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<br /> _ 9'�'' �.0�073
<br /> _-.--- .. �___�__` &�rruwrr rhrll pr<mi�vty giv� I,��Kler writtcia ����ticr��f ai�y I�tivetittbutinn. c:laim, dcuia�i�i, tuwy�ii c��rth:�:..ot�,;t kr «n;• _
<br /> aaw��a.����ea bucc�u��u•nlal u��4but:��ci�y a�c�tcy or�sii��::tt�j�:uiy ii�v«Ivi�i�;lht�Ih�y�.:ilY:uul u►:y li,�i.n�tun�tinl�r,t;�uccr nr Ft�vit���inirut�d I.�u•� _
<br /> � ofµ•hirh R��rruwrr h,r actuui +.►u�wlcYlgr. If R�Srruu•er Iearur. nr is u��tltie�l hy :my guverumental m• regulalnr,y uulhurily. that
<br /> - uny rerrKival or�►Ihcr rcmaliauun of any Ha�anlour Sub�ta�ke alf�iing chr i'rnpeny ic iexcswry, &�rnr�vrr+Iu�U prowpll� tol��:
<br /> all na:rs�xry rcnxdiul actiunx!n u�co��lwK�with Envir�mri,ental Irw.
<br /> A.r uscxl in �hi�.parugraph 20. "Hat.arduus SuMStQfv��:s" :IfC lNtStit`yGh�1�131:1'ti IjtylllCll av tuxic or lixiardous tiuhtitanrcti by
<br /> Envimnmentai Iaw and Iho following nub�twx�: �;•r:tuline. kero�ene. uthcr flam�iwblc ur taxic petn�leum pr�i.iuct�. tuxic
<br /> ___- - {►r,ticfdcs uixi herhiride�,volutilc �nlvcnt,, uw�erixlY cuntuining usbetitos or formuldehydc.and r•rdiu:utive nu�tcrial�- A�useai in
<br /> �_=-____----- p
<br /> this pa�ragruph lQ. "r.n+ironnxntal I[.uw" ukau, fi.,leru! law:.a�►.3 I..w:.af Ct,:,ju�i��liUiaa e:31�A�: th„ !'r�3p�rt;; i:: 1::�::t�• �t ,
<br /> - rclate to health,wfNy or rnvimnnxnta)protecQon.
<br /> 1YpN-UNIHOFtM CQVF.;JANTS.liorcawcr mxl l.ender f'urther covenunt a�xl ugrec:��fidluws:
<br /> -- 21. A�rcrteratton;Remedies.Ixnder yfudl give�wtict ta liorrnwcr prlor to�crrlerr►tiun followln�Hurir►wer's hrrrch
<br /> - - nf rny cuvenrnt or rgreement in thls SECUrity Instrumtnt (t►ut n�►t p�lor tu stcoelerrtion under p�n�r�ph f7 unles.y
<br /> ppptic�hlr law pmvld�.w nthrrwise). T�e ne►tke r,hc�il specity: (e)!he defxult;(b) Ihe Action requlred to cure the drC�ult;
<br /> _ (c)a dat�,n�t►t 1�tluin 311 dry4 fr�im.thc�late the n�►dce Is Riven to Korrower,by whkh the dtiault mu�!hr cured; xt�A
<br />-_ -- (d)Ihwt Ihilnt�to cure the de[auk un ui• Ireture the daie spec(ticd in ihe nottce may r+�nit in saYlcrallo�at tht�rsms �.--
<br /> secured by thls Security Inslrument xnd nalr.of tlto Prnperty. The n��tke sfwll[uHher infurm Ifornuwer oP the right tu
<br /> rei+�sts�te aRer aocekratk+n and the right to k�dng A rou�t actlon to us.xrt the r�n-existence ot�► det�utt ur any other _
<br /> defense of lio�so+�•er tu ooceleraUon and sale. IC ilte default is nnt cured on or before the datr sprclfied In Ihe nMlce.
<br /> ,� I.ender. xt its c�plfon, mAy rcquine �tnmedlAta ps�yment in full of all sums seeuml by this Security Inctrummt withuut -
<br /> �- further dem�nd ynd�ns�y invoko tl�fl pcntier oi w�e xnst Any other re.medies permitted by appl(c�►Me IAw. l.ender shall br
<br /> entiUed to�►Ilect all ex�xn.tie.s tncu�l.in pursuing the remedt�provided in this parograph 21.including,INUt nM limited
<br />- ta,re�sonible s�ttorneys'fees xnd cu�h.Uf title evidence.
<br /> if tht power of ss►le Ls fn�•akt+�J,'R'tustce sftwil rarord a IlUlll'C ll�II['{�tt�ll� {Yi�xCii C(iiliit"� Ofl WSi�fSl aiiy j1Gi"7 6�t�i':: -
<br /> 1'ropcYty is located�tnd shwll�nAil�a,►pies of such not(ce in the manner p��esc:atbed by Applt�bte Iww to Burruw�cr�nd t� _
<br /> the olha��rx►nc pr+escrif�ed by appil�ble law.After the time requlred by apnlic�ble Iww.Trustee stwll kire pulslk notioe
<br /> of salc to.tttc�k�sons and in the m�uee�r pmsc'ribed by applicn��lE law.Trce:�tee, �rithout dem�nd on ii�rrower.shxlt u[I
<br /> tt�e Pn►ptfil.�•�t pubUc suctian to tln 9��ghe�t bidder s�t the time sexi plr�ce wnd under/he terms cksiRtwted(n!FK nuticr c�f-
<br /> w�ie fn otm«r rnore pxrccLs and ic�u�n�•order Trustee dMcrmincs."1'�rustce tn�y �rstpc►ne sale of all or any parcrl n1'Iltr
<br /> prope�y by puMic announeement at thc time and �rts�ce ut uny previoasF�� s.�hedultvf sale. Lender or its deslgnir myy
<br /> pwrl�ase the Property rii uny sale.
<br /> � �Jpon reseipt of pr��mrnt of ttK price bld, 'a'nister shall deliver tu Um µw�h�uer 'Inutee's dted conveytng the _
<br /> ['ropecty. The recitYls in the'�'n�c��;s deed shall be prima facie evidence of the lruth o�the statements made tt�en�in.
<br /> Tn�stce shalt apply thr.proceeds�f fite cvle in tfw follawing order:(al to all cosis and e�pu�ses of exercising the pnwer uf
<br /> � - ssik.antl tl�e salt,includn'm�the pnyme�t of the"Tarsstre's fe�actuslly incurnd,not to e�cr�c�d the�of $50.00 or �`�
<br /> �.���_ w..�
<br />�-.. • '�'- .r__ _c .. ....! ....H n ni�/nlouZl a�as1 w�aacaxav 10 uN a _
<br /> of QI!!plinclpYl Amownt oi ine nuic a�anc annc.,.�ii.,tja...w.�..C........»...»-,�....._�.;._...�"_-'�!!'�±-Yc'Fnoc s�c Irt,rrnf tt
<br /> by lew;(b�to xll sums�secured by this Security Instrument;�nd(c)any excess to the p�.�rson or perso�is legally entitled to
<br /> it.
<br /> 22. Ftmconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured L�ti• tliis Sr:curity Instcumen[, Lr.�der shall reque�;t Tm�.ca ta
<br /> ��ct ;snd all notes evidencir.^ debt secured b dtis Secu,:
<br /> reconvey t3�e Property and shall surrender this 5ecuriry Instr��:;. �
<br /> Y
<br /> inst�vment to Tivstcc.Trustec shall recanvey the Premerty without warranty and without charge to the peru�n ur persons?e�;r.i•`.y
<br /> entitlod to it.Such persan or penons sh�ll pay any n�cc�r3ation costs.
<br /> 23. SubstiWte Trustee. Lender,at its option, may from time ta time rcia�t e Trustce and appoint a successor trusee�to .
<br /> any Tmtitec;appointcxi hereunder by:u�irstniment cecurded in the county in�vhi4h this Security Instrument is recorded.Without R
<br /> '°' conveyance of the Property, the successor trustce �hall succeal to atl the tiNe, power and dutics confemd upon Trustee hcrein p
<br /> and by applicable law.
<br /> 24. Request for Notfees. Borrower n,quesGi that copies of the notices uf�:�efault and sale be�nt tu Borcower's address
<br /> - which is the Property Address.
<br /> ;` Z5. Riders to thts Security Ins4rument.If onc or m�rc riders are exec��r.eJ by Borrowcr and morded tosether with this
<br />- Security Instcun�ent,ttie covenants and agn:ements of each sucli rider shall 6e incorporsted into and shall amend and supplement -
<br /> - the cavenants and�groements of this 5ecurity Instrument as if tlic rider(s)were a part of this Security instrument. _
<br /> ' [Chcck applirable box(csj] -
<br /> �Adjustable Rate Tiider [�Cc��luminium Ridcr �� I-4 Family Ri:ler -
<br /> Graduated Payment Rider ��1'�;�:�ned Unit Development Rider U A3weekty Payment Rider
<br /> � [�Balloon Rider 0 Rate Improvement Rider �Sca��d Homc Ridcr ;__
<br /> �V.A. Rider [�Other(s)Ispecifyl Nutice of Default and Sale
<br />- -- -
<br />