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<br /> The Fundr shall hr. hel�i in nn intiituii+�n wh�ce �irMnilti are in�umi hy s� falera! agency, instrumentrlity. or entity
<br /> i �,..: _ fincludi�f_r, [t•n�lr.r,if I.<•ndrr i� 1arn:m irstit�Wiism)ur in aiiy l�ralcrd I�Inme:(.cifm Runk. IAnder shall apply 4hr t�uixls ta pry ihe
<br /> k�ccr��w items. I.,encier u�uy nnt churKe }i�rrruwcr(ur hnidi�ig uixl upplyiug d�e i�uiHls,ainivally anaiyiiug ti�r.e�cu�w ��:uuna, ui
<br />- — — vrrif;en�thc Nx:row Items.uule+�I��nler�ay,kiorruwer Incrrest on the l�u�ids•ruJ uppiicahl�:law penaiit�I,cn�lcr lu n►:slce+urh
<br /> �_o_,_`__ x c•hK�ge. H��wever, lxixler muy reyuire Burruwer<<>pay a o�x•time chArge fur a�� in+lerrrxlent real rtitxte tax re�►rting xcvice
<br /> � useci hy Lxixier ir. cnnner.dnn with this loan, unless applicuble luw pruvidrs otherwitie. Unlcvs an agr=ement ig modt ur
<br /> uppli:a6lr luw rcyuirts interc�t t�bt pxid. l.enaler sfu�ll �xrt t►e reyuiral to pay Aurrow'er any interc�t ur carnings on Qie E"vixie.
<br /> iiormwer and [xnJer muy agree iu writing,howevrr,that iitterest xhall bc paid on the Funds. l.erxler shall give tn Bo►mwer,
<br />-- �_--- --_- - _ -_ •.�ith�»rt�•�r,rur, �n nnm�•�1 ;�r,•r-,mtim� Ol�f�iP. FU1HIti, showinE�cr�Ylitti �nd �Itbitc t�thr. F"unds und Uic purpose for w•hich cach
<br /> debit to the Funcis waw macic. 'Chc Fu�uis ara pledgecl av•rdditional�urity far all sums ux:ured by this Security Tnstrument.
<br />--- If the Funds held by Lender excecd the amaunts permitted tc�L+e hcicl by applicabfe law. Letxler shall Arcti�unt tu Bormwer
<br /> - 1'or the excess Funds in uccordunrr.with the rcyuirenxnts of applirable law. ff the amount of the Funds held by l.c►xter at any
<br /> '� time is not sufCcient to puy the Escrow Items when due, l.ender muy so notify &rrrower in writing,:►ncl,in�uch case Burrower _
<br /> shall pay to Len�ler the umount necestiary tu make up the de6cie�xy. Borrower shall muke up the deficiei�cy in no more th:�n
<br /> '• twclve mcmihly payments.ut I,en�ler's salc discretion.
<br /> .,; U�x,n payment in full nf all sums sccured by this Sccurity insuument. i.ender sh�ll prmnptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> = Funds held by Lcndcr.If,under paragraph 21, l.ender shall ucyuire or sell che Prnperty, [.cnder,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> uf the Property, shall apply any Fund.s held by L.endcr at the time uf ucquisition or sale as a credit against thc sums secured by
<br /> - this Sccurity Instcumeni.
<br /> , 3.AppJicetiun of Paymcnt5. Un(ess a�,plicablc law pravides atherwisc,aU payments m«ived by l.cndcr under paragraphs —
<br /> ��;. I and 2�h;�!1[tie applial: ir�t, to:iny prepayment chargcs due u►�xt.r the Natc:sccond, to aieteunts paya6le u�uler parngraph 2;
<br /> third,to irtten�st due: fourth,to principal due;and I:tst,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> � 4.Charge4;I.tens. Borrowcr shall pay aii taxes,asscssments, chnrgcs, fines and impositions attrib�table to the Property
<br /> which may attain prioriry over this Security I:�stn2m_nt, an� lc�sc!►old paymcn►s �r�mund rents, if:uzy. E�rmwcr shall pay _ _ _
<br /> these obligations in the manner pra�vided in parabripli 2,or ii'not paid in th;,t manner,Borrower shall pay t`�.em on time directly
<br /> to the person owed payment.Borrow�r shall promptly furnish to Lendcr all noticcs of amounts to be paid t+ai�er lhis paragruph.
<br /> r' ,,. " If Borrower mtilccs thr.se payments directly,Borrower shall promptiy furnish to Lendcr receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower shali pro�n�tly discharge any licn wiiich has priority over this Security]nstrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in
<br /> :;A' writing to the paymenc c�f the obli�ation secured by the lien in a manner acreptable to[.ender:(b)contests in gewd faith the lien
<br /> by, or defends agaimst �nforcement of the lien in, legal proceedin�s which in the Lender's opinion o�eratc to prevent the �
<br /> ; y enforcement of the lien; i:r(c) secures from che hulder of the lien:m agreement s:�tisiactory to Lender sulbordinating the licn to
<br /> this Sccurity Instrumcnt. If Lcndcr dc�erniincs thac uny part of thc Propcny is�ubjcct to a licn which mav attain priority ovcr
<br /> ``•�����`_ this Security Instrument, I.ender may gi�•e Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take o�e or
<br /> y '���j,;.., more of thc actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of noticc. —
<br /> ,, .t°'���;::- 'r„''".� 5. Hazard or Ih�►perty Insuraace. Bc�rrower sh�ll kcrF the improvcments now existing on c�rcaftcr crected on thc
<br /> r -tiS+Y`..' .'',`.,k
<br /> �,-��:,�;'�� •;, x�•, Property insuretl against loss Uy fre, hauuds included within the term"extended coverage" and any other ha�ards, including
<br /> �,:s.�•' :_�.__.—._.
<br /> - s` �v�;^,K.,,;;,;;j;;.`� fir,:,�;or ftca3irg, for•ahir:t l.cr.�3er s�uir�� insssrastre. Th��!!ISBCSltrr ghall hr m�int�inrd in the amounts and foi the geriods �_
<br /> � r�,�,;,•••,�.,• �•: � that Lendcr requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurancc shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's apQroval
<br /> '� '�`•'�•' • �: ':� ' which shall not be unreasonably withhcld. If Borrower lails to maintain covcrage described ahuve, Lender may, af Lender's
<br /> , ���:.�.�,.;•�� option,obtain coverage to pratect Lender's rights in the Prop�ny in utcurdance�vith paragrnph 7.
<br /> ``'''� � '" All insurancc policics and renewals hhall be ucceptable to Lcnder and shall include a standatd mortguge clause. I.c�nder _
<br /> ,1��.;,, . .* ,"t; :. __-
<br /> •„r�•��;._ :• :°•t ': shail havc thc riglu to h�ld the policics and rcnewnls. if I..�:ndcr requires,Botrower shall promptly give ro Lender all receipts uf Y_
<br /> yf�'��,•, . � ;:.i� �,. paid premiums nnd renewal notices.In the event of'lass,$ormwer shall give pr��mpt notice to the insurancr carticr and Lender. T_
<br /> �i,�`-' ' , •. �, Lendcr may makc prnof of loss if not madc promptly by Horcrnvcr. :.__.-_
<br /> `''�'`obt'"" °"'�,�'�';`� Unlcss Lender and Borrower otherwise a�ree in writing,insurance procectls shall be applied to restoration or repair of the r"'—
<br /> • � �''�"�`•`' ''`; ��` Property damaged, if the resWration or repair es cconomically fcasible and Lcndcr's sccuri[y is not lestencd. If thc resturation ur �'-
<br />