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<br /> ; � �pp.�ic�►b�law may�peoify for triRStrtotnaw�)befurp saie uf tlae F'roF�Y P���'�'► �Y lw��„sais oaotriaed'i�n lpir � ..
<br /> 3ec wity Tnr:uun�nt;ur(b)eutry uf u j�cSg�►�rnt enti�rt(tix this S�curity 3nslruts�nG Thosc CutxliUrNts ure th�t l�osrowa: la>
<br /> �yx 1,e�ider �11 num� which then wuuld be duc tl+kfcr thte 5ecurtty Instrument and �hc 1Vote u if na �oc�le�tlan b�d
<br /> , oxu�rad:ib}cuMee�by def+�ult of any othx oaven�cr�no�nq:(c)IxY�all expat�ql�jocueed i�l�"�t��+�U►
<br /> • iaatune�t. iaMdin�. but nat�indtad w,rma�aable aqar�ty��feo�:�ed(d?uke� �cA�tba s�I.hrArr may �h'. .
<br /> � m9uie�e to�wre td�t ttre li�t af thia Sa�+uiry inwva�au,Lerrderti ri�fia ta tbt Ptapeety wd�'orr�vea•ti obH�tion w P�Y�4
<br /> � � sea.7xed by tidt 3ocwity In�trmr�ent s1Mll oonliaue u�cl�yed. Upua reb�taMawnt by Dorrarwt.� ��t7�
<br /> - In�erurz�ent aai rhe ob�lgulau rectund hertby shdl�+tm�in fully ePfixttve au if nu ecxGk�tion b�d�a�urred. Howevac��
<br /> ' ' ri�tq�MYt�I�ItAa!a�ly ir iMts c�e of�oaldratiae undar pre�r�p�h 17. .
<br /> '. L1: �ei!�P lrelt�;Llea�e++[X.aw Sarrie�r: Tfie No1e.a a�t1aX i�roerest fa the Nole(�'wi�h th�Securit! ,
<br /> i Itnttutne�t)In�Y be:bld at�o�'mono Umes wFdrout ptIar�xx€o�to Boitower. A,s�k msy r�ewlt Id�ch�a�e i�tlie eotiry
<br /> � (Wwwa sa tho"1.p�a Seqvicer")U�at collects ma:�►thly p�ymaip due w�der tbe Nooe�1hI�Secwiry Ia�trument. Tha�e�o
<br /> nuy�be aie or mars c�anges of tbe LnAn Servicer uanl�to�i to n a�le of�i►e Note. If thaie is�chwge of ttio l.a9u Savio�r.
<br /> . 8orrdwer vvUl be givan wrttten notice of tt�c change in aocad�nce wlthpa�n� !4�bove and appJtcabk Lw. TI�notia
<br /> witi arste the nuno�nd edd�of the new L.wn Senrica and the address eo whicb payhienu shauld be m�cie. The'+nutke wil!
<br /> alto caKaitt aay other iaformqtiun raluiead by�applicible l�w.
<br /> 20. Haareiou�Snb�u�aea. Borrower shall not cause or pecenit the prese�e,use,disYiosal.storsgE.ar relea�e of any
<br /> ; Hazecdrxn Substances on or ta the Pro�serty. Bomnwer shall na do.nor aliow anydrie else to do,anything affa:ting tbe
<br /> Pm�periy�hat Is In vloladon af any EnvImnmenW Law. The preced�ng two senteuces sbali not appiy to tl�se presence.�so.or -
<br /> stor�an tho Pn�petty of snWl qwntifles of Hazudous Substanoes that are generally recognize�l to be appmpriau u►nonnal
<br /> residciuia{uses Aad to m�iuunanx of the Propaiy.
<br /> Barrower shall PromptlY give Lender written notice af any investigatIon,c1�3m,demar�d,lAwsuit or othx acdon by a�ay
<br /> gov�:u�en�at o�ca8��i'a��Y ar privaic pazty involving thc Pmp..-ny and any H�s Substaacc or�*�stli
<br /> Lew of which Botmwa has succual Imowledge. If Bomower leam9, ar is notifiod by aay govetnm�atal or r�egulatary
<br /> autt�ority,tliat uiy rom�oval or otber remediaflon of any Ha�adou.q Substance a9ift'ecting t6e Prope�ty is nocessa:y,Bomower
<br /> shal}{m+mptly take all aecessary rem�odtal ncHons in accordance wttte Envicoamental Law. : .
<br /> As t�sed in this pangraph 20."Hazardous Substances"wn those substanas deflned as WxIc or hazudous su6squxx��Yiy,::
<br /> Euvimnrnental L.aw und the follonring aubstances: gasoWie,�erosene,other flammab.le or taaie pen+olwm pc�cm,taec�}a���
<br /> Qesddd�s and heibIcides. volatile solvents.materlala containing esbestos or fom�aldehyde,and radioactivo mutedals. �
<br /> used in ttils paragraph 20,"Envitonmental Law"rneans feders�l laws and laws of the jurisdlcHou whem the Pmperty is lacated
<br /> �hat relate oo he�lib,safery or environmental proiection.
<br /> NaN-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Boaawer and Lender fluther covenant and agnee as followa: ' �
<br /> Z1:.1#oederatioa:Ranedks. Lender s�ll Sive notke to Borrower prlor to aea�tlan f�lbv�log�orrawer's
<br /> � brdch pt Any ommant or agreement in tl�e Sep�e[ty Iastrument(but not prbr Qo aaoehetittton under p�a�¢sp6 47
<br /> ' wik'�s�ppikable IaM pravides ot6erwise). T6e notloe shall s�edl�ys (a)fhe ddhult:(b)t1�actlon requir+ed W cui+e tbe
<br /> ddaalt; (c)a dafe.net le�tban 30.days flrom tbe Aate the notice Is gtven to�iore+uwer,�y w�ich t6e tk�uit maat 6e .
<br /> au�edi und(d)t6at hllure w cun tbe dd'oult an or bdon the date spaitiad in the noHoe uu�y reaWt fn areekntbn o[
<br /> the suynssecured 6y t6is Security Iasqvment and s�k af the Properiy. 1Le notbe shall tluther intorm Boreower�of
<br /> t6e c1�4t0�Ge�itcr aooc�er�tbn and the right to brtn�a oourt actlon ui assert the tton�xistenoe ot w delaWO+ar
<br /> nny ott�ar d�fe�ot Borruwu to acaleratbn nnd sale. It t6e detault is not cund on or bdon tLe date spaiiied.doc
<br /> tht natkx,I.ender at its oPtbn msy tequire immedtAte payment in tiWl of aU sums secue+ed by thls Secc�dty Imd'umue�s!�
<br /> without tnrthr dennafnt an� may G►voke the power oi sole ond ony ot�er remedies permitbed by oppikable law.
<br /> I.mder aktlll be entitkd to caUect all ea�peases incurred ta pursuing the remedtes provlded tn thtg p�rw�spb•�l;>, �
<br /> indudin�g;l�cut not Iimited ta.reasonable attorneys'fees and oasts oi N�te evidence. ,
<br /> Ii�the power ot sale Is invoked,llrusbee shstU record a nott�e oi dRtault in eac6 can�ty in whkh eny part ot klbe
<br /> Peaped7 is laated and ehall mafl oopies ot such aot[ce in the manner prescdbed by�'bk law to Aon ower�ndl Qa
<br /> tbe ot6er petsons prescrlbed by app�kable law Atter the ttm�reqWred by appll !e•1�a,11ru�tee s�l give public �
<br /> notlox otsale to We Eeerson4 and In the manner Qrescribed by appUcable law 1f�ustee,wiWout dem�an�9+oa��Borro�rer,
<br /> shsll sd!tde Pe+nperty at publk audton to the htghcst 6idder at the time aad pls�ce�nd.under the hrms d�l6oatal it►
<br /> tbc notkse d s�le tn one or more pareds aad in any or�er 1lrustee determines. �fl�a.gtee may postpone s�k oi all or aay
<br /> P����P��Y bY Pn61k annonno�twt at the t[me and plaoe ot any Pr�eviott�iy.srhednlal sWe. Lender os 5is
<br /> d�i�rtwy purchase the Peopeety ae ony sote.
<br /> Upaa rcceipt of pyment of ttte prtoe bld,7F�stee s6all delt��er W t4e�pnrchaser'lYnstee's dced rnnveylpg�9te
<br /> , Property. The reclWs ia the 7Yvstee's dced shaU be prima fack evidencx mff¢be truth oi the stateme�s made theseln.
<br /> '[tastee shall apply tlnr praoec�ot the sule W t6e fallowins orfler: (a)to ell costs aQd expences oi exeraisiog the pa�h
<br /> h '
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