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. . �� .:.. . . . . . . . -�-_ <br /> .s.' :� � t ` ? •`r.� ` , ,n.n __.,. __ <br /> «u�' c, .1ti�'•7'� ids4 b� . •'��,�,e.� .:-t� r'; <br /> , ..... _ <br /> � i� ;I<:..;�,l�t' ,':..,r�:r .. <br /> ; • :.�}•�....t...• ��� <br /> . C G� . <br /> , � __ <br /> � ^ � - �- -� -----_ <br /> .. , ,K..w.;�,�t•«.......� ,. ,... - <br /> ' - <br /> ••.._ --- r .Ly';..:.:.• '� ii . .�_.� <br /> � .�_at•�,`—r�:. <br />�� •� •` �---��'-�+----- ._ <br /> . -- <br /> --:�_� � _. .. —--- <br /> ,..:t..:�... � - <br /> ._— �--— �.. <br /> _ __ -- .._ .—.�_ :r 9�w► ioa�z�s <br /> - - — - -- �., , , <br /> �.� <br /> ��``��� "'`' ''}����'• � • not perwn�lly liable on the Note or uader this Aced of Teust,and (c?s�ees that Lender and eny other�atower � ` - _ _— <br />� � •�� t hereurtder may sgtee to o�ctend,madify.forbere.or mg�co any other acanmma�attous with ragard to tfio terms oF tl�I� � ____.:_. <br /> '��„���,,:��,+;y' ;�` Dad oPTrust or tho Note,without th�t d�onower's consent an4 wishovt t�elcesing th�t Bonower ar madirylag this Deod __ __ <br /> • •;:,��,+•. , , of Tcust n Ro that Botcower s intetest in the Pe�etty. <br /> ' `. �. :�r� . l�. Piotice.Except for any notico cequis+cd undcr appltcabte!aw to be given in u►other manner,t�)any notice to <br /> ,,. , -�'f , Burrower pe�avtded fa in thls Dad ot Ttust�hal!be�Iven by deliveein�ft or Ey maUln��ucb notice by c�eriiAa!maii <br /> �� ���..• � ° nddeessed to Borrower at the Property Addres�or tt such othet addreas a Boccower rtu�y dastgntte by rattco to Lendee <br /> •,;,-•- . , b cafii�led nail fo t.c�rtdctt'e adde�� Qttateai hee�ala or to �,"� <br /> -- <br /> . .,.. <br /> =..ti:.;. � .,. <br /> ,. , ;,,,.a;1'r'�'{''�,;::�'e�': a provided herein�u�d(b)any not4co to Lea er s 7 _ <br /> _ <br /> ° auch othcr addt+eas a Lend�r mty deaignate by notica to Bortoxer ts ptnvidcd hereim Auy notka provtded for In thb <br /> �'' ' � ' ? Deed of Trust�ha!!be de�ined to been given to Boreower or Lender��en giren in the muirter designatal heretn. --:—w_ <br /> ��� �r�to�1,aM�Serenblltt�.The state and local lswa tpplicable to thb Dad of'Prwt sha11 be the lavri of the �=--�— <br /> �'. .. . ' _�._ <br /> f�'•`o `' '." ' �; jurl:diction in which the Peoperty ls located.'Ihe foregoing sentence sh�ll not limit the appllcability of Federal t4w to ��,:(,�,:,�_ <br /> thts Dad of Truat.In the event thst u►y pro+lston or clauae of this i)eed of Trust or th e IV o 4 e c o n A i c t a w i t h app l i c a b l e ��:�s`;,,,_��� <br /> . ; ; .r:=- <br /> • ' � law�such coaflict sha11 aot at�ect otha provisioas of thf�Deed oiTrust ar the Note whlch cen be given effect without the _ . __._ <br /> .r - b . , . �:i7jr�„_�__. <br /> :'; ` conflicting provislon.and to thb end the pmvlslone af this Deed of 7'eust aad the Note�te declaced W be sevarsble.As : .sc._-- <br /> . , ; <br /> ' " � �� �r u a u O �� licablelawer '-°•��f�'3�"--- <br /> '�£' used herein. costs , expanses and aKorneys fas include�I!sums to the e:tc�t aot pmhibitcd by app ,� ��___s _ <br /> ,: .A .,� <br /> ` .. limitod henin. :�"�"'�� —— <br /> I. . . . ; �----- <br /> :� 14. Hosraxer'+CoPI•eotrower ahdl be furniahed a canformed copY of the Nato aad of this Deed of 7rust at tha ,ti,:�'��i,�.y�." <br /> time of eueutioa or after recordatton hercof. ;1';;;�',.?�:=--- <br /> ' 1S. RdubWddioa Lo�A�eeman�.Bo�oWa ehall t�iRU alt of Bcrrower's obligations undu aay home rehtbilita• , ��Y..=v:��:� -- -- <br /> � rK'.�-- <br /> �� ' tion.Improvemeat,repnir or other loan agreetneat which Borsawes enters into wtth I, Lender's optian� _ -:.r:�,--.�=_-,- - - <br /> � : msy require Borrewer to executo a�cd deliver to a foraa Acceptebla to Lxndcr.aa assignment of any dghq� .,-...,.,_-- <br /> ,�' clalms or defenses whieh Borcower may have against parttes wbo supply labor.materials or services in eoaneetton with :;.._,� <br /> �. ;���+x'`r improvemcnts made to the Propecty. -_-- <br /> .�.--- <br /> ���� '�'�'" 16.Tr�nder at tde Property or R Beneiicisl Intenst in Borrower.If all or any part of the Propetty or any interest ;-:,,,� <br /> �>>" • ' in it is solc6 or uaasferred(or if a benefidal3nterest in Horrownr is sold or trensfened end Borrawer is not a natural ` �'''�°� <br /> 4�.� <br /> , � person)without Lender's prior written consent.Lender may�at ita optioa.rcquirc immediate payment in fuU of all �,� ; . °;_� <br /> " sums secwed by this Deed of Trust.However,thts optton shall not be exeraIsed by Lender tf exercise is prohlbtted by 'i ;,;,;� <br /> � � � fedecal law as of the date of this Deed of Trust. "., , � <br /> .. " :. If Lender eaercises thia opdon.Leader shalt give Borrowar notice of acceleration. The notice shaA provtde a <br /> �' perlod of not less thau 30 days fmm the date the notice is delivued or mailed wlthin which Bonower must pay eU sums • ' �•_ <br /> ' -�� ' � <br /> � ', ;y+,,•` . securea by this t3eed af Trnst.It Sc�frower fatls ta pay tl�tst sums ps�or iQ ilt�sxplteif�n�f this period,I.ender maY - •-. r <br /> invoke aay�em��s Permitted by thIs Deed of Trust without further notice or demand on Borrower. � - ''' �_`__ <br /> .,� a <br /> "-� ; IVoN•Uru�oRM+CbvFruN7's.Borrower and Ixnder�intheecov n6 hereof,n�pon Boeeowu'a brach oi aay co�emot "'`� � .�. � <br /> 17. AoakrRtto�i Remedia.En�t as pro�ided 1n pa*agniP�e <br /> or ageeemwt oi Borro�rer tn thf�D�ed oY�b�ading Horrowab Ldlure to pt,�.by t6e cad ot 10 c�lend�t dar at'�e: <br /> t6ey�n dae,an7 soms�sred by thi�OA�ed ot�1r+�t,Lender pdor to acoeleiatton�liall��e nmttce to Baarro�rer�r <br /> prodded tn puy�Ph 12�t�peetf�it�:11)the ls�ae6i(�)d����9aleed to enre sac6 braebi(3)a dtte.not � � <br /> lea 16�a 10 da�troa�t6e date the notloe 6 maikd to HoreoNrss,by whtc6�ac6 bn�ach mmt be cnnd;md(41 d�t �" . <br /> [dlare to can soch brac6 on o:beture the dste�peclSed W tbe notioe mq�eadt in acate.estion oi the s�ms secured b! . . <br /> . th6 Deed of Tta�t aad�de oi the Pe�opert�.lbe aotloe sh�ll tnrtber tn[oYm Boreo�rer oi the eiQht to alusbite a[ter ;��'"`5: ' <br /> �codentlon and the d�t to beto�a waet a�sNoa to aaed the none�taue oi a deisalt or an�ot6er defeme of Boaower : ': ,.. <br /> me <br /> � to�calcratton aad�de.It t6e bee�ch 4 not eorid oa or before fhe date�pect8ed In the notice.Leadca,at I,ender'� .�' �, <br /> , ,. • . ,� <br /> � aptlon,myr dedue all oi t6e�ums reeund b7 ttils meed oi T�ust w be tmmedlabel,y due snd p�yd►le wtt6ont tuet6er . . . <br /> u <br /> ,. dem�ad��nay fntoke t6e poKer ot sde�nd any ot6er ranedtes peeadtted b7 aPPlicsbb 4w.Lender�aali be entilkd I ;�,,j;,; �� <br /> � ., to coikct d9 re�wn�ble cosq�nd e�ema+lacareed in pnnolo��e remedia peu�lded in tWs pu�grsP617�Wclndin�. � . <br /> • �i 3i'_ <br /> ; �"",'' bnt not Itmikd to�ra�tbie attorae�s'tas. f .. �`s <br /> E[t6e po�rer of We b tmolud,l�tstee sh�U resotd R aofice oi defaul!tn eash conny W whtoh the Rcoperyr at sane `, �%"� <br /> ut thereot 4 loahd�ud shtll maU ooptea of�ach�o�e tn�e mtan�pnscrlbed A��PPa�e Vw td��a�soxer and � S <br /> P u ' � , <br /> to the oWu pesom pre�cd6ed br�pplkable lsw.After tLe I�pse oi�ac6 eime u mNr be e�'«ppltpbla.4w. i , :�- <br /> 'hattee�6aU�he pnblEc nottoe of sale to t6e peswm�nd ia the mtnner pracd6ed bj ap�ticable lsw.�mtee►w[t6�at f . �' � <br /> ' t demaad oa Boeeo�rer,�6d!sell tbe Propeet�at pnblk aactlon to t6e ht�hat bldder at the ti�e and pl�ce�nd ander 160 ���y: <br /> � te�ms dal�oated in tbe ooliee ot ssk tn one or moae parah and tn sncb order a Tnutee msq deterwWe.l�teo may , ,�. <br /> ' . •�5�:�.r�` I�atpone�ale oi dl o�wy paeal ot tbe Peape�q��y pnblic�ounament at the dme aad place of aq� prmfoml� � , -_ <br /> ` echednlcd sde.Lender or I.eada'a daly�ee�1 P�ch�te the Propart�d arq eale. ,' •'i. <br /> , ' ,'. <br /> Upon rtaipt of pa�eat ot R6e psice bid•Trm�ee�haU ddt�er to the pnr¢baser Tnre�e's de�d conve�ring !be : <br /> piopert�wid.T6e eedWs fu the T�tee's dad�haU be prtms bde e�idenoe oi the tra4h of the rtatemenb made ? : <br /> tbe�ein.11rwtoe shall aPPb�P��of the ade in the tolloMloa orden lR)to all raiwaabte cab and�pe�na of the ; <br /> � � eale,iadadIas.but not Umihd oo,Teaatae's tas u�oa�4p tnc�n�d otnot more tb�m .............%of the gron stle � . <br /> pdoe,raiwnabk dto:oe�s'fea and ca�ts ot Ht�e ev9�enai Nl to�11 sams�ecaeei!b�thb Dad of Trast;�nd lc)the a- <br /> ce�,i(an�,W t6e penen or peaom le�ptla entitkd fheteto. <br /> •.� „ lg� g�owree+�Rl�ht to Rdmpe4a Notaithatanding Leadep s acceleration of the sums secused by Ihis Aeed of _ <br /> � � Tn+st.due to Borcower a breach,Borrower shall have the r�ght to have any praceedings beSun by Lender toenforce this <br /> ' ' • „ Deed of Truat discontinm¢d at any time prior to the earlier to occur of(i)the fiRh day before the sele of the Pmperty <br /> . ' ,' " pucsuunt to the power of sale contained ln this Deod of Trust or tii?entry of a judgment enforcing this Dced of Trust if: '� <br /> _ __- ___ __________ ._..._ .._.»r e...�..o»�„mc�,t�i�h vrn,ild he then due uader this Deed of Ttust and the Noie had no accelerallon ' <br /> - -, ---r- ., -�--� -- tslovssv..v.��' ^---°- �-- � -.�- <br /> � ����b�gQrro�rer cuces all bnaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in tbis Dced of � , _ <br /> } Ttust; (c) 8ortower Pays all nesonable eupenses incucted by Lender and Trustee in enforcing the crne�ants and <br /> � , agreert�ents of Borrower coatained In this Dced of Trust and in enforcing Lender's and Trustee's remedies as provided in <br /> +� , • paragraph 17 haeof.iacluding,but not limtted to.ceasonable attorneya'fees;and(d)Borrower takes such action as t <br /> •� • Lender may reaaonably eequite to essure that the Iten of this Deed of Trust.Leader's intemt in the Pcoperty and <br /> ' � +� ' Bor►-awer's obligation to pay the auma secuced by th�s Dad of Trust shell continue unimpaired.Upon such payment and , <br /> , �ure hy gorcower�this Deed of Trust and the obiigattona secund hareby shall rematn in fuil force aad effect as if rto <br /> acceletadoa hsd axurred. : <br /> • 19. A�t�R�t APP01°�°t°t R�*� �°� �A g°��on. As additionul secur�ty hereunder. <br /> � ° � Bonorret heraby assigos to Ieader the cents of the Propecty.provided that Borrower shali.prior to ncceleration under , <br /> ' � paragraph 17 liereoior absodanment of the Property.have the right to collect and retain such rents as they become due <br /> . aad payable. <br /> (Jpon acceleratton ua+dee puagrapli I7 het+eof or abandonment of the Property.Lender,in ugent or by <br /> ► � <br /> ' judicially appointed eueiver ehdl be entitled to enter upon.take posseuion of nnd manage the Property and to mllect <br /> , <br /> . . <br />