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<br /> �(�YIM LGWR'�• •17F��r��r�.����M�OY�T Y�Y�MPJ�fi�Y1A7{��1�����
<br /> apprtsvnl whk•h:shall t�ut tie wtx:�asor�Kbly uid�hcld. �,f.II�rrur�rrr friix tu�twi,►ty;n cuvrra�+:cSo�c�it�or��tbowe,l.wda�wy.�i .
<br /> Il.endcc�op�ion.c�Main covea,gs ta prr�cY L�etKkr?s ri�in the Pn�nty in�ccotdux:�wit1G�7..�
<br /> Alf�nwrece Poltria aed r�wawalb�h�H Uc axepebk w L.eo�Mfr aM�U inch�d�s a randwd aio�ciw�o� i.�l� .
<br /> �11 twvo tl�r1�ht w i�oid the poiicie�aud�w�la. If Lender re�qoiieo,Baro�x�b�tt prow�ptlx Siva tro l.�r�!
<br /> W'p�W pripv►Urr�s aad reoew�l nodcea. !a�ke nv�qt o[la�.Baiqwer sh�Jl Sive pron�pt uo��ioe La tMe 6r�rruc c�rr���rd
<br /> t.ande�. l.aider nay mahe ptouC of lo�s�f aot raAde PaMpHr by Honawa• .
<br /> Unkas 1 u�t u�d Bcmawct athetw3ee asroe tn rviiting.ja�urincs p�o,coeda sh�U be�aolkd to�e�ooataii a nep�ir d
<br /> �---_-- --_-= tf�e P�npeitY d�nu�{ed. if the re�o�afjoa ur ttpdr is ec+ono�aically ieawbie rad Larderl �curity L not fafseMB. U.trs • _
<br /> rataation a nep�i�•ls nat ecc�nkally feuibie or I.enderlc eec�urity vrould be leMened.the�p�acee�c'�lMI!bs
<br /> �ppLiod W the sums s�ecurtd by this Sxurity Inshume»t,whethor or not Wai due.wiW any exc�as pdd to Barower. lf
<br /> Hoctuwer�cdaaa tha PtopeAy.or cioes not anrwrr withln 30 days a natice froa�L.e�k�.dut dYe inNV�noe c�rier i�ir "
<br /> otYcnd to settk a ct�itn.then l.ende�may coUect the insurance proaods. Ltnder may usa the pmoeett+W r�p�ir a�n�a�e+ " ..
<br /> �PtppeRy or ta pay sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or rat then dua. '[t�e 30d�y period will�begin whal
<br /> tLe nut�Ct is g{ven.
<br /> Upkss Luider nrW Bormwer othenvise egree itt writfng,any applicatIan of pcAC�cda to princip�l shall na aaea�d a
<br /> postpoae the dUe.date of the monthly paytncpts nfemed to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paytna�ts. If
<br /> ncxles p�rag,�ap�2l the Peoperty ts ucquined by Lender,Bormwer's r�ght to eny insurance polfcies ar,d pmceeds reaulti�ag
<br /> _ frrm d�unAge to the Prope�ty priar to tt�acqul�idon shall pass to l.eader to the extent af the snms socured by�this Secunty
<br /> Insmii�ent imniediately prior ta the acquisition.
<br /> i... Uec�p�ocy� Pr+esoe�vallon, Maiatenaace and Protecdoo ot the Propartl: Bo�mwer'a LoMri Appiicst{s�:
<br /> I.e�eMol�b, Borrower shnll occupy�establish,and use the Pt�operty s�s Borrower.b principal rcsidence withia s�cty days�ftx
<br /> _�--�- _ _ -- she exccatian af Htis ' Ia�mcat auA sha!!cantinuc to cu
<br /> Ot113y t�i2 Ptalj�ity 8S BOiiOWefti�i'if7C;�1�i2 I�lt�t.Ylth�iu!'Ni `-
<br /> least onb year after the date of accupancy. ualess Lender otherwise'ap,�es in wclting, wtdch ca�sent ShiU na be
<br /> wmeasonabl�y withheld,or unless eatenuating circumstartces exist which are beyond Botmwer§cor►mol. Bamwer shsll iwt
<br /> destroy,damags or impair the Property.nitow the Property to deteriorate,,or cvmmit waste on the Property. Barrower stiall
<br /> be in default if any farfaitun action or pmceedinB�whcther civil or crlminal,ia begun that in L.etMer�goad faith judgment'
<br /> could result in fdrfeiture of the Property or odxnvise materl�lly•eonpuir tAe lien cirated by this S�2wity Insttwrant or
<br /> I.enderk�ecqrity interesG Bormwcr may cune such a default anQ�imsihk,.as provlded in p�s��raph 18,by vausing ihc aetian
<br /> or praoe�lfrng to be dismissed with u ruWg that,in Lender's go4�•4'i�t2!¢eterminadon�Pmc�m�es�orfeinue of thc Botm�verk
<br /> �inteissc��.¢he P�operty or other materEal impairtnent of the Uen crCated by this Sccurlty lf�Prnrnent or,L,�pderk secwity
<br /> interest. IIorrower shall also bc in default tf Bomower.during th,e loan applicntion p�Cd�s. gave cenateiially false or
<br /> inaccurate informadex�or statemenu to l.eader(or fuiled w provide Lender whh any materia!i�'fmmadon)qin�:,onnatIan with
<br /> the loan evidexecl by the Note.includIng, but not lunited to. �presentations cottcemittg iB�hrower�s�ixupaney of tbe
<br /> Property sis a principal.iesidence. If this Security Inswirtent is on u leasehold.Bomnwer shafl romply with�all the pruvislons
<br /> - of the tease. tf Bamwtr acqnires fce tiUe to the R+operty,the leasehold and the fee dtle shall not metge unless I.ender aymees =
<br /> to the merger ia writicig.
<br /> 7. !'ratectlon of l.ead�'s WgAts in the Property. If Bormwer fails to perform thc covenants and agrecments
<br /> cantained in this Securiry.Insqument, or there is u legnl pmcee�ing thui may significandy�'ect I.eader`s righta in the�
<br /> Property(such as a praceeding in banktuptcy.probute.for condemtsadon or iorFeiture or to enforce laws or reguladons).then
<br /> Lcnder�ms�y do and pay for whateves ns necessary to protect dEe value of the Property and.�.euder�s rigfits in thc Propeny.
<br /> - Lender's�.�axions mny includc paying any sums secured by a lien w2iirh has priority over thits Sc�c�rity Instrumen�appe�ri�g
<br /> �� in coutt,puying reasonable attomeys'fees artd entering on the Pro'perty to make crpairs.Alti�ough Lender may talce�latioh
<br /> under thi�paragraph 7.[.ender does rtot have to do so. �
<br /> • Any amounts disbursed by Lender undcr thts pamg�aph 7 shall become additlonal debt of Bomower secwod by this
<br /> _ Securiry 7�tsquroent Unless Bomnwcr and i,tnder agree w other terms of paymen�these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> daxe af di.d�ttsement nt the Note mte and shall be pay�ble,with intems�upan notice fiom Lender to Borrower roquesting
<br /> • — paymeat
<br />- & Mort�ge Insurana. If Lender reyui�ed mortgage insuran�as a condition of makin�the Ioan securod by this
<br /> SecneIty Instrumsn�Bonower shnll pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgagc insur�ce in effeC� lf. for uny
<br /> reason. the mortgnge jnsur.uice covernge required by I.ender lupses or ceuses to be in effec� Borrawer shall pay the
<br />-_ piemiwns �eyuired to obusin coverage substantiaUy eyuivalent to the mortgage insurs�nce.previousiy in effect,ut a cost
<br /> substendally equivnlent to the cost to Borcower of the mortgage ie�sumnce previously in eff�et,from an ultemaRC mon�ge
<br /> �nsuier appmved by Lender. If substnndaqy equivale�t mortgage ansurance coverage is not n�Falat�le.Barower shall pay to
<br /> l,er�er each mouth a sum equal to one-twelRh of the yearly mortgage iasucance premlum being paid by B�nower when the -
<br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender witl mxep�use smd rektin these payments as u loss reserve in tieu
<br /> - __ of mortga�e insurnnce. Los�reserve payrrrents may no longer be requireci.nt the option of I.ender.if mortgnge Insurance
<br /> --- coverage(In the iurtount urtd for the period that Lender nequires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender�ain becomes
<br /> uvailul�Ie und is obWned.Borrower shall pay the premiums requi�d to maintain mortguge insursutce in ef'fect,or to provide u --
<br /> loss reserve.until the requimmerut for mortgage insurance ertds in accordacice with any written a�meement between Borrower
<br />