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<br /> [S�cY Aborc'11�►uee F'oe Recordi��nl ��y za'3 S s� - ('i 7�
<br />_ � � DEED OF TRUST
<br /> - gq�- �10��,s ��
<br /> ��
<br />-� _
<br /> :� -
<br /> -- THIS DE�D OF TRUST("Secority Instrurnent")1s mada on �+(�y 23, 1994 .The tnistwr is �
<br /> = James D. Hruskoci and Bileen M. HMuskoci. husband and vife as 9oint tenants
<br />:y,
<br /> ,;,, ("Borrowcr").The trustee is Norcrest Bank Nebraska, National Aesociation
<br /> �
<br /> ("Trustee").'I'hebencficinryis ���eat Bank Nebraska, National Associat�.on
<br /> L'1fi�C�t fa L`Ta°P.lZ.°'�31'.�Pv;gt}no�in�inr thr lawc tif ,�_� f.�_�__ e .and whose
<br /> Tlic 13cia�au .��a�cn �.. .Sri2;.3Ca
<br /> , ,,�� address is 2pZ West Third StreeC, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 -
<br /> ('Lender").Borrawer owes I.endcr the principal sum of
<br /> Six Thousand and no 100Che---------------------------�--pollars(U.S. $6.o pp�00** �'
<br /> � 'i'his debt is evidenced by �ottower's note dntui the sarne date as this Securiry Instrument("Note ),which provides for
<br /> monthly payments.with the full debt, if not paid earlier. due and payablc nn lune 7, 1999 •
<br /> -� This Security Instrument secures to Lender:(a)the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note,with interest.and all renewals, _
<br />" cxcensions and modifications of the Note: (b) the payment of all �3her sums, wid� interest, advanced under�aragraph 7 to
<br /> proteet tl�e security of this Securit�� Instrument: and(c) the perf'orrnance o6 Borrower's covenants and agreements. For this _
<br /> purpose, Bolrower imevncably gran�s and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with powcr of tiale, the following described propCrty __,
<br /> located in F�all County,Nebraska: �,,,
<br />_ ��,_
<br />- °( The N� SB� NE� of Section 15, Township 10 North, Range 10. West of �`
<br /> �:-
<br /> - the 6th P.M., Ha11 County, Nebraska. `!°'
<br /> �::_
<br /> . F.t-_
<br /> � _
<br /> n� , -
<br />- r:���'' -.
<br /> _ �° �
<br /> f ��
<br /> '.AA•i�.
<br /> .:r�.'�l7 �,: �$IfCCI,CII)'�.
<br /> a,;;���1�•�. which has ihc address of 6280 South En�leman Grand Is]and _
<br /> �i'-' • Ncbraska 68803 ("Pmperty Address"):
<br /> ,,?{...ti.��Y.�.�� �Zip Catc�
<br /> �.�'t�'::.:?.�..`;�":�'.
<br /> �;t`•r�';;.•,,,;t: TOGETHER WITH all dte improvements now or hereafter erected on the property,and all e:asements,uppurtenunces, and
<br /> T�`.'• •�.:,..,:
<br /> ••:,4:�.:� :�;.,:ri;; , fixwres now or hercafter a p;ut of thc propetty. Ail replaccmcnts and additions shall also bc covered by this Sccurity
<br /> Instrument.All of thc forcgoin�is rcfcrrcd to in d�is St.�curity InsSramcnt as the"Property."
<br /> . •+,.'•'1��!;r:'�';�: BOTiROWER COVENANTS that Dorrowei is lawfuily scis�.'�uf die cstate hcrcby a�n�veyed and has the riglu to grant and
<br /> ' ';�' cunvey the Properry and thut the Pmperty is unencumberod,exc�pt for encumbr.�nces of record. Horrower waf-rants and will
<br /> �r+k":�� defend generally the t�cle to the Property against all claims and demands,subject to any encumbran��of recard.
<br /> ;. �,.._..:.�.,�.
<br /> ; ;�.:'•. . • THI5 SECURIT`:C{NSTRUAtENT combinc4,�niform covcnants for na:icnttl usc and nun-uniform �rovenants with limitcd
<br /> :'�;,:�:.,�_.-r A^; variations by jurisdiction to constitu?�a uniforni scrurity imtrument covcring�•a�al property.
<br /> .�,.:....,: �,,. _-, UN[rr"ORM COVENANTS. Ra�7owcr and[.cndcr covcnant and agrcc as fi�llrnvs:
<br /> - - �,'y�.•:- 1. Payment of h•incip�i Und Inter�t; Yrepayment and I.�te Q.'h.�r��.�. Borro�vcr �hall prnmptly pay whru duc thc �
<br />._ - _ " .�_____ .i.._ ...J..r�I...Ai..t.a
<br /> _ +�,+�;-.;-.-•.�:y�.:;� prineipal of cu�d interest on rne ctebt eviaencai by tne riote ano any prepaymeni anu i.�Fe..��a.b��u�..��ti�••^�.•----- �
<br /> �,�,,�;,.';=,::4...�•;,, 2. Fun�is for'Caxcs and I�tsurancc.Subjcct to applicablc law or to a writtcn�vaivcr by Lcndcr, Borruaer tihall pay co i
<br /> ';>•:�?�;�;,,,,:wF E.cudcr on the day monthly papmcnts arc duc undcr the Note,until tlic Notc is paiJ in full,a,um("Fundti")ti�r:Ial ycarly t:►xc.
<br /> �;j�y� � anci assessments which may auain priority uvcr this Securiry Instrument as a lien vn the Froperty:(b)ycarly IuiseholJ paymcnts I
<br /> - ;,, �:�;' �j;; ur ground rents on thc Fmpeny, if any;l�)ycarly h:wud ar property insur.ince pn:miums(d)ycarly flixxi in�ur.►nrc prcmiums. I
<br /> �y� if any; (c)ycarly mortgagc rosurancc prcmiums, if any;artd(�any ,ums paynble by Dom�wcr to Ixnder, in accnrdancc widi i
<br /> :� thc provisions of paragraph 8, in licu of thc payment of mortgagc inxurancc pmmiums. Thcsc itcros ara r:dlcd"rurow Itcros.
<br /> ,:�.. .,��.�:1.:•
<br /> j'•�;:a �_`, l.endcr may, at any aime, collcct and hold Funds in un an,ount not to exrceJ the m:ucinwm amount a Icndcr ti�r a fcdcrally I
<br /> - �A""''•s�i�.�:._,� .
<br /> .,;,,,.,,r.���, mlatcd mortgugc loan m.►y rcquirc fi�r Borrower's csrmw acrount under thc fedcral Rcal Estatc Seutcmcnt Pnxcdures Act�ii i
<br /> �``�Y"�' " I974 as.vncndcd from timc to time. 12 U.S.C.Sc�tion 2601 rt.�ey. ("RESPA"). un(css another luw that applirs t��thc Fundti .
<br /> ��t1r;;}a�• � I
<br /> �y,-�;�r, scts a lesscr amnunt. If so, l.cndcr may. at any titr�c, collcct and hold �unds in an amuunt nut ta cxrc�til thc Ictiscr amuunt.
<br /> Lcncicr may �.sttmatc thc amount of Funds duc un thc basis af current data and reasonablr estin►atcs�if cxpcnJiturr+ut fiuurc �
<br /> Escrow Itcros or otherwisc in uccordancc K•ith appliwblc lrw. �
<br /> - � •' NEBRASRA-Sinplo Fami�yFannk fltaalFreddie Mn�UNIFOAM INSTRUMENT Form 9028 Ul90 �
<br /> �N! 12T97 MT(i v�'N r.+oc�runcr Fon�+s i313493 i3�00 ��+oms�i n�+ ��:;����n Ammdad 6191 t
<br /> � � j
<br /> � _ _
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