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<br /> �. Fund�torTMx�and Inwanc�.SubJact to ap jrlicabla law a�a writt�n watv�r hy Lender,Borrowar 6 e� pay
<br /> � " ---�� �� to le+nder on the day manihly�aymer►Ys o1 principal and inter�et ers�ay�ble ui�dar th�Mai�,unt'.!the Notu Ig qafd In �
<br /> "- ------ tuA,e sum(he�el�"Funda"�qua!t�one-twelfth o1 the yearly taxes c+nd+�aseqsmenfa(in�luclin�condominium�und
<br /> - ptannad unit de+reiapment asserementa,if any)which may ettafn pdorltv over thla Oesd of 1FUSt,and�ound rsnir on
<br /> the Pra,perty,if any.piva ane�twelfth of yearly premium in�talimants tar hazard inaurance,plu�onatwMtth ot ysuty
<br /> premium inetaiknentafcr rt�ortgege Inaurencs,ttany,aU�erea�onabN�etimated(n�lalyandtromtkn�tt�Nn�by UrKter
<br /> - —'_=–� on the baais ot assessmente and btlla and raasonable estimates thereof.Borrower ehall not be obifgated td matae auch
<br /> pay'ments of Funds tc Lenda�to the e�ctent that eorrower makes aucfi payme�s to t�e hc►ffieP of a p�ior n.oriya��r �
<br /> ,;; -_ — dead ot trust�if such holder is an fnstltutional lender.
<br /> j If Borrower pays Funda to Lender.!he Funds shuil be held in an inatitutlon the depnatts or accounte ot which are
<br />- '� insured or gusranie�d Dy a Federal or atate agency(includin�Lender if Lender ia such an inatttution).Lendar shall
<br /> appty the Funds to pay said texes,assessments,inau�ance premfuma and ground rents.Lender may not aharge for
<br />-� so hotdf ng and�pptying the Funds,analyafng said accaunt or vedty1ng and compiitng sald assessmertts and bllis,unbae
<br /> �� '� lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appitcabte law permit�Lender to make such a charge.Bor�awer and ----
<br />' �'� " I.�ender may ag�ee in wr(ting at the time of execution of thi�Oeed af'It�uat that interest on the Fun�a shail De pat�d to
<br />_7�� � Barrovsror,and unless sueh agreemeht la made or appiicabla IAw requires such interest 4o be paid�Lend�r ehsil�at
<br /> � be required to pay 8orrower any tnterest or earningsap the Fundp.Lender shail give to @or�ower�witno�t:char{�e,en
<br />- annual acoov+nti�$of the Funda showing c�edlts and de6lts to the Funds and the purpose br which esoh debit to the
<br /> " Funds was m�tda'i�t�e Funds are piedged as addiUonal securlty for the sums seoured by thi9 Deed of'frust.
<br /> If tha errit��'�4�'the Funds hetd by Lender,together with thp Y�sfare moMhty instaUmente af Funda payabia prlor
<br /> � �:,r�,. ti�a• -�• to the due da*.�c14�Yes,assessments,insurance premiama a�d ground rents,shall exceed the amount required to �,,:
<br /> � ��:��1 t• �• -. pay sald taxes,�a�i�nis,Msurance premiums and ground sents asthey tall due,such exoess shall be,at�orrower's �,;,w;
<br />� �;t"�46��� :•��;�.;� option�either�li!ni�lptl�,�opaid to Borrower ar credited to B�rrowrer on monthly installments ot Funds.If ihe amount of ___
<br />"� ��'����''�
<br />