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1p � ' . . ���/��u17 1 !(l�It�u;. .. . i� " - _ .. �r. <br /> r , f, :� Y{r�t,4�.�-�_ . �l,lll . , <br /> , . <br /> • . ..' ti� • � '; <br /> . , <br /> a,.:� ' - <br /> . • <br /> ._ ,.. .. .. �'C � ,•- � <br /> .. _ �r i . _ <br /> ,. • ��i � �:I ��, <br /> , �.�. , .,.. . . . � - -- —_ __ .. _....___�_ — <br /> .�.,....rc °1 <br /> • �;.! ' ,,�. _. d �i � � ..r �:�&n� - ., — — <br />� , �,- - - - -- -------- �.__�....__.— � <br /> _ _::LS i,� __� _ _ _ __ _. <br /> __�. <br /> . , ♦ <br /> -_ i /Iy1,"l��^["'tT.'iT'-- �M� (����� —— <br /> � xb'ff��'$iF'�iVll`. 7 �� �V`p` - <br />-_ �'"���"f{, t1 `' �46_.., . ..-. <br /> _ . -� �iii.err�:� <br /> + _ <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and e�rae as lollowa: <br /> _ � �.s�s 1. P.rn�.e� a vdne�oa!And (ntWas�8orrowar eha0 promptly pay when due tho prfoaipel of end intOretf on the ___ <br /> ind�M�dne�swld�nosd6yth�Nat�.prepa mentandtatachsrqesuprovldedlntheNots,andthsprincipalofandfnUr�ston -��14 <br /> • �.��,,;,, any Future Advancet eboured by the�of T�uat ; <br />- � R��y��{�w��.SuOccttonppRr.n6lolariartonr�rflten+�eivarbyLe�der,8onow�reh�NpaytoLender �d'.:'', <br /> ` onthsduymonthlyintfatim�nbaof principa�tndlntsrostare0�1►ab�eund�rtheNau,untl�thoNatst�p�idinlutt,�wm(rt�►Nn _.�- <br /> a , ., .�;;t• "Funda")equal to on�•twMtlf�of ihe�yesrly t�c�s artd a��sasmenu whiah m�y�Kefn priority owr Ihis Ds�d o^Tc��not "'�'� <br /> grou�drdnt�ontheProp�rty.ifany,plusoae-twelfthofyearlyp► =�;�;y,;,.__ <br /> ���°��� yoarly premWm inWilments for mortqape tnsurance.if any,atl as reasonehly eatfmsted Initlally and from ttme to tlme by M,"`.,_ <br /> `` '"`�°"°`•'`'� Lendar on the baatsof tue�ansents and"bllla and resaonabls esLmates thmeof• , .�::-.-- <br /> `�:;�:'".,.;,�� '�� TheFun4asP�ailbsheldinanina�tudonMedepoaitsoraccounteofwhiahereinnuredorguarenteed.byaFederaloratate ' ��,,;�; <br /> ; t• i:�• �','� <br />:, :������f���-;;•{, spenay(�nctuding Lender if Lender ia auct�an inaUtudon).Lender ahall apply the lunds to pay sald taxes.aas�s�n�nts{ ;. . ,.;:;"� <br /> ` •4���`�' = •'u+`• InsuraneeprerRiumeand�roundronte.LenddrmaynotahargetorsohotdingnndapptyfngtheFunds.tnst�nlnpaaldaacoun :.,,�T,_ <br /> �,. ,,,,ta,.._ .. ,.•. <br /> ���. ari;�..F���;'�� orverNyfngandcompilingeaidasaeaamentaandbitls unleaaLenderpayeBaaowe►interestontheFundsandappilexblelear : ;k - <br /> rr..��:'• ` �,LL. .: pertnhsLende►tomakssuchaaharge.Bortowerand�andermayagreeinwdtln9atthstlmeotexeaudonotlhiaDdedofTrust .,:�;ti= <br /> ,,y.a,.s• �.... . -�...•. i, t. :�;—,.. <br /> � ,.;;,.,.• r: theR intereat on the Funda ehall be paid ta Bortower,and unl�as such agreement ta made or appIlatlba law requires such .� ��^._ <br /> ,�. �` intereat to be paid.Lender sheU not be requirod to pay 8oeower any imerest or eaminga on the Funda.Lender ehail pive to �• .,�;;:,�n <br /> ��� �:!'�� � :,",'.i.j:.�. 8orrowe►,without char a,an ennuat accounting ntthe Funds showing credits and debits to the Funda and the purpoae to� ;; -•.�,_�;.Y_. <br /> V' �-��r,.;r;;.�;' whicheachdebittothe�undswasmede.TheFundsarep1edgedasaddltipne1seou�ItytotthesvmseecutedbythlaDendot ;,r,- <br /> i�,.�.�. , F "'.. ,': <br /> a''`''t. • ; � �� �:;:T.�• TtUSL ;,;, ..:. <br /> �' �%' �'•' If the amountof ttre funds held b Lender.t ether wltb the tuture monthty instalime�is ot Funds payabte pdor to the due <br /> ,• .. , •;`.'F;;.y:.�,� Y o8 ,. ._ . <br /> }:i:�'y.;,y . 4l.:C f... <br /> ..� - �..4 h, datea ot texes,assasa+rleMe,inaurence premiums and ground rerna.shaU exceed the amount�equlred to p�y setid texea. �� :, <br />'. �'ti'��;i:'S:; - �.„)J.:;�. <br /> • r.t'��7:•'�w aasesemente,insuntnce premiums ettd ground rortts es tbey tall dna,such excesa eha�l be,at BorcowePs oplton,either . - <br /> '-•� ;=• �ij::>.;`'�;� ptomptiy re�atd to BoROwer or crertited to 8orrower on monthly inatallmeMs ot Funds.If the amount of the Fu�da held by �I ������ � <br /> � ��'�t�c;��'•:±;�f Lenderahal rtotbesufHcianttopayta�ces.easessments,insurencepremiumaand groundrentaestheyfaildue.8o�rowerehell . .�,- <br /> ti• �•:r.:� . � • <br /> •;;�t��1�`::�`�: pay to Lender a ny am o u n t ent��ry t o m a k e u p t h e d e fl c f e n c y within 30 de ys from the Eats noUce Is mailed by Lertder to ��` ,: <br /> Borrower requeatlng paym , <br /> :'�,,.���^ Uponpsymentlnf�11rofa11sumasecu�edbythis0eedofT�usRLendershallprompUyretundtoQorroweranyFundaheldby <br /> � Lender.ItunderparagrapAlBhereofthePrope�ty issoldorthePrope�ty isotherwiseacquiredDyLe�der.Lendarahellapp1y ': . y, <br /> , '� noiaterthanimmediatelypriortothesateotfhePropertyoNtsacyulsittonbylenda►.andFundshe�dbylenderatthedmeof <br /> . . app t i c a t t o n a s a c ro�I t s g a f n s t t h e s u ms secured b y thla Deed of 7rust ' ,�• <br /> . +:.. • g, �ppy�ayp�ot parnNnte.Un�ess applicable lew provides otherwise.all payments►ecelved by Lender under the N o t e <br /> � � �! and paragrePhs 1 artd 2'hereof shalt be applied by Lender Hrst in peyment of amounta payabte to Lende�by Bor�owe►under � �}: <br /> pgragraph2hereof,thentointerestpayableontheNote,thentothe�ri�cipaloftheNote,andthentofnte�eatandprincipelon , <br /> any FutureAdvances. �.� <br /> 4, p�ar�s,L,Nn�.Borrowersshailpayallfexes,esseasmentsandothercharges,tinesandimpoaltionsaltrlbu�bletoths <br /> � � Property whfch may att81n�pdorft�over ihis Oeed ot Trust,aod leasehold paymants or ground renta,it any,In the menner , �. <br /> - provided ufl�bi DBta$�!i•�sasett or }}�Qt,$#�tn s�,�.n manr,e�.by Bonower making payment,when due,direatly ta Me <br /> ,' payeethereof.8orrower Oh�U promptiy tum�s�.•o Le�der aU aoticea ot amountsdue untler mta paragreph,and in iha eve�t �? , ; <br /> . � Bortower ahall makepayment directly.Bo�rower ahail promptty fumiah to Lender recei�ts evldencing auCh payments. , �; <br /> Borrower ahall prompny►discharge any lien which has pnority oveT this Deed ot T�usk provided,thal9orrower shall�ot be � � <br /> ,:',t:,,,�� requfredtodiachargea�nY euchliensotongasBorrowershallagreeinwrfHrtgtothepaymemoftheobNgattonsecuredby'�81 �,.,:,,, <br /> `..;.�:;' � Ilen in a manneracc9pm��eto Lender,or ehali in gond faith aontest such�ien by,or detend enforcemen eA ttiereof n in, ;��;��r!. , . <br /> �i; proceddinga whtch operate to prevent the enforc�rment of the tlen or torfeiwre ot the Property or any p .' .i;;. <br /> '�' 6. Muard��utane�•8orrower shall keep the improvements now exiating or hereafter ereeted on Me P�opePty fnsured , ,. , <br /> � � aga te a t Io a s b y fl r e�h a z arda included within the term"extended coverage",and such other ha�ards as Lender may require , ... <br /> 1"� and(n auch amouMs and for such periodaas Lender mey�equire;pfOVl dQd,tl�at Lender shall�ot�equ ire Ma t t he amou n t o t ;1� ., <br /> suCh coverage ex�eed that amount of coverage requfred to pay the aums secured by thia Dead o!Truat ,, <br /> � r;:: Thieinaurancecarrterprovidingtheinsuranceaheilbechoaenb BorcowersubjecttoapprovalbY Lender,provided,thet ;;,.�• <br /> � ' � auch approval ahall not be unreasonably wfMhetd.Rtl premfums on�naure�ce po�iates aheli be paid t^the manner provtded <br /> ' ',.� under psr8graph 2 hereot or,if�ot paid in such manne�,by Borrower making peymen�when due,dl�ectty tothe inauranee ,1;,;;� <br /> � cartfer. <br />- •��; ' AII inauranee policies artd renewals Mereof ahall be tn form acceptabte to Lender and shall inetudo a standard mortgage ��:r; <br />±1;. � elauae in favor of and in form aceeptabie to Lender.Lender shall have the�ight to hold thepoticies and�enewats thereof and �° <br />_ � 8orrowershallprompUytarnishtaLenderallrenewetnodcesandallreceipisotpafdpremiuma.Intheeventotloss.8onower �i <br /> shallgiveprompt�oticototheinsurancocaMerandLender.Lendermaymakeproofotlosstfnotmadepramptlyby8orrower. � <br /> ! UnteasLendBrand eionowerotherwiseagree in wdNng,insuranceproceadsahall beapplied to�estoratlono►repairof the <br /> , � � �,r, ', properiy dam8ged,pravided such reatoration or repair is economfcally teasibie end the secu►iN ot this Oeed of T►ust is not (� <br /> ' � �, thereby impaired.�t auch restoratlon or repair ls not economicaily teasibfe or it the securiry of fhis Deed ot T�ust would be � <br /> �,'��`, � � Impaired,the inaurance proceeda ahalt be epptied to the suma secu�ed by thfs Oeed oi Trust with the exeess,if any,pat0 to �: <br /> � �, Borrower.lf the Prop8rty ia abandotted by 8orrower.or H Bonower fails to respond to Lerdur withln 30 days hom the date <br /> � • � notice Is maited by Lender to 8ortower that the msurance canier oitere to setUe a ciaim tor insurence benefits.Lender fs ,1 <br /> . ,�;��':..;• auModzed to co�tect artdap Piy�Tnsu�rence proceeds at Le�dePs oprion elther to resta►at�on or repa�r ot the Property or to �+! <br /> '� +`� the auma eeeured by this Deed o <br /> ;'r�,�';'�''� `'' UnteasLenderand8orrowerotherwiseagreefnwr�ting,any�uchapp1icationofprocee�stoprinci�atahailnotextendar ,� <br /> , ;;;"�'��• ' ne the due date of the mornhly instaliments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereot or change the amount of such i�, <br />- ;;/t.',+,;.� � nstatimente.I f un der p a r ag r a p h 1 8 h e r e o t t h e P ro p e�t y i s a c q u i r e d b y L e n d e r,a l l�igh�dtle and interest ot Borrower in and to <br /> `,,' '• enyinsurancepo��eieaanciinandtotheproceedsthereofresulUngtromdamagetothePropeAypriortothesateorecquisition '�,�, <br /> �� �'.�••y� �< shaU pas�to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immedfately prior to such set�or aequisiUOn. �' <br /> � ��"�'" ' • - 6. Rnt�e�ratla►andMdnt�nanceofPropKyr.t.�as�hotd�;Corodomink�n�P1ana�dU�RMwbpm�nb.8orrowerahat1 <br /> �i • ��' geep q�e prcperty in good repair and shall not commit weste or permit impaimrent ot dete�foratlon of the P�operry end shatt :� <br /> complywlththepmvtstonsofanyteaseifthis0eedofT►ustisonateasehotd.it4T+�DeedofTnistisonaunitie�acondominium ��� <br /> ,F'� or a planned unit developmen�Bonower ahall pertorm all ot Borrower's o�7i ttons under the dectaration or covenanta � <br /> � �� . creatlng or goveming thd condominium or ptanned unit deveiopment,the by-lews and regutatlons of the condominium or i,i i , <br /> '� plaas�2d unit developmant and constituent documeMs.H a condominlum or planned unit development�ider is exauted by ( , <br /> �` ,`�'i::;�.,. Bp:��rarand recorded to9ether with thia Deed of Trust,Me cover+antsand ag ree�ments of such nder shatl be i�corporated <br /> � �`.�r �,�E;; „ iMO a:a�l ahall amend artd supptement the covenaMS and agreementa of Mis Qeed of Trust es if the rider were e part hereof. � ;: <br /> ,� ^ �, p��tlon pt�end�r'�g�eudq.It Borrowgr tails to perform the covenanb and agreemenb cortained in this Oaed o! <br /> �,, ,�}:. Truat,or it any ection or proceeding is commereoad wtth materiatiy eHects Ler�dePa interest in Me Properly.inatudtng Out not �'�� <br /> _ �f.; ,f;, Ilmitedto�e+nfnentdomain.inao1vency.codeentvraementorarrengemernsorproce�dfngsinvoNtngaOankruptordecedent , ; <br /> then Lender at Lender's option,upon noUce to Bo►rower,may make such appearancea disburse such eums artd Ndke such ;;;, <br /> ��'��. '�.;t''�>tii�`'�,, acttonasianecessarl►tcProtectLende�siMerestlncludittg.butnotlEmitedto,disbursementotreasonableattomey'sfeesand <br /> °'""�'`` ' Qntry upontheProperiytomakerepairs.ItLenderrequiredmo ageinsu�anceasaeonditionofmakingtheloansecuredby '��t <br /> ,�,��;,•; ;:�,•;,�..,.. <br /> '��'�� '� '�'�.'}`_``• the Deed ot Trust Borrower shall paY the Premfums requirer o maintein such insurance in effeet untfl auch tfine as Me <br /> ' .a..,a,�o�enttersuchinsuranceterminatesinaceordancewiMBorrower'sendlender'swnttena�nen►entorap�tiCttlbotaw. ��' <br /> :;;. <br /> --<`' --.------- ... ner�vanA Aoten}. � <br /> �----- - .------�..�--------- •���._. _ • --'-'�--��� .. • . <br /> S' `{?' BOROW@(8�18�)pa y th9 8mount of eli�nortgage msurance Pemnu��a���om�..a..�.a.r......o......�.r--e--. - � ---- <br /> Any amounSS disburssd by Lender pureuant to Mispa ragreph 7,with tnterest thereon, shatl�come edditicnal ., <br /> __ �• } indebtednessof8onowersecuredbythlsDc�dofTrustUnl�ssSonowerendLenderegreetoothertettnsotRaymont,sueh ,j; <br /> arrtounts ahalt be paYabte upon notice irom Lender to 8orrower re4uesttng payment hereof,and shail bear intereat bam the � <br /> ' � dateofdiabursemen3attReretepayablefromrimetotimeonoutshandingprinefpalundertheNoteunfesapaymentofinterest s <br />, at SuCh rete would b8 contrary to epplicabie�aw,m which ovent such amounts shall bear Inlerest at Mo highest rate . <br /> petmlasibleunderappltcabtetaw.Nothingcontainedinthisparagraph7shait�equirelendertoincura�yezpensearffikgany . <br /> acUon hereunder. ; <br /> � e, lmpa�tlon.Lertder may make or cause to be made reasoneble entnes upon and inspecttons ot the PropeAV prowded <br /> '�' thatLendarshaligive8orrowernohcepriortoanysuchinspectionspecdying�easonab�ecausetheretorereiaterfo�ender's � <br /> ;� , interest fn the P�ope�ty. , <br /> �f � � I <br /> � <br /> � '�' <br /> 1 . _� . , <br /> , � <br /> , _ � <br />