--.�.t c,r � .. '.F .';y.; . ... yy{� �"'" ` ` :i;: . .
<br /> '.��r� � `M1•v'T � ��rr��t ' -•
<br /> . �--
<br /> "� ._....__�. . . ._ . � __" — _---' -_.
<br /> "_�-� � ' " !]� .._. ,... .�_ ._. -._. _ .. -
<br /> _ '^ `�-� — —_ - ._. .... _ ._ . ._ .
<br /> _ -�-"____" . ____. � .
<br /> � . `�94� �a�s;��.a
<br />=;;;.'�l�+t���-;� 't'lu Cun�l:� r,1mU F�c hx:tA iu an i»stitutMn v11i�s�.depostts are insuce�l hy n fcderal oIIcncy, instni�nentulfty, or cnti¢y _
<br /> _. �_-__-- — (including Lcndcr,if[.e�dcr is Fuch an institutiun)or in nny��deml 4fionk Loan Banlc.l.endcr s1ia1!npply Ehe 1�'u�xl.c to pay ti�d __
<br /> -= Escmw]te�ns. I..ei�der mny i�ot ch�rge Bortnwer for holding arni app►yinS tt��Pund�,annuaUy anniy�in��he cur�w uccounL vr
<br /> --� - vcriPying the Escrow(tems,unless Lcndcr paya E3onawcr intcrast an the Funds nnd ap licable tuw permits l.cndcr tu a�ka�such
<br /> n charge.Hawevcr. I.endcr msy requlre Horr4wer tp pay a one-time ctvargc for un i�ependeni real e�tute tua rcporti�g service
<br /> usnd by I.endrr in connestion with this loan, unless upplfcable luw providrs otherwirc. Unloss an agrejement ia made pr
<br /> - upplicabl�(aw rcquires jnterest to be paid,Lender shnii not be requfrod to pay Sorrower any Interest or earnings on the Funda.
<br /> -- _ - Burrowctr u�xt Le�x{er rr+:►y a�rw iu writing.ho�sevice. that lnt��rest Qfiilll he paid�n the Fancls. Gendo�ehnll qive to�or�awer, � _.
<br /> wit,houc charge. an annu�l aconunting of the Fur�s. showing crodita And debits ta the Funds and the purpose fQr whfch ach
<br /> deblt to the Funds wAS made.The FundF are pledged as additionnl security for utl sums secured by thls Socur�ty�nstrumrnt.
<br /> _ - If the Funds held by Lender excced the umounts permitted to tre held by applia�ble Inw.I.ender shall xoount to Borrower
<br /> - - for the excess Funds in accordunce with the requirem�enu of npplirable luw. [f the e�uount of the Fundg held by I.ender at any
<br /> timc ls not sufficlent to pay the Escrow Itcros whcn due.Lender mny so notify Borrower in writing,aad>in such cuse Borrmver
<br /> ' �^, '�, s6a11 pay ta Lender the amount nccessary to mzke up the deficiency. 8orrowcr shall make up th�deficiency in no mot�a th�n c
<br />_ '� �we{ve upnthly paymcnts.ut Lender's sole discretIon. _
<br />'`'�� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument. Lettder shall prompdy rcfund to Barmwer any
<br /> ''� Funds hcld by L.ender.If,under paragmph 2l.l.ender shall ucquire or sclt the Proporty,Lender,prior to the aequi.sltion or sale
<br />-`��� of the P[operiy.shall t►pply any Funds hcld by L.ender ut the ume of acquEsidon or satle as u cradlt against the sums serw+ed by
<br />'y)r,. this Seeurity Insttutn�ent.
<br /> �'': 3.AppUcatton ot Pa meats.Unless npplicuble law provides oth�nvise.aq payments recetved by i.ender under para�taphs
<br /> ;,:,,: PaY P�f�C
<br /> 1 c�ad 2 shall be applied: �rst, to uny prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts able under ti 2;
<br /> third.to interest due;fourth.to princ�pal due:and last.to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> . 4.Ch�ges;Lie�.Borrower aliutf pay alt texes.asscssments.charSes.fin�s aud imposidon�s anribwnhle to the Prop�sty . _ _
<br /> 'f which may attain priority aver this Security Instn►m�nt,and leusehold payme�ets or ground rents. if any. Boriuwer shalt pay
<br /> these obligatIorts in the manner pmvtded inpara,graph 2,or If not paid in that m�nner,BdTrower shall pay chem on ti�ne dicectly
<br /> �'��' to the person owed payment.Bomower shell promptly fumish to l.ender all noticcs of arrtounts ro be pa�d under thia paragrap6.
<br /> lf Bormwer makes these paymeats dit�ctly.8orcower shall prom�tty furnlsh to l.ender rerci�s evidencing the paymentc.
<br /> T �,'� Borrower shall pram,ptly dischai'$e aay lien which has prionty over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:ta)agrces in r
<br /> writing to the paym�nt of 1hP obligation serured by the lien in a manner uccegt�ble to Lertder; (b)contests in goad ffsit5 the lien
<br /> by. or defends againct enfarcement of the lien in. legal praceedings which in the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent the
<br /> enfaroement of the lien:or(c)secwea from the holder of the tien nn a�reeme�:i satisfactory to Lender subordinating the liea to _
<br /> this Secur�ty Instrument. !f Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over _._
<br /> this Secuiiry Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or 6�
<br /> more of th�uctions set forth ubove within IO days of the glving of notIce. :;_,,:
<br /> . S. Ha:urd or Property Insutance- Dorrower shalt keep che in�provements now exisdn� or hemafter ecected on the
<br /> an
<br /> -- - _-
<br /> Prqperty insure�against toss by tiir. Laau� ir+ci�t+�3 R'�tlsir.ihc term"exsended toYerage" an�! �ny o�her hazards. iacludinR ,••-
<br /> flaods or Hooding. for which Lender requires insurnnce.Thts insurance shall be maintained in thz amounts and far th.�edods �,�_
<br /> that Lend�r requires.Ttie insura+nce carrier providin�the insurtunce shull 6e chosen by Borrower subject to i.ender's ppprovai C�:��
<br /> '� which sh�ll not be nnres�sonably H�ichheld. If Borrower fails to maentain coverage described ubove, l.ender may. at L,ender's �•-�,;
<br /> r.<.; ,
<br /> �" � option.obtata coverage to protect.I.ender's dghts in the Property in accordance with paragrapY�7. '�`
<br /> All insurance poi{cies artd�newnls shall be acceptable to Lender und shall include n stendnrd mortgage dause. I.ender
<br /> .�_ � shall have the right to hol3 the poSiries and renewals. If Lender requires.Borrower shall promptly give to I.ender ult receipis of �.� .,:,
<br /> paid premiums and mneaval notioes.In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompt noHce to the �nsurnnce currjer and Lender.
<br /> �•;`� Lender may make proof of loss if noi mude promptly by Borrower.
<br /> y' "'` �''�+��'� Unless i.ender and Borrower otherwiso u�ree in writin�.insurance prace�ls shall be Appbied to restomtion or repai�of the �
<br /> ' "'"�` property darnaged. if the restorution or repair is economically feasible and l.ender's security�s not lessened.If the restoraeion ar
<br /> -.i ..{_yti .
<br />= ���.� ' repair is not economically feasibte or Lender's security woutd be lessened,the insurnnce procceds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> -'. secured by this Security Instrument. whether or noc thcn duc, with uny excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> � � , Property. or daes not answer within 30 dc�ys a notic�e from Lender that the insurance carrier bas offered to setde a claim,then
<br /> Lender muy rnllect the insurance procceds. I.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Progerly oi to pay sums
<br /> •' ''� = secured by this Security Instn►ment.whether or not then dua.The 30-day period w�ll be�in when the rsotice is given.
<br /> ���� Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing, uny upplication of procceds to principtsl shatl not extend or
<br />- ' postpone the due date of the monthly payments rsferrr�to in para�raphs l und 2 or chun�e the amount oF thc paycrconts. tf
<br /> - M" under paragraph 21 the Propecty is acquired by i.ender,Borrower's right to any insurance policies und proceeds resulting fcom
<br />- s • �• ..+'t`'••�'� damage to the Properry prior to the ucqufsitiun shull pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instmment
<br /> i:,~��'������:_ti immediately prior tothe�quisttion. ,
<br />- ,''�s�_-':���.,:..�`�•'. I.caseholds.
<br /> ���+;.:.,,.•r.F 6,pcapancy.Preservatton,Muintenance und Protectlor�ot the Property;Bornower s Loan Applicatton;
<br /> •'`' -�':"��-; Borrower shall occupy.establish.und use the•Property as Borrawei s principul residence within sixry days ufter the execution of
<br /> ��°� this Security Instntment und shsill continue to occupy the Propeny us Borrower's principal recidence for ut least one ye.hr ufter °
<br /> _ ...:'��:, �
<br /> �`•�'� �'"" ; � the date of occupaney, unless Lxnder otherwise agrees in writin�. which consent shull nat be unreasenably withheld,or unless
<br />_ 'w::• ..
<br /> , " extenuuting eircumstnnces cxist which uce beyond Borrowcr's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damagcs or impair the
<br /> ' f��� Property. allow the Property to deteriornte, ar commit waste on the Property. Borrower qhall be in default if nny forfetture
<br /> ;�t,�`��;t, �' ., action or proceEding, whether civil or criminul,is be�un thut in Lender's good fuith}udgment could result in forfetmre of the
<br /> � : ,r-�•�r�r_f, Property or otherwise materiatly impair the tien cmated by this Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> � �����`�' cun such a default und teinstnte,as providai in paragcaph l8,by causing the actian or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> ►• '"' ''''''' that, in i.ender's goad faith determinntion, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Propeny ar other material
<br /> � :�. •�...•... ;
<br /> � l���•��':."� • irnpair�nent of the liem created by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiry interest. Bcxrower shaU �ilso be in default i
<br /> � :�}','::�,_, , �n
<br /> ,��•�;,;,�s,;;..;;,.•„ Botro�ves.during the loan applicution process,gove niareriaily fa1se or inuccurate information or statements ro Lender(or faited
<br /> :ial�;�;::,•r.:4'�< to provide Lender w[th any mnterial informatlon)in conrtection�vith thc loan evidenced by ttie Note, including,but nnt limited
<br />- �:� ;.:�,;t�,,�;; .
<br /> y;�. .;%���EF��• to,represenmtlons mncem�ng Borrower s occupanc.y of the Property as o principal residence. if chis Securiry[nstniment is on a
<br />_ ,r+,,:;;�:•'�. lepsehold. Borrower shall rnmply with ull the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fec title to the Propercy. thc
<br /> - leasehotd and the fec title shall ttot merge unless Lender agrees to thc merger in writing.
<br /> - ,;,�,_,.� • 7.Protedton of Lender's Wsitts in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenents und a�'eements contained in
<br /> - ` � this Securlty Instrument.or there is a leg:il proceeding that muy significmitiy affect Lender's rights in tt�e P�nperty tsuch as u
<br /> -- ��?�:*'�', _ ' proa^�xids�g in bank�uptcy. probate. for wndemnsuion or forfeituse or to enforce laws or rc�ulations), then Lender may do and
<br /> .�.tL__... t�...1�. .w'.. �ov
<br /> �.¢. f,::t �� : �I3�Jt g0�W�I3L8VCi IS RCCCSSS1Iy�O pioteCt the v�lUe ot tlte t'ropetty and icnucr's Tigi�i� iu u�c c�vp�...j. �.......�� ...�7--•"� .._�
<br /> �. • : ,��,� • • �ncl�cde paying uny sw»s xcumd by u lien which has pnority ovcr this Security Instrument, apprscing in couct. paying �
<br /> �,t. ,
<br /> ;,,,., ,;:"`,� rc�asflneble attomeye'fees and enterin�on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender muy take:�ction under this p:�ragraph
<br /> -- " :�.:'•�'�'�:<�� ?.Lender does not have w do so.
<br /> tA';�^�""� � Any amounts disbursed by Lertder under this paragrnph 7 sh:ill become udditional debt of Borrower securcd by this
<br /> •4.:��� ...
<br /> _ �'��`�.� . Security instrument.Unless Borrower und Lender a�ree to other terms of payment,these amounts shatl bcar inter�ct from thc
<br /> ��^`' date of disbursement at the Note rute and shall be payable, with interest. upon noticc from Lender to Borrower requestin�
<br /> paycnent.
<br /> �� �:�< i.`,' '. '' �" ' S.Mortgage Iusuranre.If Lender required mnrtgage insurance a+:�cbndition of making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> � " '' inst�ument. Borrower shall pay the premiums cequired to mainWin the mort�age insurance in effect. If, fi�r any rcason, the
<br /> -. .,. ',t���,:: �•;:
<br /> . ,f.�,. _ �,•:�r �ortgage insurnnce mvernge required by L.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Bamnwer shail p:►y the premiums rrquired to �
<br /> ostuin rnveru�e substantially equivalent tn the mortguge insurance previously in effcrt,ut u wst subswntia�ly equivulent to thc
<br /> _ cost to Bomower of the mortg�e insucunce previously in effect, Cmm cin alternute mortgage insurer approved by Lei�der. If I
<br /> . , }
<br />_ i .
<br />' u ' � va�z oi a Form 3028 9180
<br /> '�, . .
<br /> � • • . .
<br /> ,, �. �_ _
<br />