-.diw . -�_�`t.o
<br /> ��`_ . . . . •. - __. _ _ . �.
<br /> • ��~.. �O/MYM I
<br /> prrinclK thrt I,�n�irr requlre�. '(fia tnhu►xnc:a c�nler praviding!Ma ineu��uten Khei)he c�ho+jen by H�wrr RuP�ject to lRmkt� _
<br /> . rp�xrri�►1 whkh Niu►il nM!+c anroa�w��bly withirclQ, IP 13axrc�wer frll�tn mrintMln ciwerA�e Gc�rlha�d wtx►vc.l.cnckr ma�y�Kt
<br /> t.e�w�lerh��k��,obt�in rnvcra�o tci pr►�tac;t L,cnderk dxht�ln tbopr�peey in�ccntd�nra with p�rqrNph?.
<br /> All ht�tur�nco pull�:le�arKt rctxwrlw tihrll tie w:�e��fil�n t��I,etxkr end RhMll incl�tcio a e+trndAM nNM1y�Ye cl�tu�c. l.en�kr _
<br /> �h�l1 h+ive the d�h�to fwld the polirkr�nd rcncw�lK, 1(t.ender reyulro�,pixmwer�hdt ptomMlY�ivo to lxn�kr�II t�ore{pl�
<br /> � ot pxid pmniumn rnd t�r�cwal n�Nlcc�. In�ho event cd lov-s, p�xmwer eh�ll givc�m�t nutico tn Iho Imurenco c�rrfcr anA
<br /> t.�ndar. fi..endarm�y mxice{mK�SuF iux.r i�'txN iawia M��+;i�rily i�y i3cKi�uwcr. ,
<br /> Unlew[.endar uid Bcxr�wer athervvl�e�groe in writing.lnsuraco procade ahvl Ge applied ra r�e�tanidon or rep�ir of
<br /> tha Pr�perty dameged� if the rostar�tion or r�cpnir ix ecorwmicaUy feusibl�and l.ender�Rccudty ix nat lcsscned. If the
<br /> [estontion ar Kpair is nat uo�iomically feasible or Lendork recurity wauld be l�ssened,the insurunco praczeds shall be
<br /> apptied ta the sums secured by this Secudty Instrumtnt. whether or nut thon duc. with any exccss patd to Borrowu. If
<br /> Horrnwer ubanduna the Pruperty,or does not answer within 30 doyF a notice from Lender th�t tho insu�ance currier has
<br /> offered to r,ettte a clufm.then I.ender may coltect the insuranco pr+uceeda. L.ender may use the procads to�+epnir or restom
<br /> the Property or ta pay awns sccured by this Secudty In9wmen�whethcr or not thcn due. 71�e 30�day peeiod wfi!begi�wttien -
<br /> the nodco is gtvea.
<br /> Unloss Lender nnd Bomnwer otherwise ugree in wdting,any npplicutlon of proceeds to princIpal shall nat extend ar
<br /> postpono tha due date of tho nionthly payments referred to in paragruphs 1 und 2 c*change tho amount of tha paymente. if
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Ptoperty is�cquImd by Lender. Borrower�right to any insumnce pollcies and proceeds reaulting
<br /> from demnge w the Propetty prior to the scquisitIon shatl pass ro Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Securtty
<br /> Inahvment immediately priar to the ncquisidon.
<br /> li. Occu�wwcy, Preservattan, MWatenance and Protectton o! the Property: Borrower's Loan Applicationi .__
<br /> I.easehdds. Botrower shall occupy,establish.and use the Property ns Bomnwer�s principal residence within svcty dj►ys after
<br /> the execuaan of this Security Instrument and shal!continue to occupy the Property as Botrower� principa!�esidence for at
<br /> least one year after the data oF accupancy. unless Lender oth�rwlse �gees m writing, which consent shall noi be _,
<br /> unreasonubly wIthheld,or unless eatenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Bomower�mnmuL Bottower shnl!not
<br /> destroy.damage or impa+r the Property.aUow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> be in dafault if any faxffoiiure actton or proceeding.�.�l�ether civil or criminal.is begun that in l.ertder's good faith judgment ___
<br /> could ies�lt in forfeit►V�of the Property or uthanvise matedaU�r impair the lien rreated by this Security Insuument or :.,,
<br /> Lender�i�^�iry interes� Borrower muy cure such a default and aemstato.as provtded In paragraph 18.by causing the�ction --•
<br /> or piucee�ing to be dismissed wtth a ruling that,in Gender�s�oac•1�F�ith determtnauon.precludes fodeitura af the Borrower's __
<br /> inteiest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien created by this Secunty Insaument or Lender's security ----
<br /> inter�est 9orrower shA]t also be in default if Horanwer� aluring the loan appliccttion process, gave materiully false or �_�-
<br /> inoccurate information or atatements to Lender(or fai�ed to pmvlde Lender with any mazerial tnformation)in cannertion wIth '
<br /> iha laaa :,vidasu�3 b3r ilt� 33ot�. i�h�ing, h�u nrn l�nited w, zepr+e�xntailosss co^� 9omow�r�e�su�nn�y of�hP -
<br /> .�perty�.v a princ�pal oesidence. tf Ihis Secu�iry Instrument is on�leasehold.Borrower shail camply with sill �Q e provis�ans
<br /> oTYhe,ic�se. If•Burrower acquires fee tit6�to the PrapcYt}r,the leas¢hotd and the fee title sfi�not me�e unleav l:enclur pgrees
<br /> �to i�i�merger in writing. .
<br /> 7. Protedton d I.�ader's Rig6ts in the Pu�operty. If Horrower faiYs ca�perfcnrm the cavenams and agteementa
<br /> conti+Ined in thls Secwity Inswment.or theie is a legal proce�6ing thnt rRay sibmificaneay aff�ct L.ender� dghts tn the
<br /> Property(such as a proceeding in baniwptcy.probute,for condemnution or forfeiture or to e�Eone lows or regulaaons).then �
<br /> I.ender mny do und pay for whatever is nece.ssary to protert the velue of the Property and Lender�s rights in the Property.
<br /> Lxnderk acrions muy include puying any sums secur+ed by a liea which hus pdorlry over this Security Instrument,uppearing
<br /> in court,paying reasonable uttomeys'fee.s nnd entering on the Property to muke repains. Although Lender may take action ___
<br /> under thts paeugmph?.Lender does not have to do so. �.�•
<br /> Any umoants disbursed by Le�der under this pamgrnph 7 shall become sddttional debi of Bomower secumd by thts �
<br /> Security Instrument. Unless Bonower and[.endcr agree to other tcrtns of pnyment,these amounta shall bear interest fmm thc �g�-
<br /> wcti�:
<br /> dnte of disbursement at the Note rate nnd shatl be payAble, with Interest.upon notice from l.ender to Borrower requesdng �a,..
<br /> paymen� �?�:�
<br /> 8. Mortg�tge Insuranot. if L.ender required mortgage insurance as s►condition of mnkin�the lonn setured by this [?�;,:��
<br /> ro.�,�
<br /> Security Instnimen�Bnaower shull pay the pmmiums requimd to maintuin thc mortgoge insurance in effec� If,for uny e,E-:
<br /> rcASOn, the mortguge insurance covemge�+equi:ed by Lender lapses or ceuses to be tn effect. Borrower shnll pay the p`°'-
<br /> r„�,-
<br /> piemiums reyuired to vbtain covemge substanaully equivsilent to the mortguge insumnce pnviously in effect, at a cost ^``
<br /> substantinll uivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mort a e insurunce revIousl in effect,from un altemnte mort a e � ''�
<br /> Y�1 �E P Y � B f:l�i�
<br /> insurer approved by I.ender. If substontinliy equivalent mortgage insumnce coverage is aot availabte.Bonuwer shall pay to ���'=��
<br /> l.ender each month a smn equul to one-twelflth of t�e yearly mortguge insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the 1;�%,�;
<br /> insunu�ce rnverage lapsed or cesised to be in effect. lL;ender will nccept.use and retnin these payments as a loss reserve in lieu �,�,°;;:
<br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve paymenu may no tonger be requlred.at the opdon of Lender,if mortgage insurance �=i�;;�;.
<br /> covemge(in the�unaent and for the period thut Lender requires)provided by un insumr approved by L.ender again bocomes i;�:;
<br /> available and is obtained.Bomnwer sha[i pay the premiums nequined to maintain mortgage insurancc in effect,or to provide n .i�''�
<br /> �oss rcperve.until the tequlrement for mort�ge u�swaace ensis in accordance with uny written agreement betwcen Bomower ��(-"•
<br /> un�l Lender or appl�cable law. �() ♦
<br /> 9. Inspcaion. I.ertder or it4 agent may muke masonable entries upon artd inspections of the Ptoperty. Lender shuli ;i,
<br /> give Borrower notice at the time of or pri�r to su►inspecaon specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. I�
<br /> 10 Costdtmnallon. 7T�e pmceeds of any awnrd or claim for damuges,direct or conseq¢ential,in connection wlth cu►y
<br /> Single Ei�mily—iLanle Mae/ihddk Mac UNIF'ORM 1N57'RIIMEN7'�Unifmm Covm�nts 9l90 (page 3 oJ6 paR�rJ
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