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<br /> 4• 1.oSO r8
<br /> - _- _ -- --- �u�stanti;�ly equiewlen!ir�ri�pg�in•!�re!L••rnvGraQe eti not uvailablt. &►rmwer shall p�lo I.crxfer ta�h mo�th a sum eqwl to
<br /> r �„�,���, a�e-tweUtl�01'ttte yearl��nH►rtgaKe i�t:urunce pmmtum ixing paid hy F3nrrower wht�n the in5urance coverage lap.ud nr cea�od to —
<br /> �
<br />� - l�c i�i eff'�:�t.ixudn•wlli ;�«�:E�t, !��,'asul i�•t:iiu thi��c p:�yu�:rntti:is :►In:ti �-���+�rvc in lis�n nf inmY}�+�;�� in,urNnce. la��s re�.erve
<br />�'� paymcnls uiay nu lu���tr h;r��yuircd..t tlie uptinn af l,ender.if mt►rt��g�:in�ur++ncc r.nv:rug�(in the autu�uit atkl liir Iita periiMl
<br />- - that lA�xlcr r..�uire,)providc�l hy un in�urer approverl Itiy L.enc7er again i�ncemxs uvailable un�!i.r•ubtaiuetl. }icarawcr�hull pxy
<br /> - -_—_ --- the prcmiumti reyuiral t.�iiwintain ntnrtgagc incurancc in effcct.Ur ta prcLVidC a Intv re�ervc,uniil the reyuirenx��t fur ntiirrtgaSe
<br />� insuraiKe cnds in:►rcorduncc with any writtrn ugrcement betw:en Eiunowcr.tnd I.ender nr upplicable law.
<br />� -- 9.Irwpectlnn. l.endrr ar i�s ugcnt may make reasonablo cnMcs upon un�l inspec:ti��nv uf tix Property. la:�xlcr shHll give
<br />�-, Tkrrro�vcr n��lice ut tho�iuk i,f nr prinr to un ins�sect;on��neifying reuun�nble cause Par the inspa:tion.
<br /> -- �� 1U. �untiatttu�ilun.'f i�e pi�x:eul,uf u�ry uwa�d in� cl�iw tur dai}t:.;�:�, dircct or cem^!pton�ird, in comK•�•Iintt with uny
<br /> _ -- — conclemnation or other tuking ot'miy pxii ot the Praperty, or for cnnveyunca in lieu uf condemnatian, arc hereby assigi�al uncl
<br />='� - shall tx paid ta I.c�xlcr.
<br /> ; ;` In the event of a tntal tuking of'the Praperty,the procceds shall be upplicd ta the suins secural by this Security tustrurn��nt.
<br /> �H, r whether or not then due,weth,my exccs:�paid to Bormw•er. in the event of u partial taking of the Propeny in which Rhc fair
<br /> ;��t. markct value of the Property immediatcly bef�m thc taking is equal to c►r gr�:ater than the amUUnt uf thc sums secured by thi�
<br /> -��t� Security Instniment im►nedi:xtely beforc the taking,unless Borrower ai�d Lensler otherwisc agrcc in writing,the sums sccured hy
<br /> . ,e�:•��:
<br /> ' �,-�_. this Secutity Instrument y0u11 L►e►educed by thc amnimt uf the practe.ds multipliesl by the fall��wing fractian: (a) the tvia ____
<br /> �° anwunt of the sums securcd immediutcly bcfore thc taking,dividcd by (b) the fa�r market value of tlie Prope�ty immediatcly
<br /> `�•" '�'' 'i bcfarc the taking. Any balance til�all be paid to Bonnwcr. In thc cvcnt of a part9ul taking of thc Praperty in which thc fair
<br /> �'Y::,�.!:.i�.
<br /> ��:��:.;;.,..,,;., m:u�kct valuc of the Ptopeny immediatcly before the taking is Icsc than thc sunount of the sums sec�rcd immediately befare thc
<br /> "�°'��-��`�t' be a b I�ed�to th�ti ms sc urc�i b a hi sSccurit c ln trurn nt wh tc her or not tlePst nblare th n1 duc.�se providcs, the procccds shall
<br /> ' r �`����,`h� F Y PIt the Propeny is ab;u�doncd by Burm�vcr, or if,aRer noticc by Lcnde.r w Borrowcr that thr.condemnor offcrs to makc a�
<br /> ,. ��<�';;;;�i;�:' ` award or setde a claim far damages, Borrower fails to respond to L.ender within 30 days after the dnte the notice is giv.n.
<br /> - "���r?�� :��:'•.,'�,i: L.ender is authariud to collect nnd upply the procecds.at its optia�n.,ciQ��r lu reswtatioii or repair af the Property�or to the s�+m� -
<br /> "";;,s '.�.,;:�'::�'. sccu�ed by d�is Security Instrument, whether or not thcn due. iY'd�."'
<br /> ° "�'� '�'-'�• . Unlc,s Lendcr and Hucro��•er otherwise agrec in writin�, nny appliration of prxeeds ro princip:il shall nui ex�end ar
<br /> t. . .
<br /> .; t:.. ., .��,,..,' Nustpone the due d:ite oi'the monthly paymenn referred to in p:nrubraphs 1 a�id 2 or chsnge the uinuunt of such paym:,nts. --
<br /> .;'�=''�`'_',�:',1;��;;• I1,Borru�cer Nat Released; Forbcaranre By Lender Not a Wai��et•.Extension af the t+mc for payment or modificatim�
<br /> • � � '_ , vi'amrrtiiation of the sums sccumAl by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any suceessor 9n in2resl of�orrower shall
<br /> °,;;�',�c,c• r,�,••.,��� � not o,�,mte t�re(case the liability ot'tlie original florrowc.or Borrower's successon in mterest. Lender shall not Nc required to __
<br /> • commcnce procccdings against any tiuccessor m interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwisc modify umortization _
<br /> ��' � ��•��``•' • '� , cif the sums secured by this 5ecurity In�tcument by reason of uny d�mand made by the origival Borro�ver or Borrower's
<br /> , , r,�., successurs in intcrest. Any forbcarance by I.ender in cxercising any n�ht or rcmedy shall not be a wnivcr of or precludc thc �-,
<br /> . ' cxcrcisc of any ri�ht or rcmedy. �;�r=
<br /> � IZ. Sttccessors and Asi�ns Bound; Joint and Severnl LiebUity; Co-�igners. Thc covenancs and agrc�emcnts of this -_
<br /> � Security Instrument shall binJ and benefit the succes�ors and sssigns of Lender and Borrower, tiubject to the provisions of �`
<br /> � - - � parngraph I7. Borrower's covenants and agreements shaii be jc�int and Severai. A�q• i����ucr �hn co::igsts :hi< g,.rs��ry �:==�
<br /> - -- .__._
<br /> • � Instrument but does not execute the Note: (u) is co-signing this Securi�y Instrument only to mortgage. gcant and convep thn� _y__
<br /> Borrowcr's intere.r•t in thc Propcny undcr the tcrms of this Srcurity [nururnenr, (b1 is not personally obl�gatcd to pny the sums
<br /> .' sccured by this Securiry lnstrument:and(c)ngrees thut I.ender:+nd uny c�thcr Borrower m�y agre:t�extend, modify,forbe:u or �•
<br /> '' makc nny accommodations���ith ngard to thc tcrms of this Sccuriry Instrumcrt or thc Notc�vithout that 8orrowcr's consent. ��..
<br /> Il3. lann Char�es.If thc lo�n+ecured by this Security Instrumcnt is subject to a law which srts m�ucimum loun charges,
<br /> and�tfiat law is finally interprct� so that the interest or other loan charges coltec[ed �zr to be wllectod in connection with the ��"
<br /> .. . loan exceeol the permitted limits,then: (u)any such lo:�n charge shall be reduced by the:unount necessarY w rcducc the charge �:,,.
<br /> to the permitted Gmit: and (b) any sums already collected from Borrowcr which exceeded permitted limus will be refunded to �,.i.
<br /> , . Borrower. Lender may choose ta malce this refund by reducing the principal uwed under the Nnte or by making a dim�t �_-
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refunJ reduces principal, the rtduc[ion will be treated as a partial prcpayment withcut any --
<br /> � prcpaymcnt chargc under the Notc. �''�'��
<br /> fkBTf.':
<br /> 1 4.N o t i ce s. A n y n o t i c e t��Ba ttowcr provided for in this Securit y Instrument shall bc given by dcli�•cring it ur by muiling ,
<br /> �- .. � it by first class ntail unless applicable law requires u�e of another methc.d. The notice �liall be directed to th�Proprrty AdJr�w s ��_;`
<br /> � - �; or any �ther address Borroiver designatc� hy notice to l.ender. Any notice to Ixnder shall be given by ftrst da�s mail to
<br /> -• � % l.ender's address stated herein ar�ny other aQ;lsess Lender designates by �iotice tei Bonci�ver. Any notice proviJed for in this
<br /> Secu�tity Instrumcnt shall bc dccm�xi to havc 6eca given to Borro�vcr nr Lendcr when givcn as provided in thi�paragraph. .1`.•;`
<br /> • " 15.Covernin� I.31H'; Severnbility. This Sccuri►y Instrument �hall be gc�vernui by� fcderal law and the law of the
<br /> . jurisciccion in which thc Propeny is locxtesl. In the e�•ent that any provisioa or c{ause oF this Se�urity Instrum�nt or die Note
<br /> conflicts with applicablc law,such runtlict �hall not affect other provisions of chis 5ecurity lnstrument or the Notc u•hich ran!�e
<br /> ;, given cffcct without thc conflicting provision. To this cnd thc provisions of this Sccurity In+trument and thc Notc arc declared ���`; -:
<br /> ' ' to bc scvcrablc. f
<br /> • ��,aw•,,-;. ; 16.Borrow•er's Copy.Burrowcr shall bc given unc canformeci copy��f thc Nutc and af this Sccurity Inrtrumcnt. i��.,
<br /> ''� 17.Transfer nf the P'mperty nr a Benctictal luter�wt in Borrower. !f all or any part��f the Propeny or.tny intcrest in it
<br /> iti sold or trsn�ferrcd(or if a hencticial intcn+t in Burro�ver iti.rold or tr;msfcneJ and Borro���rr is not a natural person{without .
<br /> ?r L.cnder's prior written conacnt. L.endcr may, at its uption. rcyuire irnmcdiatc p:rymcnt in full of all �ums ,ecurcJ by this
<br /> ''•"��` Security Instrun►cnt.Howcvcr, this option�hall not be cxercis��d by Lcndcr if cxcrcisr is prohibited by fedcral law as of thc date
<br /> of this Security In�trumcnt.
<br /> If L.cnder excrciscs th�s op�ion. I.cndcr�hall give Borrower nnticc ��f arceler.uion.Thc noticc tihull providc a peri�xi uf not
<br /> " {esti than 30 days from thc datc the n�nice is delivered or mailed within which Burrmver must pay aU sums sccun:d by this
<br /> � Scc:srity Intitrument. If Borrowcr fail�tn pay thcsc sums�nrior to dic cxpiration of'this perii�d, I.cndcr may invukr any rcmcdics I
<br /> permitted by this Securiry Instrument withaut further naticc or demand on 8orro�ver. �
<br /> « �i 18. i3orrt�a*r,er's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If Borrowcr meetti ccna+n cunditionx, Burrower �ha11 havr the right to havc
<br /> � , cnforecmcnt of this Sccurity instrument Jiscuntinucd at uny timc pri�r to thc carlicr uf: (a) 5 duys (or such othcr periud us �
<br /> applic:iblc law may spcciTy far rcinstatcmcnU bcfore salc oF thc Pmperty pursuant to any power of salc contuincd in this �
<br /> � Security lnstrument:or 1b) entry��f a judgment enforring this Scrurity lnst�umcnt.i'?�osc conditions arc that Borrower:(a)pays ; ,_
<br /> � L�:nder all sums wliich then u�,uld be du� under this S��unry Instrum�nt and the l�ate as if no acce(cr,�tion h:id nccurred: (bl i _,�
<br /> i. cure�any defauh of uny other covenants ur agrecmenu• (c) pays all exp�nseti incur.ed in cnforcing this Siti�:rny [n�tivment.
<br /> including,but not IimitcJ tn, riatiunablc a1ti�1'nCy�� fces; and (d) tahcti such.irt�on as Lcndcr m�.y rcasonably rcyu�tc to c►tisurc �
<br /> d,.�� thn 1����,£rl�i.S�•ruritv Inctniment_ l,ender's riLhts in thc Property:tnd Burrotvcr'ti ob��L'-:;t�un w pay the tiumti utiureJ h�� �
<br /> this Sccurity In�trumcnt shall rontinuc unch�►ng��1. U}mn rcintitatcrncnt by Borroncr. this �.:unq� insirumcni .mu ���e r=—
<br /> � uhli�;ations securccf hcrcby �hal�rcmain fully cffcctivc a�if n��arccicration had uccurrcd. Ho�tic�cr,this ri�ht to rcin.tatc�hall �
<br /> � � : • not apply in thc casc��i acccicration undcr paragraph 17. '
<br /> ; ' l9. Sule oi'Rlote; Change ot Luan Scrvicer. Th� Notc ot a}iartial intcrest in thc Note Ragether with thi� Securiq•
<br /> �� tnstrumcnt)m:ry hc.old m1c or mum timcti u•ithout pno�nutirc t<,Bont�a�r. A�alc may rc.ult iu a changc in thc cntity(I+umvn
<br /> • ati the"I.u�n Servicec")th,it collects monthly payments duc under the Note:uid thi�Security lnstrument.There al,u may hr une
<br /> or mnrc diauges of thc l.u�n Scrviccr unmlatrd to a��dc��f thc Nuh.If d�cre i�a rhantc c�f thc Lc�an Scn•iccc Borro�v�:r�v���hc
<br /> ttivcn writtcn notirc i�f thc changc in arru�dancc�vith para�:raph 14;tbo�•c�m�l applirablc la«�. The nuticc��•ill�tat�thc namc and ,
<br /> adciresti of thc nrw l.,iean Scrviccr :mJ thc addre+�t����•hirh paymcnl� ,hiiulJ br madc. '1'hr nutirc will :dtio cuntain any uthcr �
<br /> int'orm:Uiun n:yuind hy uppli�ahlc I.nv.
<br /> ZU. I�azardous tiuhstunccz. H��rm�vcr tihall not r:iux ��r nenn�e ih� rrr,cncr. u,c. Ji�pn,al. �lurugr. �►r rrlca,c �,f:uiy I
<br /> . �• Haianluuti Sub�tanccs i�n ur in thc Pmperty. Burro��cr .hall nut di�, nor all�nv anyunc rlx tu du, an>•thine atTcctinu thc i
<br /> ' •� 1'ropcny that is in vi��latii�n uf any Encir�mmrntal 1_a�v_ Thr prcrcJins�t��o tirntcnreh�hall not apply tu thr pr�ycn�c.u�c. ur !
<br /> ��f ' titot~.�ge on the Pru�rty��Q�.ntall yuantitie�a( Haiard��uti tiuh+tanres that ar��s�nrrally recuEtniicd tu hr appmpriatr tu rn+rmal �
<br /> � rc�idCntial u�c�..iml ti�mai�ticnam•c uf ihc�'ruprrly.
<br /> �
<br /> �.,�,�,_,.� Form 302[3 9�90 I
<br /> .
<br /> !
<br /> 1.. _
<br />