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<br /> --- -- 'The Furwlx �,Iwil ht helJ in •r�ti tn5titut�lt�.,wtiotie Ue�x�sits �ue insurtci iiy a terler�t ug�•��,y. i���������r.::lity. .�; ,:r.:i".y -
<br /> _: ��----- (iix•fuJing lx�hi�r. il l.eiulrr i+��.urh�r� intili:r',i.,:tl i�r in any 1'itil:;�al il�u��c l.u,,n ttauL. 1 Auilr.r tih:d!��j,piy Qi�•1'viut,���ti�.�y th�
<br /> Euruw Ctems. I.erxlcr nwy M,t char�r lkxri�i�•cr fur huldin� aikl appiying the Fm►sis, ennual{y�iwiyiin��hr.r,cruw a.r��unt, nr
<br /> verifying!he Exrow Itn�xs,unl�;l.�nckr�ys Horr�iw�er intercst on tix FunJs wxl appficable!aw pem►its lxndc:r to make wch
<br /> t�charge. However.I..erxler m�y rcyuire kk�m�wer tci}�uy a one-timc�•ha�ge far an indepe�xlcnt rral cxtate tnx rcp�►ning srrvi.x
<br /> -- ua�i by Le�xler in ec�m►a�tiun w�ith this ln2n, unlrxs appiicubis.law provfdes otherwise. U�de.a an rgra:ment is medc or
<br /> applicable law e�oyuirea intercYt to be paid, l.endcr sit�ll not be roqvlx�+r1 to p�y 8orrower any irnereat ur e�tningy on ihe Funds.
<br /> _�_.^ _ J &�rruwer ainl Lctxler nwy u�rce in wrilin�t.,hawev�r,thyt inte►rst shy11 be paid nn tha Fuiwls. L.cndcr �h�li�ive to F��rrc�wer. -
<br /> - - witixwt cluuge. sn wnnual.w.r:cwntfng uf tlx Funds. slxvhing crodits aixi dcbits to the runds wid the purpore lur whicii r�h
<br /> debit to the Fmxls was mack• Th�Fut►d9 enG pltdgctl t9 ei�;litional sa:urity for all sums socuroef by titis Saurity instrur�xnt.
<br /> !f the 1=unds hcid by 1.t�xJer era;�llh�:anv.wnts�:rmitted tn t+e held by appitca6le law. Lender shxll u:c+wnt tn Bormw�r
<br /> for�lx excess�unds in arcordu�ce w•ith the raqaircments af applicable law. it'the amaunt of�thc Funcis held by Leixkr at;rny
<br />-__ tinK is rMX sufficient to pay tht F?scroa• It�.rns w•!xn due,4ender may so notify Banower in writing.and,in such rass Borrower
<br /> =-_ shall pay to l..e�xfer the:u�wunt�xeessnry t��nt�k.e up th:deficicncy. Burrower shull mxke up the deficlency in rN� more than
<br /> — twelve tniinthly payments,at I..cndcr's sole discration.
<br />•= Upon payment in fuil of:Rl1 sums�eeuced by this S�:cu�iry [nstrument, l.encier shall promptly refurnl tu Bm�ruwer auy --
<br /> -- - Funds held by Lcnder.If. u�xfer pamgrnph 21, Lcncler tihal!acquirc or sell the Praperty. Lcndcr,Qrior to the acquisition or�Ie
<br /> — nf the Property,shail apply any Funds h�ld by Lendr.r ar.th�r�ime of ucquisition ur sale as a crcdit •rgainst tho sums secured by
<br /> �'' this Securiry inurument.
<br /> ' ' 3.Applkat[on ot Payments.Unless applicable la�r•Fr�vid:s otherwise,ail payments receivacl by l.er►der under parngraphs
<br /> �f�'� l uivJ 2 shall be appl3ed: firr.t,ta wiy prepayment ch�r�es dtk:under the Note; second, to lmounts payable umler parngraph 2;
<br /> ''�� third,to inten�st due; fourth,to Qrincipal due:a�last,ta any late charges due under�he Note.
<br /> ,�`� 4.Ch�tr�grz: Lieru. Hurro�ver sh�ll p3y nll tt►res,iar�ssmenu, char�es, fincs und impasitions uttributnblc ro thc Property
<br /> ' which may attain priarity over ttiis Se�:uritp lnstnim:nt, and Ic.�.schold pnymcnts or g�ound rents, if:my. 13onaW�cr shall pa�
<br /> ;`�- these obligatlons in the manaer pravide�d[n aragi�ph 2,or if not paid in tliat manner.Borrower shall pay them on time diciecti,y
<br /> ta thc person owecl payn�m. B01'CQV1'C�'6hs!��.�rampt�y fitmish to LcnJer all notices of amaunts to be paid under this paragrapfi.
<br /> ._ It[�an-ower makes these ps�•inents dirccdy,6orrowc�r�h;di promptly furnish to I.cnder receipts cvir�rncing the payments.
<br /> - Borro�ver ehall promptly d'isch3a�;e any lien whic'�hr.�pnority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(ay agrees in
<br /> ��•riting to the payn�enb of thC oblegatinn securcd by th��ci�in a mviner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in goocl faith the lien
<br /> � by, ot defc:txls asain5t cnfnrcement of thc Iten in. le��l Qrasrrdings which in the L.endcr's opinion opernte to prevent the
<br /> enforcement uf ttr lien:or(a)securas fmm the Iwtd:t of th:1R:n an�grcement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien tu
<br /> this Security Insttument. ]f l..ender detertnine:�th�t uny pnrt nf lF�:Pr�perty is subject to a lien which may nttain pnority�►cer
<br /> ihis Sec�i�ity InstrumenZ, Le.^_�ler msp gi��e Borncnvr.r a noticc identifying the lien. R�arrower sh•rll satisfy the licn or take one or �.,
<br /> ��wre of the actions set forih abQVe within l0 dzys of the giving of noticc. N'''t
<br /> . 5. Hazard or Propect�• lusumnrc. Bottower shall kcep thc improvements now cxisting on c�rcafter crected on the ��.
<br />-- Prnnrnv incured ue:iinst lois �v fira. hsx.:!�s included �Nithin the term "extended coverage" nnd:ury other h:uards, induding
<br /> flaids o�ilooding,for which Lerx!:r rcr��:in.y insurance.This insurance shull bc:m�intained in the amounu ar�d tor tne periocis
<br /> k��'
<br /> a i that Lencler reyuires. Th�P insurtur.e carricr;xoviding the insurance shatl be chosen by Borrower subject to Lcnder's approv:
<br /> � which shall not be unr�:icso»3kty with!�:!d. il'8orro���ce fails to mair.�.=.�n coveragr de.icribed above, Lender may, at Lender's __
<br /> _ uption,obtain cs�vcra�e to���xt I,rr►�c!cr's riFrrts in:lie?:operty in accordancc with parugraph 7. �
<br /> All insumnce pu1i:.s ��3 cenewals shall be acc�ptable to I.tnder and shall include a standard mort�age dause. Lendcr
<br /> shall havc tt�:�i��t ta ltotd tli:�licfer,ar�i rencwals. If Lcnder rcquircs, 8orru�vcr shall promptly givc tu Lcnder all reccipts of ��__-
<br /> paid prem�.�^��sr.d renewal notices.In i(ti3 evsnt of los:;,Borrower thall tzive prompt notice to the msurunce c:�rrier arxl Lender. a'
<br /> Lender may m�ke praof of Icr;s if.ne:n-,u'::promptly by Borrower. �
<br /> � "� Unless Lender and Bo�-r��c�c�•o��rsnvise agrec in���riting, insnrance pmcceds shall be applicxi to restorntion or repair of the '�;�.
<br /> - < L��:.�.� i••
<br /> Property damaged,if thQ r�to��suiaa.raT repair is econo:rically fcasible and Lcndcr's sccurity ts not Icssened.If the restor.►tion or
<br /> repsir is not economicalE� f�asib'�t e�r Lencei s securiey would bc lesscn�ci,thc insur.uicc procceds sh:ill lx:appliecl to the sums �'����
<br /> � secured by this Security Instru^nnt. �a�h�a�.h:•r or not chen due, with any excess p:iid to Bono�ver. If Borrower abandons the �j'
<br /> ;t; Propeny,or does nat answer withir 30 d��•+a notic,; feom Lender that the insur.►nce rarrier h�s a�.'fered to,ettle a claim, then �,_",_
<br /> I.ender may collect tt�e insurance proteeds. i..cnder may we the proce��ls to rcpair or resrore ihe Property or to pay sums ��µ�
<br /> secured by this Securiry Instniment,whedur or not then c1ue.The 30-ciay pericxl will bcgin when the notice�s g�ven. �-,_`
<br /> Unless (..ender and Boxrower otherwise agree in Lrriting, any applic:ition oC procecds to principal sh�11 not extend or �,���
<br /> ,` postpnne the due date of th�:monthly payments referred tu in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymcnts. If �;.,: -.
<br />' '� •;� under pancgrr�h 21 the Prn�erty is acquu+ed by I.ender, Borrower's right to any insur.►nce policies and prcxecx)s resulting frotu
<br /> �,.� „
<br /> ��;+�F. damage to dx Pmperty prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums s��cured by this Security Instrument �°�^
<br /> '�"•*`�s�� ^�• immediateiy}��•iar to the acquisition. fL.._
<br /> r ..,>�,_,�,< ,
<br /> ��y +��.`' 6.Occups�ncy,PrESen�ation,Maintenance and Protection of the Froperty; Borrnwer x Loan Applicution;I.c�seholds. F;;�,
<br /> c1��'" y `•.�
<br /> k.n.x .
<br /> • ,,:,;� Borrower shall cxcupy.es�.��?ish,and use the Propeny as Borrower'�principal residenee within sixty days after t4ie execution of .
<br /> - ''r�'�, •' this Sccurity Instrumcnt anc?. shall continue to ixcupy the Pmpeny as Borroa•cr's principal residcncc for at lens[nne year after }.
<br /> `�• ��,` '"S the date of occupancy,unless Lsnder othenvise agrecs in writing,which cunsent shall not be unroasonably withheld,or untess ''�;..
<br /> ,�, ,,., .
<br /> • �'•:;���':��•! extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's cuntrol. Bonawer shall not destroy, damage or impair the ( �,
<br /> c _�-: .._
<br /> �.:���'�,tr� Property, allow the Property to deteriosatc, or commit watite on Uie Propcny. Bon'owcr shall bc in def:.ult if any forfciture �
<br /> ' Cl�.'.•,
<br /> * � action br praceding,whethcr civil or criminul,is begun that io L.ender's go.xl faith judgment could result in forfciturc of the ,
<br /> - , j�"::�'•:� Property or otherwise materiufly imp:iir the lien created by this Securiry instrument or [.ender's security interest. Borrower may ��•
<br /> f�� ��;•:�-�:, cure such a defuult and reinstate,as providod in pai�agraph l8,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling !
<br /> "' : ..�;°ri�;: that, in I.cnder's good faith determination, precludcs ti�rfciture of the Bonrnvcr's intcrcst in the Property or other material �� �
<br /> � �..�•.�'.�����" impairnxnl of the 1►en cmated by this Security Instruracnt or l.eniler's security intcrest. Bon•ower ,t�all also be in default if
<br /> #s•`����`i=.-` Borrower,during thc loan applicetion process,gave materiatly false or inaccueatc�nformation or statements to Lender(or fail��i
<br /> ., � ._�..•.. ,....,
<br /> o-�� -•
<br />_ . •:�;, ,�;::,>4��s�,` to providc lxndcr with any matcrial information)in conn�:tion with the loan c�•idenccd by thc Notc. including,but not limitccl ,
<br /> � '��� ��r�-• to, representations cunccrning Boirower's accupancy�o'she Property as u princip�!r�sidence. If this S�tiuriry(ntitrument i.�m:+
<br /> �d.;r., « 2,;�,
<br /> - ���� T`�'7�'°.R •����OI�. ��T��ver shall comply with all thc prrn�isi.�ns of the Iease. If Borrowcr acyuims fcc tide tu the Propeny, thc ` �
<br /> j •�^ Icasehold:�nd the fec titic shall not merge unlctis Lendar agrccs to the mergcr in writin�;. i
<br /> � �• • � �.Protettivn ot Lender's Ri�hts iu thc Pro�erty.If Borrot�rP fails to perform the roven:nts anJ agrcemcnts a�ntainrd in �
<br /> . ' � ''. :� �'�'•• '' this Securiry rP:�trument, or there is a legad proceeding that may siLnificantly affect Lsnder'ti rie�ts in the Propeny (�uch as a �
<br /> � ..1;;�._ `
<br /> • �� ��'i � ._ � prucccding in h:►nkruptcy.Pmbatc, for condemnation or fortciwre��r to cnfom I.sws ur cegulstionti),then L.endcr may du and �
<br /> e__...�_._..__:_ .. ....�o,.� �60 ool..a�.f tha Pmmrtv am1 Irndcr'c rinhte in the Proo�rtv. Lcnd2T S Sl'11OI15 I11�V L.
<br /> -_' • - v od) wt nt[a�a.�e� �n a�`a;:s;j w�.......... ..... ._.__ ... �.' "_r,-"+ . .
<br /> ''`�T '' `'� includc paying any surtts acCUt�x1 by a lien which has pnority over this S��:ur.y Instrument,�appear�ng in coun, payint: j
<br /> ,��;:�"'''"' �"'"'�''� rcasonablc attorneys fces:uid cntering on the Pmperty to makc rcpairs. Although [.cndcr may take�ction undcr this para�r.�ph j
<br /> �•::•,�.. .•�..� . i
<br /> 7, Lender does not havc to do so.
<br /> - a;,`'���` Any mnounts disburscd by L.�:nder undcr this paragraph 7 shaU bcc�mc additional dcbt of Bonowcr ��t:ur�d by dtiti ;
<br />_ `°'�--{"'�;; St:curity Instrument. Unless Borrower:uid Lcnd�r agree tU��thcr t�:rnn of payment,thcac:unounts sLall bcar intcm�t fmm thc :
<br /> _ �``"� datc Rf disbursement at thc Note rutc und sh;ill be payable, with intcrest, u}wn noticc fram Lcnder to Borrvwcr rcyuc�tinF i
<br /> � � .�;j1�,ri..
<br /> ;,,3�'�,',��a payment.
<br /> S.Mortgx�e Insurs►nce.If I.endcr rcquired mortgagc insuranrc as a runditi�m of making the loan ti�rur�d by this Sccurity
<br /> �_;�;...•, .
<br /> -�t��{ � i�strumcnt, Borrowcr shaU pay thc pmmiums rcquircd to maintuin du martgabc in�ur,�nrc m effi.�c:t. If, tiir any rca�on, �hc
<br /> .� •f`"•�'.; martgage insurancc wvcra�c reyuired by Lcnder lapses ar rcascs t��lx� in cti'ect. Borniwcr shcdl pry thc prcmiumti rcyuir�Yl tc�
<br /> � � ` �`"'�� obtuin rovcrage aubstantially cquivalent tv thc mortgagc insurancc prcv6ou�ly in cffcrt,at a co�t substantially cyui�•:dcnt tu thc
<br /> cnst to Borrower of the mortgage insur�nce previously in effect, trum an ultemate mort�a�C intiurer appro�•ed by LcnJcr. If
<br /> i
<br /> . . . - ' , v��,,I o,a Form 3020 9�50
<br /> ':3.�. . . . - .
<br />