- .�� . � �.l. �?`;_'if!N . . . .. _ • - .
<br /> _" . ' .��' ' .- -
<br /> �-� � � - �- --�-- --— ---
<br /> � _� _ - - - ----� - - -- -� - --�..
<br /> —_ — _ _-- '9�' so. ' ..� _
<br /> � Hormwer shxll pmmptlY Qive I.,�nciar writtrn rxxia of sr�y invati=�tio+i, cl�im. denwnd. IrbvWiC ��� �
<br /> guwrnnxnt:t Ilf fCgUlfl(�`f�/A�ffl['Y�,r pnvnte pany i�unl.•ing thr Prrr�erty and any Hu.�a�kiun Su�tance or E'nvirorurfbM lJw
<br /> 4if whlch Bormwer h�u actwd krawltdRe. If Hormwer f�ms. or is noliflal by rny y�wcrnmentyl ur regulatur;� uuttanty. Uuil
<br /> any ranov�!nr ol•her reatiedia�bn of any Nu���ue Su4stance r((tx-siny tFx Prnpersy ix noc�b�rq. Borruwex stuell pt+o(nqtly take
<br /> all�v.cesw�y rtmodiql octionc in accx�rdsu�ee with Envisunmem«I 1 aw.
<br /> — �►s ueod in this pus�raph zU, °Mszardau� Substancea' arc tFx�ee aubstu�a� defined� tnxic ur luv��WbMam+e� bY
<br /> Envirarna�tal Law and the followin� aub�tanoes: �aROline. kerc�ra�e. ot1Kr 8anuruf►le or toxic petroleum t�x�
<br /> peaticide�ard herb►cida. volatile sotventc. muerial�c�ooMSinins�sl�sstos cx form�ldehyde,ard r�dio�Kide ds. A�u�ed in
<br /> �-___.__. _.__.__..-_.-.._ i�ur � � w �.5....L'i�.Il:..°2 �:•,• A•••�^S }�•vl�r) ��lY� •N� ���u� „f tF»� t�rria�i�r�i��n where thc Prnt�crtY i� �OC11�4%� ��l� ._.
<br /> wws-r. C� "Ca-..•.._.
<br /> relau to heallh.�fety or thvirvnmentd peotoction.
<br /> NON-UN1fORM COVENATVT'S.Borrnw�er anci Lecxler further covenant uri�groe+u fallows:
<br /> 21.Accekratioa;fte�o�dks.I.nw�n'�ha0�ira ml�lce ta Bornower prbr lo�ecdtrwtion tdbwlo� M►rrowex''s brese6
<br /> o[aur �ren�nt or a�renrKM iN tLi� 5a�urity lurlru�aent lMit not prior W acodcrat{o�e under pwryrsph iT unlois
<br /> � applicabk!aw prorlda atixrwise). The nollce e�f�11 s�oeeffy�• (�)tbe de�ault; (b)tbe actlun rtquired t��curc the ddsuh;
<br /> i . (c)a tWe.not le�t1u�a 3Q days tro�n the dats t6e ix►Rke is Ylrae to Ibrrower,bv which the default snupl be:cu�+ed;aad
<br /> (d) that faUare ta cure !he defa�lt oe ur befi�re th'�ia�e Rperifled in the notkr.mav rcealt In acoele+�rtion of thr s�u�
<br /> setured by lbi�Securlty Iadruax+�t awi s�k of t6e Property. The rat{te a1Wl Curt�er iaform Bwrower of tbe ti�l►t ta
<br /> ; reia�tate aRu aocdecatlon and the �bt to brin�a c�ourt �ctloa to aseert the rnw�txistence o! �dd�ult or anv otber
<br /> defeaqe o[lsorrowa to �xYknti�A�xl sale. I[the def�ult!s not curtd on or be[orr the d�te rpecifled ta 1be notice,
<br /> [,enda, at ib uption,rn�y require irnmedinte payment in tull oC a!1 swns secured by ttiis 3ecuritp I�nlruanMt wkbout
<br /> — turtber danand aod msy invoke tLe power nt sale and�ny other re�nedies pennittad hy �p�pli�bk Ixw. 1.enda��fudl be
<br /> entitkd to collect�II sxpeo�ea iucurred in pursu[uq ihe nYnedks provided in this p�raqraph 2l,Inciu��iny,M�t not Iftnited
<br /> ' lo,reaso�ablc attorneys'ter�and uioet.g ot tltle evldeace.
<br /> -- -_ "u iar�.uwcr vi�:ie fs i.-�aa��,:. ::�:siec shs!!rettttY! ��fke c!'��t�lS fn c!�h Kr�tary In whi��nti� p�rt of tho -
<br /> — Y�n�x�-!� ts 1��+•atCd and shal[maiE ��oNies of such notice in t�e manner�ycribed br �p�ible law to��txr�xr,r��d Ar►•
<br /> the utuir perso,:s presc�'he,l by ep,sic�ble law.At'ter the time c�ec►utntil by applkabk law.T.rmtee�ell'�iye pw6�ilb anat�ee
<br /> ef s�sle to the persot�and in trie muuner ptrscriMed by upplkable IAw. Tnnstc.r.widhc�u!dcmaml on I�c�rmwer.,a1n�l:�re'�i
<br /> '- the Pe+operty at publk auction to the highat bldder At the time and p�_scs a�xi untkr the terms�aHted in the nu�tiwc ni'
<br /> -- sak tn one or mort p�t�cels YtNi iQ s�ny order Tt�astee determinc9.Trnstee mxy po�tpnn�salc of all or smy p�neel vY'�e
<br /> _ property by publk s►nnounoement e� the ttme and place of any previously scheduled �:r.le• l.ender or i�s de+t�ntr;r�ay
<br /> •-;f� purs�se the Property at any�le.
<br /> - _ U{wn cxaelpt af paymrnt uS fl� prlix bid� Trustee siw'.'7 deliver to the punctw�r Tn+stee's dad rnmrying the _
<br /> _-_ Property. The recitals in lhe Ttustee's deed shul! be prtma t�cie evidrnc�of the truth of the statements made thensSn,
<br /> - '1'nuta siwil apply the�x�oceedv ot thc saie in the toll�wi�{orn�er:(a)to All c��s�s�nd expenses of exercising the power of
<br /> salr,snwii the salr,fncluding the peysnent ut the Trustee's fe�uctually incurred,not to exceed the)of $50.00 ar �`�
<br /> �:����.�u�t�:_:�^�,;,,..;:�s��,.��ua�In.ttmP of thr.declsntdon of delault,and re�nahle pttorneys'[c�.,su�itted
<br /> _ - - by 1ew;(b)2o All sumsset:urcd by¢�h9s Security Instrument;and(c)�tny excess to!he person ar persons legally entittrd to
<br />. it.
<br /> 22. ReconveyQnce. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lcnder sh3i1 request 1'rustse to
<br /> - reconvey die Property :u�d shall surrender this Security (nstrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by thi� Security
<br /> -�� Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall resonvey the PropeRy without warranty and witlrout cha!•s�to the person or persons Icgnlly
<br /> entitlal to it. Such perwn or persun�sh�ll pay any reconintion costs.
<br /> - — 23. Suf�stitute Tntstee. I.ens�er,at its option, may from time to timc remove Trust^e ard appoint a succcssor trustee to
<br /> --- ;my Trustee appointed hec.under by an instrument rccorded in the couniy in which this Security lnstrument is recorded.Without
<br /> — conveyance of the Prr.�per.y,the auccessor trustce shall succeed to all the title, pa-.t•er tind dutics conferrcd upon Trustee herein
<br /> and bY apPlicablc law.
<br /> 24. Itequest for Notices. Barrower requests that copies of tne natices of dafault and sale be sent to&�rrower's nddress
<br /> which is ttw:Praperty Addmss.
<br /> 25. Rldets to thts Security Instn�mmt. If one or morc riders are executed by Borro•�r.r:tnd recurded togeU�er«:t�::his
<br /> Security Instrument, the covenunts nnd agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into aiul shall amenci and supplement
<br /> tlte covenants and ag«:ements of this Secuiity Instrument ss if the rider(s)were a part of this Sccurity Instr..�ment. _
<br /> � [Ch�k applicable bax(es)]
<br /> ❑Adjustable Rate Ridcr �]Condominium Rider [� i�l Eamily Rider
<br /> ----�-_=--«-- _ [�Grnduatal Payrnent Rider C�Planned Unit Development Rider ��9iwcekly Payment R3dcr
<br /> []Balloon Rider �Rute Improvcmcnt Rider Sccond Home Ridcr
<br /> —__ _ []V.A.Rider �Other(s)[specifyJ Notice of Default and 533e
<br /> �� . 4;
<br /> -= BY SIGNIN(i BELOW, Borro�ver accepts and asree+to the terms and covenants containal in thes 5�curity Instrument..nd _
<br /> -- in any rider(s)executed by Borrower<utd recorded with it. _
<br /> ,;, Witncsscs: -
<br /> . (Scal) �
<br /> Ja��es D. Hruekoci -t�rroucr -
<br /> _ _--_ _� '—�-�iti�t°`--r'a� -(Scal) -
<br /> ?.i:�V: � - r .
<br /> ,.�., �_ . Eileen M. •�gr sFOC A„�,���r ,
<br /> ,
<br /> _(Sc��l) _. (Scal) �
<br /> 'R -Surro�ccr •Rormxcr ;
<br /> I
<br />`;' Cuunty ss: I
<br /> STA'�F OF NEB�ASKA, Hall
<br /> 'Che forcgoing instrumcnt was acknawlcdg�l bcforc mc this 23rd d'�Y°f May � 1994 '
<br /> by Jc�mes D. Hruskaci and Lileen M,. Hruskoci, husband and w3fe an,�ao�Cauntynhedatcaforek�id.
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial sral at Grand Island
<br /> My Ca�nmission Expires: 02-14-98 - �----° -u� �
<br /> Nutary Wblic
<br /> .,'.�'•"� ` ,,: CEN(f1A�NaiMY�ld/�M1M�IR1 v.,y�e o�a Form 3028 9190 !.
<br /> r��� y�'k AtJOlIE�L.FlDNIAl10
<br /> . ,xsG�� . ►�(:o�nm E�D F�D IR I99S "
<br /> �• i
<br /> � ..
<br />� ..j.:. .t...,r� _. . .. . . . - --
<br />