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<br /> � . :;,; � - , � �����►.. , 94�` �o�
<br /> • THi�;�i�SbQNMBNY�F REH"f8 RIQER is mud�t and�xrCUbd tbl� 15TM day nt �UNE ,1p 94�.���� "
<br /> — �y��!J Ie�c�cpa�it+Sa�tl�nro us�9�hall b�d�em�d to�men0�nd suRp1em�nt tho Martpap�ar��ad of Truit,herMlnn�iler rof�r►id ie i�ths
<br /> �L>i:fy^.�4w��ira�.wdiwiliiY �r ti ». � �t II
<br /> �a�s:��,fst�.lr,mtrumoni , �f the aa��te date piven by the undeselpna�st, her�inpltar referr�d ta ao the pstrrower , to e�aure
<br /> -- — � E{mrrz�v�p�'B�tild�btetlna�R hrrNnaEter raterrsd td ae the"Nate�",to H�l4��R�DERAL SAVINQS AN4 I.CAN ABSOCUTI�N OF
<br /> aR,�1V���1.AND�h�r�lna�t�r��Iterred tn as ths"L�ndsr",of th�s�ma d�t�end covsrinp th*propaty deAarib�d In th��ouriiy
<br /> Insir��c�,fr�1 and laaat�d d:
<br /> . 10Q4 S CHERRY. GRR[11D ISCAND, NEBRASKA 68801
<br /> _�.,_ _ ---- lPtoperty AddraASti
<br /> _ - _ _�
<br /> w�Tr�sa�rH: � "
<br /> ��� WP{itEf�l►8,Borccw�r and L,ender have epreed th�t any rante and proflte ettributebie to the property ehoutd con�titut�
<br />::�+�, addiZl�iunl�aaurity to ths Lender tor tt�e payment of the Note;
<br /> ���, ,
<br /> -- - tJ�id4��"�'N�REFORE,it Is�qreed that tha Seaurity�Instrument ahali be eunended herebyr and deemed to Inalude the follawinq
<br />___=�� —_ p�ovta�a�ta: _
<br /> �-, � 1, p,�(p�men�,Qf�nte and Lender Rentai Colle�stion Rlahts.Borrower hereby abaolutely and unoondlttanally�aaipna all
<br /> �« i� ron4s�.h�AUes and proflte of the propeRy to Beneficiary. Leader ehall have the dpht, power and suthoNty duNnp the
<br /> � oon4Lt+�ainoe of the Security lnstrument to cotleat the renta,lseues and profita ot the property and of any personal propetty
<br /> � te�cst��therean wFth or wtthout takinp poaseaafon af the property afiected hereby.Lender,however.hereby conaente to
<br /> Bara-�n��s aollectian and retentlon ot such rents,lesues and profits aa they accrue and become payable,so lonp ae Bonower
<br /> IS n�3,a��suah tima,tn dafautt rxilh reapact to payment of erty lntiebtedneaa secared hereby,or!n the pedorma�oe ot anp ...
<br /> a�uac�n�t hereunder. .
<br />_ 2: �,�}�oiMment ot Receiver•If any evemt of detault Iri rosyect to the Securily Instrument sha{i have qc�ACted and be• _
<br /> �«" '4"�'� . com�l�stnp, Lender�as a maher ot rigM,��nQ+xbthout notico.to Borrawor ar anyone ctaimMg uhi�ar�8orrowb�;a��witho�t. . __
<br />;�;� . ; rop�td;te�the vdt�a a7 ghe truat eatate or the io�4oaeat m!the 6orroWer the[e9n,ohall.fiave the rlpht'ic apply to any coun haring; , ---
<br /> ,,% 1 '����<'��j� 14ptSt4��tdan to apAaln4 a receiver ot ihe prbpoVty. . _-_
<br /> S;,t��.(, � '
<br /> ��, r;�:;,�;: • �,• B�nht to Po_asess�ct n_.In csag of detau�t in the paymen�af the 8aid�ctnaipa�Hoie qr f�tereat,or any part thereat�as it • . _
<br /> •'i�y'��� � sb�►limature.or fn the oase of tallure to keep or perfoem any+o4 the covenanta or agreQm�nts contatned in the Seourity laetru•• � � --
<br /> 'l •r'��r���s�t; �•,° rnm�t�th8n the l.ender, its suoceasors or assigns, shall be and ie hereby authorized and empowered to take imm6diate •
<br /> ,�:i>.•�• ,' �a�sston of the said premiseg therein described and to coliect the rente therefrom.and to appiy the prxeeda thereof to the
<br /> ' ��1�;� .
<br /> _ ,:�,'.;...'..,,. , p�y�r��a�t�of tHe Note.
<br /> �' �'�� y`��`" 4: Anntiaatton of t��nta,lssues ansllc.4}li�,AU rente colteated by Lender or the reaetver shatl be applled ffret to payment
<br /> c��A�:'-'ta=• ',+7-'•,:
<br /> j, r�"�`��, o/4h�oosts of inenagement of the property and coilectlon of�ents,including,but not Ilmited to,receiver's feea,premiume on ----
<br /> ��' � < , �ooeturea►s bonds end reasonable attorne 's tees,and then to the eums secured b the Securify instrument.Lender and the
<br /> ;�►;+�.�•i,.;..•-.�.. Y Y
<br /> ,��; �,,.,.,. rooefr�t ahatl be Ilabte to account only for those renta aatualty received.
<br /> �`"�� �`�����-
<br /> �;�i�:;:�:: �,�t�,,,,;� 5. f�►onetruotlon of P�avielana.Each of the provielons contalned in this.Aseipnment of ReMa Rider and the Seeutity inatru•
<br /> • r= �°'•�?: rnmv►a ai�a�l untsad othetwlee epeaitiaalty roqul�ed, be conetrued In accordenoe wlth Nebraeka taw, and In the evont any -
<br /> ' }�_��,'•°"� rov8a �
<br /> , �`at;`;:;;-;;,,,: .�,-,;^. p �on hsrein or therein aontninod ehell be determined by a coun of competent Jurlsdlotlon to be unenforceabte,the a�nee =
<br /> • �.. :,.
<br /> - F,�„�,�;,��.�,� gha10�Go oonatrued ab lhouph suah unenforceabte provielon wero not 8 part hereof or thereof. C.i_
<br /> .� ' ��4Q.�"�+•�* �••; p. E4lfeat ef Rider.Except es epecltloalty modified by or inconsistent with fhis Asaignment of Renta Rtder or by any other �'`""
<br />_ ' ��u! . *�� z�ppl.�ble�Ider, elt of the terms end provlaions coMeined in tha 5eourity I�strument shalt continue in fuit torce and et(eet. �; :
<br /> ,. . rizRn�r.�.«e�.. _�
<br /> � i�'�f s•':..:•�.� ��i.r
<br /> � " •• ��;`"�!�;':�;; IM W7fNES3 WHEREOF,Borrower has executed thia Aesignment of Rents Rider on the date firat noted above.
<br /> � :�����.�~ ��- 2 �.�.,-' :-
<br /> >�:�•�.
<br />_ ' "�`""'�"°""" LOREN L LESSIG Bo wer -"
<br />:. ++i���f�:.�'"^.''�M+�� � ,-
<br /> .��i��"���, �..,�,;>�:� �
<br /> � zt,.,.��r , NNIFER J owe�
<br />-:,..;� ` t � STAr&OF NEBRASO(A) •
<br /> --- ...: - (ss:
<br /> �; t' CO�1PtiY OF HALL ) ��
<br /> ,E�l��'��%�`,�;� �
<br /> . . .,.;.
<br /> :�`;F� Or+thlo 15TH d8y of JUNE �18 94 ,before me the undersi ned a Notary Public duly�commissioned and
<br /> • .����;`'. .: . quat641ed tor sald county,personaity came LOREN L LESSIG dND JENNI�R J LESSIG. HUSBAND AND WIFE _ __
<br /> �=:t,..... .,
<br /> . :�'.� .:�;��.. .�. . ,to be the identical person(s)whose name(s)islare su0scrlbed
<br />- ;:>�-.--°• � � ta tho toregoing tnstroment,a�d helahelthoy acknowledge the executton thereof to be htelherltheir voluntary act and dee�.
<br /> ��:�+.•
<br /> • '��..t'::.: GRANO ISLAND, NEBRASKA
<br /> ;��::; : Wi4nese my hand and Notarlat Seal at
<br /> � (•''�=� � , in said�nty,the date atoresald.
<br /> I��''=' -
<br /> , ���;��;�:.��� . �M irrMa �� sZ, k�
<br /> �..::
<br />- t•... .c�'--'�r'>•;. a�1.KA�t Nota Public
<br />__ 'tf• . d■IS rR�� ry
<br /> �:,_ . ... My Commisolon exp�rea: ��. � <4 `f�D
<br />: ,_�; ;
<br /> �� ' MP�OSO(/A's)
<br /> - �:il. . �
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