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<br /> caxkmn�ti��or ottxr taking of nr�y pnrt of the Yropeny,ar fm conveysnve tn lieu of conde�►rtstion,un nereby�.saig�sed uid
<br /> shaU be p�[�r to I.end�r. .. �
<br /> In the event �sf� total taldng of tho Pnoperty. �heprncee�dv Rhali bo �ppliod to the Rum�ascurcd by thi:Sexudty
<br /> lnedwnent, whether or not then due.with �ny c�a�� p�ld tO Bartiwer. In the avent af a parti�l t�lcing of the Prc�perty in
<br /> whtch tha falr maicet v�lue oP the Propetty immedi�tely lxfore tho uking ia alu�l to or graiter th�n the ur�o�mt bt tha iurn�
<br /> -�-- -�- - s�ureQ by tlils Scsvrlty lt��ttumettt imm*.�I�t�ly�G�r.�he trkin�,unless Barmwer enci I.ender otherwisc epr�e in wdiing.
<br /> , _
<br /> the sums securad by thia Secu�ity Jatsuument eT�sli be reduced b,y the iunount of the proceods multipiie4 by the fi�IYowing
<br /> — fr�ciion: (a)tho to�►i atqount of the sums secured imn�afit�ly 6efore the taking;dividcct by(b)the fi�iir n�uicet v�lue of the
<br /> Pmperty immediatcly befo�o tha taking. Any balance xhell be pnid to Borrower. In thG event of s pxrti�el t�king af the
<br /> Prope�ty iri wblch the fuir mprl�et veluo af the'PmpeRy immediateJy befare che t�lcing tR less thu�the�rnount of�he aums
<br /> secured i►hmedlately before the taking�unlass Borrower artd Lenckr otherwlse ag�ee in wrltin,g or unless applkabla law
<br /> ahetwise pravidea.ihe proceedati shall be applied to the eums secw+ed by thie Security Iaspwnent whether esr not ttk Runu ctres ,
<br />- �—m-�— - thcn dua.
<br /> [f the Pt»perty is abandoned by Borrowec.or if,ufter notIce by ixndtr to Bomower that the condemnor offe�s to make
<br /> an award or settlo a claim for damages.Rarrawer faila to�+espond to Lender wlthin 30 days after the date the natia ls given,
<br /> Lender is uuthorized to coUect and�ply tho proceeds,ut its opdon�either to nssaretlon ar repair of the Property or to tho
<br /> sums securcd by this Security Inspvmcnt,whcther or not ttkn duc.
<br /> _ Unless [.ender nnd$orrower othetwlse agree in writing,any pppllcution of proccxds to principai shzU_re9t extend ar
<br /> postpone the due dau of tha montlily paymenta referreci to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changc thc amount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Reka.ged4 Fbrbearance By Lender Not�a Watrer. 8xcensiaaw•of.the dme for payment or
<br /> � � modificadon of amo�tizadon of the suma secwed by ti�ix 5�:urity i��stxu�'��ent granted by Le�ulas.to any a�rces,s�r fe tnntet+es+t --
<br /> " - of Borrower sheU aot operate to re�eare th�s llubiliry of the origlnal Bornower�ar Bomowerk successors in intensG Lender
<br /> • ahall not be requined to commenc�procpxdinga against any successor in intenst or refuse to extend dme for payment or
<br />- - . otherwise modify smorHzatian of the sums secured 6y thls Securlty Instrument by reason of any demand mada by the original
<br /> � • "• $orrower or Borrower's successors in interest. My forbeamnce by Lxnder in exercistn�any r�ght or remedy sball nat be a
<br /> � waivelr caf or pteclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br />° � • •`•;12.•gacassors and Assigns Bound:Joint and SeverW l.istbWty;Co-signerr►. The covenants and agreemonts of this
<br />- Securlty lnatrument shall bind and benefit the successoTS und�s�igns of Lender and Borrower.subj�t to the provisions of
<br /> , paragraph l7. Bonrowerk covenants and agreements shall be jolat and several. Any Borrpwer who caslgns this Security
<br /> Inswment but does nat execate the Note: (n)is co-signing this Secwity Instniment only to mortgage.gmnt and convey that
<br /> Borrow�r�s interest�n the Property under the terms of this Security insuumen��(b)is not personaUy obligated to pay the sums
<br />�"��,..:...,
<br /> secured by this Security insdvment;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Horrowcr may ognee to eatend,modtfy,forbear
<br /> - -
<br /> vP� or make any accommodations with re�ard to the terms of tii9s.Security Insmsment or.Rhe Mote wlthovt thut Borrowerk
<br /> _ - , consenG
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the loun secured by d�is Se�:urIty Insmiment is subject to A law which sets maximum loan
<br />- churges.end that law is finally interpreted so th�t ahe interest or other loan eharges collected or to be wlle�ted in connection
<br /> •� ' with thB loan exceed the permitted limits,then: {A)any such loan charge shall bo reduced by the amourlt n�ressary to redace
<br /> the char,ge to the pemuited lim{[;and(b)any sums elready coliected fmm Banawer which exceeded permilted ltmite wifl be
<br /> ry refundeul to Borrowec I.ereder may choose w make this refund b�y reducing the principal owcd under the Nate or by making a
<br /> i p die�ect p�yrnant to Horrower. If a nefund r+educes princfpal,th�:reducdon wiq be created as a partial prepayment withdut any
<br /> propayment charge under the Note.
<br /> -� 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower pmvlded for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mail�r►g It by first dass miul uniess applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property
<br /> • r!s, Address or eny other address Bosower designates by notice to[.ender. Any notice to i.ender shall be given by fust class
<br /> mail w Lenderk address stated herein or any other addre.cs Lender designates by nodce to 8orrower. Any notice pmvided.f4r
<br />_ in this Security Insuument shsill be dcemed to have been givcn to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in thls —
<br /> para�raph.
<br />`- 1S. Governtng II.aw; SeverabUtty. This Securlry Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the
<br />' jurisdIction in which ttae Property is locuted. In the event that any provision or clause of this Sacurlty iri�trumene or the Note _
<br /> confliclti with applicable law.such conflict shuil not affect other provisions of this Secmrity Tnsuument or the Note which cun _. -
<br /> be given effect witUout th6 confltcting provision. '[b this end the�rovisions of th{s Security Instcument�utd the Note nre _
<br /> deciared ro be seve:able. `-"
<br /> 16. $orro�ver's Copy. Borrower shalt be given one confocmed copy of the F7ote s�nd of this Securiry Instrumen� ! _
<br /> 17.7lransfer ot�he Property or e Benef clal Interest in Borrowei: If all or any part of the Property or any interest in
<br /> It is sold or transfencd(or if a beneficial inte�st in Horrower is sold or trans ferre d an d Borrower is not�natural person) �.'--
<br />,,_ without Lenderl prior written consent,Lender may,at its oprion,require immediate payment in ful[of all sums secured by �, ,.
<br /> ° - -----_=-- U�ia S�curity insGument. Hawcver.tliis opdon shssll not be exetcised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federsil Inw as of
<br /> the date of this Secudty Instrumen� '
<br /> , If Lender exercises this opuon,I.ender shala give Bortower notice of acceleration. The notice sfiall provlde a period of
<br /> � not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mniled withtn which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> ��°. Security insuument If Borrower falls to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke any
<br /> � remediea permitted by this Seturity Instrument without flnther notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> 1� Borrower's itight to Reinstute. if Barrower meets certain condidons. Borrower shalt have the right to have
<br /> ' ` enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the eurlier of: (a)S duys(or such other period ns
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