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<br /> pay�ncutu rnuy n��lou,�er ba r�:���irri�,nt dis aptton of i�nder.iP m.nrtgnacs insurance covernge(in the nmaunt and for the peri�l
<br /> thet I.�:ndcr requims�pmt?id�l:[?Y.�s�irtsurer nppraved by Lcitdnr uga�n bcr.omes av�lluble u�x1 is obtnin�d.Borrower shaq pay
<br /> the preroiuma txs�uitaaf,tQ�t�ttaiqtn9n dalt�lgB�Ba lasurnnce in effect,or w provEde a loss reserv�.until the requir�rnGnt fcr mortgage
<br /> insumnov encis in,�aordtatp2���lth�u»yt�writtcn Agrcement bctwcen�srawer and Lender or epplicablo law.
<br /> 9:In�ppet�in�.I.endar on ita�qnt may mak�e rcasoneble entrtas uprm and�insriections of the Property. I.end�r shall�ive
<br /> Rormwe�nntiao at thu titna af.aapd�r•to an fnspection specifyipg reas�anu6te a►w�e for the inspcction.
<br /> `� - , 1�. Cundamtm4lun.�.'I"�cq,q�oF any award or cluim fot dan�agcs, dirzct ar conseyucx�tiai.in conucstian �1ith nny �--_-
<br /> candomnutfan ar othar tnkinn�ot,�nqy part of the Property.ar for conveyanae in lteu of cundemnadon,nre henby usaignad and
<br /> ahall b�pald to Lendar. �
<br /> In tho evcnt of n totnt,tnhing•oLt�ta Pruperty,tha procoeds ahaA bu,npplied eo the sums secured by thia Security Insuument,
<br /> whether or not thon dua�with'a���exr�s pald to Bormwer. Tn thp,event of a partial talctng of the Property in whicb the fair
<br /> mnrkct v�luQ of tho Pmperty immadlptaly before the takinB is eqcwl to or greuter than the amount of tho sums serunad by thia
<br /> -�-_- Secudty Insiruncs�nt immtxllntaly baf{�n�the taking.unless Botmwcr and L.ender othenvlss ngrec in wdting,the sums becured by ---
<br /> this Secudty In�tn�mant:shaiP ba,rnduoed by tha runount of the proceed:s multiplIed by the following fractton: (a)thn totel
<br /> umount of the suma sact�rod 3mni�silntely before the teking,divIded by(b)tho fuir murket voiue of the Property Immudtately
<br /> - before the taking. A�ny bisluoa.�''sStuli be paid to Borrower. In tho event of a partial taking of the Property in which tho fair
<br />� market value of ths Pta��grty immedintely beforc the taking is less then the amount of the suma secured irrurtediately before the
<br /> tnking. unless Btirrouer and�Lender otherwis�agrec in writfng or unl�ss applisnble taw otherwise pmvides, the proceeds shall
<br />_ be applied to the sums sccut+�d b;�thls Sacuriry Insuument whether or r►at the sucns are then due. _
<br /> If thu Property ia abnndanas�l by Borrower.or if.after notice by Lender to Horrower that the condemnor affers to make an `
<br /> award or s�ttle a claim far�dant�ges. Borrower fuils to respond to Lender w[thin 30 days after the datc the notice is given,
<br />: Lend�r is authoriza�to collact cin►E apply the proceeds.at its option,either tv restoration or repair of the Propetty or to the sums
<br /> secured by this Secuciry in�tnimeat.whether ar not then due.
<br />- Unless Lendor and�Bomt�vRr otherwise agree in writing, nny application of proceeda to primtpal shall not extend or
<br /> postpono thB due duto af tUa mantWy payments referred to in paragrephs�and 2 or change the amount of such payment�.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Reiea�d¢Forbearance By Lender Not a Walver.ExcensIon of the time for payment or modification
<br /> of amorti�ation of the suma�runsd by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successar in intenst of Borrower stuill
<br />', noi operato to relen�e th�liabflity of the or�ginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to
<br />;; commenoe proceedings againfx any suec�sor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise madify amortiaetion
<br /> of the sums securod by thifl Secur�nj Instcument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Bormwer's
<br /> suocessars in interest. Any fofietuactae by LenAer tn ezercising any right or remedy shaii not be a waiver oi or pm:iudc i1k °
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 12.Sttcoe.ssors at�d Assigua B+aund:da�rcY and Several /.iability; �o-slgners. The covemm�ts and agreements of thia
<br /> Scxurlty Insttument shall bind and banet�t tile �uccessors and assigns of I.ender and Borrower, subject to the provisIons of
<br /> parugraph t 7. Borro�ver's covenpnts and agreemenu shall be joint and sevecal. Any Borrower who casigns this Securiry --
<br />- Insttument but doos noi eaecute ti�e Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instnunent only Eo mortgnge, grant and convey that `-�'�'
<br /> Borrower's Inten�st in the Froper¢�u�nder thc terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is nat personatly obligated to pay thc sums =--
<br /> r,scurod by thia Securlty lnattument;end(c)a�rces that I.ender and any other Borrower may ugcee to extend, modify, forbear or r---
<br /> make uny accommodatIons wlth re�azd to tho tem�s of this Security Instrument ar the Note without that Borrower's consent. � _•
<br />� 13.Loaa Chnrgc9.If the doan secured by this Securfty (nstrument is subject to a law which sets mnaimmn loan charges,
<br /> and th�t law is ftnally intatpreted sa that the interest or other loan chatges collected or to be collected in connection with tho ;`�_-�
<br /> - lw�n exceed!he rmitied limits,then:(a)an� such loan char e tihalt be reduced b the arnaunt neces to reduce the ch e "'�"
<br /> _ Pe J g Y �Y �6 [-:•
<br /> to the pemtiued llmit;and(b)any sumss aln�dy collected fram Borrov.er which excceded permitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> Borrower. I.ender may choo�e to rttake thiu ceiund by mducin�the principal owed under the Note or by makin� a direct -�
<br /> payment to Borrower. !f a refund reduces principal. the reduction wiil be treatea as a partial prcpayment without any ;�,'
<br /> pnpayment charge under tho Nate. ''��
<br /> I4.Notice�s.Any not�ce to&strower provided for in this Security Instrument shati be given by detivering it or by mailing ��;`:�
<br />� it by first class mnil anlass applieabla law myuires use of another method. The notice shWl be directed to the Property Addresc %.
<br /> or siny other uddn�s Boirvwer designates by noiice to I.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be �iven by first class mail to -�-
<br /> Lendcr's address stutod honsin or any other address I.ertder desi�nates by notice to 8orcower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> = ----- -_____� Scxurity In�tNment shcill be ddemed to hove been�iven ta Borrower or Lendcr when given as prnvided in this paragraph.
<br />.: i !S.GoverNng Lew; 38varabllUy. '1'tijs Scxuriry Instrument shnli be govemed by federal law and the law of the ;�•
<br /> judsdiction in which tha PtapeRy is lorat�d. In the event that any provisin„*�or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note �'''`
<br /> ronflictx widi upplicuble tuw.such conflict shalt not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument os the Note which can be
<br /> given effect without tho conflivUng pmvision. To this end the provisions of this Sscurity Tnstrument and the Note are declared
<br /> to be sevemblo. '"
<br /> l6.Bntmaeer's Copy.Burmwer shall be given one conformod copy of the Note and of this Security Instniment. �'s:�
<br /> Form 3028 9/80
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