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_ _ , . '_, __ <br /> — �" :,:.- -------- -- - � �- --_ __ — <br /> _-.. ��_� -- — <br /> V � <br /> �___— <br /> .. ._._ . ..__ .-- _ . ., _ <br /> r " _' ._—_._.._—__ . _. . ,. . <br /> _"."...... ._ .._ _ _' .. _ . _ . <br /> .. ' . . �) �- ` . �� • n•� � - .1 ,. � 1� � .. ., f� ' " r <br /> � ' .. . . .. -' . �f) . .. <br /> • 1 "' r <br /> n l��xhln!xw �n�o s If �ur ir.in5t�ter»entl hcf�xe nnla of'tha t'm�xny�wnuriht c���p�uwer����ixMalaed in tld� <br /> - --------�— So urity In�trutt►en:u�Q)�ntry c�f N,��cf�tmcnt enf�min�{thlw Se�uri�y Inrtramer.t. '1't►o�t+e�xxlltlunx�rt ilt4t�l3urrowsr: {xy <br /> �Yn I.en�kr rl!Kunu whlch then wrwtd tm �Due un¢er ihl� Security Iiutramc�rt�cxi tl�+ Nrrte iu if nc�nrbeler�dpri huc! <br /> nccwtod:lb)c�ues any def�ult aI�y a1lia�cavmu�n�a•or y{roematiu:(c)WYa r11 expe;n�.s incumd in enibrcin�thiu 9eK.�uricy - <br /> In�tcument,ir►cladina,but nut Itmicai to,tr.uan�bie aMarntye'�:snd td)ukes auch a�ttan as Gender m�y rr.�cczp�bly . <br /> aequit�e w�sure t�ut ttie Ikn of thia Securlty Iusqurnent.LpKkr'e d�h1r in tlie Pct�peny emd Son+o�rcr's abljptioa W� <br /> _ ' sum� eecured Ey this Sccurlty Inatn�meni st�all continae unchm`ed. Upon rdnst�tc�nent hy B�ssmwa'. thi� . <br /> �– - _ I�ist►ui�x;.�t+uw11h:.ab!l�atio�s cecur�:c!hr.-eby sha!!�mafn fc�lly effcrdve ra if no neeelermt�on h�d occu�raA. 1{owever.lhis <br /> , . ci�ht w rcin�bl�e 1 �pply ta tbe c�se at aior,eleration uada prr�gr�ph 17. <br /> ' � i!. ST�k,d��tu�e o[La�n Senicer. TlwNote or a puti�l interest im du Note(together wlth this Securlry 1 <br /> Inst�nt),t}�y bq�Ot�'"d,�qe or moro drars without pslor nodce to Borrower. A aale rrwy result la a cb�n�o In the endty , <br /> (knowu a�tbe"Loan Se�r")tl�aat coUects montbly W►Y►nenta due under ttK iVate And�t6is Secudty InttnimenG Them alao <br /> may be one or mone changes of the Loaa S�rvicer unrelated to a sak of ihe No4e. If t7iere is a change of tho Loaa Sw vioer, <br /> 8ormwer wlll be given wrltten notice of the chaage in accordaaca with paragrapb 14 Abave and applirsbte law. 17re notice <br />_ = mm wiU state t�e aa�e and address of the new I.oan Scrvlr�r and thc c�ddress to wl�teh paymsnts shosild be madt. The notice will <br /> also contain any attux inforn�adon requind by applicablo law. <br />� ' ?A. 8azardom 3ab�ttpas. Horrower shall not causo or pemsit the pt�a,uso,disposai,atorage.or release of ony <br /> Hazardous 5ubst�ryces on or!n the Property. Born►wer shall not do.nor ctllo�v aqyona else to do.anytliiag at�exting tt�e <br />�- Property that is in violution of any Envlronmental Law. Thr.preceding two sentences shall noi appiy to ttie preseace.use,or <br /> storage on the 1'ropetty:af small quantides of HazaMous Substeaces that ara Banesally recogairtid ta be aPpropriate to uatmal <br /> �side�tial uses and'to mainu+naace of We Property. <br />- ___ _ • Borrower shu11 promptly give I.ender wrlttea noHce of any Iavestlgadon;clalm,damand lawsuit or other actioa by aay <br />"_ _ governmentnl or rc�ulaiory agency or prlvate party involving the i'roperty ttind any�Iarardous Substance or�nvironruenta! <br /> Law of wdich Hotrower has actu�l knowledge. If Bormwer learus. or Is aotified by any govemmental or ngulatory <br /> - .,�,�s • � authoriry,Wat any removal or other remediattan af any Hazardous Substance affecting the Propecty is aecessary.Bornawer <br /> _ .!`;�?}� shuU pmmP�y tel�o all necessury ermedial acdon9 ln accordanee wiW Envlronmeatal Law. <br /> - "' � ' As used in this parag�aph 2U�"Hazardous Substances"ara thasa substances defined us:w�cic or hazardous substaiieea by <br /> .����'it'- �nviranpaental Law and the follawta$substancea: gasoline.kxrosene.ottter flamm�ble ar toxIc peorole�n products;to�cic _ <br />_ ' �• pesdcides aad he�icldes,volatitb solvzats.mAter3als containi�Ig'asbestos ar formatdehyde.and radioacdve materi�7�:�As <br /> ,:�;k';_ used In this pars►pr�ph 20,"EnvIronmeatal Law"meaas federal laws und laws af�We jtuisdlctiott whcre the Prnperty ls[a'l�ed <br /> i�•` that relate w health.spfety or environmentnl protecdon. • _ ,�.; <br /> NON•U1VIF�RM COVENAIVTS. Boirower and Leader fu:ther tovenant and agce uv fallows: <br />�; 21. Aocekrs�tlon;Remedi�s. �.ender sLsil give notdac�to Bormvver prior to aocelerntlan following Bonr�wer's <br /> birach of any coVsnamt or agreFment In tdls Secur[ty Instru�ment(but nat prior to accelerxtbn uuder p�r�rupb 17 <br /> •-, ___- �sg�b�law,�r�vls�41l�pt'�k '�r nntloe shall apecify: (al 3ha detaalts(b)!he��ittd to cura tte� .., . <br /> . defaul�(c)a date,ao't Iess ttwn 30 days lbsn the date the notke is glve�to Borrower,by whiah�he deLWt mwst 6e � <br /> cnred3 and(d)tdat tailure to oure the dcfaWt on or before We date spedi6ed la the a4ttoe rasy�1t lu�eeleratfon oi ' <br /> 'x' the s�s secured by tWs Secur�r Io�tn�mwt and sale of.the Property. The notioe shuU�t�utder intorm Borro�rer of <br /> r <br /> refastsk atter aooeleratlOn <br /> and the t w b a conrt actton W assert Wo <br /> non-esisDena <br /> of a detault o <br /> the eE�►t a � � <br />- any o16er d�ense ot BorroWer to aoceteratton and ssd� If the detau(t Es aot aired on or before t6e date spcdlEcd tn <br /> the uotke,i.ender at tts opttan ms►q reqWre Immediate ps►ymeut in full o!a4 snms secured by tdts Security Ingtrument <br /> wlthout t�rther demand aad may lavoke We�ower oi ssille and eny other remedles permitted by Applkable Iaw <br /> I.ender s6W1 be endtled to collect ell eapeases Incurred in pueBUing the remedi�provtded in tht� pAra�aph 21, <br /> [ncluding,bu3 not fimited to�e+eason�bte sttorneys'tces and costs of ttUe evtdenae. <br /> It the powtir ot sa(e ts Invoked,'I1n�stee shap recoM e rtoHce ot deiault in exch covnty in whkh qny port oT the <br /> Property ts located And shall muil coptes of such notloe In the manner prescdbed by appl[cabk Iaw to Borrower wid to <br /> the otber persons prescrtbed by oppUatble law. Atter the dme e+equired by Applkable inw,74vstec ehall�ve pvblk <br /> aotfoe oi eale to the persons and tn thcs monner prescrlbed by Applicable law Tlivstee,without demaad on Borrower, <br />` shap sdl the Propeety et public auctlon to the 6lghest bidder at the time and plaa and wtder th�terms designnted in <br /> : the nottce ot sale in one or more ptirceels und tn Any order'hvstee determines. 7�ustee may postpone sale oi all or any <br /> �; � paral o!We Propetty by publlc announcement at the tImo and place of�ny previously scheduled sale. I.ender or its <br /> desl�ee may purcbase the Property ut uay sala <br /> !� Upon rece[pt ot payment of the prtce btd,'hvstee shaq deliver to the pnrchaser 7lrustee•s deod conveying the <br /> Pruperty: The rec[mis in the'llru.stee's deed shs�ll be piima[ede evidence of the truth of We statementa made therefn. <br /> ltustce shall apply the prooeeds o!the sale In the following ordeP: (a)to all costs and expenses of exerctsing the power - <br /> , <br />-:� � -- <br /> �..;�. �_ <br /> . . �-_ <br /> �;s� � <br /> :_��� <br /> H � . <br /> ������i <br /> ix?:;�rw <br /> ;��.�`��'x'.► <br /> � ���.:;... <br /> :%�..�.;:};;� <br /> {, <br /> '.�`��. <br /> ';�, <br /> "�, '� `== .. ;r-:r-.�,�— <br /> `a' , '�� ^ � . ;r_. t ..+rtx,,, 1�f, ,•,,: <br /> �ki� �:.1 a � . o . 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