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<br /> to t�
<br /> �t. �teeonvey�.�e. W�on pnymcnt of cilh�umn�ecut+�d by•this Security InAtrutnent,Lender xh�ll roqueyt'ltuatee to
<br /> rec�nvey tho propett�r Apri shn1A surrender th[s 3afiutity lnstrumcnt and ull notes cvidr.ncinQ debt�curtd Ay thi9 Securlty
<br /> Iastruaxnt td 7tustee. '1(ir.witee ahall reconvey thp�Pmp�rty without wnnnnty and wid�out char�e to Ihe penson ar penwnR
<br /> --- � lcgaliy enQqcd w It. �usit.�Crsc�r�or�rsonq�hnll��lny Any r�cordndnn costg. �
<br /> Z3. Sabatdrt�'llrut�Aea Lendcr,ac its opiian,may t�om dme to time r�emovc 7yuntzc and apnoin!a aucccs�or truutec to
<br /> any'Ihistce appaintad ha�+eunder by an insaumant resorded in the county in whlch this 3ecurisy Insuument Ig «eo�
<br /> Without canveytutae oE t6t�Ptoperty.th�e succesr.ar,uu�teu ehull succecd to nll the titlre. power und dudes confehred upon
<br /> 7tustce hcn}n akab�ti��c rxt�le law.
<br /> 24. Rtiqur.sA iu�r 11fii�i,dces. Borrower reyugstq thnt ao�iea af the noNces of defuult nmd sule be sent to Sorrower e addnss
<br /> which is tlic Bt�o�urty AdiMess.
<br /> Z,, f�ar�s t,�t�u Secneitiy I,rtstrumen� if:anv or ma�+e dders ure executed hy I�orrower and c+ecorded together wtth
<br /> this Suurity��et�v�unk the covenrints und�greamants of each sueh dder shnll be iacatpomud lnt�and shall amend aad
<br /> supplemenrthe covertnnts�and a�reements of thia 3�aurity tnetn�ment as if the dder(s)wei:e u part of thi»Security Insaumcn�
<br /> [Check upplicabt¢6o:c(es)I
<br /> �Ad�uutnb}e Rate Etider �Randominium Etider �1-4 Famlly Rlder
<br /> �-�- - ___ �piaaultted P'ay�cnt Rider ��lptined Unit Ae�elopment Rider �Biweekly Payment Rtder _
<br /> T��,�� �!��CqoR�d� �Raui Improvement Rider �Second Home RIdcr
<br /> __ �� a�„��g���ify� ASSIGNMENT OF RHNTS RIDER
<br />- --,-,t:� �,
<br /> � B1�STC�1vMCi a�i.CDtiv,Horrowsr ticccepta.and�ag�cs w the terms aad covenants contained ia this SecuriSy Instcu�eat
<br />; .'_� aad in any dder(s)executed liY Horrdwee tlnd reabrdeci wIW tG
<br /> - _= QVlmesa: vVimess:
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<br /> -samrexr LOREN L LESSIG •B°t*°Wer
<br /> (Seall)
<br /> , (Seal)
<br /> — •eom►wcr J �IFER 1 • SIG •�°�0N'�� -
<br /> sTAre o�rrES[�sxA, HALL counry�s: -
<br /> � On this 15TH daY of JUN�. 1994 ,befone me.the undersigned.n Notnry Public �--
<br /> duly commission�.'d nnd quulified for suid counry,perFOn�lly cs�ne LOREN L LESSIG ANO JENNIFER 3 =
<br /> L,EgS�G, hIUSBAND AND WIFE ,to me kaown to be the _,_
<br /> idendcab ecrsons(s)whose nacr�e(s)arc subscribIId�to the fonegoing inswment ut�d ucknowledged the execution the�of to �:_,
<br /> be TMEIR voluntury aat and deed. �,-
<br /> �fness my hand and notarial seal at GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA in r,aid county,th� _-_
<br /> datc a.toresaid. �=
<br /> I1�' GQfnIqI8810A CII 1[�CS: (/���^"��� � � '���"^r'r✓"`� �''
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<br /> 'ltie tutdgrsignad ie thc holder of the nota or notes secured by this Qeed af'itusG Suid note or notes.together with all
<br /> . other utdettt�dnass sBCUmd by this Dee�i of 1tus4 hava bcen paid in full. You are hereby d[rected to cancef said nate or notes -
<br /> �::�i�� aad thla CJeed of'IIvst�which are delivercd hereby.and to reconvey.without warranty,all the estate now held by you under
<br /> this Deed oP'1Yust to the gerson or persons legally entiUcd thereto.
<br /> � Datc:
<br /> E'oem 3028 9/90 fpa8e 6 aj6 pages)
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