; . , ,�Y,�Liya.:
<br /> . ,s,,�='t--` _
<br /> .. .-------------^r�.-�.rrr:n�_...
<br /> . ��� �fiNl�� .. . ..-_..
<br /> puYnx,�w on4y iw �on�cr br.roquiraf,at ttue c�ption o/i�svier.il mnrt�o�e inRUnnoe a>vera�e(in the ancwn� �
<br /> tGM Lrodet requlm)prm�lda) by rn Inwtrdt�pprnved sy Leoder�pin baooa�a�available rnd i�oM�teed. Borivw4r thrU poy
<br /> �y����p���p�p inwrwioe ie o[t�ct.or to provide a las raerre,until tAe requirn�r�►t fix mo�tiap
<br /> lnwrn►se aed�In a000rd�na rvitb auy wr�tta►��+ant E�t�reeo Bor�tn�r aod Ltoder or applicable law�.
<br /> !.I�e{IM. Leoda a iu�at mq'm�ke roa�e�bk°°uu'"PD°��O�°�uf the Proporty. Lendnr rhnll�iMe
<br /> burtm+ror mtice at the tlme ot or pria b aa Ie�petioA�petit�rie{^�°°�cwwe fbr tl�ia�pe�tbn.
<br /> t�.a,o�.�iw.i��o w.,�. ..:...� ..:..:a r:c'.rf.:. f^. ��^'�•w ��PMt nf rMf�OQNOf1t�YI. in amnoc�ian w[th wy ..
<br /> cond�doe or adier alde�of rry Ptrt of d�u Pt�'PertY�or fo�ooavayaice in liau of�.���!`�6ani aod
<br /> ei�ll be paid w L,ader.
<br /> In►be evau of a wW t�kin�nf tbe i'ropetty,thc proceed+sh�ll be�p�plied to the swns iecured by thia Security Inrtrommt.
<br /> whetha or not then due. with any exasa paid to Honnwer. In the event of a prcti�l Wun�of the Propaty in which the fiir
<br /> rmricet vdue af tlx Propetty imnodi�tely 6efore the taking is equel tu or grc..�tec thin the arnount of tho sums socu�d by t3us
<br /> Security InstrumeM immaliatcly bifixe t!u talcinq,unle�s Bosower and l,ender nthcrwi�e a�troe in wridng,thn sums�ecuned bp
<br /> this Secur�ty iratnr� shall be reduced by the amount of the pnocxds muldplied by tl;a following irectian: (t�) thn tutd
<br /> arnouat of the aums sxurod immediately before the taking,divided by (b)the fiur market value of the Prc�ecty immodiMaly
<br /> before the Wdng. Any l�lu�ce shall be tuid to Barmwer. In the event af a putisl taking of tha Pm�x.rtv in whir.fi the 1'elr
<br /> r�urketc vslue of the Pro{xrty immediatelY before the taking is less than the amcxmt of thc sums secured immndietr.ly lxsfi►ra the
<br /> taking.unlass Borrower and l.ender othervrise ngrec in writlr►g or unitss appljcable law otherwise Prouid�s. �h°Pnxx�od�»hul�
<br /> be applied to the wmA socurod by this Security Instrument wtiether ar not the sum9 are then due.
<br /> If U►e Prnpercy is ab�ndonai bY Borrower,or if,after notice by LaKicr i.,Bo,�ov:.r ihci thc condemnor offcrA to meka a�+
<br /> ew�c�d or scttle a claim for dstmages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 3d days after thc dutu thn notiac iH given,
<br /> I.e�xier is authorized io collect and apply the proacds,at Its option,cither to restorutlon or rep�ir of thc Pmperty or to the sum�
<br /> securod by this Security insuument,whr.ther ar not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrcx in wdtin�, a�►p application of procee:ts to principal shtill nnt�ax!�:nd or
<br /> postpone ti�due<iate�i the mc�nchiy pr.3 meutS referred to in�,a:��rr�phs t and 2 or cl�ange th��amount of such paymuut��..
<br /> 11.Bocrower Nat Rdenaal;�onc�a�rsexY��Leo�ler�°Z A�'�ver.Exaension of the Ume fur�.�L�neat or modificatinn
<br /> of amortizallon of the sums xcured by th+s Secutiiy�ust►ument�ranted by Lender to any successnr in in2:r:s:pf Iiorruwer shuil
<br />. not operate to rclease tht liability of the origin�!�ai7ower nr�3arrawer's successors in interest. Lender s°:r?"not b�rr.yuired to
<br /> commence procc�cidin8s a8ainst an}suc�essor in mterzst or refuso to extend ume fbr paymenc or othenvis,.�1�adlfy nmu�.'^.ai�on
<br />� of the sums securcd by this :ie:•urity Instruirxnt by reason nf any demand made by die original 13cr..ower or I!u��+�s��er's
<br /> y..... ��� � .;�t hn H w���er of or ot'�dudu!he
<br /> successors in interest. E4.ny forbearuxe oy i.er�iFZ in cacn:;�iug�,Y �g...., . �.
<br /> exercise of any right or xem:dy.
<br /> 12. Swxessors aocl Ass1An�, Bound;Joint and Sevcra� Liabilfty; Cn-s9Rneis. The covzn:ints as�d agreements of this
<br /> Security Insuument shall bind and bencfit thc succcssors and assigns of Lendcr and Horzoaer, subject to tl�e pro��it;ions of
<br />, parngraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreemcnts shall be joint and sevenl. Any Borcower who co-siBnF thftti Sc�n�rity
<br /> Instrun�ent but does not execute the Note: (a)ls casigning this Security instrument only to mort�nge,gr:mt and com�cy thut
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Securiry Instcument:(b)is not personnlly abliIIntcd to pay ttte�ums
<br /> secured by this Security Instcumenr,and(c)agrees that I.ender and any other Borrower may agn:e tu extend, malify,forbear or
<br /> make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Nou:wid�oul that 13orro�vcr's consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Ctutrg�.If the lo:ut secured by this Security Instrument is subjc,�:t to u luw which sets mnximum loan chargc5,
<br /> a�xi that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or ather luan cl�arges collected or to be callected in cannection with the
<br /> toan excxd the permitted limits, chen: (a)any such loan charge shall bt:reduced by the amount ncressary a�reduce the�harge
<br /> to the permitted liuiit;and(b)any sums nlready collected from Borcowcr whic6 exceeded permitted limitx will br. refundai to
<br /> Borrower. Lencter may choose tu make this refund by redueing the principal owed under thc� Ne�tc ar by mnlcinII a direct
<br /> payrtxnt tu Borrower. If a refund reduces principxl. the reductiun ���ill be treated as a pnKiul prcpnymont wi.thaut any _
<br /> pttpayment charge under the Note.
<br /> � 14.Notices.Any notice to Bottower provided for in this Sccuriry In>.uvment shnU he given by dal+verinp it or by mniling
<br /> � it by first class mail unlcss applicable law requires use of another methad. The natice shull bo directcd �u tho Pruperty Address __
<br /> or any other address Borrower designates by noticc to Lcnder. Any noticc to Lcnder tihe�ll 6c �iven bv fii�;t clufs mail to _
<br /> � Lendr;•s address stated herein or any other address L.ender designates by notice to Borrc��vrr. Any notice pro��icted 1'ur in this `
<br /> � Sccurity lnstrument sl�all be dee�neci to h;rvc been givcn to Bon•owcr or Lcrnlcr when given ns pmvided in this paragraph. T
<br /> ' 15.GoverninR Luw; i"�everabllity. This Sccurity Instrument shall be governed by federal faw and the !aw of the _
<br /> jurisdiction in which the PROperty is locatal. In the event tBut any pmvision ur cluur:e nf tl�ie Secur_ty In�trument cr ehe Note -
<br /> ' conflic4s widi applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other�mvisions of thls Securit�(m.tn�ment cr the Nate�vl+ic�i tian he =_
<br /> given effoct without the.onflicting provision.To this end d�e provitiions of t3�is Securiry in�:tvment and the Nutc:�re declared �
<br /> to bc severable.
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.[ionower shall be s:�%_n one canti�nned copy of che Note and of tl�is 5ecur�.ty Instrument.
<br /> Form 3028 9l90 ��
<br /> �.
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