<br /> 44- ,..�.,,...
<br /> — � .av.�,l _
<br /> ('•aVf1►cntz maY rx�lc�+�gen c�tcyu�tttl at tFr.�,plh�n��E!x rxi�r, ii rrn�nKaQC 3nwruix•c��tiYrraRe�in ttx�nx�um rncl for c pericu�
<br /> th�q I.�eakr nx�uirGel pmvidal hy xn ia.urr.r a�spnwrcl hy Ixtxler again baan►cti avuilphle w�xi i+��lr;ik�. tA��n►wcr slu�ii p�Y
<br /> tbe praniwr�s rcquiral to mainuim m�rt�+y{e i►uwrmcc iit cffay,nr tu provi�Se x IiMY rc+erve,unNl il►c r►,quirtcrw:rtt iur rrn�Rgage
<br /> inwauwx eixfs irt swcan��e with+ny wrilun+��tncat hGtwt�en 8orruwer rnci l.etKlrr�,r kpplic•�ble law. -.—
<br /> h.I�cYioa. Le�der �u its�cm msy m�lce r�wronrble rntrics u�x�n wxi in+pecli��ns�if�f�r I'r��triy. I.axk�+Full gsvr.
<br /> Bormwrr rxnire at the timc of nr}xior ta an iru}�ection sparif�ing rc�.u�uble csuse fur�he iiupec�tHm.
<br /> !!'_�•�.^.a�••r;!i��. 1'!:= F:.:::�•i: nf ^�ny .••�rt•+ „r r�l��m fnr���mNO+•v. �lirci•t ��r�•�►n.tx�u:ntfal. i�i cuntteiliun wilh any , _
<br /> rnnclemn�tion ar c�ther t�ing of uny part of�hc t'rt�perty. ur i'or ronveyaocc in licu uf cc►txlemnation,are hcret+y �xignai and
<br /> :rhatl t►c paid�o l.erder.
<br /> In the rvr.nt c�f r taal taking of the!'rc�rty.the pnneal+shall bt applicd to�he sum�ticcural by thi.r•5eiurity lnstrurexnt.
<br /> whcther or�xK then dur, with any exress�wid ta&►rrower. In�hc c�•ent of a partial taking of the Pn�prrty in which tt�e fur
<br /> rrwrket value of Ihe Prr►peny em:ncxliately Fxfore thc taking is cyi�l to ur greater than Ihc:u�xwrU��f tht wm,ucuriecl by Ihis
<br /> Sccurity 1!utnimenE imcnediatcly 4+tfnn the taking,uM��s Nr�rroa•cr:�nd I.enAer otheiwise sgrct.in wri�ing,the sum�tia.'cuc�d by _
<br /> this Sei.�urity In�irumtnt +hall t►e r�luced by the�mw�u of the pruccais multiplicd by the fallowing fr.�ction: �a) the ti�tat
<br /> u�xx�nt of Nyc wm��tcurai imnxdiaiclv befnr�e the taking,di�•iderl by Ib)the fair market value oF the Property imme�lintely
<br /> hefore the t�lcing. Any t+alanae ahall he�id to Rorrow•er. In the evenc nf a paniut taking o1'the Propr:rty m which the fair
<br /> nwrka value of the Propc:ny immediaidy txfore che takinF is I�w;than the anxwnt of thc sums secured immediatcfy txfore the
<br /> talcin�,un{e�.ti 8omower and Lariar cxl�:nvise agree in writin�or unle�c applicable law uthenvise provides.the procexx!_i shall
<br /> b�apglini ro the sums u�:u�+ec1 by ehis Securiry[nstrument��•hether or twt the sums are thrn c�ue.
<br /> if Ib: i'roperry ie at�andon,�d by FsorroH•cr. �r if. a(irr�Krii�r uy I.ei�ter to Ro�aw.r t�it the rnr.tlemnur offers t��!it=t.c n�z
<br /> awani ur settle a claim for damages, Borrc►vs�r fails to respond to Lender tieithin 30 days after the date the notice is f;i��ri�,
<br /> Lend�r ic authorized tn r.ollect and apply the�em.-ec�ts,at its nption,eidier:n nestomtion or repair uf�he Property or to the sums
<br /> secunxl Dy this Secu:ily Inswment,whethrr or ncd Ihen duc.
<br /> Unl�ss I.cnder an�d Horrow•er otherwise agree in writing, any applicati�n of proc�c�ds to principai �ha11 not cx�c�x1 or
<br /> postEwne the due date of the nxmthly paymcnGS rcfcrrud to iu�ra�raphs 1 urv!2 ur changc thc amotmt of such g�ymcnts. -
<br /> I1.i�xroher Not Released;Eorbearnnce By I.ender Not a�Vsitx�r.�xtcnsion uf the time for paymrnt or madification
<br /> of amonizatian iif tt�:�mns uxurcd by this Securily Instrument�;r.intod?�g•l.�ndcr ta any aucccssor in interest of 8nrrou•cr shai!
<br /> itiot cyerute to c�elease the liabilitp�+f the original Horroa•er or Borrou.er'�suceesx�rs in ir;:ec:yt. Le►uler shall not t►e mquired ta
<br /> commyxti:pmecxdings against any�ur��essor in interes[or refusc to rxte�xi time for payi:�ent or ntherwisc modify amorii�ation
<br /> of thr. sums sc�urc�d by this Securiry Instrume�u by re:ison of am� dcmand made by the ariginal &�rrou�cr ar Bunower's
<br /> sinLnw�� iu iuine�i. n�ry iu�iirs�;uxz iry i..cnu:.: ii�cSCiCi;::ib a;�y rgts:r.i ::..;:.�� :.�!t n.,r hn c, waiver�f�r nreclude[he
<br /> erercise nf any risht or remed,v.
<br /> 12. �►rs and AstiiRns Bc3unal; duinl and Se��ernl Ltabilit,w, Co-si�Rers. The rovcnan4� and agre�mcn�ti of this _
<br /> Seti�urity Instrumcnt shall bind ancl bcncfit thc hurccssors :vad a+sigm of I.cndcr .uid Borrowcr, �ubject tu thc pn►�isiom of
<br /> paragruph 17. Bc►rrow•er's roven3nts and agrcements sh:ill t+e joint and uvcr.il. Any Barmw•cr wha co-.igns di5s Security
<br /> Inttrumeiu but da:s txtt execute the Note: lal is co-�;igning this Securi�y� [muument anly to mortgage. grant and co,��•rry that =-
<br /> BorroK•er's interest in the Froperty uncicr the tenns oi'this Security In�tntet�:�nt:Ib) is not penon�lly obligated to pay the sums
<br /> sFCUrcd by this Sctiutity Instrumenr,a*w�!c)agrecs that L.endcr aixl any othcr Borrow�cr may��4:ree to cxtend,mc�diTy, forbcar or _
<br /> nuke:u►y xwmmodations with regard to the tcrms of this 5ecz��dt}•Inatru►nent or the Nc�te 1��:hout Uiat&�rm�ti�er'�consent. ;�--
<br /> 13. I.wn Chaq;as.If the loan�ecured by this Securit}• l�astrument is,ubje�:t to a la��•��•hich�rtn n.;�tiimum les:e charges. --°
<br /> a�xi that law is rrtally inter�reted so that the int:rest ur i�th�r:oan ch:u�ges eollecteii or to be coll�rted i:i connection�vith the m_-'.
<br /> [oan excmi the permitted limits,then: (a1 any�uctt loan rh;ugr tihall Uc r4�lurexi by the:in�ount ner��sti::n io raluce the charge --
<br /> to the perr;iitted limit; and(b1 any sums already rnllectcd f�om 9orruu�er a•hich rxceeded permitteci lir.�its�vill be r�i'unded to �,..r
<br /> Bomowcr. l.cndcr may chcx►k tn mak� this rc(imd by nxtac:a; thc principal o�ticd uaxtcr thc Note or by m:Jcir�= a dircct �-�..
<br /> payment to Bo�row�er. If a refund reduccs principal, the ra�'uction �vill t+e trcated :s a Partial prepayment ��•iih��ut any a�_
<br /> prcpayment rharge undcr thc Note. �--
<br /> la.NtNices. Ana ►�otice to Borrower pmvidexi fi,r in this Sccurity Imtn►ment�hall tse�iven bp deli��c►ing it or by mailing �-�:.0
<br /> it by fint class rtuil uniess applic:ible law requires uu of another methai. The noti�-e�hafl be dir�rtal to the Pro�rty Addmss _-rn
<br /> or an�• othcr :xidrcss Borrowtr 8csignatcs by n��icc lo l.cndcr. Any noticc to [..cnder tihal) t+c given by iie,t rl.�.�. nutil to �=�
<br /> Lender'ti address�tatod hercin ar.��;J• othcr addrcss l.cndcr dcsignat��s by noticc to Bomo�ccr. An�• noticr pro�•idc.i �cr in this �,
<br /> Sccurity In,trumcr.t�hall hc decrncY!to havc hccn gi��rn to Bnrro��cr ur Lrnder when gi�•cn a,pmvid�xl in this par.ig�ph. ���-
<br /> I 5.(:a�•e rn i v t g L s►w; S e v e r s i b i l i ty. T l i is S e curiry (ntitrumcnt >half tk governed by fedcr.�l IaE�• and the law ��f the
<br /> jurisclietion in which the F'roperty is located_ Iv�the event that any�pm�•i;iun or rlause of thiti S�turiry Initruntent�ir the Note �,�
<br /> canfltcts with appliGible law,such cimtlict sltall not aflert other pro�•i�ions nf this Srcurit� Imltumr.nt iir thc Note�vhich:an he .'.�:j,
<br /> given eFfect without the conflictir��provision.To this end the pm�•isions of this Sccunty.lmtrument atxl the Note are declarcd � �
<br /> �.;:.
<br /> to be scvcrable. �'��-
<br /> 16.Borrow�er's Copy.Borrower shall be�iven one canfarmed cupy+�f tha Nutc anJ of thi,S�tiuritp Intitrument. r`°
<br /> i'
<br /> Furm 3028 9�30
<br /> c.�nr 4 016
<br /> �r'
<br /> i
<br /> _. . ._._..._�..____.-__�.'-_._'_..._...�._...__.--..�..___.._ - � 't�b,E�.x-�R.:'{'�P=�XY-
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