curc the _ <br /> dds�ulh,(c)a date,not less thnn 3�+days fYbm the dAte the noti��a gdvea� whtch the default must 6e <br /> cne+cd;and(d)Wat tailuec to cure Qt�dduult on or before thedmR�e sp�t'ted W the nottce may result in acoelerxHon of <br /> the sums secured by thls Se�vrity Ia9tcument and sale of tho Property. The nottoo shull furtiter taform Borrower oi <br /> tl�e right w reinsdtte atter s�ooeleraHon and the dght to bring u court ucttoa w as�sert the aan�existenae of a defaWt or — <br /> �tny other ddense of Borrower to aooelerRtton�nd sale. V We defaWt fa not cured on or 6efore the date specii[ed W <br /> tlie notia,Lender At Ita optton may eeyiilrt Immcdiate payment in IWI oi ett sums secured by this Seweity Instrument <br /> without further demand 4nd may invote the power of sale ond nny other remedtes permitted by applica6le taw. -- <br /> IRnder ahall be ent[tied to collect ail e�cpenses tncu�n+ed in puesuing the eemedies pmvtded In this{wr�graph 21, <br /> tnduding,but eot ltmittd to,reuon�bk aKomeye'it�tnd co�b of Btk evtdena. <br /> V the powsr of sale ts invol�ed,'1tu.stce shall record a nodce o!default In each rnunty tn whtcl�aay part of the <br /> propeaty 1s loptttd and shall maU coptes oi such nutfoo In the mwnt�er�ibed by appifcable la�v to Horrower wnd to _� <br /> tbe otker peisoir�pracdbed by Apptic�bk I�w Atter the dme ercquieM by appUcabk 1�w,11rustee shali give publk -- <br /> notice ot sale to the pasoas and tn the maaner prCSCribed by appllcablc!aw 7lrustee,w[t6out demand on Borrower, <br /> s6s11 sdl the P�operty at pn6Uc auctlon w the 6ighest b[dder at the time end place and under the terms designated tn �q•�, <br /> the notiot ota�i'ie tn one or mon paresls ond in ony oe+der'lkvstee determines. 'IFustee may postpone s�le of Wl or any __ <br /> pu+oe!ot t6�pnopaty by public announameat�tt tbe W�te and plaoe of Aay previousty echeduled sWa I.endcr or its <br /> ��49 Pu�u�e the Froperty at aqy s�k. __ <br /> Upon rtaipt of paymcnt ot tha prEce bid,lirustee shaU deltver to We punhaser'1livstee's deed rnaveyWg the – <br /> pe+uperty. The e+eciWs t n t h e 1 1 v s¢a's d c e d a h a l l b e p r i m a[a d c e v E dence o f t he t ru W o!t 6e s t a t e m en l s ma de t here i n. ���- <br /> lttntee shkDl apply We pmc,eeds ot H►e s�te in We follawin�g oeder. (a)to all costg ead expeases of enerctg[ng tde power =- <br /> i�°_• <br /> �;: <br /> -.�. ; �:..�,�*. ,, .-2r���4� .-- r� -. - „ � . . <br /> ..�-_ •:; � .. <br /> :. , <br /> •, �• •, •Mi••L�-••�i _:-..•_f ��.�.. .1�?_ 1 _.•• _.i._'• .. • - • <br /> _' _- ., ... 7� ES �� _ — - _ ___-___"' <br /> .a..^-ti I�rC T�s-rv '�'7� ��: - o A ti�'.'.'s.t � ..._ G- �ix..-.�ui����1.�w,�.T .S i 3� r�i"�, � �-` -� --�---- --- .. <br />- — a'a' '�K;e,fa��y2rt.( � ! ��ai� � �,� :�r-•A'Y'�t'Y9i� I��d'=4�� � .. - . <br />� =S'd�91 tY'R��U.i'SFa�`�s.�]p.&�j5,��{ i - 'k �l. . , - . <br /> unc 6 � -�l� .1.. - o- �--.f7 .�'�.�i�� l. � , .. � ' � <br /> --�---- -*�j�q��'}' '� � E �i-. ti� r ,n��H3�3 .. „ <br /> ---.... .. .. - �Gw� :St. r.i�, r + - `# 4��� :w... • �� - , - <br /> . — t.r^i ,i.f't�:i�� F • ^l 4r'i�;'':'•'C��'a7+� . .� � �� <br /> _._..��`• . ,1' 3�i'��,}'�j�,V"��y�y °.o ��i��:s , , •,;tS�' . . � .. „ <br /> ...aau�ruar�&e'�11s, � �' '�' },� �•`-+ {.���..41.�i... ..�� •�� I � � . . <br /> .. r'i'4�C��,,�Y1�2� t �}� �'�,l�r � , �>. � :�•, I �k t - �.�, . . .. <br /> _.�.�tr�$ai�Kr�.�3�1�v*ti}9 .!'ey.a�x3`-J��"+�.n y.. v1��1'�Nhl _.. .. S-'t 7 ��,� . .. - .. <br /> • '—_ '��f{y�:,.Y!�'� �':S� '.SL��''{t.�i'�i\.� _ ��fr `y��r .' '�,�: .�+i�."':� " .. <br /> "_' . _ ���_'ah''.kTE'fl]�i�u�.��il9C}'u�."�Sx`fAlI�F� A , - ��� .0 J. . .. <br /> ._ _ ..�i1�ICl�I�-.al4Y���b�u��.',�� ';' � •ti� ' . <br /> — — _'_ - �.� —�•awrv„ � 'S 4•:. <br /> ��-��-,� -�- j�, f?)��e `� I I f• . <br /> r � ��iy���p�T fi •r` �'• ';•. . �LrYi.e�-C•' � . <br /> -- !N�i�{���a�ys)�L�J'� ' . ` - ) . {.��(` ._ •. . V .. <br /> L�F�.� • . • , t 'o � . ��� ���'l�:�i'M'•�L .�L � , " � }. <br /> - .�( t . 4 iy;13�4��'-`{� t - ) ' 1 �i' � � <br /> - ���+��!.�:fCw'i,�...i��,�l ,�+�',�i�� i- _ 4 �-� ��� a 4 � �• n <br /> ,�s��r� - �'� 'Li�14 ,.s •%"� .....�.� <br />;u�k5•-_ v .a'x .. . .�a.rldut�4.. . __ . _ _ _ ._�__...., ------ - <br />