1 1/ 3 A�.'�.• __ ' f �'_ a- �. � ' t�r.•;t s'�}1F�j{tr e�����y J[i�S�t'i1�1 _ ,.
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<br /> in intareat.Lender sheli not be requirod to commenca proceedinga against auch successor or refuse o e end time ,
<br /> for paymaM or otherwise modiy amorttaadon of the sums secured bythia Deed of T�ust by roason ot any demand made
<br /> , � by the original Borrower and 8o�rower's succassors in Interest.Any torbearance by Lender in exercising any right or ;�. . :
<br /> � remedy hereunder,or otherwise alfordetl by appficable lawr,shail not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise ot any :.r��
<br /> such right or remedy. �Y""�_
<br /> � 11. 8ucceasoro and Asslgne Bou�d;Jolnt and 8everal Liability;Casigners.7he covenants and agreements _�__
<br /> � � �� herefn contained shall bfnd.and the rlghts hereundor shall tnure to,ths reapective successors and asslgns ot Lender �;;`.
<br /> '_ �]L4o
<br /> � and 8orrawer,aubJect to the pravislons of paragraph 18 hereof.All covenants an d agree m e n t e o f B o r ro w e r s h a l l b e _.
<br /> � , jnint and several.Any Borrower who casigna thls Deed of ltust,but does not exeoute the Note,(a)is casigning thts :�,
<br /> Oee d o f l tu s t o n ty t o g r a n t a n d c o n v e y t h a t B o r ro w e r's i n t e r e s t i n t h e P�c p e r t y t o?t ustee under the terms of this Deed ��;�
<br /> " of 7Fuat,(b)la not pereonally Ilable on the Note or under this Ceed of Ttust,and(c)agreea that Lender and any other •
<br /> 8orrowerhoreundermayagreetoextend,modNy�forbear,ormakeanyotheraccommodationswithregardtotheterms �,,,
<br /> thie �'y`"
<br /> ° � of this Deed of ltust or the Note,without thAt Borrower's consent and without releasing that Bor�ower or maditying ff-.
<br /> Deed of�tust as to that Borrower's interest in thn Property. —��---J
<br /> � :� 12. Notice.Except for any notice required under applicabte law to be gtven In another mannar,(a)any notice ���;
<br /> / � to Borrawer provided for In this Deed af Trust shail be gtven by deltvaring it or by mailing auch notice by ce�tlfled ��:
<br /> ' mail addreosed to Borrower at the Property Addrese or at such other address as 8orrower mey dosignate by nottce
<br /> . , ��:r-
<br /> ; , . to Lender as provided herein. and(b) any notice to Lender ehalt be given by certifled mail to l.ender s address �;�.__
<br /> stated herein or to such other address as Lender may designate by notice to 8arrower as provided herein. Any wy
<br /> �`°''�{'���' notice provided for in this Oeed ot'1Yust shatl be deemed to have been g(ven to Borrower or Lender when gtven in the �4-
<br /> „ . f.,.`�•,'.�.. ° �__._
<br /> �� � �- manner destgnated hetein. -..
<br /> � .�`°�`°��` �` 13. Qovemin Law;9everabltity.The state and local laws appHcabie to thia Deed M'IPuat shall be the laws ot ��rn�,.:
<br /> .. ,. i�:: ' �".'t/...; g
<br /> the jurisdiction in whioh the Property fe tocated.The foregoing sentence shall not Ifmtt the appllcabiUty ot Federat law �^';-
<br /> `�:��' " to this Deed of�ust.ln the event that any provision vr clause of this Dead ot 1Pust or the Note conflicts with appllcable —_
<br /> iaw,such conflict shall not atfect other provisions of this Desd of ltusl or the Note which can be givan eNect wtthout !y;{�,'
<br /> � ' . '�� ' the conflicting provlsion.andto this end the provisionsof this Deed of"fFust and the Note are declared to ba severable: __
<br /> � � � As used herein,"costc�","expenses"and"attorneys'tees"Include all sums to the extent nut prohibited by apptioablo �
<br /> s
<br /> law or Iimited herein. ' �4F
<br /> 14. Borrower's Copy.Borrower shali ba furnished a contormed copy otthe Note and of lhis Deed cf'�Fust at the =_
<br /> time ot execution or aiter recordation hereof. _-
<br /> 1S. Rehai�iiitetion i�oan �grae�er��. 8artawsr s�a!! falil!! a!I �f E�►rower's obligatfons under anyr hom� _�
<br /> l � rehabilitation,impro�tement,repair,orother loan agreementwhich 8orrower enters iMowith Lender.Lender,at 4snder's _ _
<br /> �t ^'��;`:;;;.�,�.,���: option,may require Borrawer to execute and deiiver to Lender,in a form acceptable to Lender,an assignmeM of eny _ _
<br /> ` �;'� rigMs,claimsordefenseswhtchBorrowermayhaveagainstpaRleswhosupplyiabor,materi�isorservicestnconnection �"
<br /> with fmprovements made to the Property. __�
<br /> 16. 1ta�ster of Property or a Benefleiai tntereat In Bor►ower.tt ait or any pan of the Property or any tnterest �:f,.;
<br /> In.tt is sotd or transterred(or If a beneflcial interest in Borrowar is sold ar transferred and Borrower is not a natural person) �--__
<br /> without Lunder's prior written consent,lender may,at its option,require immediate payment in fult of ali eums secured ��,.i
<br /> by ihis Deed of hust.However�this opiton shail not be exercised by l.ender it exerctse is proMbited by federal Iaw as *.`
<br /> of tha date of t�9s Deed of�tust.
<br /> � If l.ender exerctses this option.Lender shall glve Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period -.
<br /> of not less than 30 days irom the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower muat pay atl sums securod ,
<br /> t, bv this Deed of ltust.ii Borrower taiis to pay these sums prtor to the expiration of thts period�Lender may irnoke any .�
<br /> .� � remedies permitted by this Deed of'Ii�ust without fuRher notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> ;: NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as tollows:
<br /> • . 17. AcceteraHon;Remedtea.Exeept as provlded in paragraph 16 hereof,upon Borroarer's broaeb ot eny
<br /> � c�renant or egreensern of Bo►rower In thia DeesJ o!lhost.inoluding 8orrower's teituro to pay,by the ent!of 10
<br /> � ce9ondar dsys after they are due,any sums seoured by this Deed of 7tus4.L+ender priorto aeaelaration shet)givo
<br /> notice to Borrower as provided in paragraph 12 hereot epecitying:(1)the breach;(2)the ection roquired to ouro
<br /> such breach;(9)a date,not tesathan 20 days irom the date the nottce Is mailed to 8orrower,by whieh such brcaah
<br /> muat be cured;artd(4)that fallure tv cure such breach on or before the date specitied in th8 notice may result
<br /> in ecceleretion of the sums secured bythis Deed of 7tust end sa►e ot the Property.The rtotice shail turther tntorm
<br /> ' Bomowar of the�ight to retnstate efter ecceteretlon ar�d the rightto bring a court action to assert the nonexletenoR
<br /> � 1 ot a detauit or am/other detense of 8orrower to acceleration and sate.If the bresch Is not cured on or beforo
<br /> ��, � ', '. the date speclfDed in the notice,Lender,at Lender's option�may declere all of the sums secured by this Deod
<br /> ��� i '7 - ot lhust to be Immedietely due and payabio withaut further demaad and may invoke the power of sate and a�►
<br /> : inourred Indpure g�t e remediesbpto ded In thts peregraph�tonclu d ng!but notbimi ed to�neasonoble
<br /> attomeys'feea.
<br /> If the powerot sale is imroked,'nus4ee ahaii record a notice of defeult In each county in which the Proporty
<br /> , , s • or some poert thoreof ts tooa4vd and ehai!mmlt copies of such notice In the manner prescribed by applicabta lew
<br /> to Borrower aro d 4o tho oth�r porson�prescribed by appllaeble lew.Atterthe tapse of such 41me as mey be requirod
<br /> by opplicable law,71'ualoe shall givo pubitc notice o4 sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by ;
<br /> � applieabte leur.liruatee�w�ttho�n�d naQr he terma d sianatted in'the notica ot sate tn'o�o imore pa eta and
<br /> L
<br /> . _. , __'__-.- . - YtYYOt a����v�n����..•..�..�'�....__"__' {1811{�i r .
<br /> � In such oMer as 7tustee may determine.lPustee may posipoane sate ot att or am►parcel of the Properiy by p
<br /> � �. announcement at the timo and placo of any provtou�ty scheduled sale. Lender or Lender's dostgnc3e may j
<br /> pu�chase the Property at erry sale. '
<br /> � Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid,Ttuetec�shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying ;
<br /> �� . the Property sotd.The r+ecitats in the huatee's deed shett be prima tecte evidence t�f the truth ot the statemonts �
<br /> Z� �R made therein.7tuatee shatt apply the proceeds of the sale in the fotiowing ordee:(a)to ait reasonable eosts
<br /> � � and expenses of the sale� tnctuding, but not Ilmited to,Ttustee's tees actueily Incurred ot not more than
<br /> S�6 of the gross sate pNce,reasonable attomeys't�es and coats of tttte evidence;(b)to atl sums
<br /> , � ' �, secured by thia Oeed of 1lrust;and(c)the excess,if any,to the pereon or persons Iegatly entitted thereM.
<br /> ,• 18. Borrower's Rtgh!to Refnstate.Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed
<br /> � of ltust,due to Borrower's breach,Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings begun by I.ender to enforce
<br /> � thts Deed of�uat discontinued at any tfine prior to the earlter to occur of(i)the fHth day betore sale of the Property
<br /> pursuant to the power of saie contafned in thfs Deed ot Trust or(11)entry of a Judgment enforcing this Deed of'Ti�ust if:
<br /> (a)Borrower pays Lende�ali sums which would be then duo under this Deed of'ii�ust and the Note had no acceleration `
<br /> . �
<br />