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<br /> cswsd�em���zi�n w other takin�{af any pnrt of the P�+opei'ty,or for convay�nce in iku nf c�>n�kmnation,uo he�eb)�As+ignad iu►d °,.-
<br /> °�-� nhuil be paid tv l.e�xier. —
<br /> Nq the event of a tntal taking oP the i'm►xrty, It�e prc�cceds Fh�ll be applie�d to thr. r�u�ns secured by thia �urity
<br /> I►s�tn�qxnt,vrhether�x not ttKn due,with anY exceaa p�id to Bartowee. in the event of�putial takin�af tt�es.�'rc�perty in
<br /> whlch the f�ir madcet valuo af the�'raperty immodlRtely beforo tho taking is eywi to or��ater thu�the�rtxx�nt af�tho svinu , . ,
<br /> xecuird by th[�Secudty lnstrument immedlauly befix+�the t�ng,unksa Ba�rowcr apo l.enckr ai�aw+Ise agroa��in writin�,
<br /> 1FfC YUIflN tYlCU1El��4MI!SECLI[Ilyl Ifi�h11R1Cllt 6IIiII t10 [t(IpCEd ify(F!0 AfYNMII'1�9�t110pca muhiplied by s1�q fdlrnwi+�
<br /> frACtiun: Ie)tha tuwl amouut of the sums secured immedla�tely befono Ihe t�F.ing,divided by�(b)the fair m�rket�ali�n c►i the
<br /> � - --- Ptu►peny immadi�tely 6afcH'e lho tticin�. Any�alwue shalt be paid to Honvwer. ln tho evciit oi w{►wiial ua�iiiy u�ti�: � -
<br /> Propeny in whkh tho tair m�rket v�lue of the Praperiy immedi�tely 6e1'om tta taking is lesa th�n the wncNU►t of tMs aune�
<br /> �ct+r�d immedietely Gtforc tho teking�unless 9onrower snd l.cnder ott►crwine agreb Ia wt�ting or unlea+apR�iaAblo !nw
<br /> osherwise pcavldes.the proceedy sh�ll 11c applicd to the sums secured by this Secudry Inswment whether cx not d�o sums ura
<br /> then duc. '
<br /> If the Property iR ubandoned by Bomower,or if.after nodce by Lender ta 6orrower that the Cpnckmnar of��rs to m#ke -
<br /> ��... un awattl or scttle a claim for dameges.Botmwer fuils to tespond to l.en�er wlthin 30 dsys utter Ne date tho nQi'tr:e ia given. ,,
<br /> C.ender ts authoriud to collect and uppty tt�e pnxxcds,at�ts optlon.eilher to[estoration or ngair of thc Pm�xgty or ta tha •
<br />'_ syms secured by thts StcurIty lnswment,whetheror not then due. .
<br />°+. Unless Lender and Bomower otherwfsc ag�ee in writing,any AppGcadon of procads to principal sh�ll c��t�at�nd or.
<br />°� - pastponc thu Que dutc of tl�e monthly puyments refemed to in pamgiuphs 1 and 2 or changa thc enwunt af such p�yments.
<br />�`� 11. Borrowe� Not Itek�sed; Forbearan�x BY LeAder Not a WAiver. Extcnsion of the time for;payment.or
<br /> v��� modiflca�ion of amortizution af the suma secwcd Dy this Securh,y Insaument gmnted by Lender to any success�r in int�rast�
<br /> of Botrower Fhall not opemte ta nlease the liabiliry of the uriginaf Borrower or Borrower�succxssom in intarcst.Ixndcr
<br /> -- _ - -°_- shali nat tse rquircd tu eammence proxedirtgs uga�est any successor in�nter�st or�fu�e w extend time fnr,paymenit ot.,
<br />•:�� otherwise modify amurtizadon of the sums secured by this Security Insuvment by reasoa af uny demand mcide by tha ori��!ad:,, �
<br /> �' Borrower or Bomower's successors in interes� Any forbesuance by I.en6a in exercIsing any rlght or remedy r>h¢l!aot bm�.
<br /> - wuiver of or preclude the exeTCise of any right or rcmedy. �
<br /> I2. Suceessors snd Assigns Bouad;Joint and SeverKl L1abUity;Caslguera 'ihe cavenants and agrecmonts of tiu3s .
<br /> Secur�ty Inswment shull bind�tnd benefit the successors and assigns of Lender und Borrower.subJect to the�mvlsioas o,f ,
<br /> paragmph l7. Bortower�s covenants and asrexments shall be joint und several.A�y Boirower who casigi�,a tl�s Securiry
<br /> Ynstrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-sigaing thIs Sec�uiry Instrumens only to mortgage.grunt�d��onvey that
<br /> Bo�rowerk interPSt fn the Property under the terms oP this Security Insuumen� (b)is not personally obligate�to.puy the sums �
<br /> secured by this Sec�city Insuumen�und(c)Ag�ees that Lender and uny oiher�orrower may a�ec to extend.mpdify.forbear.
<br /> or mnlce any nccommoduttons with regard to the terms of this Secw4ty Insaument or the Note without thut BomoLren�
<br /> consent.
<br /> • Q 13�. Loan Chat�es. If the loan secured by this Secudty Inswment +s sub,gect to u Inw whIch seu at�xiiz�ivn [�? •
<br /> " s ` ' charges,and tN�t taw is finaily inte�preted so�hat the in�rrest or qther k.nn ci��,�..wiic�:ted or ta be catl�i�r� —
<br /> e
<br /> �vith the lo�n eaceed the permItted Ilmits,then: (a)uny such loan charge shall be ceduced by the amount rtec�.eary to reds'x�e,� •
<br /> the charge to the permitted limi�and(b)any sums alreudy collected from Borrower wh3ch exceeded pem�ittecS�limits wiil t+�
<br />"�� refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this�efund by�educing the principal owed under the Note ur by makiAg a
<br />.;;.�,, , direct payment to Bomower. If a refund neduces princip�l.the reduction will be tret+ted us a partial prcpayme�t wrthout nny
<br /> ��� ,� prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> h'� 14. Notices. Any noHcd to Borrower provided for in this Security Insdum€nt shull be�iven by delixering It or by
<br />-- '� � mailing it by fust class muil unless applicable!aw requires use of another methad.The notice shall be directed to the 1'�niperty
<br />::.'';t Address ar uny other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. My norica to L.ender shnll be�Iven by first class
<br />'�,� mail to Lenderh address stuted herein or any otheraddress I.ender desi�nates by notice to Borcower. My notiwe provided for
<br /> ire th[s Security Insttument shall be deemed ro have I�cen given ta Borrower or L.ender when given as provided in this
<br />'-;Y' P�S�Ph _
<br /> 15. Governing Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the taw of the
<br />: jurisdictlon in which the Property is locnted. In tlie event that any pmvision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Nate =_
<br /> eonflict�with applicabte law.such rnnfltet shall aot nffect other prov�stons of this Security Insdument or the Note which can �"
<br /> �� be given effect without the conflicting provision. 1b this end the provislons of this Security insuument nnd the Note um �`='=
<br /> � .;�:T4. ; declared W be severnble. --
<br />" I ;. ���;�>°�� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one confortned copy of the Note and of this Securiry•�nstrumenG __
<br /> �,, �• •�'+: �T`-��°�•� 17. 7tensfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. lf ull or any part of the Roperty or any�ntereat in
<br /> . „u ,., .,.a-: ----
<br /> it is sold or minsferrcd(or if a beneficial interest in Bomower is sold or transfeired und Bonower is not n natursil personl �_. _,
<br />:;� .���'�y�t<y withoat Lender's prior written consen�Lender may.at its option,require immediute puyment in fuil of uil sums secured by �
<br /> �.�:
<br /> � �,�-��� this Securiry Insuument. However,this opHon shall not be exercised by l.ender if exercise is prohibited by fedeml law as of ����-
<br /> -,.,*;- •„
<br /> ,�;*.�,;_,:�r the date of this Security InsttumenG E,r`..
<br /> If Lender exercIses this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration. 'Ihe notice shall pmvide n periad of
<br /> :;.? "�'".�::�� . not less than 30 days from the date the nodce is delivered or mailed within whicl�Borrower must pay ull sums secured by this �'�`
<br /> ; � . ` v.��� Security InstnimenG If Borrower faiis to pay these sums prior to the expiration of thib perlod,l.ender mAy invoke cuny �;
<br /> 1.f...=1,•'.��.�' �'�� -
<br /> �::���i f;���;!+,; e+emedies pecmitted by this Securiry Instn►ment without further notice or demand on Borrower. �r.;.:
<br /> �:�=�:,.��i;4,, 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borcower meets certain condipons, Borrower shtilf have th�r right to have �;_
<br /> . • •enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (u)5 days(or such other period as ,�,
<br /> ~ �.�.�!r�.?
<br /> ���-"� Singie Famiiy--Fannk MadEl�sddit Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT�Unifonn Covenonu 9/90 f paR�4 nf 6 pugtt)
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