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<br /> -. - 9.Con64mnetloa.71►e procno�f9 ul any nwarU or cin�ni tor damn{�os,ci�rect or conaaquentiel,in canmcuun wtth�ey
<br /> candemnnUan orothar Uk�np otthe Nropnriy,or pArl thereul,t�r tAr convey�nci�n 11eu ateortd�emnatlon,sn henlsy�ROipntd
<br /> - and ths0 0�p�Id to L�nd�r.
<br /> . In Ihs�vent ot*IQt�,i toking of thn F+roperry,lhe Rrocaect�a�a11 be appl�ed to tne eums d�aut�d by thll�Jwd o!Tnitt.with -
<br /> th��KC���,If 4nY.P�Id to 9or�owar.l�the�vtnt ot�p�Atal taktnq af tM Prop�rry,VnNN 8orfowM�n0 L�MNr�wIM
<br /> nprwlnwrltinp,than�haflh�appitedtelNeaumsNt:ur�dbythl�DNdoftrulteuthproportlonoHh�pracNd�ulorqwlW
<br /> '-�=� th�ipto�N�onwh�chtheemounintthheum�ee!r.�mxlhylhl�[ieedotT�uetlmmec�6�tMyprlortothadaMoft�klnpb�lereMthe �.___
<br /> foii m�ck.t v�lue of th�tlrop��yr Immed�elNy prlpr to th�dat�ot t�kinp,with th!Wt�ncA ot tM ptoca�di p�fd to 8otrowar.
<br /> If Ihs Propart�r la eb�ndoned by Borrawsr,or If,dt�r not�c�by Lsndes to Bor�Awe�th�t Ms candemnor ofhrs to mRk�an
<br /> - ----- nward o►scttle A c�atm for dam�gea,6orrower Ialie to�eepond ta LenB�r wiMln 3C dlya atter Ms dtM tuch flodee b inait�d.
<br /> Lender�a authorlaed to coitact ertd applyMe proceeda,at Lender'e optlon,eiMer ta restorsrion or ropalr of ths Ptoperty ato
<br /> Ihe tume aeaured by this Qead of Trua�
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrowar otherwtse agree tn wntfng,any such applicatlon otp►oceedsto prinaipsl sha��notextendor
<br /> _ poatpone the due date of the mo�thly inatalimente rotened t�In paragmpha 1 and 2 hereof or change ths amount of aueh
<br /> Insfallmenb. F _.
<br /> 7 10. Bonow�rNotRNnMd.ExtensionolthetimalorpaymentormodifiCationotomortizaUonofthesumsaeaundbythi�
<br /> » Oesd of Truat gtantad by Lende�to any eucceaaor in intere�t of 8o�rower ahall�at opernte to release,in any mmner,the
<br /> �`: tiabffityottheorlginet8orrowerendBorrowe�'sauaceararsinterestl.endershellnotberequirodtocammenceproceedinpa -
<br /> I against such succeasor or►etuse to extend time tor payment or otherwlse modlf�r amortlrstien of the suma aecured by thie.
<br /> Oeed of Trust by nqaaon ot any demand made by the origfnai 8o►►ower and Bonower's aucceaaora in fnterest
<br /> 11. Forb�araneo br L�ndK NM a W�.Any forbearance by Lender in ezeroising any right or romedy hereunder,or �,
<br /> otherwise etferded by apptlaabte law,ahall not be a walve►o!or prectude the exercise pf any euch dght orremedy Tha
<br /> procurementoflnsuranceofthepayrt�entoftaxesoroYroerlienaorcha�gesbyLendersheitnoibeawatvero/Lencbersrl�Mto __
<br /> uscelarato tho.rtwtutiy ot tha MQ�tedrtess 5ecnred by this Deed of Tn�f. °-"'-
<br /> �.:,:
<br /> � . 1�. Ren��ihs Cusnui�tive Ait remedies provided in this Oeed of Trust are di5iinet and cumulaUve to any ather rtght or �L
<br /> remedyundetthiaDeedotTruatoreBoMedbyleworequity,andmaybeexercisedconcuRently,independentlyorauct�ssively. �'p'
<br /> . ,r,.,:�`;:•:'''�`,• .: 13. Succa�wesand 8ound:dofaUnd9waralUa . �`:;;
<br /> Asaipm Nfiry�Ct�bn�.7hecovenanbandagr�ernenbhereincoMained
<br /> .� shailbind,andMSrightshereundershalllnureto.therespoctivesuccessorsandassignaofLenderandBonower,eub;ectto •
<br />- . • '��„�'�' lheprovlsfonsofpa�agr�ph77hereof.Allcovenanbandag�eementsotBonowershallbe�ointandae��eral.TAecaptiensand ��+'�-.:�
<br /> �� headings ot the paragraphs ot thi9 Deed of Trust are fo�convenlence only and are not to be used to tnterpret or d9Nne the ``°'`
<br /> :i.:-� ,, a.
<br /> '`'��j...�:°::•:.�;�;��.� , � ,:�::;ir:
<br /> ,,.��:t'.;r�,:/�� ,,;. p ovlsionshereof. ,
<br /> -� u"%�u'�,•�°.� • � 14. Notice.Exceptfaranynoticerequiredunderapplicabielawtobegiveninanothermanner,(a)anynoUcetoBonower �`�+'
<br /> � r��;''4_�'��`° .;�:�` %! providedMrinlhfsDeedofTrustshellbegwenbymaiifng suchnoticebycertfietlmaiieddressedroBorrowerattheP�operty '
<br /> ''�`�� ` Address or at auch oMer address as Borrower ma dest nate A notice to Lend�r as provided herefn,and(b)an natice to
<br /> �, �t -`:;..�.•„ . . Y 9 Y Y
<br /> `�i.;�1 ,.�i! �4�r.z�;;;c-1�a�•� Iendershall0egtvenby Certifiedmail,retumreceiptrequested.toLender'saddressatatedhereinortosuChothe�addresaas
<br /> � ����•�; LendermaydesignatehyooUceto9orrowerasprovidedherein.Anynoticeprov;ded.'orinthis0eedotTrustahalibedeemed ;';`
<br /> , ;. .: ',
<br />� '� „a�,;;3, t��,-• • to h�41 RequesttorNotice Trustor andb neflelaryreq estthatacopvofa�o2iTCeofdefeuttandnoticeo4s�temadeor ",`<�
<br /> � ` '� s , �'r r`;;4� { '�r �,., exeCUted by the T►ustee pursuant to theprovlsions ha�eot be sent ro the T►usto�and 8eneficiary at Meir respea¢ive malling
<br /> � � � �: addresses aet totlA abovo."
<br /> .'�`-'" ��,fiy` � ' �`' 1S. Unitorm D�ad at Tn�s�(ioremin� l,�w:S�veabftit�r.The form of de2d of trust combines uniform covenants for
<br /> �:��, :i:�f"!'. ' natlonel u9e&nd nort-unifoim covenanta with timded vanations by junsdictton to constitute a uNtorm securiry inshument �
<br /> ;"��'�`-<<'''`%'�` , cavering real propeRy.This Oeed ot Trust shall be gavamed by the�aw of the�urlsdicdon in which the Property is located.l�
<br /> :.Y�4�l;,;�.ff�', the event lhat any provfsion or alause of this Deed ot Trust or the Note conftiots with appticable Iaw,auch contiiot shail not
<br /> r;:.. attectotherprovisionaofthisOeedotTrustortheNotewhichcanbegiveneRectwithouttheconNictlngprovisions.andtothis -
<br /> ��'�'`�`�'"•1 ` end the provisions of the Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severabte.
<br /> =�•3rr:���-^��^:•-•• •� 1!. Borrow�r's Copr.Borrower shall be lumfshed a conformed copy of the Note and ot Mis Oeed of Trust et the hme ot
<br />. .;•`4ti• : �._�• : execution or after recordadon hereof.
<br /> �.riw.=:.ti'y ..,.. , 17. TaI�1KOf th�Ptope�ry;Assumpdoa.If all or eny part o!the property or an interest therein is sold or transterred by
<br /> , .T;y,:w•y;.�;<.. .,;•.. BorcowerwithoutLender'spriorwrittenconsent,excluding(a)thecreationolalienorencumbrancesubordinatetolhis0eed
<br /> �� `�,;; �• •'� •s ofTrus�(b)thecreationofapurchasemoneysecuntyinterontorhouseholdeppliances.lc►atransferby devisedescentorby
<br /> ' �.i�d'� =�.�"-:.�..,.: operadonoflawuponMedeaMofajolnttenantortd)thegrantafenyteasetioldintereatofihreeyeaesorlesanotcontainingan
<br /> ',� �' +a'+�a^� �' •� opUantopurchase,Lendermay.atlender'soption,deelareeltMesumtsecuredbythf9DeedotTrusttobeimmedlatelydue
<br /> '''����`'�r'-� and payab�e.Lender sha�i have wa�ved such option to aoceterate ft,prror!o tfre�aie or trenster.Lender and the person to
<br /> " �'�^`��"" �" �' whom the PropBrty is to be sold or t�anslerred reach agriiementVn wnNrtgRhM tfle�creditof such person is sedstactory ta
<br /> • + w^"��-�� � lenderandMatMeinterestpayableonMesumsescuredbythisDeedofTrustahalibeatsuchrateaslendershellrequea�if
<br /> �"�a4••.., .
<br /> r �•,,.•:�.��,..r. � Lende►haswaivedtheopttontoacCelerateprowded�nthfsparagrapAt7.end�t8orrower'ssuccessorininteresthasexecutc3d
<br /> d
<br />_ ;.r.. �• '� ew�iaenasaumprionagr�amentacceptedi�wntingbyLende�.LendershallreleaseBorrowerhoma11ob1igaUonsunderthis
<br />_ ��F��� �- . . Deed ot T�ust end the Note.
<br /> ,•�,...t.,. .
<br /> it��+ �• �t Lende�exercises such option to eccelerete,�ender sha�t matl 8orro�rer norice of acceleration�n accordance wiM
<br /> :...,.._...
<br /> ^ ,�.; --,•,��.;. , paregrapht4hereof.Suabnoticeshaliprovldeaperiodofnotlessthan30deyslromtnedatethertoticelsmaitedwithinwhich
<br /> .,,! �°'s`.. .. Bonawer may pay the sums dectared due.I}Borrower faits to pay such sums prior to the expiretlon ot such penod,Lender �
<br /> " •�•�;;;, may,without fuRher not�co o�demand on 9orrower,invoke any�emedies permftted by paragraph 18 hereof. �
<br />`'�� �� ';�;�'r� � NON•UNIFORAA COOI�AiAHTS.Borrower and Lender furtha covenam artd sgree ss toilowr.
<br />-;,�;,�. � ., :.._,
<br /> ,• � °�4:�"'= te. ACCe1snl�tara:�iemNliq.Faccept as provided in paragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower s breseh of any covenant or
<br /> ,���i; ,� agreBmeMOlBorrOwerinthiSOeedotTrus�includingthecovenantstopaywhendueanysumsseturPdbythlaD�dotTtust �
<br /> Lende�pnartoacceleraYlan sha�l mail noticeto 8orroweras provided in paragraph 14 he�eof specitYf�g:(t)thebreach;(2►the
<br /> ;�s��7 actlanrequi�edtocuresuchbreach;(3ladate.notlessthan30deyst►amthedatemenoriaeismaliedtosorrower,byWhfCh ��:-��
<br /> - suchbreachmustbecure�l;and(4)thatteiluretocuresuchbreachonorbeforethedatespecrttedinthenoticemayresultin �� :,�•
<br /> • r;t;.';;;' a
<br /> ' � �'t�� rfght to refn tete atte aa el��atfon and 1he�right to b ing a�ouR actton to esseR 4he ton-ex8stan e ot a d aun o�a y o oe ; �,i;,',
<br /> � ` detenseat8orcowertoacceteradonandsate.ltthemreachlsnotcuredonorbeforethedatespeeitkadinthenoHce,Lenderat �
<br /> i.. . V .. . . I
<br /> ;;;:•�'�i;s ' , . Lender's opZion may deciate all ot the suma secured by this Deed of Tn,st to Ee immediately duo and payabie wiMout further
<br /> "'+'i:'s`' , ;" demend end m8y mvoke tl�e power of sat�s and any other remedies permftted by applicabie iaw.Lertder shall be enritled to '
<br /> ,_,::!�t, • collect a�l reasonab�e apsts and expenses incurred in purswng the remedies prowded in the paragraph 18,i�cluding,butnot � ,:;
<br />-•. t,.�}>,: . , timfted to,reasonabte attarney's tees. , •:••,
<br /> . . it the power of sale is invoked,Trustee shait record a notice of detault in each county in which the Property o�aomepaR '��;�;
<br /> • thereot Islocated end shati mailcopies otsuCh notice in the mannerprescribed by applicabie lawto 8orcowerand toMeother
<br /> . persons prescdbed dy app�icabie law.Atter ihe lapse ot suCh time as m3y be reqwred by appifca4te law.Trustee shail give
<br /> _ .�_,. pubtic rtotice ot sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by apptiGa�le law.Trustee,witt�out demend on Bor►ower, i
<br /> f shallsellMePropeRyatpublicaucdvntothehtghestbfdderatthetim�andplaceandunde�thetern+sdesignatedinlhe�oNce �
<br /> of eale in one or more parceis and in such order as Trustee may determirto.Trustee may postpone sale of aII or any parcel ot ,,;
<br /> „� r;� _ _- _ —,� trtt3 Ptopeny py puonc anrtouncement atcne ame a�o ptace ot am+prev�oasiy scnec�uieo seie.�encer or�encersaes�gnee :�,
<br /> z :� 1 ` , may purchase the PropeAy at any sale. .
<br /> UpCnreCeiptofpaymentofMeprfcebid.Trusteeshalldetivertothepurchasertruatee'sdeedconveyfng thePropertysold.
<br /> - , �-n" • The�eaitalBinMeTrustee'sdeedshaUbeprimetacieovidenceottRetrutAO?lAestatementsmadetherefn.Trusteeahallapply
<br /> � the proceeds otthesalein the foltow�ng order:(a)toall reasonable costsa�0+expensesof thesale,mctuding,butnotllmitedto,
<br /> `>;����' T�ustee'sf�esofnotmorethan 4botthegrosssaleprtce.reasonabteattomey'steasandcostaofUtleevfdenco;.
<br /> _ �� ' �b)to atl sums secured by thts Oe�d of Trust a�d tc)the excesa�t any,to Me person or persons tegatly enrided theroto. ' ,
<br /> - �. � 19. 8arow�r's Rlpht to RNnstat�.Notwithstanding Lender's accetereron of Me sums secu►ed by thls Oeed of T�ust
<br /> � , BonowershallAaveMe�ighttoAaresnyproceedingabegunbylendertoentorcethoD�edofT►uatdiaaontlnuedatanytlme
<br /> � �' � pnortotheeadiertooccurot(f)thelitthdaybetorethese�ootthePropanypursuanttothepowerofsa�econtainedinthe0ead
<br />.:I � .,, . of Trust(ii��ntry vt a judgment entorcmp this Oeed ot Trust�t:(a)Banower papa Lender all suma which would bethen due �
<br /> - j x . undQr thie Qeed ot TrusL Me Note and notes secunng Future Advances.�t any,hed no accelerarion occured�(b)Bofroweo �
<br /> �� i;4 ,� curea al l breaches of any other covenants or agreementa of Bonower contatrted in thfs Qeed of TrusE�c)Bortawer paya all
<br /> �� �- ` "y � reasonabloexpenaest�curredbyLenderandTrustaeeeforcingthecovenants&ndagreemer�aot8orrowereontainedinthis �
<br /> i:'M�t � .�y> � �
<br /> � � L��.•� OeedofTrustartdinenforcirtglende►'sandTrustee'sremedtesasprovidedinparagraphlBAeroot.lnctudirtg,butnottimited ,
<br />- ��'�• " ��' to,reasonableettome atees:and(d)8orrowertakesauchactionasLendermayreaaonaQl r ulretoaa�urethetMellenof
<br /> _. �. •_ • , Y' 11 e4 �
<br /> " � this 08ed of Trust Lendor'o interest in Me PrapeAy artd 8orrower's obltgation to pay Me suma secured by this Oeed of Trust
<br /> sha�l ConUnue ummpafred.Upon such paymant and cure by Borrower,fhis Oeed ot Trust and the obligaUons securod hereby
<br /> � shall rpmain in full torce and ettc3Ct as�t no accelerntion had cCCUnE3d.
<br />