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<br /> periods Ihnt l,cndar aquires. 'I'hc insuranco carr[cr proylding the insuranoe eh�il bc chosen by Bomovrer anbJect to l.cndkrti
<br /> ` pp�ruval which shsll not be unmasortcbly withheld. 1f Borrower fails to tnaintuin coveruge described a�uve,l..ender�nay.at �
<br /> Y.enderb a�xion,obtain cavera�e tn pratect l.ender�x dghts in the P�operty in accnrdxnce with�ra�r�}sh 7.
<br /> All Insunntce poiictes and mnewalr eh�ll be�cceptable ta t.ender and�h�il includo�stand�rd+ncxtgsl�e clauao. i.e�r
<br /> ehaU have the rigAt to hold the poliaies artd renewala. If Lender ro�uirea.Burmwer sJ►tll�romplly give to Lendu�Il tmcelptx
<br /> oP paid p�+emiums and nnewaf notice�. In the event of In�.s,�ocrower sh�ll give pr+ompt notice to thc innac�nce crRkr aiW
<br /> I.enier. I.encler msy mifce proaf ot loss iP not m�de promptly by E3ocrovrer, ,
<br /> �- _ _-- � Uaicra Lendcr and I3a�otiv�r oth:r�ira ngrcc ia�rrItuig,ttt21!mnae�oceeds shnll be a�lted to r�sta�rattor�ar rep��r of
<br /> — -- the Rtaperty damsged,iP tlte nestoration or rcp�fr ia ece�nomically feas b� le aqd Lender�s security is not le�aetkd. if ilw `
<br /> nstoration or�epair ie aot economicaily feasiblo ar Lsnder�s lsecurlry would tn Ie.gsenod, tl�e Insurance p�roceeds shilt be
<br /> lt_ a�slie�to the sums recur�ed by ihia Security l�st�►ment,whether or not lhen due.wIttt eny excess paid to�8orrowet. (f
<br /> Barrower abandons the Property.or das not anawer wIthln 30 days u notice from L,ender that the insurarwe carrier h�s .
<br />-,�, - offerod to settle u claim,then Lend�er ma collect tho insurance procee�is. Lender may use the proceeds to c+epair or cesrore
<br />— tll0 PDOjXiIY OT�0 p8�1 BUR1.9&CCUlCd bS/1ll�s Secutlty Instrument,whethcr or not then due. The 30-day pedod wjll begin when
<br /> T - LIi61l0IICC IS g1YClL
<br /> Unless I.ender�nd Horrower otlnerwise agcee in wdttng,enY apPl�CUtion of proceeds ta princIpal shall not extend or
<br /> l�� postpone the due data of the monthly puyments teferred to in pamgmpha 1 and 2 or change the tunount of the paymtnts. If
<br />��{�� under paragrp�h 21 the Pr�nperty ia ncquired by Lender�Borrowerls ri�f►t to nny insurance polici�s and proceeds resulcing .
<br />�:<:-
<br />� fram damage ta the Property prIor to the ucquistdan shnll pass ro L.r.nder to the extent of tho sums secured by this Sccurity
<br /> y' Instrutnent immediatcly ptIor to dte nc,�uisitlon. ,
<br />�;�' 6. Occupa�tcy, Preservs�Hon, Mainteaance and Protectioa oi the Property: Borrower e Loaa Appltsation;
<br />��:�
<br /> LeaseM►l�s. Barrower shull accupy.estu�slish,und use che Property as Borrowerk princ�pal restdence within skty dnys efter
<br />��� the execudon of this Securiry Insuument and shall wntinue tn occupy tl�e Ptoperty as Borrower's princip:�residesue far et ---
<br /> f- least one ycar after the date of oscnpancy. unless Lender othenvIse agrees in wtivng, which consent shali not be
<br /> nnreasonably withheld,or unless eatenuating clrcumstances exlst wh3ch sue beyond Bornowzr�s canuot. Boirowar shall not
<br /> �f destroy,damnge or impair the Pcoperty.allow the Pmperty to deteriorate,or cornmit wasta on the Property. Borrower shaU
<br />- �6'` be in default if any forfeitnre action or proceedtng,whether civil or cr�minal,is begun that in I.ender's good fuith judgment
<br /> �� ' could trsult in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise matedally impair the lien creatad by this Serunty Instmment or
<br />• L.ender�s security Interest. Borrower may cure such A default and ne�nstate,as psovided in paragaph 18,by csiusing tlte action
<br /> . or proceeding to be dismissed wltA a ruling thut,in I.ender's good falth detenninadon,precludes forfeltur�e of the Bormwer's
<br /> intereat.in the Property or other material impairment of the lien created by this Security Tnswment or Lender's secwity
<br /> - lnjeres�• 9orrower shel! also be in default if Bortower� dudng the loun app6cation process. gave matedaUy fulse ot
<br /> inaccusate information or statements to I.ender(or failed to provide Lender wlth any matedsl information)in oonrtection•with
<br /> the loan evtdertced by the Note. inciudt�s,but not Ilmited to. repTesentadans concemiag Borrower�s occupancy af the ,
<br /> --- -_.-=-. - ' Prog?rty as e grincl�aP.r�sidene�. If th4s Secur��y Inatn�meae is on a leasehold,gmrower sha11 comply with all the provisions
<br /> . ' of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tiQe to the Prapecty,the leasehotd and the fee title shall not merge unlass L.ender agrees `
<br /> `s` to the merger in writing.
<br /> . � 7. Protection of I.ender's Rights ta the Property. (f Borrower fnils to perEotm the covenants and agreements
<br />�%'��`- � , contained in this Security Insuument,or there is a tegal praceedin� that muy sig►uficantly affect Lender� r�ghts in the
<br />_ ' t Pmperty(such as a proceoding in bankniptcy,probate,for condemnation or farfelture ar ta enforce laws ar reguladons),then
<br /> j ' "F3,'" ..:.� '. I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to pmtect the value of¢he Roperty und Lender's rights in the PropeRy.
<br />_ °� �"��°6=�'`• • Lender's actions may mclude paying any sums secured by a Iten which has prioriry over this Securiry inshumen�appearing _.
<br />� in court.paying repsonuble attomeys'fees and enterin�on the Property to mnl`c repa�rs.Aithough Lender may take action •
<br />�� . „ ,.•j . ., , under this paragruph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. �_
<br />• :. .�,� i My amaunu disbursed by Lender under this pAragraph 7 shnll become udditinnal debt of Borrower secured by this �
<br /> . -� : Securiry Instrument. Ualess Bornower and Lender agree to other terms of paymenc.these amaunts shall bear interest fiom the __
<br />. "'s date of disbursement nt the Note rate and shall be payable.with interest,upon notice from I.cnder to aorrower requesting ----
<br /> payment. �'"`�'•�
<br /> • � � S. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance us n condirion af making the loan secured by this H,,..;-
<br />, , •� .� ��,,,;;,`y� Seauriry Instrumen�Borrower shull pay the premlums required to mnintuin the mort�age insurance in effect. If, for any C�Be^�
<br /> � • renson, the mortgage insurance coveroge required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bonower shaB pay the �5;:.
<br /> ��•��r. s,°a.:;�.
<br />-. �:�� -••.. .�.;�,; premiums required to obtain covern�e substantiully equivatent to the mortguge insurance previously in effect, At a cost e,yn;;.
<br /> ' ��:.,t�,':'ri:��" substandaliy equivAlent to the cost to Borrower of the mortga�e insurance prevIously in effect,frnm an altemate mortgag,e k?�v�.
<br /> ro;�,.
<br /> �.;��_ �'; .. insurer upproved by Lender. If substuntiully equivulent mortsage insurance coverage is not uva�table,Borrower shall pay ta ��;,"°_�
<br /> Lender each month a sum equal ta one-twelfth of the yeArly mortga�e insurnnce premtum being paid by Bortower when the ''""
<br /> "�o �' �`�' insurnnce coverage lapsed or ceused to be in effect. Lender wip accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu �_'1;��
<br /> � �`'�:�: � � of mort�nge insuritnce. Loss reserve payments muy no longer be required.ut the option of Lender,if mortgage insuranca ,;:°.
<br /> . t
<br /> ' � � covernge(in the tunount and for the periai thst Lender requires)prnvided by an insurer approved by Lender aga[n becomes ' �;�
<br /> �, �' 'r avuilable and is obtuined.Bornower shall pay the pmmiums required to muintuin mortgage insumnce in effect,or to provide a •�:;'�•
<br /> " � � " � loss reserve,until the cequimment for mortgage insurunee ends in accordance with any written ugreement between Borrower ` ;
<br /> '�� ���''�` , , und Lender or applicable law. '� �
<br /> • �� 9. InspecUon. Lender or its ugent mny make reasonable entries upon und inspections of the Property. Lender shall ' :,�
<br /> � give Horrower notice nt the Ume of or prior to an inspection specifying musonnble cause for the inspection. ''''
<br /> � ' 10. Condemnaflon. The proceeds of any award or claim for dnmages,direct or consequential,in connectton with any �:":
<br /> . ,#�-'. � �., j�
<br /> ' ' Singlc Family--Fhnnte Mae/FYcddie Muc UNI�ORM INSTRUMBNT•-Uniform Covenants 9/90 (page d nje paResl
<br /> .. ' ��,� . �..
<br /> �'• � � Tp OrEa�CnU:t��PO FAX 816791•1131
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