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<br />� � �uhs '���t,awrtg�e insuraiicc coverrge ia nat�ar.titable,Barmwer shall pay ta Le�ar each month a�um eqw►I to
<br /> �„�+�..�,�y�� , nn�.�v� .,a th�+a►dy nwMgage insumnce pt+ent$m t�cin�pald by Borrowe,r whe�i the insuennce rnvetnge lapsexi�r ccA�;ed t�o —
<br /> bc ii�'cff' �rrf�a'w111 accept,use aaal rctnfn thcse paymcnt�ns n lass re�crve in Itcu of n�.nrt�a�c in:.t+rancc. lass reserva
<br /> --- -- --- paynwnts n�ay�x►longcr tre rcyufced,:tt the aption of L.ender,if mo»gage insurnncc cavcrage pn the nmount and for the pertaf
<br /> thut i.ender �equtnw)providtY!by wt i�uurer uppr�ved by l.endcr Ag�in beroanrs availnble and Is abtainaf. Barrower�hal1 pay
<br /> the pmmiums reguiru!t��mainu�Sn moriga8e insemnre in cffect,ar to provide n loss ceserve,until the rcquiremont for mortgage
<br /> - ------- insurancr cr►c1s in uccurdancc with Any written pgrcement between�orrowcr and Lender or s�plicablc law.
<br /> . 9.In�pcction,l.�ndcr or its agent maq meke reasonable entries upan and inspecuonv af tho Pruparty.Le�der shaq give
<br /> Barrnwcr notico ut the time uf or priar to an inspectiun spccifying reasona6lc cuuse far the inspection.
<br /> _ - -- ' 10. Cort�emnatkNt. Thc procaxls of any nwurQ or ctuim far damages.din�K ur uunsequentiW.in wnnr�;tinn with uny r
<br /> condemnutlon ar other taking af any pun oi the Property,or fnr cronvernnce in Ileu of condemnatton.nre hereby aasigaed and
<br /> �. sh�ll bc paid to Lcrnier.
<br /> _: �' In the event of u total tuking of tho Property.the peaceeds shaN be upplied ta the sums secur�!by this Secudry Instrument. _
<br />-� whether or m�t then due. with aay excess paid to Bonower. In the event of u p:itiul tuking af the Praperty in which the fair
<br />_ market value of the Pro�erty immaliateiy befare the taking ia equal to or�reuter than thc umount af the sums aecutod by this
<br /> '� Socurity Instn�ment immediniely before the tnkinII.unless Borrower�r►d Lender otherwise agrre in writing.tho sums secured by _
<br />- thls Sect�riry I�uuument shall be reducoc! by the amount of the p:oceeds multiplled by the fallowing frnction: (a)the tosa! �-
<br /> ` umaunt af the sums secured irtunediately before thc taking,dividat by(b) the fair markct vnlue of the Prapeity immediately
<br />�,=. befom the taking. Any balance shalt be paid to Borra�ver. In the event o f u pa�iial taking of the Prape r t y!n which the fair
<br /> market v�lue of the Pmperty imm�diately befare the taking is less than.ths amount of thc sums secuced im�mdiately b�fore the
<br />�/� taking.unlcss Borrower and Lender utherwise agrce in writing or unless applicnble Iaw athenvise provides.the proae�s shall
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by thts Security lnstniment whether or not the sums nre then due.
<br /> If the Pcoperty is ubandoned by Borrower.or if.aRer notice by Lender to Borrower that the wndemnor offers to make un
<br /> ' award or rettle a cinun for damuges. Borrower fuils to respond to Lender within 30 days ufter the date the aotice is given.
<br /> � ��'�'� L.ender is suthorized to rnlloct and apply the proceeds.at its opiion.either to restoratian or mpair af the Property or w Uie su�»s �
<br /> ' � secured by this S�uriry Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> � ,,i : ?�� ;L';.�,. Unless Lendcr and Borruwer otheiwlse agrce in writin�, �ny application of prooeads to prirtcipal shall not extend ur _.
<br /> t ne the due date of the monthly ayments referred to in paragraphs 1 artd 2 or chsinge the nmount of such payrrtents. �,-"
<br /> �• �pll.Borrower Not Relw�sed:Forlx�rence By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or modificadon �...--
<br /> � 'f(��:�= Y ? ' of amortizatIon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument grnnted by Lender ta any successor in interest of Borrower shall ���,
<br /> ',�c��;�;��`;' u�i e�tate to rele�se the Ifability of the or�girwl Borrower ar Borrower's successors in interest. Lender sh�ll not be required to ��
<br /> ,'' '� ;:, : c�mmence proceedings as�inst any successor in interest or mfuse to extend time for payment or othe�wise modify araortirrtioa �
<br /> "�"'��'��"�'" of the sums secured by thls Secudty Instrument by reason of siny demand made by the original Borrower or Bor�+ower`s _ -
<br />. � ���.���;,::{.�:`� ;` ;� suocessors In interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy shall not be u waiver of or preciude the _
<br /> '�:a•';�� � • exercis�of any right or remedy. z..•:
<br /> ,,�' ,i • I2. Suoeessors and Assigns Bound;Jotnt and Several Liabttity; Co-gigrters. The covenant�and a reement� of this „.
<br /> s ,
<br /> ': �, . S��c��rliy Instn�tr�ent chall bind and benefit the sucoessors und assi�ns of Lender artd Borrawer, subject to the provisions of � '
<br />' " '`��� �� � -•� pamgraph l7. Borrower's rnvenants and agreements shail be jaint und severnl. Any Borrower who rn-signs [i�is Secvriiy _
<br /> ,�; . ' Instnunent but does not.execute the Note:(o) is casigning this Security Instrument anly to inortgage, grant und convey that y�`
<br /> �� •• ��:r Borrower's inter�t in the Property under the terms of this Security Instiument;(b)is not personatly abligated to ay the sums
<br /> '�'���' � • `• secured by thls Securit�+Insuument;s►nd(c)a�rees that I.ender und any other Borrower may agree ta extend.modity,forbear or ,
<br /> . ':i`' n ,
<br /> ; , rnatce any accommodauons wtth re�ard to the cerms of this Security Instrument or the Note wnhout that Bormwer's consent.
<br /> 13.Loan Cua�ges. If the loan secured by thts Security Instrument is subject ta u law which sets maximum loan chnrges.
<br /> ' > tu�d thut law is tinally interpreted so that the interest or other loun char�es collected or to be collected in connection with the
<br />- °-•� • •' •`::t•. foan exceed the pertnitted limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduce�by the amounc necea�ary to reduce the charge ; .;_,
<br /> , -�.:�,:�•:�
<br /> � • �...,:�,.;,� to the pemutted limit:and(b)nny sumg utready coll�eted from Borrower which exceeded permitted �imits wili be refunded to
<br />_ .4.^.::, ,:. :��";:,,;'.. Borrower. I.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under t he Note or by making a direct
<br /> � ''"ti:•"��- . '��� pay.ment to Bomower. If u nePond re�uces princjpal. the reduction wilt be tmuced as a panial prepayment without any '
<br /> " prepayment charge under the Note. I '
<br /> ��' �=.:i:••". �'�`� 14.Notioes.Any notice eo Bomower provideci for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> �• . it by first class mail unless applicnble taw rcquires u�x of raiother meuiod.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> ����.,� "''��`'•"�� ' ' '` or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any noticc tu Lendcr shall be given by first rlass mail to
<br /> � `" �"�""' " . • '.':is L.ender's addr�ss stated herein or nny other uddress Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> ,; '-°�r�;•',- ' Security Insttutnent sh�ll be deemed to huve been�iven to Borrower or Lendcr when given as provided in this paragraph. ..
<br /> '• �:��_��;_.�� .�"�' ! 15.Govern[ng I.aw; SeverabSlity. This Seeurity Instrumcnt shall be governed by fcdernl law urtd the Inw of the
<br /> ,�� , , ° jurisdicdon in which the Property is located. In the event that:uiy provision or clause of this Securiry Instrumecrt or the Note
<br /> -. ?¢:� conllicts with appijcable Isw.such conflict shsill noi affect other provisions of this Sacurity Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> � . given effect without the oonflictiag provision. To this end the provisions of this Securiry Instrum�and the Note are declared
<br /> • '� �,,,._"„ to be severable.
<br /> _"� ' " . 16.Borrower's Copy.Bocrower shall be givcn one conformed copy of the Note And of this Secudry lnstrument.
<br /> � '��,� 19.Transfer of the Property or u Benetidal Interest in Borrower.[f aQ or any part af thc Property or any interest in it
<br /> :,.;s,,,.4l:
<br /> ' . Y `�;;�;:�;��, � ;r i is sold or transferted tnr if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferted ancD Borrower is not a natural pecson) without
<br /> �r�,;.., I.ender's priox written consent, Lender may, at its optiun, require imm«iiate paymont in full of all sums secured by this
<br /> ```_ . . ' <?� Security Insttument.However.thts option shall not bc exercised by l.ender if exercise is prohibited by federal law�s of the date ,
<br /> ,rr;,,,
<br /> j�; •' r,:•� of this Secudry instrument.
<br /> ( ` ' � � If Lettder exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrower notice of ucreleratinn. The notice shall pro�•ide a period of not
<br /> - ' i less than 30 doys from the date the notice is delivercxi or mailed within which Borre�w•cr must pay W! sums secureci by this
<br /> � 5ecurity Instrument.If Borrower fnils to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any remedies
<br /> � permitted by this Security Instrument without fucther notice vr demstnd on Borrower.
<br /> - mn
<br /> - �. •• i:;;f� 18• Borrower's Ri�ht to Rein�tate. If Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shaQl have the right to havc
<br /> �' -� � � �'�:• � enforeement of this Secunty Instniment discontinucd at any time prior to the earlter of: (a) 3 dayti(or xuch other period ns
<br /> , ,�.,. ,
<br /> w .'� applirsble law muy specify for rcinstatement) before sute of the Property pursuant to any puwer of snle contuined in this
<br /> t. Security Insttument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Ttense conditions are that Horrower: (a)pays
<br /> Lender all sumY wh{ch then would be duc under this Securiry Instrument and the No2e as if no acceleration h�d cxcurred: tb)
<br /> �. cures any default of any other covenan�s or agreements; (e) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security lnstrument.
<br /> including. but not limited to, reasonuble uttorneys'fees:and(d)takes such action us Lender may rea,unably rcquire to�.,sure
<br /> - -- !�------------- .. _... �.._ _c.�:_o__._...r...........e..� i a...lo:o rin6ta in thn w�nom,Hnd Bnrmwer's obti».ation to DuV the sums secureci by
<br /> -�--':r-1.._ ..- ---------------� tnut titc ttc7��rt uu�aKa�..a� s,w.............. ........... ....�._......_-- ---�-��-
<br />_ ,r. �y • this Securiry Insnvment shall rnntinue unchnnged. Upon reinstntement by Borcower, tF�is Security ln,trument and the
<br />_ � • •• obligations sscured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceteration had ciccumed. However, this right to reinstute shall
<br /> _-_ � � .,� . not apply in the case of acceleratlon under purn�rapl� 17. �
<br /> � •� � . 19. Sa1e o!Note; Chuttge of Loan Servtcer. The Note or 3 partiai interest in the Note(togethcr �vith this Security
<br /> , � � . [nstntment)may be sx�ld one or more Umes without prtor notice to Bormwer. A sale may result in a chunge in the entity(known
<br /> - :�; , as the"Loan Servicer"1 thut rnllcxts rnonthly paymen�c due under thc Note:u�d this 5ecuriry[nstrument. Thcre al,o may bc une �
<br /> ' .n �V or more changes of the Loan Servicer unreluted to n sule of the Note.IF there is u change of the L��an Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> � � given written notice of the chnngc�in anorduncc with paru�raph 14 abave und applicable luw.The notice will state the name:uid �
<br /> ! • ' addc�s of the new l.oan Servi�er und the address to which payments should be:made. The noti�r wiU ulso��ntuin uny other `
<br /> .�t, . ;` ' • infurn�ation required by applicable law. I
<br /> - Z0. H�Mous 5ubsKances.Borrower shull not cau�e or permit the pmsence, use,dispowi. storu�!e. ur rcieas� ��f uny
<br /> `�� ; '.,:;�� H�rdous Substances on or tn the Property. Bc�rr'nwcr shull ndt du, nor ultow anyone dse tn do. unything uffectin� the
<br /> ` " ' Property thut is in violation of uny Environmentut I.ciw. 'The precaiing two sentences tihrll nut apply to the presem;e. use, or I
<br /> { �' ' ��� �'•+.� storage un tiie Property uf small qu:intities of Hc�r:udaus Substances that um generully recvbnized to be uppmpriute to nurmul
<br /> '' residentiai uses und to maintenan�-�of the Pn�perty. `
<br /> Pouo�„r a Fotm 3028 9190 f
<br /> .
<br /> f�
<br /> , - -
<br />