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<br /> " --� condcmxietton or othcr luking of any part of the Pmperty.o�for con�eynnce in Ifeu of caRdemnadon,nre hereby assigncd nnd
<br /> - �h�f bo pald to Lcnder.
<br /> � In �he cvent of a tou►1 taking af the Praperty,the proaxtla shull b� applied to the sums secured by ihis Security
<br /> ---- ---- lnstn�mem, whr.ther or not tlien due.w[th ony exaess paid to Borrower. 1n the evcnt of a p�rtiat taki�►g of Wc Property in
<br /> '�`•� which thie Fair mnrket valuo of the l�roperty tmmalistely betore the talcing is equal to or greater thxn the amount of the sums
<br /> ; sceund by this Secudty�nsuument immedintely before the udcing,unless Botrower nnd i.ender otherwise ag�ee in wdting.
<br /> �-��r� TT=-_ = I tt�e tiurn:�s�s:urcJ by dds Sciuriq�lnsuument.hatl6e mduced by the amount of the p�emeeais mnlHpli�1 by the following
<br /> fraction: (n)the total amount of tha suma secured immedIataly before the taking.divtdpd•by(b)the fntr market value of the r
<br /> __ __ _ _ Propetty Im�mtdiately befbro tha taking. Nny baEance ahall be paid to Borrowar. In�the ever�t of u purttal taking of the
<br /> '- - ---'� Property!n whtch tha fuir maicet vnlue of the Propetty immediately before the��king is less than the smount of the sums
<br /> - ---`••� secured Immcdiatoly 6efore the taking.unless Horrower and Lender otherwise �gree in wtiting or unless applicable law
<br />?:"i� j'� othenvl.se pr�ovides,the ptUCeeds shall be applied to the sums secured 6y thls 5ecuriry Instrument whether ar nat the sums ace
<br /> - then due.
<br /> - -- --°-- If eho.Pre�perty is ubandoried by Bonower.or if,ufter notice by Lender to Borro�ver tisat the condemaor offars to mnke �--- -
<br /> - su►award or isettle a claim for damages.Bozrower fails to nspond to Lender within 30 days nfte�the date the nodoe is given,
<br /> � ; Lendor is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,ut its option,elther to restornUon or repair of the Prop¢rry ar to the
<br /> � sums secured by thla Securlty Inswment.whether or not then due.
<br /> iUniess Lender and Hortower otherwtse agree in writin�,eny application of proceeds to princip�i shall not exrend or
<br /> _ � postpone ihe due date of the monthly paymenu refemed to in paragrupha I and 2 or chunge the amount of such payments.
<br /> -- Il.Bourower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wefver. Sxtenston of the d�ne for payment or
<br /> ' modificatbr�of amortlzation of the sums secured by this Socuriry Instrument granted by Lender to arty successor in laterest
<br />-:� af BomoWer shall not operate to release the IiabiUty of the or��inal 8orrower or Borrower�s successors in int�rest,t.ender =°
<br /> shaU not be re,quired to commence prnceedjn�s ugainst any successor in interest or refuse to extend dme for payment or
<br /> othenvlsamadlfy amortizrition of the sums secured by thls Secudty Instrumont by reason of eny demand made by ihe orlgtnal -
<br /> , Bormwer or Botrowerb succeasors in intenes� My forbearunce by Lender in exercising any ri�ht or remedy shall aot be a �'_'�,_
<br /> �vaiVerof or preclude the exetxise of any dght or remedy. —
<br /> �2.Successars and Assigns�oand;Joint and 5everal Ltability;Caslgners. 'ft�a cavenants and ogreeme�ts�f this _
<br /> ', Secw�it�Instnunont shall bind und benefit the successors and auigns of Lander und Hanower.subject ta tAe.prov�isibna of
<br /> �: • paragri►ph 17.9orrawer�s covenanta and agreementq shall be joi�t nnd aeveral. Any Borrower wha ca-9igns this Securlty
<br /> ' Instnunent but dc�s not execute the Note: (a)is eo-signing this Security Inshument only to mortgage.grntuand convey that
<br /> Bor:cowerk inter�est in che Property under the tarms of thIs Securiry Insuumen� (b)is not personally obliguted to,pAy the sums =
<br /> � � secured by this Securiry Insuument;and(c)ag�ces thet L.ender and uny other Borrower mAy agree to extead,madify,forbear __—.
<br /> a�,�;
<br /> r�, � or make any accommodations with resard ta the tecros of this Security Instrument or the Noto without th�►t�orrower's ,.
<br /> � -__ - -' consent.
<br /> . ^%� ,.�, � 13.I.oun Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject ta a law which seu maximum loan
<br /> � charges.end that luw i�tinally interpr�eted so thst the interest or other loun charges�wQected ar to be coUected(n eonntedon _
<br /> •�� wtth the loan exceed the pertnitted Iimlts,then: (a>nny such laan charge shaii be reduoed by the nmount necessazy to reduce
<br /> � the churge to the pemutted timit;tind(b)nny sums ulreudy collc+cted from Bormwer wMch exceeded permitted limita will be �
<br /> n
<br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choose to muke this rofurtd by reducing the principa!aved under the Note or by making a __,_
<br /> -- dicect puyment to Bomnwer. (f a c�efund reduces princlpal,tho reduction wiU be tmated as a psutiul propayment without any ��
<br /> - prepayrnent charge under the Note. �'"`
<br /> 14.NoHee9. Any notice to Bormwer pmvided for in thts Securtty lnsuument shnti be given by delivering it or by _
<br /> ce..
<br /> mabling it by first ctosa muil unless npplicable iaw requites use of nnother method.The notice sh�il be directed to the Property �'---
<br /> = Address or an other uddress Barrower desi ntes b notice to l.ender. An notice to Lender shall be given b first class �'�=
<br /> . mail to Lender�uddre.ss smted herein or any o�ther uddress Lender designntes by natice to Borrower. Any notice provided for `""`
<br /> .� in this Sccudry Insuvment shaU be deemeci to have been given to Bo:rower ar Lendcr whcn given as provided in this '''
<br /> � Para8raDh. �rµ�.
<br /> . IS.Governtng Luw;Severabil[ty. 11�is Security Instrument shall be govemed by fedeml law and the law of the -
<br /> _ jurisdicdon in which the Pmperty is located. In the event thut nny provision or duuse of this Securlty Instrument or tht Note J y�'
<br /> contlEctswith appltcabte law,such conflict shall not nffece ueher provistons of this 5ecuriry Inswment or the Noto which cun `'.''";
<br /> -- be given effeM wlthout the contlictIng proviston. 7b this end the provisions of this Security Instrument nnd the Note su� '"_";
<br /> = declartd w be severable. ��'�
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. Bomower shall be given one conformed mpy of tho Note urtd of this Security Inswment. •
<br /> 17.'llytnsfe�of the Property or a Beneticial I�terrst in Bormwer. If uli or any part of the Pcoperty or uny interest in ���'
<br /> it is sold or transferrcd(or if a beneficial interest in Bormwer Is sold or tmnsferred and Borrower is not a natural person) , �'t
<br /> _ withoue Lenderg prior wrltten¢onsen�Lender may,nt its option,require immediate payment in lull of all sums secured by
<br /> -- ;---�:�; this Secudty IttstrumenG However.this opiion shnll not be exersised by Lettder if exercise is prohibited by federal Inw ng of
<br /> �?.� the dateof this Securiry Inswment
<br /> ;;;; If Lender exe�+cises this option.Lender shnll give Boaower notice of ac�celerarion. '!he notice shnQ provide n period of
<br /> not less thun 30 days from the date the notice is delivereti ar mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> . Secuaty Instcumen� lf Bomc�wer fails to pay these sums prior to the expirntion of this period, Lender may invoke atty
<br /> cemediespertnitted by this Security insuument wlthout funher notice or demcind on Bomuwer.
<br /> 18.Bon»wer's Rig6t to Reinsffite. If Bomower meet4 cermin condidons, Barrower si�ull have the right to hnve
<br /> , enforcemeaat of this Secwiry Insm�ment disamvnued at siny time prior co the rarlfer of: (a)5 duys(or such other period as
<br /> Single FamUy--FLna•le MadFYeddGs 111ac 11(V[FQRM INSTRUMENT-•Unifom�Covennnu 9�90 /ImRe i nJ6 puges►
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