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_ . . ,.,.., . , . � <br /> , • : <br /> : ,�.: � , _ _' _ _ ' _ _- <br /> ::` '� ...:�.�`6�.-�. .. - _ _ <br /> _ -� --r_ -- _ _.__ _- - - - - - ---- -- _---------- -------__ .. - <br /> - -- ��". ��-�'��, � '� . , <br /> • �« <br /> T(lCii�'Clf�?[d WITI#nll tlt.improverncnt3 now or lien�nfter ere�ted on the praperty,und nll e.asementa,appurtenances.atxf <br /> Ilxturr.y �u�w or l�CresiQer u part af the property. Atl repla�emcnta end additiona shall also be cc�vered by thfe Sceudty <br /> in�irunKnl,A!1 af�he€aregoing is refernd to in thia Security tnsuument as the"F�+nperty." <br /> BqRRtllNf3K�VBNANTS that Barrower!a lawNlly setssd of the eswte hereby convayod and has the right to grant nnd <br /> r�►nvey tho !'ns�sersy u�d that the Property is uneacumbered,except for encumbran�xs of rxard. Borrowcr warnnts and will <br /> de1'tnd genernliy tho Iltio to the 1'�operty aguinst all clalms suid den�ands.subject to any encambranoes of record. <br /> �.�.�- - � '('itiu�L�CiJRIT��INSTi;UMBIJT cou�bL�es unifonn covenac�ts for natlanui use and non-unlforca covenants�vIth limitesf <br /> vNr1�N��hy jurl�dicUan to ccu�aNtutc a uniform securlty instnunent coverin�rcat property. <br /> UNIFpItI'N CQIVBNANT3.Borrowsr and i..ender covenant nnd ag�as follows: <br /> l� IMymeitl ot Princlp�!and•Intotesh. Prepoyment end Late Cbargq. Barrower shaU prompdy pay when duo the <br /> principwl��f u��d intcre!u on tDte debt evid�nood By the Note and any prepayment nnd late eharges dues under the Note. <br /> �.Hund�[or T�xe�and InsurAnce. Subjact to applicabte law or to a written waiver by I.ender.Barnowcr shall pay to <br /> �-— (.cndor an 1ho dmy monthly pnymcnts arc due und�r the Note,untll the Note is psdd in full,a sum("Funds°)for:(a)ycarly taxes <br /> �d�s!xsamrnt�which mny uttntn pdority over this Se�urity Inam�ment as a iiea on the Property;(b)yearly leaschold paymenta <br /> or ground�tnts un tho Propatty.if any;(c)yearly h�rd or property ir►�ance premiums�(d)yearly.flood insuronce premiums, <br /> iP pny; (o)yearly ir.�rtgago insurance Premiums, if any;and(�any sums puyable by Borrower ta Let�der, in uccordonco wiW <br /> - tho pravfetanh af purugrapl� lieu of the puyment of mortgage insucance premiums.Theae items a��e called"�scrow Items." <br /> L.endCr may. at ony�inw,c�llect ancl hold Funda!n en amount nat to exceed the ma�dil�wys amaunt a Isndor for a federally <br /> r�tutod mc�ttgage Ioun may requtre Por Borrower's escrow account under the federa!Real EA�tate.Settlement Procedures Act of <br /> �f � 1974 as amended fram Umo tn timc. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA"),unless anoth8r inw that applies to thc FwWs �- <br /> sete u le!iser am�unt. lf xn, l.ender moy. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount nat tv exceed the lesser amount. <br /> I.ender mey estimate tho wnuunt aP Fund»due on the basis of current datu and masonable e,atirnotes of cxpenditures of future _ <br /> Escrow Items at athccwlxo in necorduncc with applicuble law. <br /> Tho Funds ehull b4 hetd in un institution whose depasits are insured by a federal agency, lnstrumentallty. or enuty <br />- _ (lncludfng l.endcr.ii Lcndcr iH xuch an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shatl apply the Funds to pay tha <br /> - Bscraw items.l.ender mny n�n churge Bonower for holding an�applying the Funds.annually analyzing the escroa account,ar <br />- -- vcrifying the Bscmw Itcros, unleKa L cndcr pays Borrower nnt�rest on the Funds and applicable law peraiits Lender to make such <br /> a chargo. However.l.emler nwy rcquire Banawer W puy n one-dme charge for an independent real eatate tax reporting servlce <br /> used by Lender in connecti�m with this laun. unleas applirable Iaw provides otherwise. U�te.cs an agreement is made or <br />_ _ applicable taw rcqulres interest tn bo ptiid.l.cnder shall not be required to pay Bonower any interest or earnings on the Funds. <br /> - - _ - Fsomnwer and i.ender may pgrce in wriiing,howcrer. ihat inir�csi shuIi bc p-aid uu iI�c Fu�ii1». i.�,ider shatl birz t3 Borrower, ,: <br /> - withaut chargo. an annunl ur�v�unting af the Funds, ahowing credits and debits to the Funds end the purpase for which each <br /> debit ta the Funds waw mude.The Fundx ure pledgcd us uddidonel securiry for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> if the Funds held By I.ender excecd the um�unts permittui to be held by uppltcable law,I.ender shall account to Borrower <br /> for the eacess Fundy in ua��rduncc�vith thc rcyuiremcnts of appltcable law. If the umount of the Funds held by Lender at any - <br /> time ls nat sufflctent t<�puy tho�scruw Itemti when due.L.ender may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in such case Borrower -_ <br /> shull puy tn Lender the i►muunt necer�.rnry a�muke up the deticiency. Horrower shafl make up the deficiency in na mora than <br /> twelve monthly puymentK,at I.cndcr'x�ude dfKCrctian. =- <br /> Upon paymei�t in full af nll nwny +ccurcd Ay thix Saurity Instrument. L,ender shall promptly refund ta Borrower any 4�-- <br /> Funds held by Lencier. If,under pnrug�aph 21. l�:nder shall acquire or sel!the Property.I.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale °.��_ <br /> of the Propetty.++hall apply uny Nund�hcld hy I.ender ut the time of acquisition or sale as a credit Against the suma secured by � �: <br />- this Secudty Instrumcnt. '"'��� <br /> l.:: <br />= 3.AppltcaUun o!1'uymentr+.Unle�y uppUrublc luw pravtdes otherwise.all payments received by L,ender under parn�raphs <br />- 1 and 2 shall be applieri:QrKt,to�u�y prcpuymeiu churges due under the Note;second, to uenounts payable under paragraph 2; '� �s <br /> third,to interest due;fuutth,�n r�i���inui au�:und lust.W uny lata charges due under the Note. ,�' <br /> 4.Chatges;I.ieng.Hurn�wcr e+Nall puy idl �uxco.astiessments.charges, fines and impositions attributable to the Property .',`��� <br /> which muy uttuin prtatity uv�r thix Sccurity In�trument, und Icusehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower shall pay `'."• <br /> these obligattuns in thc manncr pmvidrd in purugnipl�2.�+r If not paid in that munner, Borrower shall pay them on time directly � <br /> to the person owcd puymont. &�rmwcr almll pr�unptly furninh ta Lendcr all naricea of umounts to ix paid under this paragraph. . <br /> If Borrower mnkes these puymentn direcdy,ll�rrr��wcr r�hull pn�mptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. �. <br />-- ------- Bormwer shull pmmptly dixchurge uny lier�whicli hus p�lorlty over this Security Instrument nnless Borrower:(A)agrees in �' <br /> - wrlting to the puyment of the abiigutian r�ecurcd hy thc lien in u munner acceptable to Lender;{b)contests in goad faith the lien <br />- � � by. or defendw ugainst enfurecment ot thc liun in. Ic�t�d pn+aw�ciinga which in the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the 11en;ur tc►secures fmm the hulder�d'thc lien un uIIreement satisfactary to I.ender subordinatin�the lien to <br /> this Security (nst�ament. If[.endcr detennines thut uny part uf the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over ; <br /> this Secu�lty Instrument,Gendcr muy givc Hurrmvcr o ui�ricc idcntifying the lien. Bormwer shall sat9sfy the lien or take one or <br /> more of thc uctions set fatth abnvc within IU dny.r��I'thc tiivlu�uf rwticc. <br /> Form 30�8 9/90 <br /> P.yo 7 of a <br /> e: <br /> e�' . �j• <br /> IQ/ MC ,`fW i��. <br /> 1�• <br /> � f� "` ����di�;iiym.-r.�:i{Yn ri ", ,`q -`; '�� <br /> � '+-- <br /> , . _. . .. , .., . � <br /> — ' - - - -- _':.. :..�� . ,.. — ---- ,. . <br /> ,.T �, - --_ <br /> ; ' �)�Y v..- -.�.-_ .,� - - ` ., '�- ,-: .fi'A �"�u.y.T�"�`, T� .�i <br /> + � l0- �oy�{��Y'�EY.e: � h•. �. 1 • .. - .. .� , i�' ..l1 s'��!Y� r � �1�:Y� . �ri, i.. <br /> r wy ry.. � . . . ..._ `� •� . ( 1'�,._ . y ` . - i.y,. <br /> �-�3 a�1� � . .e...'�,��.. . Vi� . ...ytF, V'. _ -_ -t 1 . .. f. �� <br /> f 'ni � �t�u.�+ � pp � i <br /> _' t �-��. . fh �k . . :� � ..� • v � s� .n�" •.. ,:. �,,t. . ,•�.. 7{ � <br /> 'b`f"r.�m� : � 2 vr.. 't ' .., , �:t.. . <br /> `��.,`-� s.�'ti}r����.Nfc� "7 .'�* z lxtr.. ' . . •_ � ,.r� � . �V-,t - f . ... r. <br /> �` ,,�� �-,t'� ` '' ., . 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