+ .... ,�I,� ' ..���i�.I ,'�41�!i�^�iT., , .F,';.
<br /> i .n� � ��l-t. .
<br /> .. . ,..
<br />-�� .
<br /> ' ���� _ __ ' - _" _ .
<br /> . i ��
<br /> ' �.��u.ri.".�."�.�...aY�n+ �r�
<br /> -� . . `..,�. _ — __ — _�—_ __
<br /> 'L� � . _ +wmu�m.w=.=-�� — s
<br /> ;::� � `�. -- "
<br /> — - __ - - -----� __
<br /> -- _ _ -
<br /> _ - _ _ ��._ �o����
<br /> substan�ixlly oyuivAlent rtkmgegc insurunce cnve�a�e iti nat availublc, Fiorrower tihall p•ry w l.eixi�r c��ch month a sum cqual a►
<br /> o;t�t:•:elfih u!ihe y�e^rll�ir�,�toe�r ir�:�e�rv_�prcmi+un t�in�pnid hy R�rn�wer when the iusurencc cuuera�e I:�psod otceast.�t1 to __
<br />=-`:�,R;�r-`.-.:���•� tk i��rffrct. 11�l�+Irr�4•fll n�•ccpt. utic:�ml ret;ii�i thesc p:rymcnts as �i locti r��crv� iu licu of rourtgagc insurancc. L.c�s, rescrvc
<br /> ��� ,..,. pay�mntti�na�ik�4►n�or hr reyuir�xl, ut thc uptiu�i of lAnQci. ff tiNnt�;agc i�isur:iuce cuvc�age(i►�tl�e:iu�uwtt cm�l Gey�the�,criixt �..
<br /> — --- thsel[w:�xlcr requirerl pruvide�l I�y��n insurcr approvcd by l.end�r agaiu I►icuni�ti avail;it�le aud is ubtainc�l. l�unnwce�Gall p:ry
<br />_—=-�w� thr prcmiumx requiral tn maintnin murtgage intiur.�i�se in eftect,t�r tu p��wiele n lu±t re1crve,until�he rcyuiren�cnt fur moct�;a�;e:
<br />-°- iutiura►k�c�xlti in ur�xirJanr�with any w�ritten agreemcnt hetwccn F��rr��wcr and I.cixlcs ur upplicable law. --_
<br /> V __ � • 9.itapectkxt. Letxler ar its ugcnt u�y i�wkt reau�nrhlc c�uric.r- up�m ai►iJ iutipcctiaus of the Nroprrty. l.�:nd�r�IiaU �!i�c
<br /> , ,�� &�rtowrr ix►ticc at thc�inx�oP or priur tci an in��don ti�ecifying reasunaMe cause f�r the impection.
<br />� �--�---_-------_� 00.d;�:d:m.^�iicn. "('h�prucc•��1� nf any :��van•d ur r{.�nn fiu d:nn:►�c,. dir�ct or cunuyucnicd. in cunn:ctiun with any .s,�:;;
<br /> — — — amci�mtwtiun or cther liiklog c:f:t1y p:trc u6 lhe 1'mperty,�r for convcyancc in licu of rondcmnation.arc hcrcby atisigns�i wx�
<br /> 1�,. tihrll bc paiQ to l.�ndcr.
<br /> ,. � In the event of a total tukiug uf the Pruperty,the pr�xerds sl�all bc applial tn Uic sunn�ccured hy tliis 5ecu�ity Instrtm�ent. �:_,
<br /> whether or nnt thcn due, with uny cxce�;s paid to lir�rrowcr. In the cvent �if;► panial takiug of dic Yruperty in which �hc tair - -
<br /> � t� �t murket�•aluc of the Pmpeny immcrliatcly bef'urc dze taking is cyual tu or�;rcatcr tlian U�c amuunt�if the tinmti scrured by this �;�-�,
<br /> `�;� � Sccurity Imtrument immodiately befure the taking.unlcss Borrow•cr und I.e�[ktcr othcrwisc agrec in writing,thc tium�secured by .
<br /> "'- this Sccurity In�trumeist shall be reducMl hy the amaunt uf the pnkeeds multiplicd by the fullowin� fracti�m: la) ►he tatal
<br /> ,vw�;;:.•�
<br /> +. . ;unuunt of tl�e sumti securccl immodiately before the taking, Jividal by(hl the fair markct valuc nf thc Property immediatcly :
<br />"r ���s '- before the taking. Any halancc shall be paid tu Burrowcr. Inthr,cvcnt of a panial taking��t the Propeny in which �hc fair ;� `.•
<br /> •,,µ �r market valuc af thc Propcny imm��iiately hef�re[hc taking is Ictis than thc aniount uf die sums,ecureJ immuiiatcly befi�rc the :�i
<br /> ;y ,��� laking. unlcss&�rrowcr und Lcndcr otheewiu:agrcc in wnttng c�r unless applicablc law otherwisc providcs, thc procceds shall : .;_
<br /> 'yu`'�'�'�+ he applic�i to the sums ticcured hy this Sccurity Instrum�nt whctheror not thc suins arc thcn due. � �
<br /> If the Property is abandanctit by Borrowcr,ur if,after noticc hy l.ender to Borrower that thc cundcmnor offcn to make an
<br /> �:.,-',�• award or scttic a claim for d;un��;��s. Borrower fuil�to respond to Lcndcr wiehin 30 days aftcr thc datc thc nuticc is given. �''_;�;
<br /> .,�,r .,,. , �-
<br /> A�;; Lxnd�r i,autLutieed to wltec¢and apply thc prarccds,at iis option,eiUier tu mstor;�tion or repai�of the Propeny or[o die suma
<br /> � �`� sccurcci b this Sccurit Instrument,whcthcr or not thcn duc. �'^ '�
<br /> Y Y �
<br /> .�..�;,., Unlcss Lcnder and Borrower otherwise agrec in wtiting, any application of procceds to principal shcdl not extend or
<br /> � postponc thc duc datc of thc m��nthly�ayiucnts rcfrrn;d to in paragraphs 1 and 3 or rhangc thc amount of such paymcnts. �, �
<br /> ' '�;�;<�) �` r I1.Borrow•er Nat Released;Farbearance By Lender Not a Waiver.Extemion of the time for paymcnt�r malification
<br /> .a.. ��'�. •-
<br /> : �.� ' �, of amonixation of the sums securccl by this Security lnstrument�ranted by Lcndcr to any��cccssor in interest of 8onowcr shall
<br /> 'A��"� "' .;,�,;,'� '`''� not operate to release the liabili[y uf the orignial Borrower or Borrower's ,uccessors in intcretit. LenJcr�hall not be reyuired to �
<br /> ...��;�._ _. commence proccalings agninst any sucre�x:r in intemst or refusc to extend time for payn�ent or othernise madify amoru�uon '•r„
<br /> " u;r,:,;�i'.�;� of the sums securai by this Security [nattunt:�t by nason of a�►y dem;u�d made by thc original Borrowcr or Borrowcr s ,
<br /> ,.t +. .:,, �: � suceessurs en interest. Any forbe�!rattct br• !r.r.der in cxereising any ri�ht or remeciy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the �• +
<br /> _; ��`�''s-:"��`•�'�,''=;'. excrrcisc of:ury right or rcmcdy. ` '
<br /> ' "'""" :' '` 12, 5uccessors and As:±igns Buund; Joint an d S t�era l L ta b i li t y: Cu•s igners. T he cov enants and a greenunx;uf this +r.
<br /> �`_�,,r.; ..
<br />- �''*H,•�^ • �� •� Securit}� In�trument �hal! bind aaxi 4knefit the �uccesson a�d:�ssigns of Lender and Borcower, yubject to the pro�•i�ions of �:k
<br /> .�:,�:..'------� -- • ti �n ,,e � ,,,� a„ ARv R..rrn�v�r who co-sien� thls Securi[y .;. '
<br />-- :��,?��:;;.�.;�-�-,�: patagtapn �'I. �OT[uwrt a ui'rct7did5 at.'� as:.":�:�.5 [;�.�,� .� OSS:i :i..V `..._•T:SI.
<br /> R%t?`�:�-•�;� � . � [nstrumcnt but da:s not executc tt�e Note: (:11 is C�+-Si�(tlr�2 Lhit Securiry Gistrument only to mongage, gram and com•e�� that �gs�
<br /> �$'S"'•'�`��� � � BaTOwer's interGSt in the Peop.rey unJer the terms of chis 5.curity Intitrument;Ib) is not perwnally abligated to pay th2 sumy �7!
<br /> a �.•:^ .. `
<br /> '�����` `��:� •4 secured by[his Security InStrunr;t;and(c)agrces that Ler,d:r and any other Borcowcr may agrce to cxtend, moJify.Cork+ear ar «,�,+;:
<br /> .,,..a.,,:.;:,:-.:�.! .
<br /> �•.t���,r,,�:,'•.+�••' � make any accommodations with r.�gazd to the tcrms of this Security Instrumcnt or the Note��uhout that Borro��•er s cument. �•�>:
<br /> ';s'�.,;�;,_�•r;l..r...�• - 13.Loan Chprg�.If tlie l���u� secured by �his Security Instmment +s,ubject co a lau which sets m:ucimum taan charges. S'l,•.
<br /> �?t�;;;,;..,,,:':''�•„ ° and that law is finally interpmte►.1 so thut the inter,st or other lu;u►charFes collected or to be rollected in runnectian with the
<br /> J'�'•� .;°.�:: . �' loa�i eaceed Ute permittod limits, then: (u):u�y s::ch loan charge shall be reduced by thc a�nount necessary to reduce the charge ;; ':
<br /> ���*`• p'�"`'�'�:' to the rtnitted limit; and Ib)any xums ulready rollected 1'rom Borrower which rxceeded permitted limits will be ret'unded to �'i,:.:,,
<br />� ����~� �Y ���-f Borrow r. I.ender may choose [u make this refund by rc�dacing the principst owed under the Ncue ur by makir� a direct �
<br />"a �t4.1Wi,.r.�,-. '- �': .:
<br /> � �,r,,,,�,,.... � .. payment to Borro.ver. If a rcP,cnd reduces principal, th� recluction wilt be treateci ati a partial prepayment �ti•ir,�out any r,� .
<br /> r• �c d,•A;.•.� ��`'• pmpayment charge under the Nutc. ly
<br />- �"!�'3�•� r�!f�'c,13 ' � �
<br /> �;tiw ,�,. 14.Nottees.Any notice to Borrower provideci for in this Security Imtrument �hall be biven by drliv�ring it ur hy mailin• �
<br /> �-`t it b tirst cl;us mail untess applicable law requircti use of another methrxi. The natice shall bc directcd to thr Property Addawti
<br /> :;+�rt*:t-,. Y
<br /> ����,�,��_r ,. _� or any other address Bormwcr designates by n��ticc to L.endcr. Any nuticc to Lender �hall be givcn hy lirs[ class mail to �
<br /> ' �f '� Lender's uddmss stated herein or ,usy other address I.ender designates by notice to Bottower. Any notice pruvidcJ li�r in thi�
<br /> �L�'''��'� �� Sccurity lnstrumcnt shall bc decmc�to havc lxen @iven to Borrow•er or 1,cndcr when given as provideci in this parat raph. i
<br /> ',� � ri:a�,.. . ..
<br /> � ' ...: C" �ovcrncd by fcdrral L•iw and thc !aw of thc ;
<br /> , ; � r�T I5.Go��erning Law; Set•ernbility. This Sccurity Instn►ment tihall hc �.
<br /> ' � �'�'�¢irt;.if��s.". jurisdiction in which the Property iti locatcd. Ln the event that uny provision or rlause of this Security Instrument or the Notc
<br /> .�� :��� +;fr � "`�• � . conflicts with applicsible lativ.tiuch cunflict ti;iall x�ot affect other provi�ions of this 5ecurity Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> I
<br /> c
<br /> ' ,`�:��'�•�+1�; � �,�, given effect without the conflictinL provision. "Co this end the prn�•isions of this Securit} �nstrumem an:�thc Note are declareJ
<br /> �;:: :•�;,�� '- to be scverub:e.
<br /> '{' � • •• 16.Borrower's Copy.Bi�rrow�r shall bc given onc confer�eJ rupy ��f d►c Nute and ot this Security Instrum.nt.
<br /> ,�� ����' ` 17.Transfer ot the Property or u Beneticial Interest oo�3arrotirer. If uU i�r any p�rt of the Property or any interest in et
<br /> _ ,r�,;�;' �
<br /> :,� ' ..:i„• , . •.: ,
<br /> �.. . , I is sold or transferred(or if u bcncticial interesi in 8orrower is sc�ld��r transferceJ anJ B��rrowcr is not a natural person)wu out
<br /> ' L.ender's prior wntten ccrosent. Lender may_ �t itti ��ption, reyuire immediate payment in full eif att +um; ticcured by tl�is I
<br /> ��i' "-' Securiry Instrument. However, thi,uption�hal(not be exercised by Lender if exerc�se is prohibited by feJeral law ati of thc dutc
<br /> �;t:�;,.7(r�; . I
<br /> �,�y;,� - of this Security Instrument.
<br /> _;� . If Lcnder excrcises this option. Lendcr shall givc Burrowcr notice of:icecicration. Ti,e noticc sh.dl pruvidc a pericxl of not
<br /> � I�ss than 30 days Gom the Jate the notice is dclivcrcd or mailcd within ��•hich Burrower mutit pay all tiums+ecured by this
<br /> ";�r;,;t'• ;'...��•'�`:�'` ' S��uriry instrumcnt. If Dnrrowcr fails to pay these sums prior te�thc expiration of this periud, Lcndcr n►uy incokc any rcmcdics
<br /> '::•. Y..� �:rmitted by this Security Instn�ment�vithout further notice or demand un Burro�vcr. �
<br /> . �;,,._,,` . 18. Borrawer's fti�ht to Reinstate. If Borrowcr mcets rertuin conditionti, Borrowcr tihall ha�r thc right h� havc ,
<br /> �:-< •• • '� enforcemant of this Security Instrumcnt discontinucd at any tirne prior to the carlier vf: (a► 5 days (or surli other pericxl as ;
<br /> .�" ``' ' applirable law �nay specify for re�nstatement) bcforc kdr of ehe Pro rt unuant tu :m owcr ui .alc cuntainul in this
<br /> �t:s;�'.��:t;,.,. . P� Y P Y P '
<br /> •••x:;.!� :'=•.� '` S�x:uriry Instmment:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thi�S�rurity[nstrumcnt. Tho�e randitions arr that Borrcnvcr. (al pays ,
<br /> � � � � Lender all sums�vh,ich dien tivc,uld be duc under this Sccurity Znstrumer�t and the Note as if nu accelerstion haJ �ncurred:(b)
<br /> � cures any detault�f any oNier wvenants i�r agreementti;(r) pa}+all enpe�ties incurred in enfurcin�:I�is Srrurity Imtn�rnent.
<br /> . �� � including, but not IimiteJ to, re�isrn�able attorneys' fees;and Iwl tak.^s such action as [.cn;ler m:�y rcasonably reyuirr tu ci�surc
<br /> �., _ _ .
<br /> �-__ ______ .____ that thc li�n of t6is Sccurity Instt•:�ment, Lendcr's rights in thr �Pn�pcny and Borrower'.obligation w pay thr Sums ticrured by ,
<br /> .�c_ c......«•., fo.�n�r.innt :�nal I�1C
<br /> � • this Sccurity instrument shatl cr•nhnue uncnanged. upon rcimtairtncni i,y ��.a�.::+��. «..� .... •v -•-�••-•---�-
<br /> �� i , r:. : .. ubligutiuns�ecured hercby shall rcmain fully effective as if no:.icccicr,�tion hsd occurced. However�thi�right to rrinstate +hall
<br /> _ ''"' ' � iwt apply in thc cssc ut'acrcicration widcr p:trugraph 17.
<br /> . I 1;"��•��"-"`�'•" 19. �Ie of Note: Chanke of I.oan Scrvicer. Tlie Notc or a partial intcrrst in thc Notc Itc�g�thcr wtth thiti Sccurity
<br /> �,����: . �.,,,.
<br /> :��;� .• ��- Intitrumentl may be sold one ur more times without priur notin: to Bocrowrr.A tialc may resolt in s chan�e in the cntity lkno�vn
<br /> -• ,;1 ��••�•'-:;�••:�•�•�� , as�hc"f.�:tn Sc�rvicer")that callects monthly payments due uixler thr Nutc and this Securir�Intitrument. 1'hcre also m;ty 1-c onc
<br /> 1 .f� �''.�• �� nr m��m rlianres uf the Lo:m S�rviccr unreluted to a�adc of thc Nntr. II'there iti a change uf dic Loan Scrvircr, Horro��•cr�ti�ill hc
<br /> . ••.' givcn�vrittcn ninicc i�t'ihc changc in acconiancc with paragraph 14 abovc and applirablc law.Thc�uiticc will statr thr name and
<br /> ^.�c`?'. `-,.�. � adJress of thc ncw L,��n 5rrvircr and tl�c addrcs�to which paymcnts�hould bc madc. Thc notice will al�u runtain any ��thcr
<br /> '"st''�` .J', • inf�irmation rcyuiral by applicablc law.
<br /> �- �'• �� '''�•- 20. Hxzs�rdous tiulntanc�.�. Bornnvcr �hall not causc or permit thc prexncc. uu, di,poiul. �tur.igc. ur rcica+�ul any
<br /> , .,.�., ::'ry'
<br /> .we�' H;�arduus Substanccs on or in the Pru�xrty. Burruwrr �hall uot do. nar alli�w anyonc cl,c tu du, anvthing alfunng thc
<br /> "i'� 6'roperly that is in viulation of an}� Envimnmcntal I.aw.Thc prctcJin�: t��•o�,cn[cnrcti�hall nut apply to thr prrticnrr, u,c. �,r
<br /> ,�i � ., storagc un thc Pn�}xrty uf snuill yuantitics ul'H:trarJou�Substanccti that an �cncr�ll}� rccogniz�tii tu hr appropriate t�i nurnial
<br /> . • n:tiidintial utirti:md to maintcnancc ut'tlic Propert}�.
<br /> �,_.. ,,,;, ��,,� Form3028 9�90
<br /> '��
<br />