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<br /> _ _ _ _ , „
<br /> � - - ��so�z���
<br /> _ if 6aeower pay�FunAA ro L.teder.tha Funds sh�ll ba ha1�In an inctlio�tlon the�po�its or�c�ounts of which�n
<br /> ��°�"�"'��=�� insured or guarauteea i�y a Ccdernl op state agency(i�utuiliinp Ir.ndnr if LenBoe is sucji a�Ir�sttYuti�n},Lend�r shall apply
<br /> - ---- thn Funds to��y tasd Raaes�ruesam�ntq.inst�ranea pxemtuma�nd Sr+sutr�rant�.LonAetr may nof chot�e for to hdala�
<br /> �nd�Pr�S►tnY the Funds�ant�lyaiag ssid+tccouut or vtrllytina ea►A�compilln�edd aise�s�tt�t;and b�ib�unles�J.eaQex
<br /> — psys Baxecwex Intamt on ttro Fund��nd�ppllaable laM petmib Len6er to m��uah,tt t�►iir�e.Bae�rowee and isnder
<br /> enay�eee in vrritia{Rt tho time otexawtWn of thi�Dead of Tt�ut th�t G►te�t on tAe�lart9�t�hall be pald to Boerc�ar,
<br /> - -'�-----_-- �
<br /> and unleas��ch s�cemeat b mtde or appliqtbl�itw t�equfra such interest to be psid.�endes shdt aa be requirad
<br /> - --- to P�yy fBormwer sny i�teee.vt oe eae�i��oa tSao F'ucsd�. IIaadice sMa!!�ive W 8aseac�tr. �dth�nt char�e.n�n enr�deel .
<br /> accountin�o#'the Fun�d�show3ng ceedita and deMb w the FutMa and tbo purpo�e�a�hkh euh dabit to the Fuads rns
<br /> .�' m�de.1`he Funds ue plad�sd as additioad cesuri�r for tha swnt�aocue+oA b�thi�Deed of Tcmt.
<br /> if the amount oitlw.Fuals hcld by Lea4et.togatl�ar Mith the thtu�re ntaptJb�lb imtaJlma�ib of Fund:payel�k prtor to
<br /> the due dates of taxa.auessmeAts�instuanc�ptsmlwna�n4 Bra�uid rent��ehttll,t�cceed the+ima�nt requlrod to pay utd
<br /> taxes,assessmeat��ins�ucancro premiuma sred Sraand e�ents aa thay fql dua,�uah azcass rhall be.at Bon+ewer'�option. -
<br />' eithe�pramptly repatai to�ornawet o:crtdited to Sorrowar�t,moritlbly installmanta of 7Funds.lf Ehe unouat of the . . .___
<br /> . Funds h�id by Lender shall not ba 4uti'icient to pay t�zes�itsYessman�s.insnru�a premipm�and ground cents�s�hry fa11
<br /> ' ��:� j duo.Borrawer shaU pAy to I.arWer any amount neces�ry to m�lca up tht deficfenay In aaa or more psymeats as I�ender
<br /> °�` , L r,, mty aquit+e. ..
<br />� :. w+� :;:��o Upon paymant in t�l!of ali sums seeu�cd by thin Deal of Tev.�..GanstAr�hall pzmnptly refl�a�to&►nower aqY �
<br /> � � Funds held by Leridcr.If uadar PuagraPh 17 harcaf the.Prapa�tq is�tolcU q:the Property is othenvka aaquired by --
<br /> ••�;..- � LeMec.Lender shnll apply.no laur than immediately priaF ta tt►��sala�of tha Propeety or�ta uquisition by Irendu.aqy _
<br /> - . • ;;::":�:, IFunds held by P.cndar�t We time of appllcatWa t��ci�edt8 ug�1A�t tba smt�s securrd by this Dad oYTras� _
<br /> " ' �ti;��;'�r�; 3. App{1a�ti�a oi?y��wnd.UNeu�ppliaable.law pr�vi4aa oiha�wis2.all pay�uwts rcc�ivod by Laader nadu ----
<br /> .c,..:.• •� ... "' the Nou and parag�phs 1 uid 2 harcof abull bc appUad by Gender tirst t��ymmt of�nounts psyable to Lender bY ==-
<br /> n`'�� � � Bercower undet par�g�aph 2 hcreof.�hen W lat�rat paycblo on the Not�,��it�an to the priaclpal of tho Note. �_-_"
<br />_ 7nr•,^ . `.
<br /> ' r , . ;,, .. �-.-� '- �i. pekr Moet/,�ga and O�ei ot Teaq Cbse�at X.eema.Bota�oWer s?auii petfol�t all of Boreowet':obligatioas _
<br /> under aay mortgnge.decd �f 2ruxt or othor seeuelty agveeu��r•i wlt�a Uen whteh has vrity over thls Deod of Tnaet,
<br /> uR � F:�-�-
<br /> �'� ��'"�� ' ` '} ineluding Bacrowa's cavenants to mako paymants whan due. Boexovv�r sh�ll pay or cause to be p�id all tauea, -
<br /> °:• . ' assessmeats aad oth�si ehargos.tiaes aad impositions attributable to ttut��erty ahich may atWn a pdority over this F�
<br /> . `.. Dced of Trust.and let�seh4ld ps►ymeats or gtound tw►ts,if any. `
<br /> '�`�''`' "� 5. UwrA laeaeauice. Borrower shall keap the impmvemeats now existing or heirafter erated on the Pcoperty ',��;;..
<br /> . ' 1:ti::J.;. . .
<br /> '- ' insnc�ed against loss by flrs.hazarda included within ths term."extended soveraga"�a�►4 such other hazs�ds as Lendzr "°
<br /> .. . �;�°:
<br />` _ _ �j : , mtY ss��Itt and ia���h emvun�4 ar►d for suah pesriods as Lrader may x�a�uise. ;�,_
<br /> •� , �� The insurwice carrier pmvidinQ tha insuruiao shail be chosen by Bon:a►v�subject to approvat by Lender:pmvided, , ;�._
<br /> . thst sucb approval�shall not bo unesesaASbly�aitlih�ld:�S!insurarce polictes aad eenawals thereof shall be in a form `'--
<br /> r.__
<br /> • acceptnble to I.euder ead shall irtaluda a st�ndard ntoregaP3e claus$!n favor of and in a form acceptable to Lender. a-�
<br />�:�} Lender shall have the right to hold tho pc�li¢ies astd ronewsFs t�cereof,subject to the terrais�f any mortgage,deed oi lrust g:�-=-
<br /> .�t,
<br />_ ,. or othcr security agreemcnt with a lisn w h tc h has prio r ity ovrr i h i s D e e d o f Trua t. �,"�',,`�;�
<br /> In the event of loss,Borrawer shsll ptue prompt aotta to the insurerea carriec and Lenda. Ixader may makc proof •�
<br /> � of loss if not mado promptly by 8orcower. �`j���`-
<br /> - If 2ho ProPerip ts abnrtdoned by Borrowet.or lf Borrower fails to rapond to Lender wlthia 30 days ftom the date � ,
<br /> = � ' notice ts mnilutl by Lendat Ao Borrourer that the lasurerua carria offers to settle a ciaim for insurance beneflts.Lendes is
<br /> �, � -•� authorir,ed to callect nrtd apply tha insur�nco pmcaeds at Lender'a option either to cestosaHon or repalr of the '..
<br />=i ;_;� � Pcopeity or tothe sums secured by thia Demd af Trust. ,
<br /> �% 6. P�eren�►tion �utd Mduba�aco of,Pe�sartyi I,wehoW�t Caadomlaiam+t Piaused Udt Oevdopmeab. Bor• ,
<br />= rowet shull tceep the Propetty in good repair.and shall not commit waste or permit impairmeat or datedoradoa of the
<br /> Ptvpeety and shall comply witb:tk�peovisions of any leeu if this•Dced of Trust is on a leasehold.If this Deed of Trust is
<br />-� on a nccic in a eondotainium or a�"_anaed uait davelopment.Borrower shali perform all oE 8orrower'a obligations wader
<br /> � th�de�laratEon or covennnta creating or grnerning tho condominium or planneQ unit development.the bylaws aad
<br /> ' regulatlona of t�a condomi nium or plannesl unit davelopmen4.aad eonatttuent documents.
<br /> � 7. Pc�ste�taa oE Lendbr's Seradoj.It Bareower faits to peeform the covenaats and agesements contulned in this
<br /> Deod of Tttast.or if any action or pmaeding is commenced which materially a�fects Lender's intereat in the Property.
<br /> than Land¢r.at JLendnr's optian,upon notice to Boirower.may make aach appeaea4►ces,disburse such sums.includ�ng
<br /> "��� ceasonable a�ttornuys't�cs.ead take such action aa is necessary to pmtect Lender's interest.lf Lender nqutnd mortgage
<br /> � ' l»suttineo as a condibi.on of makiag the toan secuccd by this Dced of Trust.Borrower shatl puy the premiums required to
<br /> • �•-s�' maintnim suah lnsurance is�effect until such Hme as the requirement ior such tnsurance terminates tn accordaace with
<br /> � '�'�' Borrower's and Lende►r's wrimm ag[eemeat or appHcabie laa.
<br /> Amy amounts disbursed by�ender puauaat to this garagraph 7.with interest tRareon.at the Note rate. shall
<br />'��' �' bemarne addttional Indebtedneas of Borrower secured by ttilc Deed of Trust. UnZess�orrower and Lender agnx to •,
<br /> � othot terms of poynnent, such arnounts ahall be payable upon notia from I.ender to Borrower requeating payrctent �
<br /> � thereof.Nothing�oontnincd in this paragraph 7 sha11 cequira Lender to ic�c�u ony expense or take any aMion henuader.
<br /> '= t� 8. I�pect�ua.I.�nder mny make or eause to bc made reusonable entria upou and inspections of the Property.
<br /> 3 •'� pt�ev�Eed that Leader ehdl give Borrower not[ce pslor to way such inspectfon:pedtying reaconable cause thecefor � .
<br /> _ cdo,t�.!to Lender'i intaest In the Prope�ty.
<br /> " � 9. Candamn�tion.The pmceeds of any awatd or cloim for damagas.direct or consoquential.in connectton with �
<br /> # any sondemnation or othcr taking of the Propaity. or part theezot;or for comroyance in lisu of cdhdomnatlon.are �
<br /> • her�by asslgnat and sholl 6e Qaid to Leader.subjcct to the terms of any mortgage,deed of M�st or other secudty agree-
<br />----- �------ -_ ---- �--- ��---�=-L�-- . .. _.._._.�.�,r.sT_.._. l _-�
<br /> ---c-.�.. Mtiltt 1Altat�t nco wnsw�tt�a�rtavs���v�ca wua rv�r w ��..e�.
<br /> • 10. Bonower Nat Refa�ad; Far6eannoe B� t�cadtr Not a Wdrer. F.xtension of the time for payment or r
<br /> ca
<br />---- I ,�, modiflca�Ion of amottiut�on of the sutas secured by this Deed of Truat granted by Lender to any sucassor in interest of �
<br /> ^ � Borcorver shdl aot oparate to releau.in any mas►aer.tbe IiabWty of the originol Boreower and Borcower's successora in i
<br /> - interest.Lender shtll Qot be required to commeuce procudings against such sua+essor or refuse to extend time for pay-
<br /> ' mant or otherwise modify amortiratton of the aium secured by this Deed of Trust by aason of any demnnd mndQ by the ;
<br /> � , odglna!Botmwer and Borro��:'a succeasors in interest.Any forbesrana by Leader in e:ercising any right or remcdy �
<br /> haeunder.or othenvlse afl'ordcd by appltcsbte law.shalt aot be a wairer of ar prcclude the e:eecise of any such right or .
<br /> �� ��y. .
<br /> � 11. &�sMae u� A�I�nt Boendt 7dat md Se�eeai ILb1114R Cast�ee+t. 'l7�e covenants and Bgreernents �
<br /> �! heretn contained shn11 bind,and the dghts hereundee shaii tnun W.the tespective sucasson and aasi8as of Lender and
<br /> -,�i, Hotrawer.subject to the provfsioaa uf patagraph 16 hereof.Al1 covenmta and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and �,
<br /> - - serenl.Any Boreower who co-signs this Deed of Teust.but doea aot eneute the Note.lal is co•signing thia Decd of Tcust ,
<br /> ,, �� only to�atit and convey that Borrower's intee+est in the Pmperty to Tn�stee under the terms of this Deed of Trust.lbf is .
<br /> / �
<br />