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<br /> , 4';' , . . ,.r . �� '
<br /> . � — ="d�w;_�".._ _.. —
<br /> �4- 1�� .._--
<br /> raymen�s rtuy no langer h'required, �t the npt.ion uf I.endcc,if nwrtgaqe insurrnce cave►�ge tin tee wr,rxcnr.an.�for t}.-pe,ia.#
<br /> thrt l.r.rxitr roquines)providr.d by u►inwrrr Rpprova! by L.rrKler ugrin�xcunxx �v�ilnblc nr�d ix dK��t:u�a. L�k+rruwir s!'.all p�y
<br /> the sxeauume re4uirad w maintaln mortga{{t inwiaucr in efftA,or ta provi�ie e loas resexve.untii ihe�ey+t:�etta�rtt far u�ortgagr.
<br /> irouranoe ends in e►:cordance with any written r►�reemcnt betwoen Borrower uxi l.erder or appticabie law.
<br /> 4, linpo�tlon.L.eirler oe iG�ugenc may rnalce reasonabk cntriea upon and inapeclions of ttx PxnpeRy. L�erxi�.•r shall give
<br /> garrower notice�t the tlime of or prior to an fnspection specityln�t�eeMxNble cauae for the Inspa;tion.
<br /> �A. ('nn.l.w.watin+�.The nrnGexdx nf anv awxrd or ctaim for cfama�tea. di�ect ur consequential, in can�xx:cion with tu►y
<br /> coedanrMtion or otlxr uldn�of any put of ttre Property,br fnr conveywnoe in liau nf cundemnati�m,ere hereby�naigned aid
<br /> xhrll ba p�id to Lendtr.
<br /> In the eveM of a t�Hal taking nf tlte Prnpeny.the praee�di stwll Fx�ppliocl�u ihc sums uxurCd by thh�Secu�ity Iar�trumeM,
<br /> whmhar nr►xit then dua,wi�h any excesrµid to&�rrawer. 1n the erent of a panl�!nlcing uf ti�e �'ru�rr.ny in which the f�ir
<br /> m�rkec vrlue of�he Propttly 1►nnwxiirtely beforo tfx takin� ir oyual to or gw..rter than Ihc iu�xiunt<<t'thc.rumn secured by �hi�
<br /> 5ecudtv Insuumer�t lmmedlr�rlv befc�rc 1hc t�k iny�,unics,�&mower�nd L.ender i►thenvi�ryr�x in writing,the:sumx aorured by
<br /> this Secu�iry Inurumrnt s�Fudf he raJucat by the am�wn� ��f thr pnKex�ds multiplird by 1t� b�11uwM� frak�tion: (a) thu tdal
<br /> �nn�Wnt uf�he �utru�ra:utrd fmmali�tely hefnre Ihr taking. divi�ktil hy Ihl thc f�fr nu�rket vrluC��f ttx Fm{x�y imrr�liately
<br /> l�tture the t�lcln�. Auy hdMrkc �hnll he rwkl tu Huru�wer. In ihe evei�� nF u pw�tfxl takfng �if�t�e I'n��xrty in whfch �he fair
<br /> muket v�lue��I the Pmperty Immailoldy Ixfnrc�he laking is levz�hrn Ihc anx�unt nl'the numr�xurod immrJiattly bcfure ihc
<br /> trkinR, unlas Horniwer wxi Ixixler�Nhenvi�c wgrcc in writing ur unlcrs uppUcahle Iyw�xherwir�c pn►vidcs, thr.pr�xetds sF�a11
<br /> he�pplied to the twmr wxurcd by Ihi+�Saurity Inxtrumcnt whether or ncN Ihe tiums are thrn due.
<br /> {:t�i'�►�:rty is«h�r.don�f h�P.nmeu�er,��r if,�fler ytuiice by l.trxirr tu Lurn>�rr tts�t th�cor.dems�r uCftra to m�!�e en ---
<br /> aw,u�d or settle w claim (nr dunages, W�rrower fails ta rexpo�xf ti� I.encier within 30 days aUer th�: date 4hc notice is given,
<br /> L.endtr is autixirized tn culloct und apply the proceeds, -rt its optic�n,either t�restoration ar repair of tt��:Froperty nr to the sums
<br /> socurai by trtis Socurity lnstrument,whether or not then due. `
<br /> Unlcss lxnder snd Borrowe[ otherwiu agra in writing, uny application of pmcecds ta priincipal sFwll not cxtend ur
<br /> postpone the due dute of the nwnthly payments referrod to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ur chanse th�amaunt of s�ccl�Fay�nentti.
<br /> )1.Borrower N��t Rdmsed;Fort�tnnce By Lender Not a Watvea Extension of the tir�e fur puyment or modiRca!ion
<br /> of amorti7atioi►of the sums xcured by thic Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Bonower shall -
<br /> rx�t opernte to rcleace the liability of thc original Borrower or Borrower's succcssors in interest. Lender shall rtot be rcquircd to =_
<br /> commenca proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or uthenviHe m.odify aricorti�ation
<br /> of the sums securod 5y this Security InstNrment by mason of any demand made by the ari�,ina[ Borrower or 13orrower's _.
<br /> �ucx,�.,�r� in fr.irr�i. An; f�r���e b; LCn�lrr�{��YP�ricin��ny riaht nr rrmrily vhtill nnt Ix a waiver of or�reclude the
<br /> exercise of any right ur remedy. ---
<br /> 12. Soccessors and Asslgn9 Bound;Jaint and Several Liabtlity; Co-siRners. The covennnts and a�recmcnts of this
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benef s the successors and :�ssigns of Lender und Borrowcr, subject to the provisions or
<br /> paragraph 17. Bonower's covenw�ts and agrcements shall be joint and seve►�I. Any Borro�HCr who co-signs this Security =-_
<br /> ]nstrument but dces not execut�the Note: (a) is co-si�ning thi. Security Instrument only to mortgc��e, grant an:l canvcy thnt :.'
<br /> Bormwer's intercst in the Property under the terms of this Se�:urity Instrument; (b)is not pc:rsonaliy abligat�:d to pay thc sums .-
<br /> securcd by tliis Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that Lcnder and any od�er Bonowcr mny agrec to extend, modify,forbcar or _
<br /> mnke any acecrmmodationa with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without thut Eonower's eunsent. ��
<br /> 13.Loan Ctwrges.If thc loan secured by this Securi2y Tnstrument is subject to a luw �vhic(i sets maxi�num lonn cliarges, r�=
<br /> and that!aw is finally interpretecl so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be callceted i��connection with the 5:�`.
<br /> loan exceod the permitted limits,then: (a) any such loan charge shall be recuced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge ��F
<br /> ta the permitted limit; nnd (b)any sums alrcady collected from Borrower which excei.�dc:d perm.itted limits will be refunderl to -
<br /> �.,
<br /> Boxrowcr. Lendcr may choose to make thls refund by reducis►g thc principal owed under the Notc or by mnking a direct �:;
<br /> pnyment to Borrower. If a refund reduccs principnl, the reduction will be treated :is a partial prepayment without any i-:
<br /> prepayment charge under thc Note. �';
<br /> 14.IYotices. Any notice to Eorrowcr provided for 1n this Security Inswment shull be;;iven by delivering it or by mailing �_.•
<br /> it by ferst class mail unless applicab(e law rcquires usr, of annther mcthod.The notice shnll bc dimcted to the Praperty Adlres� "n-
<br /> or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lcndcr shull he�ivcn by 6rst class mail to _
<br /> i.ender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any nodce provided for in this '-
<br /> Security Instrument shall be deemed to have becn given tu Bonower or Lendcr whcn given as provided in this paragrn�h. �`'
<br /> 15.t:overning Ls�w; Severa6ility. This Sccurity Instrument �hall bc governcd by federtl law and the law of the �;�=
<br />' jurisdiction in which d�e Froperty is located. 1n the event that any provision or clausc of this Sccuriry Instrument or th¢ Note �':_
<br /> conflicts with appltrable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrtiment or tlie Note which can be :�:
<br /> �iven effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are dedarcd !�'�`
<br /> to bc sevcrablc. �
<br /> G,
<br /> 16.Bore�ower's Copy.Bonower sha!!!+r oiven one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. `=
<br /> Farm 3028 9l90 `j�
<br /> Pepe4of0 I�.
<br /> . ------' ___._____��:.�.� i�O�.kFflqRe�S&c:,.,x,..+.�....r��a.:.:__
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