� .,i. . ��7. �'�1 L!�':i�i�}� . �.. ,� -_ .
<br /> -�' � �+' � .- _ _.
<br /> .._� �`t, ' ..�° _ . ..._ ___ . . ' __ . ._ .. -
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<br /> � payments may tt�►ia»g�r bn req�lraA.at tht��St;�n�,�E L,fn��;�r. if�nortgage insuruncc covcragc(in iluc xnaur►t atxl fc�r�h��erictti
<br /> thu�Le�tder reqnire9)pr�vidixl by nn insurar ap�sc+vcd t►y,�..e�xier ageiu becomce availabla und lw abtutix[i.C��x�owsr shull F+r,y
<br /> tho premiums r�quire�l to,auiin�i�i mortgage inqnmtu:s.i�n',�ffect,ar to provldo a los9 mscrva,unti�the requ�renjv:nt f�c�jwrt��go
<br /> Insurat�enctet in Accondance with nny writt�ra sgta�mcrit betwetn�orrower arid l.ender ar xppticthSp Inw,
<br /> 9. Iu�peclbn.4e�xlor pr it�agent m�y m�}cr:�c�►ne61e entrles upon nnd inspxttons of t�a,Pm�Cny.l�ndcr shal�give
<br /> Bormwer notioG at t)x�tiivn af or pdor to an 1a4peGt3�n Spoclfying.reason�ble cauae for the inspax�oa..
<br /> -�.--- 10. C���nstlon�Tho proceeds af uqy.awrut+d us.sloim fot d�mages. direct or consequ�utul,in conne�tion with aay
<br /> --__-__-�
<br /> condemnalian or�the�'taking af uny part nf t1�r Pta�Rf►ar far rnnveyancs io lieu of condemnatlon.are hereby assigned snd '
<br /> _ shnit be pai�to l.,cr�dar.
<br /> In tho evem�f u tatnl takinp of the Prnpr.rty.tha piaceeds shull be applied to the surns secured by thfs Srcurlry lnsttucnent.
<br /> whether ar not ehen duu� with any excesa p�id;to Hormwer. in the event of n partial taking of the Pmperty in which the fatr
<br /> market vuluc of tho,Pr.nparty immedintely befam.ths.,ta'ii»�,ts equal to or grrster than tho amount af the su►n�,secut�ed by this
<br /> - _ .r__ Scxudty iastnunent immadiatety 6efore the takeng,un�a�i�xtmwer and Lender othcrwtse agroc In writinp.:t�a.sums secural by
<br />- thia Secudty Instnunant shall bo r+educed by ths��AnnAt�nt��f the proceeds multiplied by tha.follaw3nA�,frarxion: tu)the wtai
<br /> nmount of ths sums aecuaM immedtately.befora tht tatcing, dlvIdrd by(b)the fair�nsk�t valua af tho lPrupeaty immed3atefy
<br /> before the takiuQ..Any balunao shall be pa1Q Uo Boxmwer. In thc event of a partial caklnB of tha Pno�tty in which tho fair
<br /> market vnluce of tho P�orty immediutely brfota thr�taltatig,is less then the amount of t➢►�r�ums secx��rsd immediately before the
<br /> taking,uale�s Bcumvier and Lertder othrnvisa ag�ee tn�vriting or untess upplicuble[aw otheruiwe:provides,the procesds shall
<br /> be uppHed w�ha sum�secured by this Sea.�urit�!xnstcument,w?rther ar not the sums are then du���
<br /> If the.i*�'opqtty Is abandanad by Bormwe�.or ff,aft�a�sice by LeFtder to Borrower that the oaadanrsor offers to make an =_
<br /> award or settie a cluim for damages. Barmwec feils tn re9p�+nd to Lender within 30 duys after the d2te the nottce ia given,
<br /> Lender is authori�d to coUect and apply the procecds�at its��tion.etther to restoration or repair of the Praparty or to the sums
<br /> secured by thia Secudiy Insttument.whethet or not the�a aluw:
<br /> � �, : UNass I.endar and Borra�ver otherwisc agme• �n writing, any application of proceed.g to principn! shatl aot estend or
<br /> postpone tho dua dnta of the manthly payc�nss mfeat�ed ta in paragraplss 1 and 2 or chtinge the amount af sucb pay�ents.
<br /> ,� Il.Borrower NoX R�euSed;Fork�ranae By�.CSmdert,Not n�Yaiver.ExtensIan of the time for paymet�or modification
<br /> Sp�,, . of amortizatIon of the sums secured by this Serurity Insttutr�snt graicted by Lender to any successor in interest of Bomower shail
<br /> r '``;.. � r._,,.�. not opernte to releuse the Ilability af the ariginal Aorrowac or Borrower's successors in irtterest. Lender shall not be required to
<br /> �,c�R. ,. .�..
<br /> .���.4G x`, ',.._-� .
<br /> •�-:>,....... : .,, : �• commence pmceediaga against any successar in inteaest or refuse to extend tIme for payment or atherwise modify amortizadon
<br /> �`': � of th� sums secural by this Securtty Instrument by reasnn of any demand made by the orlginal Borrower or Borrower`s
<br /> �y�L.,.,'., . ... �. . v t
<br /> - ;�,•;�... :.:; �, suc.x^vscr in tntar�. 4a, fot�tste by i.et�er_st e?trre9si�tg eny ei��t or cemedy stiall not be a waiver of or Preclude the .
<br /> ...;��:, exercise af any right or remedy.
<br /> '�.•�' ` � . 1Z. Sucoessors and Ass�gns Bound; doint and ��veral LiabSltty: Co-signers. The covenants und a�menu of this
<br /> -��' . -
<br /> �;:� ._ _ `, 5erurity Instn�ment shall bind and benefit thr succeasors and assigns of Lender and Bornower,subject to tho pmvistons of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrawor's covenants and ugreements ahall be joint and several. Any Borrower who casi�ns this Security
<br /> ` � Instrument but does not execut¢the Note: (�l in co-signing this Security Instn�ment only to manguge,�rant and convey iFtat
<br /> 1':''' � ' Borrawer's interest in thu Praperty under the tern�of this Securtry Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sucros
<br /> ,.;....,.°
<br /> secured by thi�Security Instrument;and(c)ugrees that 1..er�ter and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear ar
<br /> �L„r:;"� make any acoommadations with regard to thc terms af this Security Instrument or the Note without that 9orrower's rnnsent.
<br /> � • 13.I.actn Chtu�es.If the loun secura�f by this Sectuity Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> and that Inw is finully intorpreted so that the intcrest or other loan charges collected or to be milexted ie►connection with the
<br /> ..��� laan Bxoced th�parmitted limits,then: (u)any such laan charge shai( be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> to tho permitted limit; und(b)any suma�Inady coHawd from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will 6e refunded to
<br /> Borrower. L.endet may choose to malce this mfund by reducing the princlpal owed under thes Note or by mn[cing a direct
<br /> , payment to Borrawer. If a refund reduces princi�:�l, the reduction will be treated a+ u pattial prepayment without any
<br /> " ,� ; prepaymant eharge under the Note.
<br /> .:�.,; 14.Notfc�.Any aotice to Borrower pro�•ided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by de�ivering it or by mailing
<br /> •..,.\:• :''�`�i it by first cluss muil unless applicuble law requires use of another method. The notice shal!be directed to the Property Address .
<br /> �`s�y;:�•'..., � or ony other add�+ess Borrower desigrtatex by notiye to Lender. Any notice to Lcnder shull be�iven by first class mail to _
<br /> •�'•"•-' Lender's uddt+ess stated herein or any other uddross L.ender designates by notice to Bomower. Any notice provided fur in this ;
<br /> �,,.. :
<br /> , 5ecurity Instrument attali be deemed to have bcen given tc�Eiorrower or Lender when�iven as provided in this pa�agraph. .
<br /> lS.Governing Law; Severabiltty. Thi� Serurity Instrument shail be governed by federal law nnd the law of the I
<br /> •�_,,,•;�. . jurisdiction in which [he Property is located. in the e�•ent that uny provision or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note
<br /> ''•''' � rnntliets with npplicabte law, such conflict shall not uffect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> • given effect without the conflictin�provision.To t1ti�end the provisiuns of this Security Instrurnent und the Note are declared .
<br /> � � to be severuble.
<br /> � 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shnll be given one rnnformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> Forrn 3028 8J90
<br /> ` PopO 6 of 6
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