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<br /> * i - _'- ,5. 11�trAnt� nr 1'r��txe�ij l:rnu;:.+�i�:e. tioicuHir sluill kei:p [i�� iinrrnve•�ur.��tti i1Cl�v i•.�ting ur taie� c�^1! ��a thr. ---
<br /> - t'roperty insarc� :�gai��.tit I��ss by fhrc, h,i;.�rds irx:lu�td v�ithin thc tcrni "rxtendrei co�r.ragc" anct r.ny crd�er ha•r,ards, fnclvding
<br /> floods or flaxling, for which l.�end�:r ret��►ins iuAUrxnca This insuranct shall be maintained in tht w�ounts and for tlic peri�ds
<br /> �hat I.ender r�quires. Tlie insuranc,e cnrRiRr pmviding�he inqurancc shal! be chosen Iry i3orrower subject to Le�xler'n approvd
<br /> which shell rKx tx unrea.x��u�h{y withhKl�f. [f Borrower fails ta�z►ainudn coverage describe�i ubavc, Lender may. �t l.uxier's
<br /> option,obtain cn<<era�e tu pretect Lsnd+;r's�rights in the Proprrty in a�r:ordanct u+ith paragraph 7.
<br /> ---^�� Aii insurancc pc�licic:s arxl rern:wnitl titlilll I7C 31L'1��/IYGIC lU L.Clll�f:i a�Kl siiall iiwlu�lc�ht:u•.;:��J ��w�tg.:g::cl::u::. Lc;r..^= ---
<br /> shalt have the right to hal�i the paliairs a►ed renewals.If Lendcr requic�.s,Borrower shall promptly�1vr•to I.ender all nxtipts ui
<br /> pauct prentiiums+uxl r�ncwa!natir.cs.I:t thc evtnt of loss,Bona«�ar shaU givr,prompt nottce ro tha tnsurance carrier anci[.ender.
<br /> Lender mn�mt�ce proof of loe�c i#naa m.Kle promptly by Borrowar.
<br /> Unte:,�;Lfi�x�icc nnd&�newer arberwise agr�in writing, insuranre proceeita elwfl be upplied to restorntian or repair of the
<br /> Property danutS�.'..:f the n�tc,cation or rr.pair is econonucally fe�+sible and I.ender's Security is not tcssenod.If the rcstoration ar
<br />-�-r'�� � repair is not economicalEy feasibl+;ur Ix►xlcr'��cuiity w�n�itl be lesse��ed,tho insurancc�roceeds sh:ll ba appliod to the�ua� ----
<br /> ucured by this Security ii�str,umant, wf►�ther or not then due, with any exccss p�.id ta Borrower. If Bort+ower abandan� ths
<br /> - Praperty,or dixs not answer within 30 day�a notice from Ixnder that d��insurnnce carrier has r.fferod to settle a cluim, then
<br /> i'�� I.encier may coitect the i►rhucance praceeds. l.ender may use the procad9 to repair or restore the Pruperty or to pay tiumw
<br /> secure�l by this Security Instrunx;nt,whether or not then due.The 3Q-day Ixriod wilt txgin wF�n the�x�tice is given.
<br /> Unless l.ender and Borr�wer otherwise ngrce in writing, any application of pmceedg t� pdncipwl s}udl nM exte�xl nr
<br /> � {x►�Ipc►ne the due date of the manthly puym�:nts rcferral tn in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change thc cu�wunt of�hc pxytnenty. If
<br /> undtr perpgraph 21 the Pr<�pertg iti ucquired by C.cnder, �rrawer's r+ght to uny insurance pnlicies atxi pr��:ceds resulting fmm �-
<br /> d�e to tbc Pruperty prior ta the ucquicitinn shafl pacs to I.ender to the extent of the r,ums securod by this Socurlty Instrument
<br /> immcdiately prir�r to tfir,acquisitfon.
<br /> 6.Occup�ncy,H'eACrv�tbn, Mainten�nce And Protcction ot the Prnperty;Borrowcr's Loan Appllcation;I.w.selwid�. _
<br /> �• ; ��
<br /> Rurrawer shall occupy,e�tablish,and usr,the Property as Borrowe�'s principal residenre within sjxry days ofter the execution of
<br /> ' I this Seeurity Instrument and shall continue to accupy the Property as Borrower's principal residencr,far at le:xst one year ufter
<br /> " thc dute of accupanay,unl�ss LendPr otherwise agrees in writing, which con�ent shall not be unrcasonably wlthheld.or unless
<br /> extenuntinQ circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy. damage or impair the __.
<br /> Property, allow the l��ny to dcteriarate, or commit wzste on thc Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture �
<br /> � • • . acuon or proceedinB. whad�er civil or criminal, is begun that in I..ender's goal faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the -�
<br /> , :� ,r Property or atharwisc mnt�:rially impair thc lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest. Borrower may �_'
<br /> r IF� cure such a default nnd reinstate,as provided In paragraph I8, by causing the accion or proceeciing co be dismiss«i wiii�a,uiiug -
<br /> � ,. '"• that, �n I.ender's good �sith determination, precludes forfciturc af thE Borrowcr's interest in the Property or other material
<br /> � •" impairuneni rf r,!h: lien created by this Security Instrument ar Lender's security interest. Borrower shall ulso be in default at' _��
<br /> ,/:, n, ^�;,� `�:
<br /> «' '��. Bonower,c�urin�;the loan application proc�ss,gave materi�lly false or inaccurate informatian or statements to I.ender(or failed
<br /> •`�' to provide II.cnd�r with any material information)in wnncN.ion with the loan cvidenc�d by the Notc,includin�,but not limited f,;::
<br /> ,:i';'�
<br /> ....,r,.•�,..�.
<br /> • �g�°"" W,represcntations concerning Borrowcr's occupancy of tbc Properiy�s a pri�cipal residence. If this Security Instn�ment is on a ��;.
<br /> { .,..<
<br /> • ' lcaaehold. Honuwer shall comply with all the provisions of thc lwse. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property. the ?��.��"`
<br /> ; N:'.�;._
<br /> - ' + Ieasehold and the fee tide sh�ll not mcrge unlcss Lcixler agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> ,�... �;.�,-...;
<br />_ 7.Protectton of I,ender's RiRhts in the Praperty. 1f Borrower fails to perform the covcnants and agrecments containcd in :,`v<<.
<br /> this Sei:urity Iastrument, or there is a Iegat prceeeding t�hat may significantly affect L.ender's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> '=• pmce�ding in bunkruptcy.probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enfone laws or regulations), then[.ender m:iy do nnd _
<br />�`� pny f'or whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propeny and I,ender's rights in tha Praperty. l.ender's actionv may - -
<br /> , include paying uny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Se�urity Instrument, appearing in court, paying
<br /> :, reasanable attomeys' fecs pnd entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragrngh ;;,..,
<br /> " 7.Lender dces not have to do so. a i�.
<br />'�n Any umounu disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this �''':r.
<br />. � :r,:j� Security Instrument. Unless Eiorrower and Lender agrce to other tern�s of payment, these amounts shall bcar int�rest from t he
<br /> �' ._
<br /> - d�te of disburscment nt thc Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower reque.5dng i .':'.:
<br /> '�i ` payment. �s� '
<br /> - r •' 8.Mortgage Insurunee.If Lcnder required mortgage insurance us a condition of making the loan secured by this Security ��
<br /> � .,:>.:.
<br /> .�`,�.,.: ,_ Instrument, Borrower shall pay the prcmium� requiral to mAintain thc mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any rcason.the �
<br /> .j'�`x" �•,'; mortgage insuranee coveragc required by Lender lapses or ccases to 6e in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to �
<br /> `�, obtain covernge subatantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in cffect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> a;•: ��:
<br /> F�;; cost to Borrower of the moi�tgage insur•u�ce prcviously in effect, from an alternate mort�age insurer approved by Lendcr. If
<br /> wr. .. ,.r., �'•
<br />' ,.� .. � - subswnti;►Ily equivulent mortgage insurance coveruge is not avuilable, Hono�ver shall pay to Lender each month a sum equul to �
<br /> ' ..�.:��9A
<br /> • � f�� one-twelft}�of the ycarly mortg;+ge insurnnce preinium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsa!or ceased to �
<br /> •:°-��•"'"_' be in effeci.Lender will accept,use and retain thcsc payments as a loss reserve in ]teu of mort�age insuransc. Loss re�erve �
<br />, , ..+ „(,,y
<br />. •n�♦1nW�..
<br /> 5
<br /> „�'s: Form 3028 8/90 I
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