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<br /> - --_---_' B, Y��t�ra�;s� or Y'm�rty T►►�ut�t�:c. )r3orxo�vcr shall kcc� tl►e irnprovcmcr.ts uaw cxi;ting on c�te�sft�r c�:ccrc! on ths
<br /> I�ropccty i�►suT�YA ugainst t�ss hy fir�.ha�arda icxtudod within tho term "cxtendtid coveragr" and any ather hara�rde, irulucting
<br /> fl�c►de or iltnx{ipg,fnr wiiisl�Lender toq�iira inuwrance.Thls insu�nce shsil lse maiMxined in rhe art�Otints �tnd fiir the pn'iod�
<br /> thut I,cad�r c�ulrcs. 7'ha insurancc carcicr providing thc�nsu�nse shali be chosen bK �orcower subjoct ta l.or�lei s appravd
<br /> ��hich sht�U:nAt !x unaexau►bly withheid. If Borrower fails tu mwinuin rnver�ge dexcriixd abuve�Leqdar m�y.Rt Le�ier'�
<br /> �_ , optintt,.abtnin��U�cta}�c to protcct Ltnder'a dghGg ln the P'raperty in accottlartcs with p�ragnph 7. ,
<br /> Ail inui�'u-.:�palicie�ar�d rcnewals slwll be aceeptabfe tu i..ender and stwll inciwte a s4rixl��'d jjwrt�,ugc cluua:. Lu'.�:.r �- -
<br /> shall l�uvo thn•t�IIht to hold thc pulicia and a�xwals.If Lender requim.Borrower slull pmmptly give to'l.ender dl ruxipts of
<br /> paid pt�mittmi�urxl rcnewul rtot�ccs.In the event of loss.&+rrower shnp give ptnmpt noti�x to the is►surnnce c�rrlcr and Lencler.
<br /> l,ens4ar m�mnke proof of'loss if not made pmmptty by Bormwar.
<br /> - —= Unle.�ss L�dar and Bormwer otherwlse ugr�o in wridng�insnrcmce proceeds shnll be apptla!to eestoratton or repair of the
<br /> a� Proprrt�r dtun;lgod,if the restoration or repuir iR eranomieally frasible and Lender's czcwity is not lessenod. IP the cestoration or
<br /> repaar l.�nat craonomically feasible or Lencler's saurfty would be lessened.the inswance pmcx:ecis ahall be appticd to the�ums —
<br /> - scxurod by this Sccurlry instrumcnt.whether or not thcn due,wtth any excess paid to Borrower. If Horrower abandonv thc
<br /> Pmperty. ar.d�+�not answer within 30 d'ays a notise fmm Lender thut the lasurance c�rrler hag offered to settle a claim,then
<br />� ?j� Lend�r mqy �t►ltcct d�e insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Pmperty or to pay sums
<br /> � s�xural by thih�xurity Insuument.whethcr or not then due.The 30�day pertod will begin whan ttee notix is given.
<br /> _ '— Unl[�ss Le�nder a�d Borrowcr otherwise agree in wridng, aiay applIcatton of prooceds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> - pastpane thn d�e�dnte af the manthlY paYments refertec!ta in paragraPhs i and 2 or char�ge the amount of the payrnmts. If -
<br /> _ �� und�T pnrag�h 21 tho Property is asquired by I.ender.Bomower's right to any insurarut p�Iicles and Qraceeds resutuing from
<br /> ' d�un�go to thp Property prior to the aoquisirion shell pass to I.ender to the eatent of the sums sRrured by this Savrity Instnur.ent
<br /> � immadiatalg prior to the acquisitlon.
<br /> 6.pccu fl�cy,P�eservuUon,Matnteaanoe and Protedion oi the Pirope�ty;Borrower's Lo9n Application;Leasehoids.
<br /> {� Barmwer sbftll occupy,estublish,and use the Property as Bormwer's principal r�idetcce within sixty days after the eaecutian of
<br /> � this Secudrr Insuument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower s principal�+esidence for at least one year after
<br /> tho dnip of o:.cupmuy,unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing.which rnnsent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> ' extanuating c4rcumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Barrower shall aot desuoy. damnge or impair the _
<br /> praperty, aii+�w thc Properiy to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Botrower shall be in de�ault if any forfeatwe
<br /> �� actiar.or pmceeding. whethec ci�•il or criminal.is begun that in i.ender's good faith judgment could�rsult in forfeiture of the —.
<br /> t
<br />-' .____ �•��. � Pmpeny onnthenvise materiallv impair the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or Lendes's secudty interest. Borm�ler may
<br /> , - - - —_
<br /> cune such n.defuult and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the 3ction or pmo�edins to be dismissed with a rutiug �
<br /> thpt. in Len►ier's good faith determinaaion. precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interesc in the Property or other msterial
<br /> .• '� impaitment•�f che tiencreated by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry interest. Borrower shall also be in default if _
<br /> Hnrro►ver.dirri�g the lon�upplication process,gave materially false or inaocurate informadon or statements to Lender(or failed
<br /> ��y�� to provido Lertder wisth an�y material informarion)in connecuon with the taan evidencad by the Note,including,but not liadted . _
<br /> - .i'��t�+� to. rcpr�ntnNons concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Prop�rty as a principal residence. If this Security Instrwne�e is on a
<br /> � leasehald, kTomower shall comply with all the psovisions of the lease. If Borrower acquir�s fee title to the Pmpr�rty. the
<br />= , . . .(`�°`• laasehnld a��d tho fce a�le shali not mer�e unless l.ender agrees to thc merger in writing. _
<br /> 7,Pt�iection of Gender's Rtghts in the Pto�rty.!f Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in _
<br /> ! this Secwi`ty Instrument. or there is a legal proceeding that may significandy�ffect[.ender's righu in the Property(sudt �a _
<br /> � proo�ding in bunkruptcy.prabate, for condemnation or forfei[ura or to enforce l�ews or tcgulations). then Lender may do and
<br /> . j _ puy far Wfiatever is �tocessnry to pmtect the value of the Property and I.ender's rights in the Property.Lender's actians muy
<br /> �,, , i'""^ includ� puying any �ums secut+ed by a lien which h�s priority over this Security Instrumer.t. appearing in court, paying _
<br /> i. }^'�� rasonabiu uttorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may tuke action under this paragraph ___
<br /> ° �;�"�� 7,Lensle:r dces not have to do so. _
<br /> ��'%�� Ac�y amounts disbursed by i.ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bormwer uxured by this _�-_y
<br /> :3;�_, ��r. �.°�•'-
<br /> ,.r�...xra:��;<•;:.'. ` Security Inswment. Unless Borrower and I.ender agree ro other terms of payment.t�ese�u�wunts shati beur interest ftom the ���_
<br /> . �. �:•,p:�.X.
<br /> ° ,t�, data af dit�bursement At the Note rate and shall be payable. with interest. wpon noticc from l.ender to Barrower reyuesttn� -,�{..
<br /> � �, puymtmt. - `
<br /> '��a: • 8:11�1[ortgage L�surance.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a rnndition of ma�iing the loan sacurod by this Security �;
<br /> •'� Inscnim�zet. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintuin the mortgnge insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the .,,
<br /> ' ;, mortga&c insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the premiums require�to '
<br />' . "• obtznn rnveragc subatantfally equivnlent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a crost su bstanti a l ly equiva len t to t h e �
<br /> » �-. cost tn 8orroaer of ths mortgnge insurance previously in effect, fmm an altern�te rnortgage insurer approved by I.ender. if i.
<br /> . subbtunrially equivulent mortgage insurance coverage is not availab(e.Borrower shall pay to l.ender e.zch month a sum equal to
<br />• • • '� or�4a•e{fth of the yeariy mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insarance covemge Iapsed or ceased to
<br /> _ .; .�<< b�in etf�ect.Lender will uceept.use and retain these puyrnents as a toss reserve in lieu of mort�age insurance. t.oss resecve
<br /> ��4 �• Form 3028 9190 ;
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