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<br /> .�eQ���4L.CR�P�CQ�l'OFAT?.�1K....................................a coepoe�tia�enant��nd ._ _
<br /> = eaisttng under the Itws of .1'SA�YLl�................... ...••••.•.....•..•..•
<br /> � whoseaddressia...7.b13.CASSd.ST$EBT..........OMAHA..NE..6�.�.L4.�.... �. ......... .. . ........
<br /> .......... ... .......................... ��•��..�.
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<br /> : SORROWER.in cona6�dera8uon of the indebtadaas hereiir recited uM the t�t bee+ein�� i�A�++C��d
<br /> utd coaveys w 'dhistx. €n erust. wlth power of silo. the foUowina desaibad peopeet9
<br /> : ......HAI.Z... ... .............. ..............Stateof Nebeaslcs:
<br /> S�e Southerly 61 fee� of Lot 26, ia Aaderaoa Subdivision, located in the Southeagt
<br /> � ____,_ Qv�arter of the Northweat Quarter of Section 22, in Towa�hip I1 North, Raage 9 Weet
<br />;;:"., �' , ,di the 6 th P.M.. aad the Kortherly 14k feet of Lot 29. in Andereon 8econd °
<br /> µ� � Subdivis ion, located in the Southeast Quareer of the Northweat Quarter of Sectiou
<br /> C ��� �
<br /> ��,�� �ti� � 22, in Towaehip 11 North. Ranr,e 9 West of the 6th P.M., in Hall Couaty, Ne tias .
<br />_.�'� `��'�; . .
<br />°��;.�i `tii;�ay�' ,••; �,
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<br /> �,b l �
<br />— f'—.
<br /> `- [t-_-
<br /> �r:.
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<br /> whic�has the address of . l Ok�s.S,EUG��?,��.�...........................�RA�`IR.�S�.. .. �'
<br /> �� I�1 luhl "�.�
<br />_ '�' �'�yi��^ 68801. .Ihet�n••Propetty Ad�e�ss"):
<br /> �� � .z�,�y• Nebraska.. ... . .......... ....
<br /> :v�:�r�t_;�.;� � ItaCooel
<br /> • ..�.�� l�... ,
<br /> �<r'�'�''." Toc��tt with ali the improremenu now or hereaRer erected on the propsrty. and all eaumtats. dghb.
<br /> `� ,;�"�`'"j '•` aP�nrtenanas and eents(subject however to the rights an0 xuthorlties 8tven heeein to�eader to co11eM and apply sttch
<br /> � r¢nts).a!1 of which sha!!be deemed to be and remain a port of the p:ape:ty cova+ed�+Y this�of Trush smd dl of
<br /> � �:�i .. the foregoing. �ogether with sa{d property (or the leasehold atste if this Dced of'ftust is on a leasehold) ata
<br /> �� �''- heeetnaRar eeE�recd to as the"Property": �I�q
<br /> t, .�.`!,,.:. � 1 Q4... ..
<br /> � .� �•�` .;� To SEC uRE to Lender tbe repayment of the iedebtodaess eridertad by BoreoMer=note dated..b:Y:�• ,�
<br /> .,
<br />-,. .;;. : . . ..............aad exteaafons and renew�la thereot(hemeim"Watd').in the prindpai sum
<br /> y�''. � U.S.S . 9947.06 ,..�. ...............with interest thereon.prcridia8 for a�onthly inatalimeats of priadpil and
<br /> �-Y- �' '' interrst.with tlxs balance of the indebtedness.�f not soonu paid.due tnd psyable on••8'1r199�...............:
<br /> .F . �. the p�yment of ail other suma.with inter�st therean.ad�annd in acaa�dsace henwith to protat the secudty of th�
<br /> ��r�,,;,;��.,�.,,. ..�• peod of Tnast:aad the performance of tAe corenants and agreeineab of Borrow�er herdn oontolaed.
<br />- i�.�io.�.• . - gorrower corenants thnt Borrawer is lawA�Uy seised ot the ad�te heieby com��yed aad hu tha dght to grant snd
<br /> ���.',,_,
<br /> w
<br /> convey the lhnpecty.and thc�t the Property is unencumbeced.e:cept for encuiabracces of record.Boecower eor�enants . ,
<br /> - ° that Borcaxree waRants and will defend gerrcrally tha title to tt►=Preparty agniast�li claima and demanda.subjxt co
<br /> � enc�umbraaas of cxord.
<br /> �iu�m�u anv��ss Bascorer aad Lendu covenant and agt+oe as fellaws:
<br /> �_ �, � .---- 1. Pyra�t oi Petndpd �ad Iatera� Bos�orrer ah�il pmmptly psy ahm aue trte princip�5 and inie�e.si i
<br /> •„ l j� ' '� " � indabtedness cvtda:ced by the Note artd late charges u providmd in the Note. � .
<br /> _ �". .' :_ .' 2. F�ds far Taus a�i Iwe�ee.Subject to applicable law or a�rcimn waivu by Lendcr.Boaower sl�all pay to
<br /> �i:• . � ;
<br /> - � •�. : Lender on thc day moMh1Y payn�eMS of pdncipsl and tnte�st�ue payable undtr the Note. uctil the Note ia paid �
<br /> �.�` � • ta�s snd sssessmenb(tacludlug condo:ninium and
<br /> "��: •.. `• '- • tn fnit.s sum thaein"Funds")eqwl to one•twefRh of the ye�riy
<br /> _ , �`• :� � � .. planrted unil derdaprttent asseuments.if any)which may atuin pst o r lry aer t h i s D e e d o f T r u:4.a n d g r o u n d r e n t s o n �
<br /> ass um
<br /> .;'." . the Fn�perty.i�iny.plus orte•hvetRh ot yeuiy premium inatail�nents fot hazard insuraaoe.plua o�e•t�relRh ot yeady I
<br /> �r:� .
<br /> �f..� �� � . r premiu�n instdlmeats fen rttort s lmnrana.if any.all as teASOnably esti�nated initWly and fe�om Nme to tinte by
<br /> 6 8'� I' '�
<br /> ' I,ender an Rhe btsis of a�ess:rtenb and biib and�eawn�ble at�natcs thereof.BorroM►a*shdl not be abligated to inate ,
<br /> ;�, '`.};...,. ,�::_ �a.,�~ such paymenb otFunds M Lender to the estent that Bo:rorer mates a�ch ps�rmcnts to the holder of a pdor martgage or � .
<br /> "�" '• deed of mcst if such holder is an iastttutiontl leader. f
<br /> - ' A+ �?,��
<br />:. .rl�'•�+:y n�-�wN.• I
<br /> ,. _ � � . NEBRASKA �n�� � .
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