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<br /> �� {xriods thut I.er�e.r require�. 7t�in9uranre cxrrlcr prnvisSlpg.the insurcuice shaU he�choscn by Bormwer�ubject ta l.cnd:r5�
<br /> �ppnnval which ahat{nc►t be unreasonabty withheld. If Borrower fai.ls eo maintain coveraga descdbed�bpve�Lendcr m�y.at
<br /> I.endrrk optian,obtain covemge to pmtxt Lender�dghts ln th�Propersy in uccordance�vtth parngreph 7.
<br /> Aft insurnnce policies uul rcnewals sh�ll be acce�ble to Lender and shall include p standard mortgage clause. I.encl�r
<br /> ahali hxve tho right to hold the poltciea anti�enewala f L.amier requins,Borrower shell promptly give to Lender atl recelpta
<br /> �-----�-------� of p�id ptcr413ums and tenewel n�ti�e.w. (n!ha event of loss,Rorrower shnll�ive prnmpt notice to thn in9urence cnrrier nnd
<br /> lxnder. Lender may mafce praof of tdss jf not made promptly by Borrower. �
<br /> Unless Lender and Bcxrower othenvlsc agreo in wddng,insurru►cc pmceeda shaU be upplied to cesteration or npai�of
<br /> the Pcopercy dnmaged. if the rcstorutlon or repair is economically feasible and Lender�securiry is noY lessened. If ttte
<br /> restoration or npalr is rtoi econamtenUy fea.gible or Lender's secnrlty would ba lessened, the insumnce procceds shaU ba
<br /> — - applleA to the sums secured by this Sccurity xnstrument, whether or rtat�hen dua.with any excess psid ta Boirower. If
<br /> s� Borrowet ubaadons the Property.or dces not answer wlthin 30 duys a nottce fmm i.ender thr�the insumnce carrter has
<br /> — offem,d to settle n claim.then Lender mny coUect the Insurance procerds. i.ender may use the ptoceeds to t�epair or reston --
<br /> � the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Inatrument.whether o�r nat then due. 'Ihs 30-day period will begia when
<br /> - _ tfte notice Is given.
<br /> — - Unless Lender nnd Borrower atherwise ngcee in wrlting,any uppitcadon of ptaceeds to pslnclpal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refemcd to in psungraphs 1 wid 2 or change the amount of the paymenta. If
<br /> �r� under pamgruph 21 the Prope�ty ia ucyujred by Lender, Homower's right to eny insurance policies nnd proceeds resuliing
<br /> y; fcom damege to the Property prior to the ucyulsitlon shall pass ta L.ender to tha extent of the sums secu�d by this Security
<br /> 'k. Inatrument immed�etely prior to tho acquisition.
<br />=l� 6. Uccupxaey, IPt+eservat�on, Maintenaace and i'rvtectlon o� the Property; �orrower'a Loan Applicatton= `
<br /> "•} LeAStholds. Bo�ower shail occupy.establlsh.and use tho Propeety as�iorrower�principal msidence within s�ty days after
<br /> :;�". the executian of this Seciuity instrument urtd shu11 rnndnue to occupy.��e�'aopecty as Bo:rowcrh principal residence for su
<br /> - least one year after the date of occupancy. unless I.ender othenvise ��ees in wridng. which consent shall not be
<br />"� unreasonably witiiheld.or unlesa extenuating circumstenoes exist whic1x uce tneyond Bomower�s control. Bomower shall not
<br /> destroy.damage or impair the Pmperty,a►low the Property to deteriorate,or commtt waste on the Property. Borrower shall � _.
<br /> be in defaWt if any forfeitare ucdon or proceeding,whether civil or criminal.is besun that in Lenderk good faith judgment -
<br /> couid re�ult in forfeitiue of the Property or othenvise materially Impatr the lien crcated by this Security Iaswmant or
<br /> • Lenders secnrity interest Bmrnwer may cure such u default und reinstase.as pravtded in paragraph 18,by causing the nction
<br /> or proceecUn�to be dismissed wlth a ruling that,tn Lender`s good fufth determtnation,precludes fodeitw�e of the Borrower�s
<br /> interest in the Piroperty or other materiW impaiement of the lien created by this Secudty Instrument or I.ender�s security
<br /> tnterest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, durin� the loan applicutlon process, gave materinlly false or =
<br /> '- ___ inaccurnte informatIon or stateme�►ts to I.ender(or failed to provtde I.ender with any maicrial information)in connection with
<br /> --:- - _
<br /> - the loar�evidenced by the Note. including. but not limited to, representations coneeming Bomower�s occupartcy of the —
<br />-• Property as a princIpal.�sIdence. If this Security Instn�ment is on a leasehold,8orrower shall comply wtth all the provisions
<br /> of the lense. If BorroWer acquires fee dde to the Praperty.the leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unless Lender agrees
<br /> to the merger in writitlg.
<br /> ���ys`� ?. Protection ot L.ertder*s Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants nnd agreements _
<br /> �� �t`• ' contuinFd in thia Securlry Instrurnent,or there is a legu! proceeding that may signi�icantly affect Lenderls rights in tha �:.:.
<br /> Pmpe�ty(such as a proceed[ng in bankNptcy.probate,for condemnadon or forfeiture or to e�force taws or re�ulations),then �
<br />- Lender may do and pny for whatever is necessary to protec[the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. s
<br /> -- „� �,+", Lender's actlonS may indude paying any suma secured by a lien which hns priority over this Securiry Inswment,appearing -
<br /> �� in cowt.paying reasonuble attomeys'fees und entering on the Property to make repairti.Although Lender may take action
<br /> : under tl�is paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> :�� •; My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become udditionul debt of Bomower secured by this ;.
<br /> •Y- Security Instiument. Unless Bomower and Lender u�ree to other terms af puyment,these umounts shall beur interest from the
<br /> �� , date of disbursement nt the Note rate and shail be payable,with interest.upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting �,
<br /> paymen� '
<br />� & Mortga$e Insurance. If Lender mquired mortgage insurnnce as a condirion of mnking the loan secured by this
<br /> �'`• Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums reqaired to maintain the mortgage insurance jn effect. If.for nny
<br /> �;e
<br />_ raason. the mort�age insurance coverage requimd by I..ender lapses or ceases to be in cffect, Bornower shull pny the
<br /> +� pr�emiums requiaed to olstuirt coverage substanunlly equivalent to the monguge insurnnce previously in effixt, ut a cost �
<br /> ;.-,-.,�:f,.r „ � substantialiy equivutant to the cosi to Horrower of the mortga�e insurance pc+eviously in effect.from An nitemnte mort�n�e
<br /> ' u�';; 1" ' insurer appmved by Lertder. If substantiatly equivalent mortgage iasurance covemge is not nvailnb}c,Boaower shull pay to
<br /> � •���-�'�'�"`; i Lender each month a sum equal to one•twelfth of the yearly mortgnge insurance premium betng paid by Borrower when the •
<br /> -- �' %�'�,�+,yc„:•% ; insusonce coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wil!accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> .`.ti .
<br /> -.'�'s ' '°t�rj�;.;;�•. of mortgage tnsurnnce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be rcquircd,at the option of Lendcr,if mortgugr ivawau�ce
<br /> ���;� '��•.; �: ° I covera�e(in the nmount and for the period that Lender requires)prov�ded by sin insurer approved by Lender a�ain becomes
<br /> �� ;, ••� `; � ; availnble and is obtained.Sorrower shall pay the premiums required to mAintain moctgage tnsurance in effecG or to provide u
<br /> r.s_ ..
<br /> ; '��:r : . loss reserve.untll the tequtrement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with uny written agreement between Bornower
<br /> }i���'• ; ; c+red Lender or appltctible Iaw.
<br /> ,; ;'�:ar•:�.; ,
<br /> ^.:;:�,��'�� • = �. i 9. Inspection. I.ender or its agent muy malce reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> ,�•:=;,....t;:...
<br /> ,,,,, . ,, give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to un inspectivn specifying reASOnable cause for the inspection.
<br /> -:�.:. •...." • I
<br /> •��;,;�.,.;.., •� I0. Condewnutton. The proceeds of any uward or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection with uny
<br /> ,4" .: �� �
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