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<br /> eondemn�tian be o1�t'taking of nny"pnh of Cite f3�+nperty�,nr ftx�c�nvey�wx�a In li�ew af c�.rrr l�by wl�eod,wxl -
<br /> ____ shall f�e�id to l.�Kk:r.
<br /> Yq�eYent oF a tntxl takin�uf the Prop�erty. ihc prcxsatl� ah�ll ba ��plied tc� �be e:ua�.s e�a:ured by thus Seturity
<br /> Imtrwnent.whether ctr,tMx ti�en due.wi�h any excess p�1cf ro Aorrawer. In the eva�t ol�putirl takia�oC d�e Fr�nrty in
<br /> which ti�e fi�r m�tiGyt vplua of the Propsrty immed{wety bef�x'e the taking is eqw!ta ar�e�er tMn thc amount ot the�as
<br /> �ret►red by.t1�+saeW.iti'Inur4t�t imo�ed�akly �iefas t6n t�iclr,j.w►kas Bacuwa�aM l.emder odyetwisd'i�ree in writinr. .
<br /> ilx sume ececurod by thir Secudty In�avma�c eh�ll be roducod by rhe�r�aw of the p��oceed�nwlti�llea by dw Mtlowie�
<br /> _�-- - :_. ---� ficctton: (a9 tk:.tQta!mteuu af th-sttms�!ri�n�•i im►mliatel�heforet�;t�ltfnv,div:dAd by(b1 the fair m�cket wlsqc of thC
<br /> Proparty imMediately before the t�kin�. Ar�y balMOC shdl be p�W w Bamwer. fn t�e event of��1 t�tin�or t1At ��
<br /> pmyeny in whicd the fRir mu3cet vduc of ttw Roperty[mmedixtely befoc+e the taki�ig is icsa th�n the iumxir�t of the swns
<br /> sxured irtemediately before dx taki�t�.unkw HoROw�r and Lectdrr dherwi�'agroe in w�riting or unkts�pplicabk taw
<br /> otherwise provIdes,the praceeds shdl bo sppll�,io tha nt+ms seciued by thta Secudty Instrument whettier or�wt the aums�re
<br /> tfien due. • '
<br /> If tho i'rojxrty is abatWoded by Bomower.t�r if.after notica by Leader to Rocmwar th�t ttie ec�m�or otiers to rrake
<br /> ---s-- an award ar r,cttk a claim for damagcs,BorrouGr��iv,to nespo�fo Lcnder wit.h_in 3(1 day4 after tho date the n�xico Is givea.
<br /> Lender ls autlxxized ta collxt and apply the praceecla,ot ita opNon.elther to restcKation or reptlr of the Ptc�erty or to che
<br /> - sums becured by this Securlty Insaumrnb whe(�e�or not chen dne.
<br /> � Unless Lender end Bartawer othe�wis?,ogi�ee in writing.any plica�ion of pmcuds to princlpal shall not aatend or
<br /> postpone the due dite of the monthly psyments t+�fem,d to in P�a.l und 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not fitekssed; t�brbear�nce Sy I.ender lVot � W�Iver.• �Ztension of tt�e drtre for psyment or
<br /> modiftcuion of amortlzation af Ux sums secu�ai by this Secwiry insuttment g�nted by I�der to any sucaessa in�nteast
<br /> af BomowGr,�ha�,pas.aperate to relea�c the ltabitity of the original Boaawet or Bomnweri�sucaessors in interest Lerdr.r
<br /> shaU aat be;ca�µi�d w commence prooeedings ugainst any successor i� i��t or ctifase to extend t�co far ps}rmcnt or --
<br /> otherwis�mo�¢,i,Sy,atnonizatlon of the sums secured by this Security[nst�uittent by reason 4f any demapd mAde by the original
<br /> Bomower ix�armwerk successors in interes� Any farbeunutce by Lendcr ia exercising any tight or remedy shall not be a
<br /> waiver of or preclude the exerclse of uny right or eemedy.
<br /> 12 Sucassors aad Asai�na Bound;Jdnt aad Severu!LiaWlity;Gaaignera The covenants and agrcements of�his
<br /> Secwity Insdument sh�li bind and benefit the successors and asslgns of Lender and Bormwer,subjeM to the prcrvisions of
<br />�_ parngaph 17.Botmwer�covenan�s und agt�+ements shull be joint and sevecai.My Borrower who casigns this Secudty
<br /> Insmunent but does not execute the Note:.(ua is co-stgning thts Security..l,nsuument only to nmrtffiag��grant and conwey that
<br /> Boarower*s interest in the Propeity under the t�rass of this Security Insuutn�nf; (b)js not personatly a+d�5lgaud to pay the sums
<br /> - secund by this Security Insuuinenr,and(c)agree.c that Lender and any other Botrower muy agee ta extend,�nadify,forbwr
<br /> or make any ctccommodations with regand to tho terma of this Security Insuument or the Nou wiU►out diat Borrower's
<br />_ � consen�
<br /> --__. _ --= 13. I.�n C6argc4. If the loaa secured by this Secucity Insttument is sub}ect to a law which sets maxtmum lav�
<br /> ` chacges,and th�lt�aw�fuially interpreted so that the interest or other loan cdnrges collected or to be coUected in connection • '
<br /> with the loan ex�ed the pemutted IImits.then: (a)eny such loan charge shail be reduced by the amaunt necessnry to c�ducc
<br /> the charge to the pem�laed Iiml�and(b)uny sunrts already collecced from Borrower.�vhich exceeded pemutted limit�,wili be�'..
<br /> ce�tmded to Bonower. Lender ms►y choose ro make this mfund by reductng the prlrtcipai awed under the Note or b�r anaking sa
<br /> dls+eot�wyment w Bomower. If a refund mduces pri�ccipal,the reduction wifl be m�ated as u partiul prepayment withont any
<br /> prepa�-ment chat�e under the Note. ' �
<br /> !4. Noti��. My Qotice to Bomower provlded for in this Securiry Ipatrument shall be given by deUvering it or by
<br /> ': � mniting it by first class maii anless uppticabte law re�uires use of anothermethod.7t�e notice shall be ddirocted to the Property
<br /> • Address or aay other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by fi�t cinss
<br /> mail to Lenderh addres.g stated herein or any other addre.gs L.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice pmvided for
<br />- !.
<br /> in this Serurity Insaument shall be deemed to have been given to Boirower or Lender when given as provided in this
<br /> P�1� Coverrting I.aw;Severabpity. This Secur�ty Inswment shall be govemed by federal lu�v snd the law of the
<br /> jurisdicdon in wi�Ich the P'roperty is located. In the event thut any provision or clauss of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> canflicts with appltcuble Iaw.such conflict shall not affert other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which.can
<br /> be$iven effect without the contlictIng proviston. '[b this end the provisions of this Securiry Instcument and the Note ace
<br /> deolared to be sevtrsble.
<br /> 1�. Borrowet's Copy. Botrower shall be given oae confonned copy of the Note and of this Security Insuvment.
<br /> 17. '11�aaster ot the Property or a BenefIci�l Interest in Borrowes If all or any pact of the Pr�perty or any interest in
<br /> ti _; ' i�ts sotd or t�ansferred(or if a beneficinl interest in Borrower js sold ur iransfemed and Boaower is�ot u nuturul person) �==
<br />_ -=� without Lender's pdor written consen�Lender may.at its option.require immediatc pay�ment in full of all sums secured by .;,.-:
<br />- -- -- — ,� this Security InstrurrtenG However.this option shall not be exercised by L.ender+f exercise is prohibited by federW law as of eC'!
<br /> 3�: the date of this Security Inswment. K-�
<br />_ �~" V Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. The norice shaU mvide a nod of
<br /> ^ �'•, P pe ' �;�
<br /> , not less than 3(►�ays fiom the date the notice is delivered or muiled within which Borrower must pay all sums secumd by this �`�,
<br /> ���: S+�curity[nswmen� If Bomower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of thts period, Lender may invoke any �
<br /> =°b�''
<br /> h, � remedies pennitted by this Security Instrument without funher rtotice or demnnd on Bomower.
<br /> �„�,,,,.,.;` 18. Borrower's Rtg�tt to Reinstate. If Bomow�.r meets certuin conditions, Borrower shall have ttie rig�t to have
<br /> -���•" enforcement of this 5ecnriry Inswment discontinued At any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other pedod as _
<br /> ' Singte Family-Faaa4e MaelFYe�ddle Mac LJNIFORi+2IlIVSTRUAiENT--Unifortn Covcnnnu 9/90 (poge 4 oj6 jrapesl
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