»'fin .c.Y+"� - r : t�}6_ - ' .�+,�'., :i�:7rUj(+'t'!{ . , . . .
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<br /> .n't �;.��. g. wazard�r Property IiisurAnce. porruwor�tiali kccP tlic Improvcu�cntx i►ow ex�t{i�y i+r iic��cufl�v 4�re�tc.1 uji Iti��
<br /> ' ""�'_ _— -- Pc�periy insured against lass by �!rc. hura�rda irn:ludccl wlti�i��thc tcem"cxtc�xlcct cnviceagc"ott:l;nry��ti�cr hH���rdr, {u.lwllny
<br /> —���u���� floads or flooding. f�r which I.cr►dcr requires insurnnc�-.Thfx insumncc tihull I�e malntuinr+l!n tlto ietn«u��1y iiixl f+}r ilto{��I+nly
<br /> -=_=-=- - that l.cnder recRuires. The insumnee carrier providing the li�surmice ti1wU Ix�che�kn b�+IA�rrnwcr NuhJw�c1 In I,��Hicr'n N�ryn�+vkl
<br /> _— ,-------
<br /> which sball nat bc unrcasonably withhcid. if�rrowar failn to nu�inta{n cnvcrxgo dcwdt�l wtw►vo�1�►xlrr au�y, al f A�xstt'�+
<br /> �. - _ _.._ — option,o6tnin cuvcmge to protcct l�ender'�rightv in tl�c Pmperty in iic��rrdimcc wlth��:m�gr�i��l�7.
<br /> � All insurunce policle.v and renowala ehall !w ueceptuble iii Lencter aixi ehall iixitule u�ty�Kl�irvl nw►tiKugu�Iwu�, I etNirr '
<br /> --y�v=�� shall have the dght to hold the poficies and rcrrewnl�;.If I.cixicr rcquires,f�mi�wcr xhall pnnn�tty give tu I.���ler ull�e.ei�Ni�►1'
<br /> ''�=""'"� paid premiums nnd renewnl notices.In thc cvent oF lass.Anrmwcr Khull givc rrumpJ nuU�r to tl�c In�urtmce��arrirr nihl le:iHl��r.
<br /> �� Lender muy make proof of Ioss if not mudo pramptly by Born�wer.
<br /> - - _______—�:��:, Unless l..ender und Borrawer a�herwise ngrcc in wrUing. insurunce prnrccdy shuli tx upplic�l w re�turuUun�►r��cp�dr ul'UK�
<br /> _-_ =-=__�,��:;�9v Property da�nagod.if th�reistoratian ar repafr!x emnomiculiy fen.gibie a�xl I.emier'c,necurf�y in�u►�Ie+�ene.L It the IC`111�N1I1111411'
<br /> -- ""�""'--�""-° repair is not ecanomicully fcASiblo or i.ender's security wuuld t�e IcK�ened,du inu�runco pnx�ecdx r:hull tx;uppll�tii tn qiu nm�i�
<br /> �=7hO�°-°1�"- secur+ed by this Securlt� Instntment, whether ar nat thcn duo,with nny exccx�+ paid ta[3��ra►wer. If li�+rrawce al+;ualmiv Iitr
<br /> ;���.�+�. Pnoperty.or dces not answcr within 3Q dayti u natice frum I.c�xier that tt�c insunu�cc rnrrier hus oficrcd t��nculc u rinim, Ihcn
<br /> "� •' �� �'` I..ender may collact the insucance proceeds. l.ender m�y u�e thu proceeda t�� repatr or�e�tore th��Naqxi�y or t�►r.iy n�unv
<br />-`��:.
<br />__.,�,,,�,,,,,�,�n;;; secum,d by this Security Instrument.whether or nat then dud.Tho 3(�-�iay peri�d witl t+egin when�he nntlre is glvci�. _
<br /> -- -'�-�� Unless Lender and Borrawer piherwise Agrct in wrdtin�}, uny upplicutiun oY pnx�cc+ls Ue peincipal sl�ull nnl cxtc�nl ur
<br />--..�---.,�..�..�.
<br /> -_ _=.:_:.�
<br />-"�°�"`°'"'''�°'� post�une the dua dace of the monthly pnyment� referreci t� jn pumg�uphx t n�zd 2��r�twn�a th�unwucu uf Uir puynkuta. 11'
<br /> —--- �_::.�.�:. ._.
<br />���� umler paragraph 21�the Property is ucquired by Lender. Borrower's right tn any insuruucc��licics und pnkccJe nr+uilinp� frnm
<br /> �°"'�+ji� damage to the Property prtor to the acqu[sltinn shail p�.sa ta I.ender to the extcnt��f the xumy nccurcd by thir tic�writy In�tr�mxvil�
<br /> ° ' r immediutely prior to the ucquisition.
<br /> ��'�,,� 6.Occupancy,Preservntton• Maintenuace and P'rotection of the IM►peMyi lioem►�e�'x I.��n Applirutlnni I.c�srholdv.
<br /> �'��,�'� Borrower shall occupy,establish,und use the Property ns&mower'�prinripal rczidcnrc within�iz�y dnyh;dler the rxrcuttuti ul'
<br /> : �,,4
<br /> ;, .; .. this Secwity[nsrrument und shull contlnuo to occupy the Property as&irn�w�cr's pr{nripal rcsidcnrc fi�r ut Ieust �mr ycar ulicr
<br /> ^, � �'` the data af oocu anc unless I.ertder othenvise u r+eca in writin whicl��timunt yhull nut he unrca�onabl withheid,�►r unlcyti
<br />.;�; ���, p Y• 8 8• Y
<br /> extenuatins circumstanc:es exist which ure beyand Harrower's runtml. &nmwrr +halt not dcy�roy, danmgc or imp.iir Il�c
<br /> �h Praporty. nitow the Property to detedarnte, or rommit wns[e nn the t�n►peny. W►rnnvcr �hall I+c in defciult if uny Ii�rlrhurc
<br /> .'<y;;� action or praceeding. whether civil or criminal. is begun thut in l.ender's g�xxl liiith.iuJgment c�uld nwult in fi►rfefwre��f Il�c
<br /> �1 cs._ ,___ ps�naF►y�r otherwir.e materially imp��the lien ereatcd by thi�Security In.titrument eir(.ender i�ccurity fnterc�t. liorn►wer m�y
<br /> -- ��;
<br /> i ' '� cure auch a defuult and reinstnte.us provlded in paragruph IB.by rausing the ncti�►n or pnuccding ur be Jismi�rcd�vi�h ii rulinf;
<br /> . that, ln Lender's gaod�foith deterniination, preCludes fiufeitum uf thc H��rrowcr's imerctit in thc Pn�p�rty ur .nkcr �ratedal p
<br /> � . impairment of the lien created by this Secudty Instn�ment nr l.cndcr'x xrurity inter+c,t. R��rm�vcr+hall ulu►tK in defuutt it�
<br /> Borrower.during the loan applicution process,�uve muterfally fulse��r inurcumte inf+►rn�r►jon ur atatements W l.ender 1�►r lailod
<br /> ,; ta provide I.eader wlth any muterial informution)in�bnncctton with thc I�wn cvidcnrcJ by thc Nute.Mcluding,hut nui Iimflcd p�`
<br /> � to.Tepresentations conceming 8onower's occupancy of the Pmperty ati a prfncipai rcsidcnic.lf thih S�+curity In+trument i��m u __--
<br /> leasehoid, Bonower sh�lt comply with all the provisians of thc Icasc. If Barn��ver uryuia� fcc= �inlc t�>the pmprny. th� ---
<br /> leasehold and the fee tide shall not merge unless Lcnder ugrces ro the nurgcr in writing. F'ry'��
<br /> � 9.Protection of I.ender's Righta in the�'roperty.If Barmwcr fi�ils to perti�rm thc covcnant+an1�igrcenunts rontuineJ in
<br /> ks'�.„
<br />- this 5ecur�ty Insttument. or thete is u Iegal proc�eeding thut mny+ignificantiy nffect l.einier',ri�ahts in th�Pr�ip�rty(ruch uti u �
<br /> -- praceeding in bankntptcy.probate.for rnndemnutian c�r furfeiture ur to cnforce luws��r rcgufutiuns►,then l.ender nu►y du snd � ,,
<br /> i'r �,, .
<br /> '°' pay for whatever is netessary to pmtecc the vatua of che propeny und Lendcr'ti rights in du Pr�ipcny. Gcndrr'+urtiun, nwy -
<br /> Y . 9nclude paying any sums secured by u lien whlrh has priority over this S�urity In+trumcnt. uppea�in� in roun. paying
<br /> reasanable attomeys' fees and entering on the Propeny to makc rcpairs.Althuugh l.endcr may tuke a►Kian undcr thi,p•rragraph
<br /> , 7,l,ender dces not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this pu�ugruph 7 tihall lxtiynne additionul Jebt ��f 8nrcowcr +�urcd hy 1hi+ ',.
<br /> ' .� Security Insmnment. Unless Borrower artd Lcnder agree ta cithcr terms ot'payment,thesc umount� �hall Ixar intcrc�t 1'mm the
<br /> �� dato af dlsbursement at the Note rate and shatl be payublc. with intcrc�t, upun nati�r 1'n�m Lcnder a� W►rruwcr r4•yuc,un�
<br /> payment. _
<br />�w $.Mortgage Insvrance.If Lender required mongage insurunce;�s u rundition uf muk�ng the laan +ceurocl by thiti S�rurity �
<br /> - i��`a:r . Instrument. Horrower shall pay the premiumc mquimd to muintain thc mc�rtgagc insuruncc in cffitih. if, ti►r uny rcusnn, thc R
<br />•� � �? mort�age tnsurance coverage mquired by L.ender lapses or ce;ises to Nc in effi�t. Hor�ciwcr�hall pay tht pmmium+rcyuired t��
<br />, obtain coverage substantially equivutent to the mortgaFe insurance prrviuusly in cl'fect,ut u�r►,t,ubtituntiully��yuivulrnt t��thc
<br /> coat to Bc�rcower of the mortguge insurance previously in effect, fmm an alternate tnort�age inwrer appnw��l by l.crtddr. !f ,.
<br /> ' subatandally equivalent mortgage insurance covern�e is not uvoitublc.Bormwcr xhult pay tu l.cnder esrh mu�uh a wm��yual tu
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium bcing puid by Burniwer when thc inyurun��c roverugc lap���f�►r�ca,eJ t�►
<br /> be in effect.Lender will acoept,use and retain these payments us a loss re�crve in licu uf mortgiige in�urc�nre. L�►,� r��rve
<br /> Form 3028 9i90 `
<br /> Pogp 3 0�0 �
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