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<br /> TUCiGT��R WfTH ctil�hc impmveainnta nmv on c�reaftsr trectt�i o�tY�a propemy.QfL�I1R�I PASCFti211i4.�p�wrte�wr�rra,anci
<br /> -. __=----= 4ixn��xs nnw c�e hereaRcr o part af t3in �rapwity. A!i rc�,lt�cc�s��w�lia �.il� it�(IIi�i1JT`] :�ha!! iilsa (:e l'AVC7CtI I3� N1I9 �CCpTl�j�
<br /> irtstcuaunt.All uf thc furrgoing is�eCcrrFd t�s in this Sc:curity Instn�n�ts,t a.s the"Fropctay."
<br /> BORR(9vY8R COY6NANTS tlwt Bar�owar ia lawt'�ily seise�i nS.inm c�mia R�r�by conveycxi•iu�d hus the rlght to gn�nt and
<br /> ` cor�vey tftiu Praperty a�d that the Ptoperty if�unancumberad,exay�t fttix encumbranars of rec��l. Bosmwer warranta end�wilf
<br /> defma generally the title to th�Pro�xrty aguinat sii cluims and dcma►�clt.eubject ta any encumhratt�nes of�ecord.
<br /> T#ItS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT cam6lues unifomi coven�sY,a�fna nxttanal��se and no�s-ttniform covenants with limited
<br /> ; varlat�ans by judsdiccion to cortstitnto u�unifirrm security instrum�n�i aati�sing�at pmperry. `-
<br /> UNiTORM COVBNANTS.Barr�wnr ond Lendor covenant a�l��reeaY foltows:
<br /> 1.Piyment o!Princtppl und IqtcreSt; Pt�epayment Ani1 I.�Se Ctw�t�. Borro�ver ahall promptty pay whcn d�e the
<br /> principal uf nnd fnterat an tho d�bt•evldunced by tho Noto su�d�.-s�pres�yment und lute chnrges�'uc undcr tho IVote.
<br />--- a.�unds tnr Tsuce9 artd I�aneaGe. Subjcct to appllcabte 1����or to u written�vaiver by l.ender.Borrower shall pay to
<br />-__— — I�ender on the day monthly paymenta ar+a due under the Note.wLtil•thp Nate is paid in full.u sum.t"Funds")for.(e)yearly taxes
<br /> utd ussessmeMs which may uttain p�ority over this Sexurity Instnimant�s a lien on the i'mperty,(b)ypriy l�sehatd paymeats
<br /> or ground nnt4 on the Property.if uny;(a)yearly homr�d or proparty.insumnoe prcmiumr.(d)���dy flaod insurance prcmiums,
<br /> iP ony:(e)yearly mortgage insumnGe p�nlums, if uny;auxi(��np sums payabte by Borro�ma to Lender. in IIoonrdancc with
<br /> i� che provisions of paragreph 8�in ituu af thc payment of mortg��imsurou►ee pmmtums.Thess items urc callod °Escrow Items."
<br />__ � L,ender may,at any time, cnil�sct and hold Funds in an aznoun3,[ens t�oxceed the nuuci�num sunount a lernier for a federnlly
<br /> rcloted mortgagc Icxin mqy rttquire fur Bomower's escrow n000u�t.und�cr ths fedeml Real �stc�ta Settlemem Procectures Act of
<br /> 19T4 as amendcd from tirtte ta tima. 12 U.S.C. Scctlon 2601 ei se�, ("R�SPA').unless another inw thac uppiies to the Fu�s
<br /> sets a lesser arnount. If r,�r, D.�endar may,at any time, colte,ct atul�t�nld Funds in An amount not to eacced the lesser ymount.
<br /> �' � ixnder may estimate the�uneunt of��duo on the basis oi ourrent data and�a.conabla e.ciimates of expenditures of fuNne
<br /> Escrow Itecng ur otherwise in uccordunoe��i.tfi applicable luw. —
<br /> The Funds sball be hsld in An in.s�u¢u�tion whose deposita sxra inwmd by a feder�l ugenr�•, inst�rentnlity. or endty –
<br /> (inclading Lender,if Lendnr is such an institution)or in any Fe�ral Hamo Loan Bw►k.Lendcr siizdi.�ly the Funds to pay tho
<br /> Escrow Item4. Lender myy�nm charge Borrower for hvlaiing and�ap�lying the Funds,annually analyzicL t^�:es�crow account,or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Itamfl,unl��ss Lender pr�ys Borrower interesi a�th�Furtds and upplicabfa luw pemua 8.ecu�rr to ms�i:e such
<br /> a charge. Huwever.l.ender muy oequim Bcea�rower to pay a one-elmm chur�e for an independont�si r�tate tax reporting service
<br />. usal by [.en�3er im connectlan with tleis I�an. unless applicabla taw provides athenvise. Unle�s an agreement is mzde or
<br /> applipble la�v tequinss inlar�t to bo paid.Lender shall not be required to pay&�mower aay inte�t or earnings on the Fur,�t•�.
<br /> Borrower and l.endor may ag�ee in writing. however, that interest shaU be puid on the Funds. Lender shall give ro Borrower.
<br />_- ., ---
<br /> without charge,an unnual accounting of the Funds,shawing cralit�and debiGc to the Funds and ihe purpose for which each =
<br /> debit to the Funds wus rriadc.Tha Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums�ured by chis Securiry dnstniment. –
<br /> If the Funde hold by Lendor exceed tCee amounts permitte�t t�tie h�id by applicable law, L.ea�er shalf account to Homo�ver
<br /> , for the excess Funds in accordunce���iakn the requirements of appUcable luw. If the amount af the Funds held by[.ender at any
<br /> ;� ,. • time is not sufficinnt ta pay tha Escro�4 I7ems when due,Lender may so natify Biirmwer in writing,and,in suct�race Borrower �..
<br /> %=';�:� sha11 pay to L.ender tha amaunt necessary to make up tQie deflcicncy. Bomnwer shuli mako up the deftciency in no more thun -
<br /> °' �`5' twel��e monthly payments,at Lendor s solQ discretion.
<br /> � : �,:-
<br /> `'' �.,r±?�'��,;1'.�5:+.3s Upon paymont ia full af atI sums secured by this Securit�� instnament. Lender shiil! prumptly refund to Borcower uny �'+, y_
<br /> > �bry�*`� � Funds held by•I.endnr.If,u�dar parngraph Z l, Lender shall aoqL�ira or sell the Prnperty,l.ender,prior to the acyuisition or su3e {'•-,-��
<br /> �,, of the Propeny,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the tim�of.�cquisition or sale aa a credit a�ainst the sums secured by �<;=
<br /> ����`�'�- this Sei�urity Inssrumant. ,;y;,;_:::
<br /> �;t�.:;:�
<br /> �r " �, 3.Applitmtfonof Fuyments.Unlcss upplicuble luw provid�other+vise.ull payment�received by Lcnder under patagrnphs «;
<br />`-� ,. I and 2 shull.6e upplfod: finst, to any prepayment charges due under tho Not�:second,tn:unoums payuble under pars$raph 2:
<br />- third,to intor�st duo;fnurch,m principat due:and last,to any lata charges due under thc Note.
<br />- �:''r'� 4.Chat�es; Linns.Bnrrower sh�l(pay all tuxes. assessmemts, chur�es, fines and impasecions uttributab(e to the PruFcrty
<br /> ` ;;�;�, which may nttain priority over this Security Instrument. and leaxeha�id payments or�anu��renn, if:u�y. Borrawer shall p:�y :
<br />� � a<•. "'.:�� ': these obligntions i�tha munner provided in paragraph z.��r if nc�t paiai in that mar�n�^�. 8orrower shnU pay thun an time directly
<br /> ' �*'��1:�-'`•'° ro the persan vwed paymant. flnrmwer shall pmmptly fumish to Lender all notices of umount�to be paiJ under this paragraph.
<br /> ''���'•'��`s��ki. If Borrower makes these a ments directl , Borrower shall rom U�fumish ta Lender recei ts e��iAencin the a ments. .>.:
<br /> "� P'Y Y P P 3 p S PY
<br />-"' � '"��:'�f''' Borrower shull promptly dir.chargc any lien which has priorit�•o�•er thic Security Instrument unless Botrower: (a1 agrees in
<br />-�� 'r� nc .: writin to the a ment of th�ahli ntion secureci b the lien in a nkqnrnr acce tabte t�i l.endet: 1b1�rontesG,in ax1 fuith the lien
<br />' 'ry;>��l'`.i. :�" .. � 8 P)' 8 Y P �' ,
<br /> � ''�';'� • by, or defends agaimt enforcement of thc lien in, legal p�aoodings a•hich in the Lender's opinion operute to prevent the f•
<br /> + ;j. ..:
<br />` •,. • ��,,�.,i;{r•;,; enforcement af the lion:or(r)secu�s from the halder of the lien an agrecment satisfactary co L.ender wbordinating the lien :,a
<br /> �' ���'ti�'•'`'`�'� this Security Instrnment. II'Lendcsr determines th:►t any part of ttw Pro�eny i+tiubject to a lien which m�y attain priority o�•,.r
<br /> Yr":'.y!:�';.�'.:,�
<br /> ���� ��,���::.•::." ��'• �� this Security instntment,Lcnder may give Borrower u notice idenlifying the lien. finrmwer rhail wtisfy the tien or take one or s; ..
<br /> ' .1�f.,..t �"��t:
<br /> ;:,;��;� more of tha uctions sct forth abavc�vithin IU days of dne giving of nntice. �i,,,,�,,
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