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<br /> r e A�r��a���a s�,r�,�E�J OF TRUST
<br /> P.Q BQX 34fl8 � . ! �,�5',Z�10
<br />` AT�TNt�URIE3?t�fttlHET � �� .
<br />., THI.S DEED OF T[tUS't'�("Sea�rity Inscmment").is mAde on �y+ 23, 1494 .���i� i'
<br /> Ronald L. Adaas aufd Barbara A. Adama, husbsnd aad aife as foint tenante
<br /> ("Bomawer").The au.stee is Norvest Hraak Ne�,ra�ska. National Aseoe2ation
<br /> ("Tmsceo") 'fhcbencficiary��Notwest Henk Nut�raska. Natfonal Association
<br /> wLic�,�;v��aaiz�+i a�sd�xi��sss�er s!�ls�.�af �e iTnited states oi hmerica '�w� `
<br /> ��is 202 West Third Street. Gzand,Isiaad. Nebraej�a 8�01
<br /> ( �er ).Bomower owc�I.ender the priacipal sum of
<br /> Tventq Thousaad and av/100tba Dollats(U.S.520,000.00*** ).
<br /> � 'I7ils d�bt Is evidc�xxd by i�onower's noto date� the same date as this Security Instnunent('l�ote"),wluch provldes for
<br /> monlWy paymenta,with the 4?ull debt. if nat paid eanlier.due and paya6le on �y �3, 1999 '
<br /> This Security(nswment sert�res co Lender:(u)tha repayment of the debt evidenc�edby t�Note.with ime�u.and ell renewals.
<br /> euteasior�s and modificatiunu of tho Note: (b)tha payme�t of all other sumv, with interest, ndvanced under p�rt�graph 7 to
<br /> pmtect the sxurlty of this 5e�urtry Insaumeatj und (c) the performance of Borrower's aovenants and agreemeats. For this
<br /> pnrpese,Borrower irrevocabty gmnts and oom�eys w T�ustee. in trns��vith power of sale.the following descrlt�pmperty
<br /> tocated in Hall County.Nebraska:
<br /> Lot 3, Black 4r Colonial EeCates Seventh Subdivision, Citq of Grand Island.
<br /> Hall Couaty. Netbraska.
<br /> which has the address of 3027 Coloa�al�Lane Grand Islaad lsmee�,c�ry). _:
<br /> Nebraska 68803 <"P�PenY Address"): '
<br /> :.
<br /> (Zfp Codej
<br /> Tp(}ETAER WITH ait the improveir�ents now or hereafter erecte�on the pmperty,and all easexnents,appurtenances. and
<br /> fixtures now.,ar hereafter u part of the prop�rty. Ail repinoeraents and ndditions shall also ba covered by th[s Secnrity
<br /> in�xstismenE.A4C of the foregoinB is refernxi ta In•this Secudty Insuument as the"Property."
<br /> !9�)R�ttDWTR COVBN�ANTS thus Borno�ti�:7 is lawi�lly seised of We estate hereby conveycd and has th�right ta grant and
<br /> oonv�y ahe�oerty and thut the Pro�aty is unencumbexcs�.except for encumbcances of record. Borrower wanants and will
<br /> defemt geneiatly the title to the Property agatn�i all claims ar+d demands.subject to any encumbrances of remrd.
<br /> THIS SLCiiRITY IN�TRUMBNT com�ines uniform covenants for natIonal use and non-ucsiforn�covenants with timited
<br /> variations by.�urisdiction to cnnstitut�a unifonn security insuument mvering real propecty.
<br /> UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrnwer an�Lender rnvennnt nnd a�rec as follows:
<br /> i. Pavment of PMnclyad and Inta¢+ccslt' Prepaymeat und Late CLaegeg. $orrower chall promptly pay when due the �
<br /> principa!of and tnterest omthe debt evidemxc'i by the Note�n�any prepaymeni ann iate c6arges due under me rote.
<br /> 2.Fl�ndg[or'Tezcs�utd I�st�runr¢. S'�ibject to appl[cubte law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shali pay to
<br /> L.ender on the day monthly pAyments am d�a��nder the Note,u�il the Note Is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(u)yearly taxes
<br /> ;u�d ossessmenta which may attnin priotity o�tiK this Securiry Instcument as a lten on ttte Property:(b)yearly leasehold pay�nents
<br /> or ground rents on the Propucty.if nny:(c)y�y has:ud or property insurnmce premiums;(d)ycazly flood insurunce pmm�ums,
<br /> if ony:(e)yeatly mo�tgagQ insumnce prencTum�. jf any:su►d(�nny sums payabte by Borrower to L.ender. in uawrd��ce with
<br /> the pmvisions nf parngraph 8,in lieu nf twy p�yment df moKgage insurance premiums.These items suc called "Escrow Items."
<br /> Lender mny. at nny time,ruilo�t nmt h�l�l Funds in an amount not to excc�d the maxlmum amount a lender far u federnlly
<br /> relntod ntortgage lo:u�mop requiro for Bornnwer's escmw account under dio fcdcral Real Estate Settlement Prnccxiures Act of
<br /> (974 us umended from tima to time. 11 U'.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless anoiher IAw thut upplies to the Funds
<br /> sets c�lesser amount. [t' so� l.ender may,ut uny time.collect und hold Funds in an sunount not to exceed the lesser umount.
<br /> I.ender may es4imate the nmount nf Fund.�due on the basis of current data nnd r.,asonable estlmutes of expendltures uf futurc
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwiso•in urcordam�:weth tipplicable law.
<br />- NE8AA8KA•Singte Fomlly-Ftnnbs Ma��s�ctdW�Mao UNiFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 9ES0
<br />_ �Nt 11T97 MTO V6IPMOA�QA6HiORMS•181912938100 �aomsz�-��e+ r�no�o�a Amnrtded 8/91
<br /> 1
<br />