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<br /> ��'iH',E"1'Fi@R WITH ali the im�rovemerua nuw�x hernher enxted nn the pmpeny, uxi all easemen�i. apaurteiwioe�`a�
<br /> h�lurra �rsw ur hur�fler a pui uf the �n►perlq. All replr�:emenb rrd r�W�tioiu shrli yl�� he c��vesexi hy tiu► 5ocvnty
<br /> Irotrwnrx�t. All of the forc�uing is roferrcd to in thia Se�vrity t�wumeat;�s itse"Property."
<br /> BORROWER COVf?:VANTS th�t Borrowa ia lawfully scisod of the eat�te hercby ixvnve,yed and h�us ttre ri�ht t��,mnt and
<br /> aonvey cbe Pn,perty and aiuet ahe Pmpeny iy unernvmbercd. rxcc�l for cncumbranc�es uf rc�ord. Bnrn�wer wurants �ued will
<br /> deMd�mmr�dly the titk�o�he Pruperty�ima all c�imr ancf dernands,eubject to u�y urcumbrsnxa af ren►rtl.
<br /> '!'HtS SECURITY INSTRUMEN'P cumbines uni6�rm covc+�nts for�u�tiunul uae�uxi ncm-unifom�covenanh with lirnitud
<br /> v�riatiau by juridiction to cxrnu�wte r uniform aaurity inurummt rnvering real property.
<br /> UNI�°O6RM COV£NANTS. Barrower Knd Lender crvenant uwl tgra as fullaws:
<br /> 1. 4�ye�e�t ot 1'rincipwl and Inlrr�eat; Prrp�ymeM snd Late Char�ee. Barmwer �hall promptlY pYY wtxn due the
<br /> prirx:ipal of ancJ imem�t nn Qhe debt eviderued by the Ncxe and�ny prrpeymem and IAte chuges due under the NcMC.
<br /> 2. Fuewlu tur�1'�a�ad Insuranctt. Subject to applicuble!aw or to a written waiver by I..erxler. &irmwer+hall �ray to
<br /> I.rnder on�he cfay rmnthly payments ure due urxkr the IVcNe.until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Furr�s") for:{a)yearly�uxes
<br /> and �tr�xsmetN�which myy altain priudty over this Saurity Instnunent as a licn on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold�,ayments
<br /> �x graund rcnta cm ehe Prn}xrty.if any:(c)Yeuly huard ur property insura►xc premiums:(d)yearly Qond in�.uran�e prerniums.
<br /> if ou�y; (e>yearly mongage inxurrnce prcmiums, iC any;and(� any sums payable by Iiurrower ta I.c�xlrr, in ac;cordance with
<br /> �he pmviii�►n�uf parqtnph R, in lieu of the paymeni of mortgaKe insurmuc premiums.Thne items are��allai "Eticrow Items."
<br /> l,mder nuy, st any time, cnlle��t •rM hold Fu�xis in an artwunt not ro excexd the maxiamr.► amount a le�xler for a fakrally
<br /> rcletod rne�rtgagt k�n may rcr�uire for&�rruwer's e.xrow account under the fideral Real Estate Settlement Yroce�iu�r.Act of
<br /> l974 a��rt�rwi�!fr��m t�nx t�[itr.e. L�IJ.S.C.S�tior_ 25(Il c•!ser�.("R�SPA").unlcss a�x►th!�r lt+w that anplicc to the Funrl�
<br /> sets i lesser amn►nt. If so, l,endrr nwy, at aoy tinie, collect:uid hold Funds in:u�amnuut not to exeeal the lesser arnount.
<br /> Ix+�der��wy estimrete thc umount of Funds due on the basis of current da:a ancf rcasouable cstimates af expenuitures of future
<br /> Escmw Items nr otherwise in accordance with applirable law.
<br /> The Funds shal! be held in sn in�tiiution whok depasiis arc insurixi by a federal agcney, instmmetttality, or entity
<br /> (inrluding L.erxler, if Leixler is such an imtitution)ur in any Falcral Hume I.oan B;u!k.Lender shail apply tlh Funds m pay the
<br /> �un�w Tttms. Lxnder may not charge Borrower for holding and applying th�Funds,annually analyzing the escraw account.ur
<br /> verifying the J:�crow Items,unl�ss l.encler pays liurrower interest cm the Funds anci applicable luw permits Iander ro n�ke s�•r.h
<br /> a charga Havrever, Ixnder may require F3orrQwer to pay a one-time charge fo�an inJependent rc:►I etitate t:uc reponing�e:��ic�
<br /> u.cod by I.endv in ronnection with this Iwn, unl�s applicable law provides otherwise. Unless un agroement is made or
<br /> applic.lblc Ixw rcyuires interest to be paid, i.�nder tihall not bc mquircd to pay&�rrowcr any interest or camings on the Funds.
<br /> Hort�nwer and l.cndcr r�ay aercc in wri!ine. l�owevcr. that intcrest shall bc paid on the 1=unds. Li:nder shall s:ivc to Borr��wcr,
<br /> ui(t+ot►t charge, an annual accounting af th� Funds,showing cralits and dchits to thc�unds and thc purpo:c far which wch
<br /> dCbit to the Funds w:�ti made. The Funds are pledged as additional ticcurity�for all sums securcd by this Security Instrument.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amo�ntti permitted to be held by applicable law. Lender�hall aea�unt to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Fu�xls in arcurdance with the rcquiremcnts of applir.�bl. law. If the amount of thc Funds held by l.cnder at any
<br /> titrx�is not sufficicnt to pay thc Escrow Itcros when duc.Lcndcr m;�y�o notify Barrnwcr in writing,and,in such ca�c Borrowcr
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necess:iry to make up the deficienc}•. Borrower shall make up the deticiency in no more than
<br /> twelve mor�t�hly payments,at Lender`s u�le discretion.
<br /> U{►on payment in fuil �f all sums sccurcd 'oy this Security Instrumcnt, Lendcr shall pnmiptly rcfund tu Barroa•,;r any -
<br /> Funds held by Lenc)er.If,undar paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or�ell tlie Property,Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> of the Propert}•, shall apply nny Funds held by Lender at thc timc of acquisition ur tiale as a crcdit against thc sums sccurai by
<br /> this Sec�ttrity lnstrument.
<br /> 3.Applicatlon ot Payments.Unless upplicable law provide�cv.;�:»vise,all payments received by L..ender under paragraphs
<br /> I and 2 shall be applied: first,to any prep�yment charges due under the Note; ticcond,ro amounts payable under paragraph 2:
<br /> third,to intcrest due; fou�tlti,to principal due;and la�t, tu any tate chargr,duc undcr the Hotc. _.
<br /> 4.Chs►t�es; Lietes. Bnrrowcr shall pay all t�ucer, as�essments.charge�, fines and impositions attributable to the Property
<br /> which may attain priority nver this Securiry Instrumcnt, und Ir��.cehold payments or gmund rents, if any. Barrowcr sliall pay
<br /> thcsc oaligations in thc manner provideQ in paragraph 2,or if not paal in that m:umer, Borrowcr slzall pay thcm on time directly
<br /> to thc person owcd paymcnt. Borrower shall pramptly fumish tci Lunicr all noticcs of nmounts tu bc paid under this paragrapti.
<br /> ff Horrower makes these;payments dimctiy, Borro�cer sh:ill promptly furnish tu Lender rcreipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrowcr shall promptly dischargc:tny licn�i•hec°�has priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt unlcss Borrowcr:(a)agrces in
<br /> writing to th�payment of the obligution secured by thc lien in a manner accepkible to I.ender; (b)cont��is in}��xxl faith tlu lien °
<br /> by, or def�t�uis against cnforcement of the licn in, Iegal proce:;diag�, �vhich in tha l.cnder's opinion operate to pta:vent thc
<br /> cnforccmcnt of thc Iicrr.�ir(cD secums fmm thc Iznl�c�af thc licn an agrc;c�ment�tisfactory tc�l.cndcr subordinating th: �ien to •�
<br /> this S:curity Instn�mcnt. If I.endrr dctcrmincs that any part of thc Pruperty is s�bjc��t to a licn�vhich may attain priority ovcr
<br /> this Security Instrument, l.ender may givc Borrowcr a notice identifying the lien. I3orrower shall satisly the lien or take one or -
<br /> morc af thc actions sct forth abovc within 10 days of thc giving of notirc. '
<br /> Form 3028 9/30
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