..,s. .
<br /> �I _
<br /> ��wl��
<br /> r. Nxrmrd nr Pr�prctt �R�U[�IIC�. Il�ur������r �h•�II ici•P !hr Im��nvrmentl nux• i•d�tin� ��n c�rratirr errcinl on ibt
<br /> F'r��perYy +n.urn!ag�iml In�r t�� lirr, haiard, iiN:luJcd within ihc Iertn "rrtervl�Yl ca��riu�t"aixl auy�xhrr hai.nnl�, itxliulin�
<br /> n�,�i��,� n�x�a�►�, ti�t wM�•h S.ch�lrr royuircs inwrwkc.rhi�in�ur,ukY.h�lf hr mrinexunril in thr�wntf wxi f��r the pericida
<br /> tlwt L.ender m�uire�. 'I'he +n�ur�ike rrrrSer pr+►viding the inwrance shat! t+e ctxMrn hy &�rn�wrr+uh}n�t�u l.cnrkr'a aQpa�w�l
<br /> whkh nhxll nia be unrrwunxbly wilhtielcl, !F ti�srnwer frila tu nwin��in avveruye dexritxJ e�Mrv�:. I.enJer ma�y, a�Len�'�+
<br /> �1inn.��filrin�rvera�{e tu prntr�l I.�nJt�'ti righh�n Ihe Pn�eny in xcnnlance witl��rrgreph'l.
<br /> Ali i„�u...�».: Y,:JI:i..»�::5 r..»..»:..:..�»Il l:.:...-.:Y:::t::.:tr, 1::.::S:r:a�:l :.h_ll ir.:l•.:.,1 ..:::x:l.::3 �r.:�nr:e� _.►_:�::�. i.:•w'_r _..
<br /> �Itall iu�ve the eight tu Ix►Id�I►t{xilicie�and renrwalx. If L.c�xk� reyuim. 8anu�ver,hal!pn�mpdy give tu I.erJer�11 rxYi�ts��f
<br /> �uid prcndum�arni rrnewal rx►ticc.. tn tht event uP lor,,Fl�irmN•er shHll�iee pmmEx n�►ticr to the iniuraixe c�rrier�nd I.eixier.
<br /> l,endcr nwy m�ke priKif uf Ich.�if iK�t�ru�le�rum�xly by&�rr��wer.
<br /> Uiik�s I.cndrr�uxt&urowcr otlurwi�c agrrr in w�iting.Imuruixr pnKCedti tihrll t�c a�licxl t�i rchturation irr rrp�ir nt�thc
<br /> Pruprrty Janugrd.if thr rcstors��iun Q�r rr�ir i5�^co�xunically fcarl6le aixll.e►xier'.r•security is rKx IessrneQ. tF the re�tors►tiun or
<br /> rcp:ir i�n+�t rr++r�,micalty fre�ible ar Ix�ulcr's set:urity�cuuld t�le.,sei�cxl,the iu�ucn�r_e�rucc�Ls�h:s1!be applia!to the sums
<br /> 5ea�uml hy this Security Imtnnnent, whether or �xK tfxn due, with any exce.:c paid to Harmtiver. If Bn:eQwer ahanclon� �he
<br /> Prc�perty, or d��r�rMK amw�er w;tbiii 3Q day�a notice finm [.e�xler that the insur.ince carrier has uffeml to unle a claim, then
<br /> I.cixler ��wy r�►Ilect thr. in�uraixc prcxe��ls. I.c�xler may ux the procrcds to rcpair ur restur�thc Propeny ur tu pay wmt
<br /> ucurc�l tsy Ihis St�;urity Lntitnin�rnt,whtther or rt��t then due.The 30tlay pericKl will bcgin when the notice iti given.
<br /> Unle+s Letxlcr yntl Borruwer uthrrwiK. agree in wsiting, any appliration of procerds to peitxipal tihall m.►t extaxi or
<br /> pc�.tpnnr the Jue date of ttie mnnthly paymcntti rcferrod to in paragraphs l and 2 or change the amount of the paymcnt�. If
<br /> undcr paragraph!t the Nroper[y is acquiral by L.ender,fsorrower's right to any insuracxe policies and praeais resutti��g f in�n =i
<br /> duruge tu thc F'mpcny priur tc►the a:qui�ition shall pass to[.ender to the er.tent of the�ums u.•curcd by this Security Instn�nx�it
<br /> immediatcty priur to�he ucquisition.
<br /> 6.Occup�ncy� Presrrvatinn,Maie�ter.Ance s�nd Frnta�tieti of the Property;Borxnw�er's Loan Appli�tfon;l.eauholds.
<br /> Barrower shall nccupy.c�tablish,a�Kl utic tlic Prnpeny s�Id�rttoucr's principal reside«ce w ithin sixty days after the�YCCUtion of
<br /> this Scy:uriry lnstrument aixl tihall ru►itinue to accupy the 1'r.�perty s►s Borrower's prir.��:pal reaidence for at Icasc ane year after
<br /> tt►e date��f occupan�y,unless Lxnder othenvise agrees in writing,which consent shall not be unrcz:nnably u�ithhcid,or ualer:s
<br /> extenuating circumtitanccs exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower tihall not dest;i�y, d2ms�e or impair the
<br /> Properiy, :dluw thc Property to deteriorate, or commit wasse on thc Prap�ny. Bortov�cr shall bc in d�fauli if�:ep forfeiturc
<br /> action or pnxaxling,wlieeher rivil or crimin;il, is begun that in C.erxi�r'�gocxl faith judgrnent coutd rcsult in forf'ciwre of'ttus
<br /> Prnperty ur otLcrwiu matcriully impair tlic licn crcated by this Sc:curity Instrument or Lcndcr's security intcrest. Borrower may
<br /> cute suct►a defauic ano rcinuaic,dS PNVILiC11 III}I'JI:1bI8�llt lo,vy csu�iu�;ii�c sciiuu a� �nucrniiug iv vc�i��n�i+xai w�iu u iuiiir�
<br /> that, in Lcrxlcr'r goc�l faith detern�ination, precludes forf'citurc of the Borcower's intcr�-st in the Property or othcr material
<br /> imprirtncnt of the lien creatod by this Security In�trum,:r.i or L.endcr ti security intcrost. Borrower sh.►11 also be in default if
<br /> Borrnwer,during the laan application process,ga�e mat�r::!i�,f':ilse or inaccwate information or statcments to Leitd_r(or failed
<br /> to pri�vide Lcndcr with uny matcri:� information)in conne:i:ian with the loan cvidenccd b�•thc Note,including, buY.rmt limited
<br /> to,repmsentatiuns coixerning Horrower's o�ruptmey of the Property as a Principal residence.It thix Security Instrument is un a
<br /> Ieasehold, Borruwcr sliall comply with all the provisions of thc Ica�w. �f Borrn�vcr acyuires fce tid� to the Property, thc —
<br /> leaschold a�xi the fce tit(e shall not merge unless Lcnder agrecs to the m:-r�er in�vriting.
<br /> 7.Protection af I.coder's lZl�hts in the!'roperty.If Borro�cer faits to perForm the mven�its and agreemcnt�contained in
<br /> this ticcurity Instrunxnt, or there is a legal prcKCeding that may tiigniftcantly uffect Lender's righn in the Property (,uch as a
<br /> pr�cceding in bankruptcy,probate, for con�icmnatian or forfeiturc or t��.nforcc luws or r�gulations),then(.ender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is neressary to protect the value of the Property a�tJ Lender's rights in the Property. I.e�idce's:,ctions m:►y
<br /> inclttde paying any sums secuced by a lien which has priority over 2his Sccurity Instrument. :�ppearing in court, pnying
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Propc:rtp to malce rep�irs. Although Lensier may take action undec thiti paragraph —
<br /> 7, Lender does not havc to do w. —
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by L.snder under this p�vtigfaph 7 sPoaJi tsccomc adJitional debt of Burrowcr secured by this
<br /> Sccurity Instrument. Unlcss Borrowcr and L.ender agnx to other ter�ms e�f paymcnt,thesc amounts �halt bear intcrest front thc
<br /> date nf disbur:unxiie at the N.ite rutc and sha�l bc payable, w•ith i�ieresz. upon noticc t'rom Lcnd.r to Bormwcr rcqucstinf. --
<br /> p�yment. —
<br /> 8.Ainrtg�ge Insurance. If IL.�:nder requirod mongage ir,surance a�a condition of�:naking the Ican securrd by tt�is Serurity s�=.
<br /> Intiwrnent, Borm�ver shall pay the premiums requir��i to maimain the cnortgage insvrancc in effcct. If, For an}• r��on, the
<br /> nwctg��ge insur.uice coverage rcquircd by I.ender lapses ur ceases to d+e aa effect, &�rrrnver shall pay the premiums ret�uirerl tu �-
<br /> obtain coverage+ubstantially eyuivalent to the mongagc iusurance nrrvinusly in effect, at u cost substantially cquivalent to the N.,
<br /> cost to Borrowcr of thc mort�;age intiurancc previ�iusly� in cffect, frd�m an altcrnate mortbagc insurcr approv�� by Lcnder. If -
<br /> substantially cquivalent mortgage insurancc cirverage is not availabfe,Bonower tihall p:�y uz I.ender each mondl a scm equ:il to -
<br /> anc•twclfth of the yrarly murtga�c insoranrr prciui�m txin�;paid by Borrower when tl�c insurance covera�e lapsed or ceased to �
<br /> be in effect. Le�tder will accept,use and retain thesc payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortRa^� insurance. Loss rcscrve '-.
<br /> f`
<br /> Form 3028 91�J3 r
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