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<br /> c�curred;(�)aprrcn�er c�ros al!br�seichee�of eny�theH'ccnra►n�nt�or agreementa ot Borro�►w caMait�d in thl�DMd
<br /> � of 1tu�t;(o)gorrow�ptys e!i rraeon�bis eocpene�b�Mcurre�J�y►Lender and'T'ustee in enfnrcinp tha oownou�rra�r►d
<br /> �tr�r MBonowar ooriia�l�cl ln tfila f3�ad W huet►anQ.in dMcancln�L�nder's and'�ustea'a romrdNw rw�rq�Acfrd
<br /> � (n pksqr#ph 1T t�noi�Includinp�but notllmit�d to�raesan�bla atlorneys'tess�and(d)�orrow�r ta�as woA�siion
<br /> w t.�rwiiqr rrwy ree►son�►rK�ufr�tp aswn that tha tt�tr Af this tyeed ot 1Fust,1 endsr'�ir��t icc 9M Pnop�ty ond
<br /> 8�onoMr�r'�ob)ig�4n to payr the wma�scunrd by tt�it De�d ot 7Fudt ahaii cqndnus unimp�krd.Upon�uoh pifnn�nt
<br /> --.---- .— �n!c.��n?k►y E�nrmwer.thls�eeci c�tlFuat artd the db1(pgUona se3aured hereby ahall remsin In tul)tb�s�nd�lt�ct�t�f
<br /> --� ���he�d occumd. � �- -
<br /> 1A. �motMnt��APPc►Inrm�ntotR�t�elwr,l�rxlsrtn�wton.Aesdditio��is�curityh�rwr�d�r�
<br /> garrcttiwthar�byasaignatoLenderti�erents ofthe Prop�rty,prevldecitnatBorrar�ret ehail,priorto accel�ratlon und�r
<br /> p�npnipl�17 hm�mol or�bAndonment of the Property,haya th�dght�o aollect and rotafn auah renb as they becorn�
<br /> deN und PaYabte� .. .
<br /> tlpan�xeler.atk�:+wr�de�c paragraph 17 hereot ar abandonmertt of the Propeny,Lendsr,ln pe►son,bY�nt or by
<br /> �udiciaily�ppolntdd raceivera�h�li be.entlUed to enter upon.4ake�poasessianof and manags tha Frop�Ry and t�o ooit4ct
<br /> tM r�Mt M th�Rrc�erty�tn�l�l�gttidse past doe:Ail�snts collected Qy��ei�dar or the recaiver ehsN by appN�d flnt
<br /> � topl��vm�at of thecoeteatmariagem�niaf in�Prnp�riyand wilec�lon ati�hts,inoluding,butnotitmitedto,nc�M�r'�
<br />; hN,pr�rntum�on rocehrer'sf�oridsaad reasonebteattomeys'feess��aiitltti�ntott��sumasocuredbythta D�sdM?Fu�t.
<br /> L,�nd�s�nd th�racefvsr nhe�Q be Ileble to accaunf onty tor ibose reT�ts�ctitaliy r�c�iv�ad.
<br /> Zp. prcomeyu�c�.UpQn paymern of atl sums secured by t�ils Deed ai'tYuat,Lender shali request'I�uste�to
<br />.:__—� -- - r.Carn��tho!'to�ttrty artd ah�ll aurr�ndet.ihie Deed of ltuat and�il nc�teg svidanctng indebtedneaa aecuted 0y thie
<br />= ONd of 1f�uq to Ttu�tee 1iu�anall reaonvey the Properry without warFa�ty and without charge to the person or
<br />, �rson�NpRliy oMiiled there4ci.Such.person a�persons ahali pay ail��cf recordation,if any.
<br /> Zi. �ubttitub 1ht�t�►Londer.at Lender's o�tion,may from time td tiriie remove'ttusLee and appotnt a euxesaor _
<br /> trwt�to any'Ituates aQpolntect hereunder by an tnst�ument recorrled fn the county in whtch thfs Deed of Tfust la
<br /> �OCprd�d.Wlthout ccnveynn�e ot the Property,the sucoessor truatee 8h�1!suaceed to ap the title�power and dutiea
<br /> cont+�rnd upon ths 1Yusteo herein a�d by applicabie law
<br /> �Z. R�qt�Nt tor Natia�s.Anrrower requests that coptes of the nottce of defauit and notice ot asis be sent to
<br /> , Bor�ow�r's addrese whtol�is tho Prcperty Addresa. -
<br /> , __ . . �O FORECIASUR�UNQHR SUP8q10F1
<br />. 8orto�wr end Under request the hotder of any mortgage.deed of trust or other enaumbrance with a Ilen whtch
<br /> h1�prloiiry over thp Oeed of 1i�uat to glve Notice to Lender,at Lender's address s�t forth on page one ot this Deed
<br /> of 1FuN,of sny dsf�ult unde�the eupoNor encumbranca and oi any sala or other ioreolosure aotion.
<br /> IN WlTWEl98 WHEREOF,Boaawer has e�ceauted thia Deed of livst.
<br />� Jer epp -�� —
<br /> a . o p •eorrower _,
<br /> . �:,_.
<br />�~ SfTATB QF NEORASKA� Hel l Counry ss: _-
<br /> r June 19_2Q betore me,the undersi ned,a Notary Pablic dul - -
<br /> %' On thi���day of � 9 y
<br /> commlaloned�nd qualifled tor safd county,personatty came.$).e�y �"pon a�,�Btt� � Knen{� �--
<br /> huS6and and �ttfe _,to me known to be ihe identical person(s)whose name(o)are subscribad to the
<br /> bropoinp In�trument and aeknowtedged the execution thereof ta be -he i r voluntary act and deed. _ _
<br /> - -- WITNE8S my hand and notorlal seal at Crand Is land' Ne ?ska ,in said counry,the ��:
<br /> �� date►atoreaeid. ¢-=
<br /> �
<br /> i:
<br /> r �.��.
<br /> , �...��-
<br /> � My Commttaton expirea:(Y�ar�l, 1�, �99 g - ���:
<br /> �•; � Notery Pu �-
<br /> e CtNtRAI pOtAAr•SI�Md I�kau •,��
<br /> �!� CONNIE QS1Eft/MAN
<br /> °..9�1hte�[�a�ha�l41p1 RECUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE
<br /> �;
<br /> � �TRlJSTEE:
<br /> Ths urtderolpmd Is ths holder ot the note or notea secured by thia Deed of ltust.8aic9 note or notes,tagether wlth ,
<br /> � eli other indebtedneaa a�cured by thia Ooed of�Fust.have been pafd in tuli.You are hereby directed to cancei esid
<br />�- note o�notee end thta D�ad ot Tivat�whtoh are detiverod hereby,and to recanvey,without warranty,all the eatste now
<br /> >> � hetd by you under thle peed of 1t��t to the person or persons legaity entitied thereto. �
<br /> ^�S `
<br /> -r_r� •� _ _-• �ate: _..._.............. ..
<br /> =`t: ' q
<br /> `;t (BpIIC�O�tow Thla Une Reserved For l.ender end Reeurdor)
<br /> .�
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