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<br /> TFiM1 DEED aF TRU$T ia le�ihii _ ��''Zc 'drry o9_ 54�+� � —
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<br /> sti�nn L. !'ulles anQ
<br /> ���._.;:_.�flKttq 1h!Ttu�lor� ---,-.--r--- �?X'=...�r...Y'L�lr- .-
<br /> he�aband and y�f� (t�n"�orc41w�"1�Fira�x dlrik�(�I�aMOn�l AMOOi�liO�, ,� .
<br /> . (hrwha.hMbnskg IMr�Fn"T�uq�e"I,md E�rnNai�ry.Fin?isr 8�nk.IVdioMd A�oo4lion.On�l�a,Nrbr�k�.• •1�
<br /> corporatbn or�nizad+�nd.sxlstin�untler th�I�wt ot TM UnlEid�SlMss of Amsriq.who�a�ddr�a!s 1�00 ,�,
<br /> � Fe�m�m 9Ne��,omeha.N�br�Mca.88102-2ts3(h�r�"LeacMr"j. ., 'r.''�
<br /> � BOqROYYER,in cChsidaration af the+niMhtedne�a harsin�ecitad�nd th�trust hKNn crMe�d,lrtrv�oc�by -��,< _
<br /> aranis�nd�conwya/oT�ustee,intrust,withpowetotsala,,ih!l1qilCWi�'�pdesCtfbddpraP�f.YIOGt�dinttllCOUMy ti�"
<br /> ' of tt�►il �St�ts ol N�braska: .
<br />_ , B1oak �rentg (20), L.ot Saux (4), Kernolian & Decker Subdivisioa, City „ ��``
<br /> o£' Gk;a:td Island, fSall Ctsimty, tiabraaha. �'.'�:i --
<br /> . .,+�;,.�
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<br /> ,. � �. . � , � , , .,
<br /> S� .' • .
<br /> .2 . .
<br /> • .. : '-
<br /> � 'which h6�s the address of 1521 We��•1,s� S�zeet Grand ieland .
<br /> . . . ,Sn�n tc�n _
<br /> Nebraska 68801 (herein"ProperlyAddreas"); e
<br /> �srr.nerwcoon
<br /> TOiiETHER with ail the improvements now or he�eafter erected on the•prAperly,and all easements,righta, . -
<br /> appurtenances.rents�subj�ct however to the�igtfts and aulhoNtles glv�n herein to Lender to coitectand appty , �.,
<br /> such renta),royalties,mirter�l;cil and gas�ights end proflts.water.water dgh3a,and water stock and a11 Nxtures `-
<br /> now or hereafter ettached to the property.all of whtcn,Inctuding�opigaementa and additfona thereto.ahalt be '�;
<br /> deemed to ne and remaM a paN of the propeRy covered by this Deed of Trus�and all of the bregoing.toget�ar , :
<br /> with said property(or the leasehold estate it this Oeed of Trust ta on a teashald)'erci herein reterred to as the I_;.
<br /> ..PropeRy': _�...
<br /> i_.
<br /> . , - -- ___.�a.�._ --- ------- -..n.t Mu Q�vrnLrnr'n nnln dStCd --
<br /> 7V`1�C4'YRG[O{.Lrt[JLTi'�ej atv iapanaatn vr a+o ii�wirsw..a�o•�•.•�••••���r••�••+••�•_.-------- :
<br /> aune io, 1994 (h�rein"Note"),in the prinaipal sum of Ten thousana and no/100- :
<br /> �—
<br /> (s10 00o Q41 - -- -- ------- - Dollara,with Mtem�t thereon.previding b�monthly installmenb ''
<br /> ot principal snd intere�st,w6th the bainnce of the indebbdneas,i}not saoner paid.due end payable on
<br /> sune 15, 1�98 — _.;tha paym��of all other smna with inMro9t thereon,adranced
<br /> in accordance hxswith to protect!he sscurih o!lhis Lteed of Tn�st artd th�pertonnancs of the aavertants end =
<br /> eQro�m�nb of 8o�rowrer herein consatned;and all�enewalt,ext�s[ons and modlNcarions theraof;end(b)thb
<br /> repaym�Mof anytutureadvanCes.wNh i�te��stintheraon,madeto 6orrowerayLendsrpureuanttopara��ph21
<br /> her«of�nein Futun Advances 7.
<br /> gpqpOWER covenants 4hat Rarrowar ie I�wiully�eized of Me astats heroby conve�rod and hat the ri$ht to •
<br /> nr�rie�nd co�wy th�Pro�ty.that ths Prop�Ay b unen�umbN�d,end that Bo►rawer witi wartant u�d dehnd -
<br /> yenKally Ms�tN ta Me Prq�Ay�ain�all elafms a�nd d�mands,�ubJeet to any eleelarariom.�n�nb or _
<br /> ro�tnicHona li�tad in s achedule ot exceptlons t�carerege tn any Utte insur�nc�poltcy inaurind Wnder's fnterest .
<br /> in the PropesN.
<br />