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<br /> 17.'fr�nxl'rr uP ihr i'rupe+iy or�fk+rrfk�ixl Inlerc.rt(n �►r►�►Mrr.Yi a!1 ur:utiy pa�t of r6c Ih�yxny a�r rny mcr�r��iu i�
<br />--�. - - - — iti u,1tl ui Ualltilill�ut Il�l II .l Ii4litiitt I.li fUli���I 111 tAli��fw�.l'I. w1�R oi'�i.n�•.f�•tr�'A;�iul ltau-.+e:��r iti nnt:�IWIUI�II(li t'.Illl)\�IIIIiil1l
<br /> lwiK:�r'ti piiur w�itt��n �.nuuast. I..•�Nler ma��, at it� ��plu�n. ��•i�uii� inmiiiliatc �+��yutiut in I:dl �if al! �,ufuti tir.curcyl by� thir
<br /> 5erurily In�trunknt.tluwevcr, �hic uplinn�h�ll�K+t hr:exrrci�l hy I.r�xler il'exerr'stie iti��ruhibit�l hy t��lerul law as uf the dace
<br /> �►6thisSctiuritv In.Irument.
<br /> If Ixixler exrrci+r�thi��K�Im�.I.��xler�hall�ivr&�rruw•rr iK�tic��il'acrelcrrtiuu. 'f!►�uulicc.hal! n��ivide a�xri�Kl uf�wt
<br /> Ires thrn 30 d�ys 1'n�m thr �te�he �xHiee i�J�livrrcxf i�r nwiled within whi�h ti��rruwrr mu�t Kwy al�sums �ecurt,d hy thiti
<br /> � �turity 4��inimr�it. If i�krrruurc I;xil�tu p:+y ttxu��wnti prior tu thc irxpir.�tiuu uf thi�.�kri�kl. Iw�udrr may iirvuk�e u�iy rc��xttir;
<br /> -- - -- -- pcm�ittai by Ihis�urity I�i�tnm�ent v.•ittti:�ut tunher iuxirc or dem:tn�1 u�t tsc�ra�u�cr. '
<br /> 19. &►rrower'.r RfRht to Atefne4ste. If E3��rruw�cr nx.tit, ccrtain corxiitianti. Harruwcr shaU have �hc right to heve
<br /> enfnsY:cment ��f�I►is�urity h�einimcnt diuuntinuccl ,�t:;ny tin�c priur to dic c:ulicr oi: 1:�) S dc�y, lur�nch uthcr periad as
<br /> :�plicable law n��� tipecify fi�r reimiatr;i�rn�l hrfeirc :,ale nf' the I'�operty pu�tiu�m tu uny'���w�rr uf�alc ci�utai�ktil in Ihis
<br /> _ Securiry Instnmxnt:ur 1�+1 rntry i�f a I�u1�;nx'nt enfurcing�liis�urity Instrunxnt. Thass r�,�klition+arc t6at[k►rruwcr:lal pays
<br /> latxter�II rwuti which Ihen u�„ild I�r due u�xlrr this Securiry Iu,tmnx�a a�d �hc Niitc ati if n�i acrcleratiun h:Kl �Krurred;lb1
<br /> cureti any drFault of any uther cov�tustt�ar agrtements: (cl pay+ all rs{xme� incurred in ei►Curcing thi, ScYUrity 9ntiin�nxnt,
<br /> e�xluding,but�Kx li�riitcd tu,rrau�tublr atturneys' Cces: urK1(J)takes tiuch action as L.cnaier may reason�bly reyuire to a��ure �-
<br /> that the lien��f tl�i.Srrurity In�trun�rnt, l.c►xler'�tiglns in the Pmperty and&irrourr's ubligation a�pay the w�nti,�tiur��J by
<br /> - this Security Inslrument �hall c��nti�we wichangal. Upon rcintitstentent hy Burrot�•er, the� Seturity Intitrui�xnt arnl the
<br /> ubli�atiuns ucur�vl Ixreby �haU moit;�in lully Mferti�•�as if no acccler.uiun had occurrcxi. Hou�ever,this riFht tu%instate�hall
<br />-- not apply iu thc cau uf acrelcfatinn undcr p;�rngraph !7. -
<br /> 19. Ss�le uP Nute; Ch��t ot Iw�n 5ervker. Thc Nate�n u partial intcrest in thc Notc Itugethcr �►ith �hiti Srcurity
<br /> In�trunwntl may Ix:�old u�x:ur nx�re tinxw w•ithnul prior notir.c w Borrou•cr. A salc may r��sult in a changc in thc cntity Ikiww•n
<br /> :u the"Lu:u�Servicer")that calte�ts nxmthly payments due under the Nute cuxl thir:Sc.:unty f�strument. There:►I•.n m:�}•be one
<br />-, or inc�n.chanue.uf�he L��:u�Servirer unrcl�ted to a wle of the Note. If there i,a changc of Ux: I..�an Serviccr.Burruwer will be -
<br /> _ };iti�en written rx��ice of the change in accunlanre with par:�graph 14 atxn•c and applir.ibte law.The notice will titate the name anJ ""��_.
<br /> :cJdretis uf[he�ww [e�an Scrvicer.u�d Q�e addre�s to «hich paym�nt,should he made.The notice will�Iw contain any uther f�I
<br /> infonnation r�yuircd by ap��lic.�blc law. `�t�'�
<br /> 20. Hazardous SubstatKxs. &�rcowcr tihrll not c3use or permit the prescncc, usc. Jispo�l. �t�ragc, ur rcic:e�,c uf any _ e
<br /> H�uurJuas Sub�tancc, on or in thr Property. Botrcnscr tihaU not �fn. nor cdlo�� ;m}on�cl.c n►du. an�rhing affecting thc �--__
<br /> Pre►persy that is in violation of a��y Em•ir�tinnxntal i.:iw. The preceding t�co�rntencr, ,hall not apply w the pn�cnee, u�e, or --
<br /> titoragc un!hc Properi}�of ,mall qu;mtitic�;iif Haiardous Sub�,tanc��c that:uc gcncrally rcrog��ized u�be aPpriipriatc to ni�rmal —_-
<br /> r��cidential u�es�nd ta maintenancc of thc Properry. "'�
<br /> Borrou•cr ntu�ll pmmptly givc Lctxier��riucn noticc uf.iny im�c.wtigatiun, claim, dcmand, lawtiuit ur uthcr actiun hy:my e�'.'-��,'_
<br /> u�•emmcntal nr rc ulxto ���n iir rivatc art im•oh�in thc Pro rt and an N:u:uduus SubrGincc or Em•ironmcntal Lu�� �=
<br /> b S rY 'b' �Y P P" Y F P� Y" Y =_
<br /> of wltirh Bormu�cr hati actu•rl know:u�ge. If Borro�v�rr lcarn+. or i5 itutetl..d by any go�ernmental or Rgul.�tury :wthority,that
<br /> auv ru►x�v:il ar nthcr rcnic.iiation of am•H:u�rduu�Suh�t:�n�ti affeLKirce d5e Property i+neca.�tiary�.&irro��•cr tihall prompUy t:d:c r�=,:
<br /> ����g%' all neccisary remcdial actium ea arc�rdanrc�vith Enviru�r.rmr,tal l:�w. _
<br /> }� As used in thi�paiagrnph 10. "ti�,�;,r�t�us suns���,_.-:,n cn��:.ub�tanr�+ defineJ a.t.�xir or hazarduuti wbtitanaw by
<br /> Euvironmental l.aiv a�x1 thc tulluwmc �»��t:u+.rc,: ga�oline. kero�ri�:. uther tlamm;�ble or tottic pctmleum pnxiuct�, toxir
<br /> :3t pcsticides and h;rUicidrs,volatilc�olventti.ir.it�riats runtaining a�be�:�».�r formaldch�.le, anJ raJio.�rticr materialti. A�u�rd in --
<br /> �j`� ' this par�graph 30, "Envimnmental L:►w" sm:sn, fi�ier�l la��s and la��� of thc jurisdiction«•herc �t*e Propcn}• i. kkatal that __
<br /> .tilate to health,safety��r rnvir��mncnwl��r�:�.rtion. ,'�--
<br /> NON-UNIFOR�1 COVENANTS.13ceamwcr.uxi L.ci:dcr•`.'urthcr co�cnant a►ki acn�ati tullaws: �,
<br /> 21. AttYkratlon;Remedi�c. I.cndK+r chall�i�e noture to Bnrmw�er priur to ac��eleration followln�&�rrower'�bre�xh S=�"'
<br /> uf an cor•enxnt or a reement in this ti+acurity Instrument (�ut ec��i rior to acceleratiot► nuder a��r�ph l7 unlass ` �"
<br /> Y � P P 3.�:.:-
<br /> �pplicable(yw pru�i�utherxl.se).7'he�Krlice shaU spec(fy: (al tT.�defaulh (b)the vction rcyuired tu cure the default: ,�w�-
<br /> 1e1 a�date�not less thxn iQ du}x fmm the date the notice iti given tv T3nr�m►er.b� «hich the default mu�t be cumd;lnd �-4;.
<br />- (a) ttu�t failum to cure tt�c defautt on or befure the dete speciCed in the nottce ma�• resuli in s�cccleration��f the sum�s
<br /> ----- - secured by[his Securify Instrument und�Ic of the Pr�perh�. The notice shall tarlher inform &►rroecr of the ri�ht to ;�;;:
<br />- reinstnte vRer AccelerYtion and the ri�;ht to brin� a caurt action tu :iw5ert tlm non-cxititence uf a defauU or un� other _..
<br /> �� defettse of&�rmwer to acceleratim� and tiale. If the default is not cured un ur t►elore the dute speclCied in the notice. :, .
<br /> � { I.crtdtr, at its option. m�y reqnire immeti6ate �ayment in iull of'uU sums utiured b� this�xurity Intitrumcut without -;,,.
<br /> [urther demand and may in�•nke the puv��r uf sale aud a�eti�athee rcmE�dies permittcd b} applic:�ble la«. IAnder tihall bc '
<br />��� � entitled to colleM all expenu�incun�d in pursuinK the remedi�pro�ided in this para�Graph 21.includin�.but not lemtted �;•�<,_
<br /> — tn,re��nable Atturneys' fc�.s�nd ctnts of title e�•id��:. =
<br />• ��� If the pow�er��f sAle is im�oked, Trustee shztl r�sT�;d a autice of default ii� e;icl�countti in «hich an�- part uf the
<br /> � � U"�^�xrty is Inratcd a�xd shAll mail copies uf such imiic:in the munner pr�cribcd by apptic�'h�e law to&frruKer:i!x6 Lu ., ',�
<br /> ; �?�e other penom pnscrttx�d b�:ippfic�ble[aw•. .lfter the time reei;v:tr��d b�appficable la+f,'fev�t.e shall�i�•e publie s�at5c�e � „_
<br /> —;;;,;;; �of salc to the persons and in the manner pr+c.�scribed ba•applir��9e la�e.7'rust4�e.aithout dem��id on{3�rrnwer.,haU sx]t �
<br /> —;�a� t:h�z 1'roperty at public auctiUn h► the hi�h�.yt bidder st �1�e lime and r4nce und uced�er the terms desi�nat�d in the notice of ,;:j:,
<br /> ' �;,��'.c in�me or mon parci�is:ar.d in any ordcr Trustce -a�rlcrn�fn�. Trust�r may�mlpone salc uf'all or:mc parcel af Rhc �;,
<br />- Yroperty bY publ€c annonnmment at the time :md�:i.ur uf an}� prc�iuu+h u:heclnlcil�ulc. Ixnder ur itti d�.wi�;nce t��as �'�,;<<;
<br />- I �. purchas�the Nroperty at anv s�le. '
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