�+ . ! ,.r YF. ..rl {��.�`;. ` �i:F'Nr /r� L,,� I ��t .,��` .�••;� .•'ip.�a��ti - 7 ._ � .
<br /> �1 � �.e .. F.}' �{�'q�l I'� : ,�I R}' � ' . ' , �
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<br /> 1'f.'1'rA��afrr��f tF�r l'ropeMy ur x lier�icf�l inter�t i��k��+rMn�•rr.ll'�►1!ur any��a�i e�f Ili:�}'r��iK�ty i+r any�riteresi �n it
<br /> � � iti wIU ar It��nfct�c�t!(nr if:�Ix:�uii�ial ii�tcrc�t iu l3cu►uw�ir iti:�ti�l m'u,ur.,fc�iril;u:d II��i�n:1,'a'i�: mu a n�iluoa! p.��uu1��•iti�m�t
<br /> Lxixler's prinr wriRi:n causcut. I��i�der n»y. at ilti ��pUuu. rr.�tuir�. itniue+liatc ��ayinent in fuU ut:dl T.i��uti u�•u�al hy Ihis
<br /> �� Security Insirunxnt. Howo��er, this nption shall not he exem.icaf hy I.,:uder if cxcrcisc is prat�ihltal by Icdr.ra!law as uf�he datr
<br /> nf this Serurity In�trument.
<br /> If[.e�xlrr exercities this n�xiou. lx�xler shall�ive liurru���r.�r uotiru of arrrlei.�tiuu. 'IYr:n:>tirr.�I�ufl nuvidr���xri�Kl ut m�t
<br /> Irss than :i0 dgys from the�ate�he �x�ticc is delivorrAl ur uiwil�xl wfihin whirh ticrrr��w�cr mtu� �►y ul� �u�u, �ur�d by Uii.
<br /> g--___ __ �urity In�trumcnt. lf'H,�rruwcr fails tu pay ttutic�s�in�ptinr tit tl�e cxpir�iliuu��f tnl.�x•r1��1, L��u+lrr u�;iy i�n•�ikc�+ny rrn�r�lir,
<br /> - -- -----�
<br /> permittal hy thiti�xcurit,y In�lr�nKt:t wltl�uut furthcr nutice nr dcimui�d�m IAirn►wri•. —
<br /> 18. HorroM•er'� itlRht to Itdn�t�te. If H��rruwer u�rxt�. ccnnin cnnilitinn�. FiarraH•er �hull hin�G Ih� tiEtht tn h�v�
<br /> _ enfnrcrment ��f�thi� S�rurity Imtrun►eiu ifivaudnu�Yl :n a►►y tiiue priiir tn Ilic catllci' u!: Ii�1 S �Iny� lur auch uihrr �xrf�Kl a� --
<br /> ur�i��ui,iC I:�w uwy s�x�:il'y fur r�inHntenxntl Ix:fi�tc ,�Ic ��I tl�u Nrup��►ty pm:,u:u�t tn ;u►y �w�w�rr ul aalr r��u�;itucd in thi�
<br /> �ur(ty Imlrutnrnt:ar lb►c.ntry uf�:�judgnxnt cnti,rciug tUia tir.curily ImuYmu•nt. 'Ihu,r ru��.tlliu:i.:icr�but I����iuwcr:In1�ti:�y,
<br /> IA[MICP IIII ,w►►�wliich then wuuld he duc wxler this Secm•+ty Inr.trument:wd the Nute;i� it'n��:irerlr►.iUnn had �kcurre�l:Ih)
<br /> — currr any del'ault ui'a��y other covenrntc or agreements: (e) pnyy nU ex�n�n�es incurr.Yl in c��funin� thi, Serurity li�titnuuent.
<br /> - � iixluding. hut nnt limtted to, rcaumable attomeys' tce�;antl(dE tt�kc� ,uch acUa�l ati I.etxllr itny re:��nm�bly requirc (u:�„u�� �-°
<br /> that tNe licn uf this Srrurity Instrunient. I.ciNl�:r's ri�;lUs in �iia Amp�rty:tnd if��rraw•cr', u1diF�iniun t�►pay Il�c�ums ticcurcd By
<br /> this �ecurity In+trunxnt shall continue unrhanbai. Upon reinniulement by Fkirrnwr.r, this 5ccuiity I�►�,lrunuiu and thc
<br /> J ubliF;ationti sccurcd hcrcby tihaU remain fully cflcctivo ati it nu acccicruliun had��rcurrcd. Nt»�•�vcr,thiti nEtht to rcinstatc shall
<br /> nut upply in thc c:�tic c�f'ucccicr;�tion undcr parugmph l7.
<br /> : 19. Sule ot Nute: ChunRe of LoAn Sen•icer. Thc Natc or u pcirtiul intcrest in thc Nutc (togcthcr with this Sccurity
<br /> Instrument)may bc sold one or morc timcs withm�t prior nnticc to�i�rnwcr.A salc may result in a cl��ingc in thc cntity Iknown
<br /> �,the "Loan Serviccr")that collects monthly payrrtenls duu undar thc Nnte and tf�is Srrurity�Inununent.Ti�en ul�n�n:ry be nne
<br /> or cnorc changcs of the Loan Serviccr unrclated to a sale of the N�nc. If therc is a rhanga c�f�the 1.��:u►Scrviccr,Borrowcr will hc -
<br /> given written notice of the changc in accnrdanc�with parn�rnph I�i alaove and applicable 1����.'fiie nntice�vill state the nanu und
<br /> address of the new Loan Scrvicer and the nddmss to whieh paynienth should lsc made. Tti� nutice will also amluin any other —
<br /> information required by applicablc law. �
<br /> 20. HazArdous S�b�tances. Borrower shall nut ruu�,c or permit thc prescnrc, usc. dis�sal, titor.+gc, ur rcicasc of any �
<br /> Hal:trdous Substances on or in the Propcny. Borzo�ver �httll nnt do, nor .dlovr anponc clrc tu d��. .u���thing affcrtin�� the �.,_
<br /> P:aperty th:it is in viol:�tion ot any Environmentul Law. Thc prrcaling twn,entences sha11 nnt apply tu the presen��e,u�e. or �—
<br /> �:,,; storage on the Properiy of smail quantities of Hu4udous Substa�tee`that ure genenlly recc�gniud tu h.::q�propri��e to narmal �n
<br /> �'�"• residential uses nnd to maintenance of the Propcm�. �`
<br /> •�•::;•. Horrower shall promptly give Lendcr written nolice�f any invcstigution, clium, d:mand, lawtiuit or�ither action by any ���-`
<br /> ,.,�.. :�r.
<br /> ' governmental or regulatory agency or privatc pazty involving the Pmperty anJ any Huutrdc�zi�Suh�tancc or Environmcntal l.aw .��.
<br /> . ,�,.�;;;,;`• � �---,-:
<br /> = ,,,�� of which Borrowcr ha�uctual knowledge. !f Borro�vcr Ie;ims,nr is notiticd by any go�•rmnz�r�:a or rcgidntory autharity,th�t �M_
<br /> ' '��-� ;�ny mmnvnl nr atlter remcciiation of any Nazardous Substunce affec�i n�the Prnpeny i�ri�ce�s:..-y. Boreawer shall prompUy take �_
<br /> ' �"���� aQ necessary remedial actiiins in accordance with Environntentnl Law. _
<br />